MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5770: Cooperation

Chapter 5768 cooperates 第5768章合作 But suddenly, Huangfu Jiangyao thought of a rebuttal point, therefore points at Chu Feng to ask: 但忽然,皇甫将耀想到了一个反驳的点,于是指着楚枫问道: „The despicable method, is the despicable method, otherwise why you just mounted the ratio to fight the stage, on the face simply doesn't have the color of pain?” 卑鄙手段,就是卑鄙手段,不然为何你刚刚登上比斗台,脸上根本没有痛苦之色?” Regarding this issue, Chu Feng is light smiles: Has the possibility, is your family Young Lord anti- painful ability is too purely bad, obviously is the insignificant pain, actually sore grimacing?” 对于这个问题,楚枫只是淡淡一笑:“有没有可能,纯粹是你们家少主抗痛能力太差,明明是微不足道的痛楚,却疼的呲牙咧嘴?” You talked nonsense, we mounted the Bloodline ratio to fight the stage, we are very clear, how mount the Bloodline ratio to fight the stage to bear the pressure.” “你胡扯,我们都登上过血脉比斗台,我们很清楚,登上血脉比斗台会承受怎样压力。” Bloodline is stronger, the pressure is bigger, the pain is also stronger, you have not felt the pain and pressure, can only explain that your Bloodline is too weak.” 血脉越强,压力越大,痛楚也就越强,你没有感受到痛楚和压力,只能说明你的血脉太弱。” Huangfu Jiangyao argued. 皇甫将耀辩解道。 Elder Brother, he under punches very much.” Little Fishy is suppressing the small mouth, got hold of the fist. “哥,他很欠揍。”小鱼儿憋着小嘴,握紧了拳头。 She does not want to argue, she wants to begin directly, but she has not begun the innumerable say/way sound colleague to resound through. 她不想辩解,她想直接动手了,可她还没有动手无数道声音同事响彻。 Shut up, are you also concerned about face?” “闭嘴吧,你们还要不要脸?” Ancient times couldn't Celestial Clan, so lose?” “远古天族,就都是这般输不起吗?” Just power and influence we saw, we saw not only, but also felt.” “刚刚的威势我们都看到了,我们不光看到了,还感受到了。” Right that the Feng Ling miss said that your Young Lord Bloodline, in front of Chu Feng's Bloodline, including is not.” 风铃姑娘说的对,你们少主血脉,在楚枫的血脉面前,连个屁都算不上。” Ancient times Celestial Clan? I, no more than so, am one group of not being able to lose degenerates.” “远古天族?我呸,不过如此,就是一群输不起的败类。” Rolls your underground, do not come out disgracefully.” “还是滚回你们的地下,别出来丢人现眼了。” ............ ………… ...... …… At this moment, the sounds of innumerable insult resound through, does not give the opportunity of Huangfu Jiangyao rebuttal. 这一刻,无数辱骂的声音响彻,根本不给皇甫将耀反驳的机会。 Is people who surround. 是围观的众人。 They were really unable to continue watching, even if knows that helps Chu Feng speak, may offend Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, but actually also stands now. 他们实在看不下去了,哪怕知道帮着楚枫说话,可能会得罪七界圣府,可现在却也都站了出来。 You, you......” “你们,你们……” Huangfu Jiangyao also wants to refute, but his sound was actually submerged by the people, therefore trembling of air/Qi, has no alternative. 皇甫将耀也想反驳,可是他的声音却被众人淹没,于是气的瑟瑟发抖,却又无可奈何。 Actually he also knows him to be in the wrong, but he is from the heart is not willing to acknowledge Chu Feng. 其实他也知道他理亏,只是他发自内心的不愿意承认楚枫 Buzz- 嗡- But in the meantime, square above ray greatly hold. 而就在此时,广场上空光芒大盛。 Afterward the formation gate appeared together in the sky of square. 随后一道结界门浮现在了广场的上空。 