MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5771: Jie Baobao cooperation spirit

Chapter 5769 Jie Baobao cooperation spirit 第5769章界宝宝的合作精神 At present, this side world, a place of vegetation cover, dreadful ripples unceasingly crack. 眼下,这方世界,一个植被茂密的地方,滔天涟漪不断炸响。 Jie Baobao is situated in void above, stimulates to movement the powerful formation technique strength, and innumerable, hundred-meter formation technique lifeform battle. 界宝宝立于虚空之上,催动强大的阵法力量,正在与无数只,高达百米的阵法生物交战。 Meanwhile, several reach as high as ten thousand meters formation gate, is situated in void above. 同时,数道高达万米的结界门,立于虚空之上。 These just like the octopus general formation technique lifeform, precisely graze from that formation gate. 那些宛如章鱼一般的阵法生物,正是从那结界门内飞掠而出的。 However these formation technique lifeform, the target of attack is actually not Jie Baobao, but is the distant place. 但是那些阵法生物,攻击的目标其实并不是界宝宝,而是远处。 There, has boundless formation technique, Chu Feng is decoding that formation technique. 那里,有着一座磅礴的阵法,楚枫则是在破解那阵法 These formation technique lifeform, is to prevent Chu Feng. 这些阵法生物,是要阻止楚枫 Even more is near completion along with Chu Feng to break the formation. 伴随着楚枫破阵越发接近完成。 But that formation technique lifeform quantity, the strength is also the large scale promotion. 可那阵法生物无论是数量,还是实力也是大幅度的提升。 Even if, Jie Baobao is one reveres dragon God-cloak World Spiritist, and strength endures to compare Ninth Rank Half God, but actually also gradually difficult support. 哪怕,界宝宝是一位尊龙神袍界灵师,且战力堪比九品半神,可却也渐渐难以支撑。 In this case but, she was still stimulating to movement full power, is protecting Chu Feng's formation technique. 可是这种情况下,她仍在全力催动,守护着楚枫的阵法 That is formation technique that she arranges. 那是她所布置的阵法 Wa Wa- 呜哇- But suddenly, the formation light beam grazes to come from the back together, she moves aside, was rumbled to injure the right arm. 可忽然,一道结界光柱自背后飞掠而来,她躲闪不及,被轰伤了右臂。 Strikes cannot evade, the next quarter innumerable formation light beam, spouts from that formation technique lifeform mouth, rumbles simultaneously to Jie Baobao. 只是一击未能躲过,下一刻无数结界光柱,自那阵法生物口中喷出,向界宝宝同时轰来。 Saw this, Jie Baobao closed the eye directly. 见到这一幕,界宝宝则是直接闭上了眼睛。 Just fight, she consumed massive formation power, had reached the limit. 刚刚的战斗,她耗费了大量结界之力,已是到达了极限。 She knows, she did not evade this to strike. 她知道,她躲不过这一击了。 Does, closed eye meditation?” “干嘛呢,闭目养神呢?” But she cannot wait till the pain of mortal body disruption, instead waited for the Chu Feng's sound. 可她没能等到肉身碎裂的痛楚,反而等来了楚枫的声音。 The opening eyes pupil, Chu Feng stands in her front. 睁开眼眸,楚枫就站在她的面前。 But the formation technique lifeform of previous everywhere, has dissipated, is changing to formation power, everywhere is scattering. 而先前漫天的阵法生物,都已经消散,正化作结界之力,漫天的飘散着。 Jie Baobao rushes to turn head, discovered that previously had the formation technique place, that formation technique has relieved. 界宝宝赶忙回头,发现先前存在阵法的地方,那阵法已经解除。 You... success?” “你…成功了?” Jie Baobao looks at Chu Feng, the vision is exceptionally complex. 界宝宝看着楚枫,目光异常复杂。 Actually she knows that Chu Feng succeeded, otherwise these formation technique lifeform will not vanish, may feel difficult believing. 其实她知道楚枫成功了,不然那些阵法生物不会消失,可感觉难以置信。 After all just, she almost died. 毕竟刚刚,她差一点就死了。 Determined, you are the sincerity cooperate with me, and you are very pure, can escape obviously, but is actually bent on having to cling to tenaciously.” “确定了,你是真心与我合作,并且你还很单纯,明明可以逃,但却偏要死守。” Is only a cooperation, is worth losing the life?” Chu Feng asked. “只是一次合作,值得搭上性命吗?”楚枫问。 „Do you probe intentionally my?” Jie Baobao suddenly vision change. “你是故意试探我的?”界宝宝忽然目光变化。 She responded. 她反应过来了。 Possibly how can such coincidence? 