MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5774: Is Little Fishy is too strong

Chapter 5772 is Little Fishy is too strong 第5772章是小鱼儿太强 She in a broad ancient palace. 她在一座恢宏的古老宫殿内。 But in that palace has four people. 但那座宫殿内有四个人。 Besides Xian Miaomiao, Long Chengyu. 除了仙喵喵外,还有龙承羽 Qin Xuan as well as Huangfu Fanni. 秦玄以及皇甫凡逆 And they now, are fighting. 并且他们现在,正在交手。 Xian Miaomiao was wounded, but Long Chengyu and Qin Xuan, are coping with Huangfu Fanni jointly. 仙喵喵负伤了,而龙承羽秦玄,正在联手对付皇甫凡逆 What Chu Feng has not thought that Qin Xuan can collaborate with Long Chengyu. 楚枫没想到的是,秦玄会与龙承羽联手。 Qin Xuan and Long Chengyu, cultivation realm from Sixth Rank Half God, promoted the Ninth Rank Half God situation. 秦玄龙承羽,都将修为六品半神,提升到了九品半神的地步。 And revealed respective Divine Weapon respectively. 并且各自亮出了各自的神兵 Observes Huangfu Fanni again, his body has Thunder Mark, Lightning Armour, Lightning Wings Third Level Bloodline strength in addition holds. 再观皇甫凡逆,他身上有雷纹,雷霆铠甲,雷霆羽翼三重血脉力量加持。 His cultivation realm, achieved Ninth Rank Half God. 他的修为,也是达到了九品半神 But he has not revealed Divine Weapon, may actually suppress Qin Xuan and Long Chengyu. 可是他并没有亮出神兵,可却压制住了秦玄龙承羽 He has Divine Weapon, his carries that black wooden box behind as before. 他不是没有神兵,他的身后依旧背着那黑色的木箱。 According to beforehand fight, Chu Feng knows, in box that the Huangfu Celestial Clan five people, they carry behind, is Divine Weapon that their each one has. 根据之前的交手,楚枫知道,皇甫天族五人,他们身后背着的箱子内,就是他们各自所拥有的神兵 Does not use Divine Weapon, can actually suppress Qin Xuan and Long Chengyu. 不用神兵,却能压制秦玄龙承羽 This was Huangfu Fanni, so strong?” “这皇甫凡逆,原来这么强?” „It is not right, was Little Fishy that girl is too strong.” “不对,是小鱼儿那丫头太强了。” Chu Feng remembers, Huangfu Fanni challenged Little Fishy before, by kneeling place that a Little Fishy fist hits. 楚枫记得,皇甫凡逆之前挑战小鱼儿,被小鱼儿一拳就打的跪地不起。 At that time thinks this Huangfu Fanni was weak. 当时以为这皇甫凡逆弱。 But, is not Huangfu Fanni is now weak, but was Little Fishy that girl is too strong. 可现在来看,不是皇甫凡逆弱,而是小鱼儿那丫头太强了。 Appears in the Chu Feng present mirror, is the Teleportation Formation method. 浮现在楚枫眼前的镜子,乃是传送阵法。 Chu Feng now, can definitely rely on this mirror, enters the Summit of Nine Heavens end point. 楚枫现在,完全可以凭借这镜子,进入九天之巅的终点。 But the present aspect, Chu Feng as if did not have other to choose, can't he sees somebody in danger and does nothing to Xian Miaomiao and Long Chengyu? 可是眼下的局面,楚枫似乎没有其他选择了,他总不能对仙喵喵龙承羽见死不救吧? Rumble- 轰隆隆- In that ancient palace, is one time intense to putting together, Long Chengyu was rumbled to draw back, Qin Xuan is supporting reluctantly. 那座古老宫殿内,又是一次激烈的对拼,龙承羽被轰退开来,秦玄在勉强支撑。 Long Chengyu, leading the Miaomiao miss to leave.” Qin Xuan said. 龙承羽,带着喵喵姑娘离开。”秦玄说道。 Spoke what bullshit, reached an agreement collaboration, how can throw down you.” Long Chengyu has not left, instead breaks in again fights the circle. “说什么屁话,都说好了联手,怎么能丢下你。”龙承羽没有离开,反而再度冲入战圈。 You little pester endlessly, who manages your life, leads the Miaomiao miss to walk quickly.” The Qin Xuan anger sound said. “你少胡搅蛮缠,谁管你的死活,快带喵喵姑娘走。”秦玄怒声呵道。 Wa Wa- 呜哇- But suddenly, the strength of thunder explodes together, Qin Xuan and Long Chengyu were all shaken draw back. 可忽然,一道雷霆之力爆炸开来,秦玄龙承羽皆是被震退。 This time strength is too strong. 这一次的力量太强。 Even if this palace surface area is enormous, to toleration next many mountain range rivers and streams. 