MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5775: Anzhi plundering

Chapter 5773 Anzhi plundering 第5773章暗之掠夺 Looks in kneeling in front of oneself, eyeful confused Huangfu Fanni, Chu Feng is not accidental/surprised. 看在跪于自己面前,满眼迷茫的皇甫凡逆,楚枫丝毫不意外。 Mentioned this strength, when Eggy vanished, Chu Feng obtained because of the violent anger. 说起这力量,还是蛋蛋消失之时,楚枫因为暴怒而获得的。 This naturally came from in the Bloodline strength, but as if is also related with the say/way of being expert. 这自然是源自于血脉的力量,但却似乎也与专精之道有关。 In brief, is not Chu Feng cultivation comes, obtains in the violent anger of that flash. 总之,并非楚枫修炼而来,是在那一瞬间的暴怒所获得。 This strength comes, Chu Feng is also bewildered. 这力量来的,楚枫也是莫名其妙。 But this strength is very special!!! 但这股力量很特别!!! It has the Fight Against First Rank strength, but actually cannot detect the Fight Against First Rank aura. 它具有逆战一品的力量,但却察觉不到逆战一品的气息。 On for example Chu Feng now is Eight Rank Half God, after Chu Feng uses this strength, the Chu Feng's strength has achieved Ninth Rank Half God. 就比如楚枫现在是八品半神,当楚枫动用这股力量后,楚枫的战力已达到九品半神 However outsider, could not discover that Chu Feng was Ninth Rank Half God, could not feel the Chu Feng's combat capability improvement. 但是外人,根本发现不了楚枫九品半神,也感受不到楚枫的战力提升。 In their opinion, Chu Feng is Eight Rank Half God, with common Eight Rank Half God, does not have any difference. 在他们看来,楚枫就是八品半神,与寻常的八品半神,没有任何区别。 This is the magical thing of this strength. 这就是这股力量的神奇之处。 It looks like in Chu Feng, this is dominates the strength above heaven defying fighting force. 楚枫看来,这是凌驾于逆天战力之上的力量。 However this strength, had the drawback. 不过这股力量,本来也是有弊端的。 After that is uses her, although the Chu Feng's strength will promote First Rank, but the foundation strength will reduce. 那就是动用她之后,楚枫的战力虽然会提升一品,但基础战力会降低。 In other words, the Chu Feng Eight Rank Half God strength, is possibly invincible. 也就是说,楚枫八品半神的战力,可能是无敌的。 However after using this strength, after the Chu Feng's strength achieves Ninth Rank Half God, is unable to achieve the same strength to be invincible. 但是用了这个力量之后,楚枫的战力达到九品半神后,则无法做到同战力无敌。 And, after using this strength, the Chu Feng mood will be greatly affected, will become callous, Blood Devouring, cruel, will be demented. 并且,动用这股力量后,楚枫情绪会受到极大的影响,会变得冷酷,噬血,残忍,甚至癫狂。 It looks like in Chu Feng, reason that there is a drawback, is grasps the strength to be insufficient. 楚枫看来,之所以有弊端,也就是掌握力不足罢了。 Therefore Chu Feng these days cultivation, will attempt to grasp the strength. 所以楚枫这些日子修炼,也会尝试掌握着力量。 With Chu Feng's cultivation, he has gradually been able to grasp this strength now. 随着楚枫的修炼,他现在已经逐渐能够掌握这股力量。 Grasps in the deadline, the strength of this strength will not only not slide, instead meets and is usually same, the most important thing is, Chu Feng can also maintain the reason. 掌握期限内,这股力量的战力不仅不会下滑,反而会与平时一样,最重要的是,楚枫也能保持理智。 But... Chu Feng cannot long time stay this condition. 但…楚枫并不能长时间保持这种状态。 If runs into the opponent who difficult defeats, conducts fights for a long time. 若是遇到难以战胜的对手,进行长时间战斗。 The strength may not slide, but Chu Feng gradually may lose the reason, becomes even more wild. 战力可能不会下滑,但是楚枫可能会逐渐丧失理智,变得愈发狂暴。 However copes with Huangfu Fanni, Chu Feng is naturally impossible to fall to that God. 