MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5776: Seizes Divine Weapon

Chapter 5774 seizes Divine Weapon 第5774章缴获神兵 Secret Skill: Anzhi plundering.” 秘技:暗之掠夺。” At this moment, that black flame, starts to well up to enter Chu Feng within the body from Huangfu Fanni on but actually. 此刻,那黑色气焰,开始自皇甫凡逆身上倒涌进入楚枫体内。 „-” “呃啊-” Also, Huangfu Fanni then sent out the pitiful yell of rending, incomparable pain. 随之,皇甫凡逆便发出了撕心裂肺,无比痛苦的惨叫。 At this moment, Huangfu Fanni Thunder Mark, Lightning Armour, Lightning Wings, even melts in Divine Weapon long spear Divine Martial Forbidden Technique, follows that black flame, entered Chu Feng's within the body. 这一刻,皇甫凡逆雷纹,雷霆铠甲,雷霆羽翼,甚至是融于神兵长枪神禁武技,都跟随那黑色气焰,进入了楚枫的体内。 But when black flame, leaves after the Huangfu Fanni body thoroughly. 可是当黑色气焰,彻底从皇甫凡逆身体离开后。 Huangfu Fanni, not only the pain eliminates, being more like the bystander is the same. 皇甫凡逆,不仅痛苦消除,更像是没事人一样。 All methods of just using disappear, but in addition, seems to be unprevailing. 只是刚刚施展的所有手段不见了而已,但除此之外,仿佛并无影响。 What did you just make to me?” “你刚刚对我做了什么?” Huangfu Fanni raise one's head looks at Chu Feng. 皇甫凡逆抬头看着楚枫 He does not know that Chu Feng made anything to him, but just, he felt similar to be pierced by that dark colored strength. 他不知道楚枫对他做了什么,但刚刚,他感觉仿佛自己被那暗黑色力量洞穿了。 As if own soul screened out by that dark colored strength. 仿佛自己的灵魂被那暗黑色力量抽走了。 However he is also living, and is not affected much. 但是他还活着,并且并无大碍。 This indicated that although that strength is fearful, but the substantive injury is far from looks that terrifying. 这说明,那力量虽然可怕,但实质性的伤害远没有看上去那么恐怖。 But Huangfu Fanni was the feeling was not quite still right. 皇甫凡逆仍是感觉不太对劲。 Because of just feeling, really made him frightened. 因为刚刚的感觉,实在太令他恐惧了。 Huangfu Fanni, I did not have the patience.” 皇甫凡逆,我没有耐心了。” Gives you again for the last time the opportunity, if you cannot win me, I then killed you.” Chu Feng said to Huangfu Fanni. “再给你最后一次机会,你若仍不能胜我,我便杀了你。”楚枫皇甫凡逆说道。 „Can you not hide, do not prevent me, but is I lets use my method to you?” Huangfu Fanni asked. “那你能不能别躲,也别阻止我,而是我让对你施展出我的手段吗?”皇甫凡逆问。 He feared, had just displayed Divine Martial Forbidden Technique obviously, but has not released with enough time, was destroyed with the strange method by Chu Feng. 他怕了,刚刚明明已经施展出了神禁武技,可还没来得及释放,就被楚枫用诡异的手段破坏了。 Not is only the method is strange, the Chu Feng's speed is also the quick astonishment. 不仅仅是手段诡异,楚枫的速度也是快的惊人。 This way, he simply does not have the means to defeat Chu Feng. 这样下去,他根本没有办法战胜楚枫 Huangfu Fanni, aren't you really concerned about face?” 皇甫凡逆,你真的不要脸了吗?” Simple Chu Feng stood there does not understand, making you plan.” Long Chengyu could not bear, scolded loudly. “干脆楚枫站在那里不懂,让你打算了。”龙承羽忍不住了,大声骂道。 Because of Huangfu Fanni this request, really went too far. 因为皇甫凡逆这个要求,实在太过分了。 May regarding this excessive request, Chu Feng be light smiles, said: Ok.” 可对于这个过分的要求,楚枫却是淡淡一笑,说道:“可以。” Ok? 可以? Chu Feng complied. 楚枫又答应了。 This was you says.” “这是你说的。” Sees that Huangfu Fanni spreads out again. 