MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5773: The Miaomiao situation is not wonderful

Chapter 5771 Miaomiao situation is not wonderful 第5771章喵喵处境不妙 Un.” Jie Baobao slight nod, but immediately also asked: „But if rumor real? I meant, if.” “嗯。”界宝宝微微点头,但旋即却又问道:“可假如传言是真的呢?我是说假如。” -” Ling Xiao did not have the direct reaction, but after was long breathes a sigh of relief, to Jie Baobao said: We must urge the family member to leave Seven Worlds Saint Mansion.” “呼-”灵霄没有直接回答,而是长舒了一口气后,对界宝宝说道:“那我们要劝家人离开七界圣府了。” Why?” Jie Baobao asked. “为何?”界宝宝问。 Because, Chu Feng will certainly destroy Seven Worlds Saint Mansion.” Ling Xiao said. “因为,楚枫一定会毁了七界圣府。”灵霄道。 Truly.” Jie Baobao nods again. “确实。”界宝宝再度点头。 Ok, hearsay not real, Seven Worlds Saint Mansion will also certainly admit Chu Feng, your , if not establish.” “好了,传闻不会是真的,七界圣府也一定会接纳楚枫,你的假如不会成立。” Walks, the thigh did not have, then must look at our two, must be careful.” “走吧,大腿没了,接下来要看咱们两个了,还是要小心一点。” During Ling Xiao speeches, release formation power, cautious about leading the way. 灵霄说话间,释放出结界之力,谨慎的向前行去。 Seeing that Jie Baobao also releases formation power, similarly cautious about leading the way. 见状,界宝宝也是释放出结界之力,同样谨慎的向前行去。 Chu Feng, she has a security sense. 楚枫在的时候,她有一种安全感。 Chu Feng not, even if there is a Ling Xiao peer, but that security sense, actually not. 楚枫不在了,哪怕有灵霄同行,可那种安全感,却也不在了。 ...... …… Jie Baobao and Ling Xiao, have started the new journey. 界宝宝灵霄,已经开始新的征程。 But Chu Feng still in to break the formation. 楚枫仍在破阵 Chu Feng's formation technique broken so difficult , because he comprehended a deeper level. 楚枫的阵法之所以破的如此艰难,是因为他领悟到了更深层次。 Chu Feng since enters the space world, has observed earnestly, he fears to miss very much. 楚枫自打进入空间世界,就一直认真观察,他很怕错过。 Because Chu Feng is very clear, since he discovers Source of lineage/vein, then his goal, already not simple obtains the Summit of Nine Heavens strongest given name. 因为楚枫很清楚,自打他发现脉之本源后,那么他的目的,就已经不是简单的获得九天之巅最强的名号。 If Chu Feng wants the means that to conquer Source of lineage/vein. 楚枫要想办法,征服脉之本源 In that blocks in formation technique, Chu Feng comprehended thing of deeper level finally. 而在那座封锁阵法内,楚枫终于领悟到了更深层次的东西 Also is not Chu Feng is selfish, did not tell Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao, but was this need individual perception, without the means told. 也不是楚枫自私,不告诉灵霄界宝宝,而是这个需要个人悟性,没办法告诉。 And this to break the formation method, is very special. 并且这个破阵方法,也很特别。 Test is not only the Spirit Formation technique to break the formation skill, simultaneously Chu Feng is also withstanding is suffering and testing. 考验的不仅仅是结界之术破阵技巧,同时楚枫也在承受着折磨与考验。 Do not look at Chu Feng, was just with a smile says goodbye with Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao, but Chu Feng is actually bearing the huge pain. 别看楚枫,刚刚是笑着与灵霄界宝宝告别的,可楚枫其实承受着巨大的痛苦呢。 While bearing pain, but must try to find out the to break the formation method, this is very difficult matter. 在承受着痛苦的同时,还要摸索破阵方法,这是很难的事情。 Does not look down on Jie Baobao and Ling Xiao, but Chu Feng felt, they are really not necessarily able to complete. 不是小瞧界宝宝灵霄,但楚枫觉得,他们真就未必能够完成。 This matter, can only enter cannot draw back, does not succeed then dies for a righteous cause. 这种事情,只能进不能退,不成功便成仁。 