不过对付皇甫凡逆,楚枫自然不可能落到那步天帝。 - 唰- Suddenly, Huangfu Fanni did not pay attention while Chu Feng, withdraws fought the circle, later took down behind black box. 忽然,皇甫凡逆楚枫不注意,退出了战圈,随后将自己身后的黑色箱子取下。 long spear appeared in the Huangfu Fanni hand, that was Divine Weapon. 一把长枪出现在了皇甫凡逆手中,那是一把神兵 Divine Weapon grasps in the hand, Huangfu Fanni strength, was promoted again. 神兵握在手中,皇甫凡逆的战力,也是再度得到了提升。 Chu Feng, means what he says.” 楚枫,说话算话。” Cannot use World Spirit, cannot use formation power.” Huangfu Fanni said to Chu Feng. “不许动用界灵,也不许动用结界之力。”皇甫凡逆楚枫说道。 Rubbish, said does not use, does not use.” “别废话,说了不用,就不用。” During the Chu Feng speeches, a wrist/skill revolution, the antique heroic sword appeared in the hand. 楚枫说话间,手腕一转,太古英雄剑出现在了手中。 Venerable Armament?” 尊兵?” Chu Feng, do not look down on the Divine Weapon strength in addition to hold.” 楚枫,别小瞧神兵的力量加持。” Sees Venerable Armament in Chu Feng hand, Qin Xuan rushes to remind. 看到楚枫手中的尊兵,秦玄赶忙提醒。 Although does not know why Chu Feng can by Eight Rank Half God cultivation realm, repel Ninth Rank Half God Huangfu Fanni. 虽说不知,楚枫为何能以八品半神修为,击退九品半神皇甫凡逆 But in his opinion, this war concerns their safety. 可在他看来,这一战关乎他们所有人的安危。 If Chu Feng losses, they were also hapless, therefore he did not hope the Chu Feng general idea/careless. 若是楚枫了,他们也要倒霉,所以他不希望楚枫大意。 Was bad, Little Brother Chu Feng he, without Divine Weapon.” “糟了,楚枫兄弟他,没有神兵。” Compares in Qin Xuan, Long Chengyu knows, Chu Feng currently does not have Divine Weapon. 相比于秦玄,龙承羽则是知道,楚枫目前还没有神兵 But sees Chu Feng to reveal Venerable Armament, Huangfu Fanni is at present one bright, immediately says: Chu Feng, you can only and I hit with Venerable Armament, cannot use Divine Weapon.” 而见到楚枫亮出尊兵,皇甫凡逆则是眼前一亮,立刻说道:“楚枫,你只能用尊兵和我打,不许用神兵。” „Are you also concerned about face?” Sees that Qin Xuan and Long Chengyu, simultaneously crack cursed. “你还要不要脸啊?”见状,秦玄龙承羽,同时破口大骂 I and Chu Feng fight, close your trifling thing.” After Huangfu Fanni stared Qin Xuan and Long Chengyu, looks to Chu Feng: Chu Feng, do you dare only and I hit Venerable Armament with this?” “我与楚枫交手,关你们屁事。”皇甫凡逆瞪了秦玄龙承羽一眼后,又看向楚枫:“楚枫,你敢不敢只用这把尊兵和我打?” Has what does not dare?” “有何不敢?” But my offensive talk said in front, if I use Venerable Armament you unable to win me, Huangfu Fanni, next year today is your death anniversary.” “但我丑话说在前头,若是我用尊兵你都无法胜我,皇甫凡逆,明年今日就是你的忌日。” Chu Feng such remarks, Qin Xuan and Long Chengyu are the look stagnate. 楚枫此话一出,秦玄龙承羽都是神色一滞。 Can Chu Feng kill Huangfu Fanni directly? 楚枫要直接杀了皇甫凡逆 Although Huangfu Fanni, previously also moved to them killed the heart, Huangfu Fanni indeed damn. 虽说皇甫凡逆,先前对他们也动了杀心,皇甫凡逆的确该死。 Strength and treasure that may show from the Huangfu five people, showed sufficiently Huangfu Celestial Clan background is abundant, in the clan has many expert inevitably. 可从皇甫五人展现出的实力和宝物,足以证明皇甫天族底蕴雄厚,族内必然有着诸多高手 Chu Feng, had offended Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, this present age strongest colossus. 楚枫,已经得罪了七界圣府,这个当代最强的庞然大物。 Also must offend Huangfu Celestial Clan, is this Ancient Era colossus inadequate? 难道还要得罪皇甫天族,这个远古时期的庞然大物不成? He real, fearless? 