But that formation gate is very special, that is a circular formation gate, and is very small, actually only has a watermelon is so big. 但那结界门很特别,那是一个圆形的结界门,并且很小,竟然只有一个西瓜那么大。 Normal, this formation gate they are unable to go. 正常来说,这个结界门他们根本无法进去。 What is that?” “那是什么啊?” Was Summit of Nine Heavens opening?” “是九天之巅开启了吗?” The people are puzzled, that formation gate feels is sacred, and has the Summit of Nine Heavens aura. 众人不解,那结界门给人的感觉非常神圣,且具备九天之巅的气息。 Calculates the time, the time of also to beforehand Liu Kuo saying. 算一算时间,也是到了之前刘阔说的时间。 But such gate, they cannot go. 可是这样的门,他们根本就进不去啊。 5 to 7 a.m. has arrived, the Summit of Nine Heavens trial formally starts, wishes everyone benefactor, can have a happy experience.” “卯时已到,九天之巅试炼正式开始,预祝诸位施主,都能有个美好体验。” Right, although you to compete for the position come, but compares notes, was sure to remember that cannot strike a vicious blow mutually, otherwise if, my teacher will punish surely.” “对了,虽然你们都为争夺名次而来,但切磋可以,切记不可互下毒手,如若不然,我师尊定会严惩。” In the people are unable to determine, Liu Kuo words, then gave the accurate answer. 就在众人无法确定之际,刘阔的话语,则是给出了准确答案。 Really is Summit of Nine Heavens trial entrance, is such small, how can go in?” “真的是九天之巅的试炼入口,可是这么小,要怎么进去啊?” The people are still pondering. 众人还在思考着。 Swish Swish Swish- 唰唰唰- But suddenly, in that formation gate, the innumerable say/way rays graze, accurate flying approached everyone on the scene. 可忽然,那结界门内,无数道光芒飞掠而出,准确的飞向了在场的所有人。 Is talismans!!!! 符纸!!!! That talismans flies to Chu Feng, integrates Chu Feng within the body directly. 符纸飞向楚枫,直接融入楚枫体内。 The next quarter, Chu Feng was then surrounded by the strength of teleportation, when the strength of teleportation dissipates...... 下一刻,楚枫便被传送之力所包围,当传送之力消散之时…… Chu Feng leaves the square, entered a side space world. 楚枫已是离开广场,进入了一方空间世界。 Meanwhile, around Chu Feng also strength of the two teleportation appear. 但同时,楚枫周围也有两道传送之力浮现。 Follows the strength of teleportation to dissipate, Chu Feng discovered, unexpectedly is Seven Worlds Saint Mansion Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao. 伴随传送之力消散,楚枫发现,竟是七界圣府灵霄界宝宝 Saw these two, Chu Feng smiles. 见到这两位,楚枫不由笑了。 Does not know that this Summit of Nine Heavens is intentionally. 不知道这九天之巅是不是故意的。 So many people, and got so far as these two Seven Worlds Saint Mansion top talents. 那么多人,偏偏将这两位七界圣府的顶尖天才和自己弄到了一起。 However Chu Feng does not fear but actually, but said directly: Can begin?” 不过楚枫倒也不惧,而是直接说道:“要动手吗?” Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao saw that Chu Feng is also very accidental/surprised, words that but spoke regarding Chu Feng, Ling Xiao also gives his reply immediately. 灵霄界宝宝见到楚枫也很意外,但是对于楚枫所说的话,灵霄也是立刻给出了他的回答。 Chu Feng, I do not hate you.” 楚枫,我个人并不憎恶你。” But I am the person of Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, I cannot cooperate with you taking the standpoint.” “但我是七界圣府之人,出于立场我不能与你合作。” The words, Ling Xiao is Yu Kong, but before departure, actually looked to Jie Baobao. 