怎么可能会这么巧合? Is when soon died, Chu Feng broke open formation technique. 偏偏是在自己快要死了的时候,楚枫破开了阵法 Biggest possibly is Chu Feng intentionally. 最大的可能是楚枫故意的。 He has been able to break open formation technique, but is actually not willing to break open intentionally, is to probe Jie Baobao, whether the sincerity cooperates with her. 他早就可以破开阵法,但却故意迟迟不肯破开,就是要试探界宝宝,是否真心与她合作。 Yes.” Regarding this, Chu Feng has not denied. “是。”对此,楚枫没有否定。 „If not trust me, why to cooperate with me?” Some Jie Baobao vitality/angry. “若不信任我,何必与我合作?”界宝宝有些生气。 Cooperates with you , because we are World Spiritist, we have the same goal, the cooperation can more efficient completes our common objectives.” “与你合作,是因为我们都是界灵师,我们有相同的目的,合作能更高效的完成我们的共同目的。” But we are not familiar, moreover you are the person of Seven Worlds Saint Mansion.” “但我们并不熟悉,况且你还是七界圣府之人。” „Can you believe your reason to me?” Chu Feng asked back. “你能给我一个相信你的理由吗?”楚枫反问。 Jie Baobao was silent. 界宝宝沉默了。 She knows that Seven Worlds Saint Mansion made anything to Chu Feng, can understand the complaint of Chu Feng to Seven Worlds Saint Mansion. 她知道七界圣府楚枫做了什么,也能理解楚枫七界圣府的怨念。 Chu Feng, Seven Worlds Saint Mansion is not hates your person.” 楚枫,七界圣府不全是憎恨你的人。” After Jie Baobao silent moment, said. 界宝宝沉默片刻后说道。 For example you?” Chu Feng asked. “比如你?”楚枫问。 Continues I.” Jie Baobao said. “不止我。”界宝宝道。 I know.” Chu Feng shows a faint smile, immediately five similar cobblestone common small stones, gave Jie Baobao. “我知道。”楚枫微微一笑,旋即将五块类似鹅卵石一般的小石头,递给了界宝宝 On that small stone carved the formation trace, precisely Chu Feng was just decoding in formation technique is hiding destiny. 那小石头上面刻着结界纹路,正是楚枫刚刚破解阵法内藏着的机缘 According to Chu Feng said, on this stone contains very big advantage, helping them enhance Spirit Formation technique in a short time. 根据楚枫说,这石头上面蕴藏着很大的好处,有助于他们短时间内提高结界之术 Moreover, scroll. 不仅如此,还有一个卷轴 A total of ten, our half.” Chu Feng said. “总共十块,咱俩一人一半。”楚枫说道。 That this?” Jie Baobao takes scroll to ask. “那这个?”界宝宝拿着卷轴问道。 Is refining up formation technique that I summarize, feels able personally a more efficient display the value of this stone.” “是我总结出的炼化阵法,个人觉得能更高效的发挥出这石头的价值。” Naturally, you can also use your own method.” “当然,你也可以用你自己的方法。” During the Chu Feng speeches, then flies to fall, starts the set up formation directly, plans to refine that stone. 楚枫说话间,便飞落而下,直接开始布阵,打算炼化那石头。 Quick, Chu Feng formation technique completes, Jie Baobao looks at the Chu Feng arrangement formation technique, immediately an eye of reveal exclaimed in surprise. 很快,楚枫阵法完成,界宝宝看着楚枫布置的阵法,顿时目露惊叹。 These days contacts, she has known the Chu Feng's formation level, but formation technique of Chu Feng arrangement, will make him at present one bright each time. 这段时间接触,她已经知道楚枫的结界水平,可楚枫布置的阵法,每次都会让他眼前一亮。 Actually is not formation technique is exquisite, but is the technique of Chu Feng set up formation is very exquisite. 其实不是阵法多么精妙,而是楚枫布阵的手法很精妙。 It looks like same formation technique, in the Chu Feng hand arranges, is sublimated, can display extreme. 就像是同样的阵法,在楚枫手中布置出来后,就会得到升华,能够发挥到极致 Chu Feng, first do not build up.” 楚枫,先别炼化。” Jie Baobao grazes under. 界宝宝飞掠而下。 What's wrong?” Chu Feng asked. “怎么了?”楚枫问。 Jie Baobao takes out scroll, loses to Chu Feng. 界宝宝取出一个卷轴,丢向楚枫 Was inferior that you sublimate this formation technique.” “不如你将这个阵法升华一下。” Naturally, this is my Seven Worlds Saint Mansion formation technique, if you did not mind that......” Jie Baobao said. “当然,这是我七界圣府阵法,如果你不介意的话……”界宝宝道。 Naturally did not mind, this is two matters.” “当然不介意,这是两回事。” After Chu Feng opens the volume, discovered Jie Baobao provides refining up formation technique, is indeed stronger. 楚枫打开卷后,发现界宝宝提供的炼化阵法,的确更强。 