见状,皇甫凡逆再度拉开距离。 Afterward, he Thunder Mark, Lightning Armour, Lightning Wings and other methods displayed again. 随后,他再度将雷纹,雷霆铠甲,雷霆羽翼等手段施展而出。 But, his strength is also so stiffening incessantly unexpectedly. 但不止如此,他的战力竟也在变强。 „Before is, forbidden medicine that Huangfu Shengyu takes?” “是之前皇甫圣宇服用的禁药吗?” Chu Feng feels, the promotion of Huangfu Fanni this moment strength, before Huangfu Shengyu looks like very much. 楚枫感觉到,皇甫凡逆此刻战力的提升,与皇甫圣宇之前很像。 Should use, with Huangfu Shengyu same forbidden medicine. 应该是使用了,与皇甫圣宇一样的禁药 Their forbidden medicine are quite special, on conceals in their respective bodies. 他们的禁药较为特别,就藏在他们各自的身体之中。 - 滋啦啦- Follows the thunder to reappear, quick that giant thunder flood dragon, was displayed by Huangfu Fanni again. 伴随雷霆浮现,很快那巨大的雷蛟,再度被皇甫凡逆施展而出。 It seems like, you really are also a talent.” Chu Feng sighed. “看来,你果然也是个天才。”楚枫感叹。 Taboo Martial Skill, has the limit, within certain amount of time cannot display continuously. 禁忌武技,是有限制的,一定时间内不能连续施展。 Naturally, so long as talent enough, is big to the Martial Technique grasping strength enough, can break this limit. 当然,只要天赋足够强,对武技的掌握力足够大,是能够打破这一限制的。 The limit of Divine Martial Forbidden Technique, inevitably is but stronger. 可是神禁武技的限制,必然更强。 Huangfu Fanni broke this limit, sees his talent sufficiently. 皇甫凡逆打破了这种限制,足以见得他的天赋。 His talent, must above Long Chengyu and Qin Xuan. 他的天赋,的确要在龙承羽秦玄之上。 He should be limited by his Bloodline, otherwise if, his strength should be stronger. 他应该是被自身的血脉限制了,如若不然,他的实力应该会更强。 Even, possibly is not weak in Huangfu Jiangyao and Huangfu Shengyu. 甚至,可能不弱于皇甫将耀皇甫圣宇 However facing so powerful Huangfu Fanni, instead is just right for the Chu Feng intention. 不过面对如此强大的皇甫凡逆,反而正合楚枫心意。 Just, makes me try, Martial Technique that Anzhi plundering plunders, whether really smooth.” “刚好,也让我来试一试,暗之掠夺所掠夺来的武技,是否真的顺畅。” Thinks of here, Chu Feng also by both hands, grasps to stop the antique heroic sword. 想到这里,楚枫也是以双手,握住手中的太古英雄剑。 Afterward, the boundless thunder releases from Chu Feng within the body, later forms a giant thunder flood dragon, occupies in Chu Feng behind. 随后,磅礴的雷霆自楚枫体内释放,随后形成一条巨大的雷霆蛟龙,盘踞在楚枫身后。 The Chu Feng's thunder flood dragon, in the shape and Huangfu Fanni are exactly the same, but the volume is bigger, the power and influence is stronger. 楚枫的雷霆蛟龙,形态上与皇甫凡逆一模一样,但体积更大,威势更强。 Really Ok.” “果然可以。” At this time, the Chu Feng innermost feelings are excited. 此时,楚枫内心兴奋无比。 Anzhi plundering, is Secret Skill that Chu Feng build. 暗之掠夺,乃是楚枫自己打造的秘技 This Secret Skill background is enormous, is Chu Feng is the foundation builds using Dao of Extreme Darkness. 秘技来头可是极大,乃是楚枫运用至暗之道为根基打造而成。 This Secret Skill, not only can plunder Martial Technique and Secret Skill of opposite party, and can also plunder World Spirit of opposite party. 秘技,不仅能够掠夺对方的武技秘技,并且还能够掠夺对方的界灵 So long as is the opposite party in front of Chu Feng has used the method, Chu Feng can plunder. 只要是对方在楚枫面前施展过的手段,楚枫都能掠夺。 And after plundering Martial Technique that within certain amount of time, plundering comes, the opposite party must be stronger. 