Is good because, Chu Feng succeeded. 好在,楚枫成功了。 In an instant, blocks Chu Feng's formation technique to dissipate. 刹那间,封锁楚枫的阵法消散。 All scenes all around, change to formation power to dissipate to go. 周遭的所有景象,都化作结界之力消散而去。 Chu Feng has not left this space world, but is this space world is changing. 楚枫并未离开这座空间世界,而是这座空间世界正在改变。 Originally, the scenic world, changed to the chaos space in an instant. 原本,风景秀丽的世界,转眼化作了混沌空间。 But as far as eyes can reach, this side world also no longer is a microcosm, but is big to just like placing in vast martial cultivation world. 但一眼望去,这方世界也不再是一个小世界,而是大到宛如身处于浩瀚修武界 All around was jet black a piece, but presented the luminous spot gradually, the luminous spot are getting more and more. 原本周遭漆黑一片,但渐渐出现了光点,光点越来越多。 Each luminous spot is a side world. 每一个光点都是一方世界。 Quick, collects nine Galaxy. 很快,汇集成九道天河 Clarity that nine Galaxy, Chu Feng can look. 九道天河,楚枫都能看的清楚。 In this Vast Starry Sky, each gorgeous radiant, that is innumerable cultivator comes with the place of survival, is magnificent scene comprised of the innumerable world. 在这浩瀚星空之中,各个绚丽璀璨,那可是无数修武者来与生存之地,是由无数世界组成的壮观景象。 But quick, unexpectedly nine boundless Mist, appeared in nine Galaxy respectively. 可很快,竟然有九种磅礴的气焰,分别出现在了九道天河 Their volumes, differ unexpectedly not much with nine Galaxy. 它们的体积,竟与九道天河相差不多。 Other Galaxy, start becomes fuzzy, Chu Feng did not see clearly. 其他天河,开始变得模糊,楚枫看不清楚了。 However Bloodline Galaxy even more is clear, that is golden Mist, gallops in Bloodline Galaxy. 但是血脉天河却越发清晰,那是金色的气焰,于血脉天河内奔腾。 Source of lineage/vein?” “脉之本源?” Chu Feng exclaimed in surprise, no wonder Liu Kuo said, in the place of Chu Feng beforehand trial sees, is not the Source of complete picture lineage/vein. 楚枫惊叹,难怪刘阔说,楚枫之前试炼之地内所见,并非脉之本源全貌。 Even covers world Source of lineage/vein, is not a complete picture. 甚至覆盖世界的脉之本源,也并非全貌。 Originally the Source of lineage/vein complete picture, is the Bloodline Galaxy equally matched colossus. 原来脉之本源的全貌,是与血脉天河不相上下的庞然大物。 The Chu Feng earnest observation, is observing Source of lineage/vein every action and every movement, it resembles is the life body, but not like pure life body, what can determine, it has certain consciousness, and is extremely powerful. 楚枫认真观察,观察着脉之本源的一举一动,它似是生命体,但又不像纯粹的生命体,但能够确定的是,它具有一定的意识,并且极其强大。 But suddenly, Source of lineage/vein attacks to come to Chu Feng. 可忽然,脉之本源楚枫冲击而来。 In an instant, Chu Feng was then covered by golden Mist, golden Mist is extremely wild, even if Chu Feng is the ache is also hard to endure. 刹那间,楚枫便被金色的气焰所覆盖,金色气焰太过狂暴,哪怕楚枫也是疼痛难忍。 The quick mortal body is then disillusioned, the soul is to also present the fissure, Chu Feng can do now only, clenches the teeth, withstands all these. 很快便肉身破灭,灵魂也是出现裂痕,楚枫现在唯一能做的,就是咬紧牙关,承受这一切。 Chu Feng by surpassing the tolerance of average man, the Chu Feng's soul not only starts to restore, the mortal body is also starts to restore. 楚枫凭借优于常人的忍耐力,楚枫的灵魂不仅开始恢复,肉身也是开始恢复。 In this case, Chu Feng can also, observe all earnestly. 这种情况下,楚枫也是能够,认真观察一切。 At this time, other Heaven's Eyes observation methods do not have the effect, but Chu Feng actually had an intense intuition. 此时,无论是天眼还是其他观察手段都没有效果,但楚枫却产生了一种强烈的直觉。 This does not seem like quenchings.” “这似乎不是淬炼。” Chu Feng thinks of here, then stand forth. 