他真的,无所畏惧吗? You, if really uses Venerable Armament, does not use Spirit Formation technique and World Spirit can also win me, my Huangfu Fanni, died also recognizes in your hands.” Huangfu Fanni said. “你若真的使用尊兵,不用结界之术界灵也能胜我,那我皇甫凡逆,死在你手中也认了。”皇甫凡逆说道。 Good, studies with your lifetime, completes last war in your life.” Chu Feng said. “好,用你毕生所学,来完成你人生中的最后一战吧。”楚枫说道。 My meeting.” “我会的。” Huangfu Fanni this words saying, formation long spear flings, immediately the thunder light blade, grazes to Chu Feng together. 皇甫凡逆此话说完,结界长枪一甩,顿时一道雷霆光刃,向楚枫飞掠而来。 Venerable-class Taboo Martial Skill!!! 尊禁武技!!! But Chu Feng does not dodge does not hide, grasps Venerable Armament to wield at will, similarly displays Venerable-class Taboo Martial Skill, crushes that thunder light blade. 楚枫根本不闪不躲,手持尊兵随意一挥,同样施展尊禁武技,将那雷霆光刃粉碎开来。 Kept off unexpectedly?” “竟挡了下来?” And Venerable-class Taboo Martial Skill, but also lowered a grade?” “并且尊禁武技,还低了一个段位?” Coincidence?” The Qin Xuan brow wrinkles. “巧合吗?”秦玄眉头皱起。 In the blink of an eye, Chu Feng and Huangfu Fanni, have fought in one. 可转眼间,楚枫皇甫凡逆,已是战在了一起。 Huangfu Fanni is very discrete, has maintained the distance with Chu Feng, said that Martial Technique displays one after another. 皇甫凡逆很谨慎,一直与楚枫保持距离,道道武技接连施展。 But Chu Feng also contends with Venerable-class Taboo Martial Skill. 楚枫同样用尊禁武技抗衡。 And each time, is low Huangfu Fanni grade Venerable-class Taboo Martial Skill. 并且每一次,都是低皇甫凡逆一个段位的尊禁武技 Isn't the coincidence?” “不是巧合?” The eye that Qin Xuan looks was straight. 秦玄看的眼睛都直了。 Eight Rank Half God to fighting Ninth Rank Half God. 八品半神对战九品半神 Venerable Armament resists Divine Weapon. 尊兵对抗神兵 Venerable-class Taboo Martial Skill that displays, is lower than an opposite party grade, but can actually contend. 就连施展的尊禁武技,都是低于对方一个段位的,但却能够抗衡。 Is this how fearful strength? 这是多么可怕的战力? Chu Feng simply has not displayed the full power, is playing jokes upon Huangfu Fanni completely. 楚枫根本没有施展全力,完全是在戏耍皇甫凡逆 Insult, this is to the insult of Huangfu Fanni. 侮辱,这是对皇甫凡逆的侮辱。 But Qin Xuan, feels own face also burning hurting. 秦玄,却觉得自己的脸也火辣辣的疼。 Huangfu Fanni, in front of Chu Feng, the weak child, played with by Chu Feng in the palm simply likely. 皇甫凡逆,在楚枫面前,弱的简直像个孩子,被楚枫玩弄于手掌之中。 But such Huangfu Fanni, is he and Long Chengyu also has Xian Miaomiao to collaborate, cannot defeat. 可是偏偏这样的皇甫凡逆,是他与龙承羽还有仙喵喵联手,都未能战胜的。 Without a doubt, if he and Chu Feng fights, will be only more miserable. 毋庸置疑,若是他与楚枫交手,只会更惨。 What do you smile?” Suddenly Qin Xuan looks to Long Chengyu, he discovered that Long Chengyu is looking oneself smile. “你笑什么?”忽然秦玄看向龙承羽,他发现龙承羽正看着自己笑呢。 I smile the appearance that your face has not seen the world.” “我笑你一脸没见过世面的样子。” Look, Chu Feng his meeting, subverts your cognition to the martial cultivation.” Long Chengyu said. “看着吧,楚枫他会,颠覆你对修武的认知。”龙承羽说道。 Has subverted.” Qin Xuan said. “已经颠覆了。”秦玄道。 Also will continue to subvert, subversion time and time again.” Long Chengyu said with a smile. “还会继续颠覆,一次又一次的颠覆。”龙承羽笑道。 Ha- 呜啊- In the meantime, follows thundering resounding through, Huangfu Fanni is also flying upside down goes. 就在此时,伴随一声轰鸣的响彻,皇甫凡逆也是倒飞而去。 His chest, was pierced a hole. 他的胸口,被洞穿了一个窟窿。 Chu Feng separates displays Martial Technique spatially, pierces. 楚枫隔空施展武技,刺穿的。 Even if displays low grade Martial Technique, but Chu Feng or severe wound Huangfu Fanni. 