并且在掠夺到手之后的一定时间内,掠夺而来的武技,比对方的还要更强。 Naturally, this is the first time that Chu Feng displayed truly. 当然,这还是楚枫第一次真正施展。 Unexpectedly with observed exactly the same. 没想到,竟与自己观察到的一模一样。 But what is most essential, Anzhi plundering enough heaven defying, but Chu Feng was unable to understand its strength completely. 但最关键的是,暗之掠夺已经足够逆天,可楚枫还未能完全参透它的力量。 In other words, Anzhi plundering also has other might to wait for the Chu Feng development. 也就是说,暗之掠夺还有其它威力等待着楚枫开发。 This is the Dao of Extreme Darkness strength. 这就是至暗之道的力量。 Perhaps some day, this Anzhi plunders, will become Chu Feng's Trump Card also perhaps. 也许有朝一日,这暗之掠夺,会成为楚枫的杀手锏也说不定。 But is excited in the Chu Feng innermost feelings, others may frighten heavily, particularly Huangfu Fanni. 可就在楚枫内心兴奋,其他人可就吓得不轻,尤其是皇甫凡逆 „Who you... you... are you?” Huangfu Fanni said this words time, is shivering. “你…你…你到底是什么人?”皇甫凡逆说出此话的时候,都在颤抖。 Because he is very clear, this Divine Martial Forbidden Technique, is his Huangfu Celestial Clan ancestor creates. 因为他很清楚,这神禁武技,乃是他皇甫天族的先祖所创。 outsider is impossible to learn. 外人根本不可能习得。 Can Chu Feng, why learn? 楚枫,为何能够习得? But regarding Huangfu Fanni this issue, Chu Feng had not replied, but is light smiles, in immediately hand long sword to Huangfu Fanni one finger/refers. 而对于皇甫凡逆这个问题,楚枫并没有回答,而是淡淡一笑,旋即手中长剑对着皇甫凡逆一指。 Divine Taboo, thunder flood dragon!!” 神禁,雷蛟!!” - 嗷呜- thunder flood dragon then attacks to go to Huangfu Fanni immediately. 那雷蛟便立刻向皇甫凡逆冲击而去。 Sees that Huangfu Fanni also releases thunder flood dragon. 见状,皇甫凡逆也是将雷蛟释放。 Two Divine Martial Forbidden Technique collide, the ripples that starts are the terrifying, Long Chengyu, Qin Xuan, as well as Xian Miaomiao, frightened to hide in the corner ahead of time. 两道神禁武技碰撞,掀起的涟漪都是恐怖至极,龙承羽,秦玄,以及仙喵喵,吓得提前躲到了角落。 Even put out treasure to resist this ripples. 甚至拿出了至宝来抵挡这涟漪。 But that ripples close to them, have not been Chu Feng controlled that ripples. 可那涟漪并未靠近他们,是楚枫控制了那涟漪。 Under the Chu Feng control, the thunder ripples remove immediately. 楚枫控制下,雷霆涟漪立刻褪去。 The Chu Feng nature is safe and sound. 楚枫自然安然无恙。 But Huangfu Fanni, has dropped from the midair on the ground. 皇甫凡逆,早已自半空跌落在了地上。 His whole body at this moment is the blood, weak incomparable, already the person of dying. 此刻的他浑身是血,虚弱无比,已是将死之人。 Long Chengyu and Qin Xuan look at one mutually. 龙承羽秦玄互看一眼。 They have not spoken, but that look seemed saying. 他们没有说话,可那眼神却仿佛在说。 Too fearful, this at all is not a rank. 太可怕了,这根本不是一个级别。 Swish Swish Swish- 唰唰唰- But in the meantime, on Huangfu Fanni all goods, start to graze to the midair. 而就在此时,皇甫凡逆身上的所有物品,都开始向半空飞掠。 Not is only cosmos sack, the clothes forcefully suction, frighten Xian Miaomiao to rush to turn away, does not dare to look again. 不仅是乾坤袋,就连衣服都被强行吸走,吓得仙喵喵赶忙移开视线,不敢再看。 Is Chu Feng, Chu Feng Huangfu Fanni, dug up none. 楚枫,楚枫皇甫凡逆,扒了个精光。 This Divine Weapon, is inferior to Huangfu Jiangyao and Huangfu Shengyu.” “这神兵,不如皇甫将耀皇甫圣宇的。” But can also cope with, first makes do.” “但是也能对付用一用,先将就着用吧。” Chu Feng is grasping Huangfu Fanni, then said black Divine Weapon long spear. 