楚枫想到这里,便向前走去。 But more forwards, that golden Mist strength is stronger. 而越是向前,那金色气焰的力量越强。 But Chu Feng continually is adapting, with the adjustment, was still leading the way unceasingly. 楚枫在不断适应,与调整下,仍在不断前行。 Because golden Mist is extremely wild, Chu Feng continually is adapting although, may with lead the way unceasingly , the consciousness is fuzzy. 因为金色气焰太过狂暴,楚枫尽管在不断适应,可随着不断前行,却也意识模糊。 He leads the way unceasingly, is the instinct and intuition drives him this. 他只是不断前行,是本能与直觉驱使着他这样做。 Then, Chu Feng does not know how long oneself walked, but he has been insisting. 就这样,楚枫都不知自己走了多久,但他一直在坚持着。 Incomparably firm, fearless!!! 无比坚定,无所畏惧!!! Naturally, what is main, living that he can withstand. 当然,最主要的是,他能承受的住。 You entitled.” “你有资格。” Suddenly, the sound resounds through together. 忽然,一道声音响彻。 This sound, can pass through the innumerable world, spans Galaxy, covers entire vast martial cultivation world. 这道声音之强,能穿过无数世界,跨越天河,覆盖整个浩瀚修武界 Such sound resounds, Chu Feng restores immediately soberly. 这样的声音响起,楚枫顿时恢复清醒。 Takes advantage of opportunity to wait and see, Chu Feng as if sees, in the golden Mist deep place, huge to enduring compared with a side Star Region form, is built on that Vast Starry Sky. 顺势观望,楚枫仿佛看到,在金色气焰深处,一个巨大到堪比一方星域的身影,立于在那浩瀚星空之中。 Afterward, boundless golden Mist, starts to integrate Chu Feng's within the body. 随后,磅礴的金色气焰,开始融入楚枫的体内。 The wild strength, has not had to suffer to Chu Feng's, but entered Chu Feng's within the body purely. 没有狂暴之力,没有了对楚枫的折磨,而是单纯的进入了楚枫的体内。 After golden Mist fully enters Chu Feng within the body, Chu Feng discovered, he also stands in that also has Ling Xiao with Jie Baobao, in the cooperation space world. 当金色气焰全部进入楚枫体内后,楚枫发现,他还站在那个与界宝宝还有灵霄,合作的空间世界内。 This space world, with was exactly the same previously, has not changed. 这个空间世界,和先前一模一样,并没有变化。 As for scattering in all directions formation power, then changed to two kinds thing. 至于四散的结界之力,则是化作了两样东西 A formation key, with a mirror. 一把结界钥匙,和一面镜子。 The formation key, falls into the Chu Feng hand directly, behind Chu Feng is also knows useful, therefore receives. 结界钥匙,直接落入楚枫手中,楚枫也是知道后面有用,于是收好。 But that mirror, then there are many angles of view and many scenes. 而那面镜子,则有多个视角及多个场景。 Through that mirror, Chu Feng almost can see the complete picture of Summit of Nine Heavens trial. 通过那面镜子,楚枫几乎能够看到九天之巅试炼的全貌。 Little Fishy and Xianhai Shaoyu have Feng Ling in the same place, their positions, should are away from Summit of Nine Heavens end point near position. 小鱼儿仙海少禹还有风铃在一起,他们所处的位置,应该是距离九天之巅终点较近的位置。 But Huangfu Shengyu, Huangfu Jiangyao, Huangfu Shangyang, although with Little Fishy they, has not been in the same place. 皇甫圣宇,皇甫将耀,皇甫上阳虽然没有与小鱼儿他们,身在同一个地方。 You should also enter Summit of Nine Heavens deep place quite, even looks at the map trend, they might converge finally. 你应该也已进入九天之巅的较为深处,甚至看地图走向,他们最终有可能会汇合。 Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao in to break the formation, although evidently is inferior to Little Fishy they, but the distance is not specially far. 灵霄界宝宝正在破阵,看样子虽然不如小鱼儿他们,但是距离也不是特别远。 What is not most wonderful is Xian Miaomiao. 最不妙的乃是仙喵喵 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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