MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5772: Hearsay

Chapter 5770 hearsay 第5770章传闻 Sometimes, during one's lifetime, chooses to be bigger than diligently.” “果然,人生在世,有时候选择大于努力。” Suddenly, the Ling Xiao sound resounds. 忽然,灵霄的声音响起。 Waits and sees along the sound, he stands above the horizon of distant place. 顺声观望,他站在远处的天际之上。 Chu Feng has detected Ling Xiao, knows that he came to have a meeting. 楚枫早就察觉到灵霄了,也知道他来了有一会了。 When Jie Baobao resists the formation technique lifeform completely, Ling Xiao already. 界宝宝完全抵抗阵法生物的时候,灵霄就已经在了。 And Chu Feng also detects, Ling Xiao planned to intend to rescue Jie Baobao. 并且楚枫还察觉到,灵霄本来是打算出手救界宝宝的。 If Chu Feng has not untied formation technique promptly, actually Ling Xiao will also act, he already in secret prepare formation technique. 如果楚枫没有及时解开阵法,其实灵霄也会出手,他已经在暗中布置好阵法了。 Therefore impression of Chu Feng to this Ling Xiao is not bad. 所以楚枫对这灵霄的印象也不差。 Ling Xiao, you do not cooperate with Chu Feng, but suffered a loss.” Jie Baobao said to Ling Xiao. 灵霄,你不与楚枫合作,可是吃亏了。”界宝宝灵霄说道。 Knows knew, had been regretting.” Ling Xiao flies to fall, immediately looks to Chu Feng. “知道了知道了,已经在后悔了。”灵霄飞落而下,旋即看向对楚枫 „The son of Sir Jie Ranqing, is truly fierce, does not know that I join your cooperation now, whether also with enough time.” 界染清大人的儿子,确实厉害,不知我现在加入你们的合作,是否还来得及。” Naturally.” Chu Feng said. “当然。”楚枫道。 That was too good.” “那就太好了。” Because of according to my observation, this side world altogether has three Formation Aperture, needing us to break the formation is simultaneously good.” “因为根据我的观察,这方世界共有三处阵眼,需要我们同时破阵才行。” „If not cooperate, perhaps we must be stranded here.” Ling Xiao said. “若不合作,我们恐怕都要被困在这里了。”灵霄说道。 Indeed has three Formation Aperture.” “的确有三座阵眼。” „But if three of us, decode Formation Aperture simultaneously, the altitude of can reaching will be perhaps higher.” Chu Feng said. “但若是我们三人,同时破解一座阵眼,所能达到的高度恐怕会更高。”楚枫说道。 Simultaneously decodes Formation Aperture?” “同时破解一座阵眼?” Hears this words, Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao somewhat are accidental. 听闻此话,灵霄界宝宝都有些意外。 Right, if believes that I, rejection another two, we decode same place Formation Aperture simultaneously.” Chu Feng said. “对,若是相信我的话,就舍弃另外两座,我们同时破解同一座阵眼。”楚枫说道。 I listen to Chu Feng's.” Jie Baobao says immediately. “我听楚枫的。”界宝宝立刻道。 My no elected, two are bigger than one.” Ling Xiao said with a smile. “那我没的选了,二大于一。”灵霄笑道。 Sees that Chu Feng and Jie Baobao also smiled. 见状,楚枫界宝宝也都笑了。 Initially sees these two people, Chu Feng has not thought that they three so harmonious being together. 初见这二人,楚枫也没想到,他们三个会如此和谐的相处。 Originally also thinks, they must become the enemy of life and death. 本来还以为,他们是要成为生死之敌的呢。 Afterward, three people arrive at the Formation Aperture place, opens Formation Aperture with joint forces. 随后,三人来到阵眼处,合力开启阵眼 But after Formation Aperture was opened, actually three block formation technique, covered on the Chu Feng three people of bodies respectively. 可是当阵眼被开启后,却又有三道封锁阵法,分别笼罩在了楚枫三人的身上。 That not only blocks formation technique, that is slaughtering formation. 那不仅仅是封锁阵法,那还是攻杀阵法 Three people must maintain at present formation technique full power, if the mistake, their three people will die slightly. 三人必须全力维持眼下阵法,若稍差池,他们三人都会死去。 