话罢,灵霄已是御空而起,但离开前却看向了界宝宝 My wish , there is nothing to do with you, if you want to cooperate with him, I will not stop.” “我个人意愿,与你无关,你若想要与他合作,我不会阻拦。” Moreover the matter of today, I will also keep secret to the clan, will not mention to anybody.” “另外今日之事,我也会对族内保密,不会对任何人说起。” The words, Ling Xiao then fast disappearance in this place. 话罢,灵霄便快速的消失在了此地。 This world is not big, should be formation technique, as if prepares for us specially.” “这个世界不大,应该是阵法,似乎专门为我们准备的。” Independent combat with it, the efficiency of cooperation is higher, I want to take a look actually, the son of Sir Jie Ranqing, what kind of skill has.” “与其单打独斗,合作的效率更高,我倒是想看看,界染清大人的儿子,到底有着怎样的本事。” Jie Baobao said to Chu Feng. 界宝宝楚枫说道。 Therefore you do want to cooperate with me?” Chu Feng asked. “所以你想与我合作?”楚枫问。 You can reject.” Jie Baobao said. “你可以拒绝。”界宝宝说道。 I do not seem like the reason of rejection, walks, making us experience together this Summit of Nine Heavens trial.” “我似乎没有拒绝的理由,走吧,让我们一起见识一下这九天之巅的试炼。” Then, Chu Feng then travels together with Jie Baobao. 接下来,楚枫便与界宝宝同行。 Observes the side world that they are at together. 一起观察他们所在的这方世界。 Quick, they discovered, this side world is actually not very big, but indeed is formation technique, wants to leave this side world, must find Formation Aperture, breaking open Formation Aperture is good. 很快,他们发现,这方世界其实不是很大,但的确是阵法,想要离开这方世界,必须找到阵眼,破开阵眼才行。 Because is too small, will therefore often also meet Ling Xiao. 正因为太小,所以时常还会遇到灵霄 Ling Xiao saw that Jie Baobao and Chu Feng cooperated have not said anything, obviously he really respected the decision of Jie Baobao. 灵霄见到界宝宝楚枫合作也没说什么,显然他是真的尊重界宝宝的决定。 Naturally, Chu Feng also not only discovers the trick of this side space world, discovers the Jie Baobao strength. 当然,楚枫也不仅仅是发现这方空间世界的猫腻,也是发现界宝宝的实力。 Jie Baobao is very strong, with Ling Xiao is talent World Spiritist of same level. 界宝宝很强,与灵霄是同一水平的天才界灵师 At least their formation cultivation realm, and formation strength is the same level. 至少他们的结界修为,以及结界战力是同一水平的。 Being together Chu Feng thought that the Jie Baobao person is good, although her words are few, but seems like the sincerity to want with Chu Feng to cooperate. 相处下来楚枫觉得界宝宝人还不错,虽然她的话很少,但似乎是真心想与楚枫合作。 But one may know a person's face but not what's in his heart, Chu Feng also wants to determine, Jie Baobao is the sincerity cooperates with, is good of camouflage, has ulterior motives actually. 但正所谓知人知面不知心,楚枫也很想确定一下,界宝宝到底是真心与自己合作,还是伪装的好,实际心怀鬼胎。 And quick, Chu Feng then looked for an opportunity. 并且很快,楚枫便寻找到了一个机会。 Chu Feng discovers in this side world, but also is hiding destiny, this destiny will be very helpful regarding their World Spiritist. 楚枫发现在这方世界内,还藏匿着一个机缘,这个机缘对于他们界灵师会很有帮助。 But wants to attain this destiny, not only need have the exquisite to break the formation method, but must undertake the bad risk. 但想要拿到这个机缘,不仅要有精妙的破阵手段,还要承担凶险。 Therefore Chu Feng proposed, he breaks this formation technique, making Jie Baobao protect her. 于是楚枫提出,他来破这个阵法,让界宝宝保护她。 Jie Baobao complies joyfully. 界宝宝欣然答应。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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