楚枫握着皇甫凡逆,那把黑色的神兵长枪说道。 Hehe......” “呵呵呵……” But hears this words, sneers to resound through, is Huangfu Fanni. 而听闻此话,一阵冷笑响彻,是皇甫凡逆 Chu Feng, I know your thoughts.” 楚枫,我知道你的心思。” But my Huangfu Fanni Divine Weapon, is not you can grasp, it already and I......” “但我皇甫凡逆神兵,不是你能掌握的,它已经与我……” You......” “你……” But the Huangfu Fanni words have not said, was shocked. 皇甫凡逆话未说完,便愣住了。 Sees only Chu Feng to get hold of that Divine Weapon long spear, boundless bloodline power, integrates in Divine Weapon long spear unceasingly. 只见楚枫握紧那神兵长枪,磅礴的血脉之力,不断融入神兵长枪之内。 Quick, the Divine Weapon long spear aura then blends with Chu Feng, Chu Feng's strength naked eye obvious enhancement. 很快,神兵长枪的气息便与楚枫交融,楚枫的战力肉眼可见的增强。 Moreover, that Divine Weapon also appeared the thunder. 不仅如此,那神兵还浮现出了雷霆。 Sees that thunder, the Huangfu Fanni expression wood, if dull chicken, but the whole body actually twitches fiercely, received the enormous stimulation. 看到那雷霆,皇甫凡逆表情木若呆鸡,可浑身却剧烈抽搐,受到了极大的刺激。 Person as Huangfu Celestial Clan, he knows that thunder is representing anything. 身为皇甫天族之人,他知道那雷霆代表着什么。 That Divine Weapon long spear, is Huangfu Celestial Clan ancestor, in Ancient Era please top World Spiritist, be tailor for his Huangfu Celestial Clan clansman. 神兵长枪,乃是皇甫天族先祖,于远古时期请顶尖界灵师,为他皇甫天族族人量身打造。 Divine Weapon to recognize as master uses only then. 神兵认主方可使用。 But if the Divine Weapon to recognize as master degree were the extremely satisfactory degree, Divine Weapon will then release the thunder. 但若是神兵认主的程度达到了极为满意的程度,神兵自身便会释放雷霆。 Why this is, Huangfu Jiangyao and Huangfu Shengyu Divine Weapon, just presented that is twining the reason of thunder. 这便是为何,皇甫将耀皇甫圣宇神兵,刚刚亮相,就都缠绕着雷霆的原因。 This is Huangfu Fanni, the dream that many years have not realized diligently, does not want just to fall into the Chu Feng hand, was achieved by him. 这是皇甫凡逆,努力多年未曾实现的梦想,不曾想刚刚落入楚枫手中,便被他做到了。 „Not good meaning, this Divine Weapon was my.” “不好意思,这神兵是我的了。” A Chu Feng wrist/skill revolution, that Divine Weapon, as well as all treasures that plunder from Huangfu Fanni, received own cosmos sack. 楚枫手腕一转,将那神兵,以及从皇甫凡逆身上掠夺来的所有宝物,都收入自己的乾坤袋内。 But thought of anything suddenly, asked. 但猛然间想到了什么,不由问道。 Oh, right.” “喔,对了。” Huangfu Fanni, what did you just say?” 皇甫凡逆,你刚刚说什么?” Hears this words, a Huangfu Fanni blood spews out, lying that the whole person collapses on the ground. 听闻此话,皇甫凡逆一口鲜血喷涌而出,整个人虚脱的趴在了地上。 He at this moment, weak the strength of continually crawling did not have, can only such weak lying on the ground. 此刻的他,虚弱的连爬起来的力气都没有了,只能就这样无力的趴在地上。 But he actually suddenly, crazy laughs. 可他却忽然,疯狂的大笑起来。 Hahaha...” 哈哈哈哈…” Hahaha......” “哇哈哈哈哈……” Heaven is unfair, the heaven is unfair.” “苍天不公,苍天不公啊。” Weak he, sent out incomparably grating roaring, but after roaring, is body powder, breathes one's last to perish. 虚弱的他,发出了无比刺耳的咆哮,但咆哮过后,也是身子一散,气尽而亡。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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