哪怕这座宫殿面积极大,大到能容下多座山脉江河。 But this strong impulse, is their two people, then the bang drew back in the wink of an eye above the dike. 可这强大的冲击力,还是将他们二人,瞬息之间便轰退在了岩壁之上。 Originally you are think that the hero rescues beautiful.” “原来你们都是想英雄救美。” Woman really damages, I help you remove the disaster.” “女人果然祸害,我来帮你们除掉祸害。” Huangfu Fanni, changes to together the thunder, directly soars Xian Miaomiao to graze to go. 皇甫凡逆,化作一道雷霆,直奔仙喵喵飞掠而去。 Sees that Long Chengyu and Qin Xuan also leave, display Martial Technique, wants to prevent, may because of the distance, be without enough time. 见状,龙承羽秦玄同时动身,施展武技,想要阻止,可因为距离,已是来不及。 Bang- 轰- But, in Huangfu Fanni, that covers the fist of thunder, will soon fall when the Xian Miaomiao body, has the dazzling ray to reappear. 可是,就在皇甫凡逆,那覆盖雷霆的拳头,即将落在仙喵喵身上之际,却有耀眼光芒浮现。 raise one's head looked, the form appeared before the Xian Miaomiao body together, precisely Chu Feng. 抬头一看,一道身影出现在了仙喵喵身前,正是楚枫 Is Chu Feng with the palm, held the fist of Huangfu Fanni. 楚枫用手掌,抓住了皇甫凡逆的拳头。 Chu Feng?” 楚枫?” Sees Chu Feng, Qin Xuan, Xian Miaomiao, Long Chengyu is the complexion big change. 看到楚枫,秦玄,仙喵喵,龙承羽皆是脸色大变。 But must say that the complexion is ugliest, is actually Huangfu Fanni. 但要说脸色最难看的,却是皇甫凡逆 „Is she you injures?” Chu Feng asked to Huangfu Fanni. “她是你打伤的?”楚枫皇甫凡逆问。 I......” Huangfu Fanni just about to opens the mouth. “我……”皇甫凡逆刚要开口。 A Chu Feng fist rumbles, direct bang above the belly of Huangfu Fanni. 楚枫一拳轰出,直接轰在了皇甫凡逆的肚子之上。 The strong impulse, making the Huangfu Fanni big mouth blood spew out. 强大的冲击力,使得皇甫凡逆大口鲜血喷涌而出。 Because of Chu Feng's another hand, is shaking his hand, he cannot fly. 但是因为楚枫的另一只手,握着他的手,他根本飞不出去。 The strong impulse, explodes in within the body, rumbled a hole the clothing of his back. 强大的冲击力,与体内爆炸,将他后背的衣衫都轰出了一个窟窿。 A fist, Huangfu Fanni is then incapable of supporting, knelt in front of Chu Feng directly. 只是一拳,皇甫凡逆便无力支撑,直接跪在了楚枫面前。 This......” “这……” Sees this, Qin Xuan was also silly. 看到这一幕,秦玄也傻了。 Chu Feng displays, is not Martial Power, but is formation power. 楚枫所施展的,不是武力,而是结界之力 Immortal Dragon God-cloak, that is Immortal Dragon God-cloak formation power. 仙龙神袍,那是仙龙神袍结界之力 It is well known, the Immortal Dragon God-cloak strength, endures to compare Seventh Rank Half God. 众所周知,仙龙神袍的战力,堪比七品半神 But the might of Chu Feng this fist, achieved Ninth Rank Half God obviously, and far ultra common Ninth Rank Half God. 楚枫这一拳的威力,显然达到了九品半神,并且远超寻常的九品半神 Otherwise, how possibly to have such might. 不然,怎么可能这么具有如此威力。 But it is well known, Spirit Formation technique wants to enhance the strength to be difficult. 但众所周知,结界之术想提升战力非常难。 Even if Jie Tian and Ling Xiao , can only enhance the First Rank strength. 哪怕界天灵霄,也只能提升一品战力。 But does Chu Feng, actually promote Second Rank? 楚枫,却提升两品 This simply genius doesn't make sense? 这简直妖孽的不像话了吧? May recall, Chu Feng that True God Realm World Spirit, in the Bloodline ratio fights Bloodline that on the stage shows. 可回想一下,楚枫真神境界灵,以及在血脉比斗台上展现的血脉 As if was is not incomprehensible, instead to feel fair. 似乎也不是不能理解,反而觉得合情合理了。 Chu Feng... as cultivator, what skill do you use Spirit Formation technique to be?” 楚枫…身为修武者,你用结界之术算什么本事?” Huangfu Fanni kneels in front of Chu Feng, spurts the blood, while spoke. 皇甫凡逆跪在楚枫面前,一边喷血,一边说话。 Spirit Formation technique, is my skill.” 