This is the representation, be not confused.” “这是表象,别被迷惑。” During the Chu Feng speeches, formation technique changed, shattered three people of cooperation. 楚枫说话间,阵法变化,打破了三人合作关系。 According to the feeling that formation technique gives, Chu Feng this behavior, being no different courts death. 按照阵法给予的感受,楚枫这个行为,无异于是找死。 Destroys the formation technique shape, their three people will write off by powerful slaughtering formation. 破坏阵法形态,他们三人都会被强大的攻杀阵法所抹杀。 But has not only written off now, instead is covers their slaughtering formation to change. 可现在不仅没被抹杀,反而是笼罩他们三人的攻杀阵法发生变化。 By slaughtering formation, completely transformed to block formation technique. 攻杀阵法,彻底转变成了封锁阵法 So long as breaks open this formation technique, they can get out of trouble mostly. 只要破开这座阵法,他们多半就能脱困了。 so that's how it is, my Ling Xiao admires you.” Ling Xiao sighed. 原来如此,我灵霄佩服你。”灵霄叹道。 He understands Chu Feng's meaning now. 他现在才明白楚枫的意思 If they according to the feeling of formation technique, to protect oneself, but has maintained formation technique diligently. 他们若是按照阵法的感受,为了自保而一直努力维持阵法 Will only be consumed formation power in vain, is unable to break open this formation technique. 只会被白白消耗结界之力,根本无法破开这阵法 Instead was Chu Feng one saw through, that was confuses their, thus broke all. 反而是楚枫一眼就看穿了,那是迷惑他们的,从而打破了一切。 Therefore Ling Xiao said that he admires. 所以灵霄才说他佩服。 Perhaps he can also look through, but requires the time, will not look through quickly. 他也许也能看破,但需要时间,不会这么快就看破。 Afterward, Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao full power to break the formation, quick, they then broke open, that bound their formation technique. 随后,灵霄界宝宝全力破阵,很快,他们便破开了,那束缚他们的阵法 Two people, are almost simultaneously to break the formation. 二人,几乎是同时破阵的。 But when they look to Chu Feng, actually discovered Chu Feng still in to break the formation, and Chu Feng to break the formation progress, as if only completed half. 可当他们看向楚枫,却发现楚枫仍在破阵,并且楚枫破阵的进度,似乎只完成了一半。 Two cooperation are happy, good luck.” Chu Feng said to two people with a smile. “两位合作愉快,祝你们好运。”楚枫笑着对二人说道。 Also answered without enough time, Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao, had been covered by the strength of teleportation. 还来不及回话,灵霄界宝宝,已被传送之力覆盖。 The next quarter, they had arrived in a rock cave, the rock cave is very deep, the deep place contains the endless bad risk. 下一刻,他们已是来到了一个岩洞之中,岩洞很深,深处蕴藏无尽凶险。 The strength of teleportation changes, changes to a key respectively, falls into their hands. 传送之力变化,分别化作一把钥匙,落入他们手中。 They have also rushed to many ruins, and formation technique world, regarding this is also familiar and easy. 他们也都闯过诸多遗迹,以及阵法世界,对此也是轻车熟路。 Although has not known at present, this formation key concrete function but knows behind is certainly useful, this is also they decodes the reward of first pass/test. 虽眼下还不知,这结界钥匙具体作用但知道后面一定有用,这也是他们破解第一关的奖励。 How feels?” Ling Xiao asked. “感觉如何?”灵霄问。 What?” Jie Baobao asked. “什么?”界宝宝问。 Cooperates with Chu Feng's.” Ling Xiao said. “与楚枫的合作啊。”灵霄道。 What do you feel?” Jie Baobao asked. “那你感觉如何?”界宝宝问。 „A character, crisp.” Ling Xiao said. “一个字,爽。”灵霄道。 Eh......” Jie Baobao surprise. 额……”界宝宝诧异。 Although he does not understand Ling Xiao specially, but according to her in the past the contact, Ling Xiao usually was also the quiet person, never expected that Ling Xiao will say this words. 