Specifically aims at this type, engraves above the stone refining up formation technique. 是专门针对这种,刻印在石头之上的炼化阵法 But oneself, by the Qin Jiu set up formation method , can indeed refine formation technique this, displays a stronger situation. 而自己,凭借秦九的布阵手段,也的确能够将这炼化阵法,发挥到更强的地步。 Afterward, when Chu Feng unearths, after exquisiter set up formation method, informed Jie Baobao. 随后,当楚枫挖掘出,更精妙的布阵手段后,也是告知了界宝宝 Two people use the same set up formation method, starts to refine the Wukuai head. 二人使用相同的布阵方法,开始炼化五块石头。 Although this Wukuai is small, the say/way of formation but the treasure from Immemorial Era, it contains is unusual. 这五块石头虽小,但是来自太古时期的宝物,它蕴藏的结界之道非同一般。 After building up thoroughly . 彻底炼化后。 Chu Feng from Emperor Dragon God-cloak, stepped into Immortal Dragon God-cloak directly. 楚枫直接从皇龙神袍,踏入了仙龙神袍 Immortal Dragon God-cloak, endures to compare Seventh Rank Half God. 仙龙神袍,堪比七品半神 But Chu Feng before Bloodline of king once the part awakened, therefore now the formation strength, is the to break the formation method, has strength that spans the twofold. 楚枫因王之血脉之前曾部分觉醒,所以现在无论是结界战力,还是破阵手段,都具备跨越两重的战力。 In other words, Chu Feng can by Immortal Dragon God-cloak realm, obtain to endure to compare the Ninth Rank Half God strength. 也就是说,楚枫能以仙龙神袍境界,获得堪比九品半神的战力。 to break the formation strength, can endure to compare God-cloak peak realm, Saint Dragon God-cloak. 破阵实力,也是能够堪比神袍的巅峰境界,圣龙神袍 Jie Baobao, because itself realm is higher than Chu Feng, although cannot break through, but also is the harvest is enormous. 界宝宝,因为本身境界就比楚枫要高,虽然未能突破,但却也是收获极大。 Chu Feng, this stone was too fierce I......” 楚枫,这石头太厉害了我……” The Jie Baobao opening eyes pupil, lights up with pleasure, wants immediately and Chu Feng said, she had very deep sensibility, how long perhaps could not want, can step into Saint Dragon God-cloak. 界宝宝睁开眼眸,喜笑颜开,本想立刻和楚枫说,她有了很深的感悟,也许要不了多久,就能踏入圣龙神袍了。 But when her opening eyes pupil, discovered after formation power that Chu Feng manipulates, then says immediately: „Did you break through?” 可当她睁开眼眸,发现楚枫摆弄的结界之力后,则是立刻说道:“你突破了?” Un, is your harvest also big?” Chu Feng asked. “嗯,你的收获也不小吧?”楚枫问。 Greatly, this also wants thank you very much.” “很大,这还要多谢你。” If not for you, I will not discover here, is hiding such treasure, let alone obtained such destiny.” Feeling grateful of Jie Baobao whole face. “若不是你,我都不会发现这里,藏着这样的宝贝,就别说获得这样的机缘了。”界宝宝满脸的感恩。 Because she is very clear, do not look at her Spirit Formation technique, above Chu Feng. 因为她很清楚,别看她的结界之术,在楚枫之上。 If not but for Chu Feng, she is impossible to obtain such destiny. 可若不是楚枫,她根本不可能获得这样的机缘 This is you earns.” Chu Feng said. “这是你应得的。”楚枫说道。 Chu Feng probes Jie Baobao, wants to determine the moral behavior of this person. 楚枫之所以试探界宝宝,就是想确定此人的人品。 If previously she ran directly, how Chu Feng cannot she. 若是先前她直接跑了,楚枫也不会怎么样她。 After all their relations are only the cooperation, Jie Baobao for the safety, the choice self-preservation are very normal. 毕竟他们的关系就只是合作,界宝宝为了自身安危,选择自保很正常。 But she, if while Chu Feng to break the formation, strikes a vicious blow to Chu Feng full power, that Chu Feng will kill Jie Baobao directly. 可她若是趁着楚枫全力破阵,对楚枫下毒手,那楚枫就会直接杀了界宝宝 But Jie Baobao actual decision, is makes Chu Feng accidental/surprised, this person not only has the cooperation spirit, and this cooperation spirit strong was somewhat impressive. 界宝宝实际的决定,则是让楚枫意外,此人不仅非常有合作精神,并且这合作精神强的有些令人惊叹了。 Almost to protect Chu Feng, builds oneself. 差点为了保护楚枫,把自己搭进去。 Why this is also, Chu Feng must divide she half of reasons, Jie Baobao is worth. 这也是为何,楚枫要分她一半的原因,界宝宝值得。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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