结界之术,也是我的本事。” During the Chu Feng speeches, let loose hand that holds Huangfu Fanni. 楚枫说话间,放开了抓住皇甫凡逆的手。 immediately raises legs a foot, then kicks Huangfu Fanni, kicked to count the hundred thousand meter directly high, above main hall ceiling. 旋即抬腿一脚,便将皇甫凡逆踢飞,直接踢到了数十万米高的,大殿棚顶之上。 The powerful strength, including holds the formation main hall to be broken, Huangfu Fanni direct embed above ceiling. 强大的力量,连加持过结界的大殿都被震碎,皇甫凡逆直接镶嵌在了棚顶之上。 But, I give you an opportunity.” “不过,我给你一次机会。” I do not use Spirit Formation technique, if you can win me, I forgive your life.” “我不用结界之术,你若能胜我,我饶你一命。” During the Chu Feng speeches, received formation power, immediately, Thunder Mark, Lightning Armour, Lightning Wings, Third Level strength in addition holds on the body. 楚枫说话间,收起结界之力,旋即,雷纹,雷霆铠甲,雷霆羽翼,三重力量加持在了身上。 Chu Feng's cultivation realm, achieved Eight Rank Half God. 楚枫的修为,达到了八品半神 Fifth Rank Half God?” 五品半神?” Chu Feng's isn't cultivation realm, Third Rank Half God?” 楚枫的修为,不是三品半神吗?” Sees Chu Feng this cultivation realm, everyone is the vision changes, after all before Huangfu Jiangyao had tested Chu Feng cultivation realm, Chu Feng is Third Rank Half God. 看到楚枫这个修为,所有人都是目光变化,毕竟之前皇甫将耀测试过楚枫修为,楚枫三品半神 But now, after displaying Third Level bloodline power, achieves Eight Rank Half God, explained that Chu Feng real cultivation realm, has achieved Fifth Rank Half God. 可现在,施展三重血脉之力后,达到八品半神,说明楚枫真实修为,已然达到了五品半神 But is not right, even if Chu Feng real cultivation realm achieves Fifth Rank Half God, uses Third Level Bloodline, achieved Eight Rank Half God. 但不对,就算楚枫真实修为达到五品半神,使用三重血脉,达到了八品半神 But Huangfu Fanni cultivation realm, actually achieves Ninth Rank Half God now, is Chu Feng possibly his opponent? 可现在皇甫凡逆修为,却是达到了九品半神啊,楚枫怎么可能是他的对手? Chu Feng, should not be swayed by personal feelings.” 楚枫,你别意气用事。” Has nothing to say with this person, abandoned him to be good with Spirit Formation technique directly.” Qin Xuan said loudly. “和这种人没什么好讲的,直接用结界之术废了他就行啊。”秦玄大声说道。 Chu Feng has not paid attention, but looks at Huangfu Fanni. 楚枫没有理会,而是看着皇甫凡逆 How to begin?” Chu Feng asked. “怎么不动手?”楚枫问。 „Don't you... you really use formation power?” “你…你真的不用结界之力?” Huangfu Fanni does not dare to begin, he does not believe Chu Feng. 皇甫凡逆是不敢动手,他不相信楚枫 Eight Rank is Half God, how possibly his opponent? 八品半神,怎么可能是他的对手? Chu Feng obviously deceives intentionally his. 楚枫明显是故意骗他的啊。 I said that I do not use Spirit Formation technique, uses Martial Power to fight with you.” “我说了,我不用结界之术,使用武力与你交手。” You, if can win me, I forgive your life.” “你若能胜我,我饶你一命。” This opportunity, gave you, didn't you plan to want?” Chu Feng asked. “这个机会,给你了,你是不打算要吗?”楚枫问。 Chu Feng these words saying , reminded Huangfu Fanni. 楚枫这句话说出,也是提醒了皇甫凡逆 Person who Chu Feng even Huangfu Shengyu can beat, his Spirit Formation technique is not only strong, he has True God World Spirit. 楚枫可是连皇甫圣宇都能击败的人,他不光结界之术强,他可是拥有真神界灵 How doesn't he make a move to be able? 他不出手又能如何? Facing Chu Feng this existence, the opportunity that he escapes from radically continually does not have. 面对楚枫这种存在,他根本连逃脱的机会都没有。 Therefore in his eye appears to wipe to have made up mind: 于是他眼中浮现出一抹决意: Chu Feng, the man real man, you must mean what he says.” 楚枫,男子汉大丈夫,你要说话算话。” The words, Huangfu Fanni, directly soars Chu Feng to go, was just offensive, covered the fist of thunder. 话罢,皇甫凡逆,直奔楚枫而去,还是刚刚的攻势,还是覆盖雷霆的拳头。 