他虽然不是特别了解灵霄,但根据她以往的接触,灵霄平时也是沉默寡言之人,没想到灵霄会说出这种话。 This possibly holds the feeling of thigh.” “这可能就是抱大腿的感觉吧。” All become simple.” Ling Xiao sighed. “一切都变得简单起来。”灵霄感叹。 Therefore, this matter must keep secret.” Jie Baobao asked. “所以,这件事到底要不要保密。”界宝宝问。 Naturally must keep secret, only if Saint Mansion admits Chu Feng, otherwise outward, must maintain with Chu Feng's from.” “当然要保密,除非圣府接纳楚枫,不然对外,还是要保持与楚枫的距离。” Otherwise, incessantly is we, our families will also be involved.” Ling Xiao said. “不然,不止是我们,我们的家族也会遭受牵连。”灵霄道。 Seven Worlds Saint Mansion does not admit Chu Feng, is the loss of Seven Worlds Saint Mansion.” Jie Baobao said. 七界圣府不接纳楚枫,是七界圣府的损失。”界宝宝道。 Incessantly is cooperation in this space world. 不止是此次空间世界内的合作。 Chu Feng in Bloodline compared with fighting on stage, shown Heavenly Thunder Bloodline, instead is bigger to her stimulation. 楚枫血脉比斗台上,展现的天雷血脉,反而对她的刺激更大。 That constriction, that is the true imposing manner. 那种压迫感,那才是真正的王者风范。 Let the Summit of Nine Heavens talent, was divided two kinds. 九天之巅的天才,被划分成了两类。 One is their two as well as other talents. 一个是他们两个以及其他天才。 Another is Chu Feng, dominates the talents above their all talents. 另一个便是楚枫,凌驾于他们所有天才之上的天才。 „After Summit of Nine Heavens, the Chu Feng's deeds will definitely pass on.” 九天之巅之后,楚枫的事迹必然会传出去。” I think, Sir Mansion Lord will also reconsider Chu Feng, Chu Feng should by my Seven Worlds Saint Mansion admission.” “我想,府主大人也会重新考虑楚枫,楚枫应该会被我七界圣府接纳。” Coming out that but I look, person who he has the temperament very much, does not know, he is also willing to return to Seven Worlds Saint Mansion.” Ling Xiao said. “但我看的出来,他是很有脾气的人,就是不知道,他还愿不愿意回到七界圣府。”灵霄道。 Sir Jie Ranqing, if urged Chu Feng?” Jie Baobao asked. 界染清大人若是劝楚枫呢?”界宝宝问。 Sir Jie Ranqing, if urged, should have very big possibility?” Ling Xiao said. 界染清大人若是劝,应该有很大可能吧?”灵霄说道。 Ling Xiao, how do you know Sir Jie Ranqing now?” Jie Baobao asked. 灵霄,你知道界染清大人现在如何吗?”界宝宝问。 Does not know.” Ling Xiao shakes the head. “不知道。”灵霄摇了摇头。 I have heard some not good rumor.” The Jie Baobao complexion becomes dignified. “我听闻过一些不好的传言。”界宝宝脸色变得凝重。 I also heard, but is impossible, person but who Sir Jie Ranqing Sir Mansion Lord, most loves.” “我也听闻了,但不可能,界染清大人可是府主大人,最疼爱的人。” Actually must say, Sir Jie Ranqing with outsider in the same place, is not cannot forgive the matter even.” “其实非要说,界染清大人就算与外人在一起,也并不是什么不能原谅之事。” Moreover Chu Feng has shown now, his father is not the ordinary person, how otherwise does he probably have so powerful Heavenly Thunder Bloodline?” “况且现在楚枫已然证明,他的父亲绝非等闲之辈,不然他怎么可能拥有如此强大的天雷血脉?” This also showed exactly, the choice of Sir Jie Ranqing is correct, although she chose outsider, but actually elected to person.” Ling Xiao said. “这也恰恰证明,界染清大人的选择是正确的,她虽然选择了外人,但却选到了对的人。”灵霄道。 Therefore the hearsay is false?” Jie Baobao asked. “所以传闻是假的?”界宝宝问。 Is certainly false, in the clan some humanities are not law-abiding, most likes doing to confuse the matter of right and wrong, anxious to stir up trouble, regarding these absurd rumors, must the resolution.” Ling Xiao said. “一定是假的,族内有些人本就不安分,最喜欢做搅乱是非之事,唯恐天下不乱,对于这些荒谬的传言,还是要自我分辨。”灵霄道。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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