哪怕施展低一个段位的武技,可楚枫还是重伤了皇甫凡逆 Huangfu Celestial Clan, this skill?” “皇甫天族,就这点本事?” Chu Feng grasps the antique heroic sword, is situated in void above, despicable looks at Huangfu Fanni. 楚枫手持太古英雄剑,立于虚空之上,鄙夷的看着皇甫凡逆 But hears these words, the Huangfu Fanni also resembles receives the stimulation to be the same, the complexion of whole person changed. 而听闻这句话,皇甫凡逆也像受到刺激一般,整个人的脸色都变了。 I do not allow you to insult Huangfu Celestial Clan.” “我不允许你侮辱皇甫天族。” This words saying, straight that Huangfu Fanni stands suddenly, both hands grip long spear, is situated in the body , before long spear. 此话说完,皇甫凡逆忽然站的笔直,双手握住长枪,将长枪立于身前。 Meanwhile, the entire main hall shakes, a powerful thunder, from Huangfu Fanni within the body release. 与此同时,整个大殿都为之震荡,一股强大的雷霆,自皇甫凡逆体内释放而出。 That thunder is getting bigger and bigger, in Huangfu Fanni behind, formed a giant thunder flood dragon quickly. 那雷霆越来越大,很快在皇甫凡逆身后,形成了一条巨大的雷霆蛟龙。 Although is the flood dragon shape, is not the complete dragon shape, but this is condensed the flood dragon that becomes by the thunder, has one pair just like having the eye pupil of wisdom, gives out the incomparably fearful power and influence. 虽是蛟龙形态,并非完整的龙形态,可这由雷霆凝聚而成的蛟龙,却有着一双宛如具有智慧的眼眸,散发着无比可怕的威势。 Divine Martial Forbidden Technique.” 神禁武技。” Qin Xuan and Long Chengyu as well as Xian Miaomiao also open the mouth. 秦玄龙承羽以及仙喵喵同时开口。 They felt, that was Divine Martial Forbidden Technique. 他们都感受到了,那是神禁武技 Divine Taboo, thunder flood dragon!!” 神禁,雷蛟!!” Huangfu Fanni gets hold in the hand long spear, later that Thunder Dragon fuses together with long spear unexpectedly. 皇甫凡逆握紧手中长枪,随后那雷龙竟与长枪融为一体。 But suddenly, he was shocked. 可忽然,他愣住了。 Incessantly is he, Qin Xuan, Long Chengyu, Xian Miaomiao was shocked. 不止是他,秦玄,龙承羽,仙喵喵都愣住了。 When does not know, Chu Feng arrived at Huangfu Fanni behind, the rapidness of speed, they responded the time, Chu Feng has stood in Huangfu Fanni behind. 不知何时,楚枫来到了皇甫凡逆身后,速度之快,他们反应过来的时候,楚枫已是站在了皇甫凡逆的身后。 And, at this time the Chu Feng whole body is twining black flame, that Mist is extremely strange, gives out incomparable dark(ness) aura, as if from hell. 并且,此时楚枫周身缠绕着黑色气焰,那气焰极其诡异,散发着无比黑暗的气息,仿佛来自地狱。 Then with the Asura World Spirit aura, looks like very much, but is actually not the Asura World Spirit aura, instead is the Chu Feng's aura. 那与修罗界灵的气息,很像,但却并非修罗界灵的气息,反而是楚枫的气息。 Chu Feng, how can gives out leave, so dark(ness) aura? 楚枫,怎会散发出,如此黑暗的气息? Does not detect wonderfully, Huangfu Fanni then wants to spread out, displays to melt to Chu Feng again in Divine Weapon long spear Divine Martial Forbidden Technique. 察觉不妙,皇甫凡逆便想拉开距离,再对楚枫施展融于神兵长枪神禁武技 But the Chu Feng palm, places to him, that black flame, the twinkling then packages the blockade Huangfu Fanni. 楚枫手掌,对他身处,那黑色气焰,瞬息便将皇甫凡逆包裹封锁。 Secret Skill: Anzhi plundering.” 秘技:暗之掠夺。” PS: PS: Very regrettable, today the Martial God animation maximum heat degree, cannot break through 20,000. 很遗憾,今日武神动漫最高热度,未能突破两万。 However the honeybee felt everyone's enthusiasm, therefore decides next Monday, erupted six chapters. 不过蜜蜂感受到了大家的热情,所以决定下周一,爆发六章。 Thanks everyone the support to Martial God, good night. 谢谢大家对武神的支持,晚安咯。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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