He, has his stubbornness. 他,也有着他的倔强。 Strikes inadequately, comes to strike again. 一击不成,再来一击。 Your Spirit Formation technique cannot be victorious you, competes Martial Power not to be victorious you? 结界之术打不过你,比拼武力还打不过你吗? Suddenly, the Huangfu Fanni offensive, arrives at the Chu Feng near, his thunder fist directly soars the Chu Feng surface gate. 眨眼间,皇甫凡逆的攻势,已是来到楚枫近前,他的雷霆拳头直奔楚枫面门。 This was gets up killed the heart. 这是起了杀心。 This strikes, if hits, Chu Feng also must probably die without doubt. 这一击若击中,楚枫也的确是要必死无疑。 But when will soon be hitting Chu Feng, the Chu Feng body flashes slightly, evaded unexpectedly his struck. 可是就在即将击中楚枫之际,楚枫身子微微一闪,竟躲过了他这一击。 Afterward a fist rumbles, the bang in the Huangfu Fanni abdomen, Huangfu Fanni knelt in front of Chu Feng's again. 随后一拳轰出,轰在了皇甫凡逆的腹部,皇甫凡逆再度跪在了楚枫的面前。 You......” “你……” Huangfu Fanni opens fully is being big mouth of blood, eyeful surprised is looking at Chu Feng. 皇甫凡逆张着满是鲜血的大嘴,满眼吃惊的望着楚枫 He can determine, Chu Feng has not used formation power, use indeed is Martial Power. 他能确定,楚枫没有使用结界之力,动用的的确是武力 But he can also determine, Chu Feng's cultivation realm in Eight Rank Half God. 可是他也能确定,楚枫的修为是在八品半神 But why? 但为什么? Why Chu Feng is only a fist, his Ninth Rank Half God, hit kneels down? 为什么楚枫只是一拳,就将他这位九品半神,打的跪倒在地? Actually incessantly is he. 其实不止是他。 Qin Xuan, Long Chengyu and Xian Miaomiao, similarly is puzzled of whole face. 秦玄,龙承羽仙喵喵,也同样是满脸的不解。 PS: PS: The honeybee means what he says, today ten chapters offer. 蜜蜂说话算话,今日十章奉上。 Moreover tomorrow the ( October 31 ) Martial God animation update 7 th volume, is 7 : 00 am, in Tencent video update. 另外明日(10月31日)武神动漫更新第七集,还是上午7点,于腾讯视频更新 Swallowing the starry sky was too strong, with his same day update, is doomed rarely first, therefore our these challenges the self- breakthrough time. 吞噬星空太强了,和他同天更新,注定难得第一,所以我们这一次挑战一下自我突破。 Last week the Martial God animation, the maximum heat degree achieved 20058. 上周武神动漫,最高热度达到了20058。 If can also achieve 20000 tomorrow, the honeybee will erupt 6 chapters next Monday. 如果明天还能达到20000,蜜蜂下周一爆发六章。 If the heat degree will achieve 20500 tomorrow, the honeybee will erupt 8 chapters next Monday. 如果明天热度达到20500,蜜蜂下周一爆发八章。 If the heat degree will achieve 21000 tomorrow, the honeybee will erupt 10 chapters next Monday. 如果明天热度达到21000,蜜蜂下周一爆发十章。 Tencent animation heat degree high point, generally at noon about 12:55. 腾讯动漫热度最高峰,一般在中午的12点55分左右。 Last Tuesday, Martial God is noon 12:55, broke 20000. 上周二,武神就是中午12点55分,突破了20000大关。 Therefore tomorrow ( October 31 ), everyone can observe together, so long as is heat degree 20000, the honeybee will continue to erupt next Monday. 所以明天(10月31日),大家可以一起观察一下,只要达到热度20000,蜜蜂下周一继续爆发。 Moreover, so long as Martial God enters the popular best-selling list, the honeybee in into the list in ten days, challenges 15 chapters of big eruptions. 另外,只要武神进入流行畅销榜,蜜蜂会在入榜十日内,挑战十五章大爆发。 Therefore the Tencent video has Little Brother of member , to continue must remember that continues to spend O time-consumingly in the Martial God Asura animation page. 所以腾讯视频有会员的兄弟,续费时务必记得在修罗武神动漫页面续费噢。 Like this we soon will enter the popular best-selling list of Tencent video. 这样我们才会早日进入腾讯视频的流行畅销榜。 Thank you, loves you. 谢谢大家,爱你们。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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