MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5769: The Heavenly Thunder excellent works, give up

Chapter 5767 Heavenly Thunder excellent works, give up 第5767章天雷圣品,俯首称臣 Huangfu Shengyu, as the Heavenly Thunder excellent works, can cause the phenomenon, as for bloodline power that releases from within the body, each thunder huge beast volume also Gundam/reaches as high as ten thousand meters. 皇甫圣宇,身为天雷圣品,也只是能够引起异象,至于从体内释放出的血脉之力,每只雷霆巨兽的体积也不过是高达万米。 But this is extremely fierce. 但这已是极其厉害了。 Even if Huangfu Jiangyao mounts this compared with fighting the stage, thunder huge beast Phantom that releases, is several kilometers altitude. 哪怕皇甫将耀登上这比斗台,所释放的雷霆巨兽虚影,也不过是几千米的高度。 If Huangfu Fanni ascends, even can only release hundred meters altitude. 若是皇甫凡逆登上去,甚至只能释放出百米的高度。 Phenomenon thing, he is not thinks about it. 异象这种东西,他更是想都别想。 There is nothing to do with they cultivation realm, is Bloodline own strong and weak height, that representative is also the Bloodline upper limit. 这与他们自身修为无关,是血脉自身的强弱高低,那代表的也是血脉的上限。 This looks like a kitty to be strong, the able to move unhindered cat class does not have the rival, but possibly strong fierce tiger? 这就像是一只猫咪再强,纵横猫类无敌手,但又怎么可能强的过猛虎? bloodline power that but Chu Feng releases at present, has surpassed the cognition. 楚枫眼下所释放的血脉之力,已经超出了认知。 Because Huangfu Shengyu is the Heavenly Thunder excellent works. 因为皇甫圣宇已是天雷圣品。 Is Chu Feng, stronger than inadequately Huangfu Shengyu Bloodline? 难道楚枫,比皇甫圣宇血脉更强不成? Hateful!!!!” “可恶啊!!!!” At this time, extremely unwilling roaring, compares oneself to others on fight of stages to resound through. 此时,一声极其不甘的咆哮,自比斗台上响彻。 Is Huangfu Shengyu. 皇甫圣宇 The Huangfu Shengyu not only knees kneel on the ground, he is the whole person lies on the ground. 皇甫圣宇不仅双膝跪在地上,他是整个人都趴在地上。 Although both hands make an effort to support the land, wants to stand up, but except for trembling, actually anything could not do, he could not stand, even could not raise the head. 尽管双手用力支撑大地,想要站起身来,但除了瑟瑟发抖,却什么都做不了,他根本站不起来,甚至抬不起头。 But nine thunder huge beast that his within the body releases, not only volume from reaching as high as ten thousand meters monster, reduced, only then several kilometers altitude, and creakied, shivered fiercely. 而他体内所释放的九只雷霆巨兽,不仅体积从高达万米的巨物,缩小到了只有几千米的高度,并且摇摇欲坠,剧烈颤抖。 Frightened, previously was competitive, if I can not do it , who can nine thunder huge beast, displayed at this moment extremely frightened. 恐惧,先前还霸气十足,舍我其谁的九只雷霆巨兽,此刻表现出了极度恐惧。 May look nine thunder huge beast that again Chu Feng releases, and have nothing in view of Huangfu Shengyu meaning, not in view of anybody. 可再看楚枫所释放的九只雷霆巨兽,并没有任何针对皇甫圣宇意思,也没有针对任何人。 They by the Chu Feng release, were revealed the appearance/portrait, because the volume is huge, can only circle in the horizon, that is all. 它们就只是被楚枫释放而出,露出了真容,因为体积巨大,只能盘旋于天际,仅此而已。 Why that does Huangfu Shengyu so fear? 皇甫圣宇为何如此惧怕? Is the instinct, this looked like the wicked dog to see the fierce tiger passed through. 是天性,这就像是恶犬看到了猛虎经过。 Even if the fierce tiger looked that has not looked at wicked dog one, the hateful dog was actually also frightened the both legs to become tender. 哪怕猛虎看都未看恶犬一眼,可恶犬却也被吓得双腿发软。 If Huangfu Shengyu said is true, Heavenly Thunder Bloodline was really divided heterogeneous.” “倘若皇甫圣宇所言属实,天雷血脉真的分为三六九等。” That Chu Feng's Heavenly Thunder Bloodline, is must above the excellent works.” “那楚枫的天雷血脉,便是还要在圣品之上。” Chu Feng, what kind of existence are you?” 楚枫,你到底是怎样的存在啊?” Xianhai Shaoyu thinks of here, looks to Chu Feng. 仙海少禹想到这里,不由看向楚枫 Younger sister, is you insightful.” “妹子,还是你有眼光。” What?” Little Fishy is puzzled. “什么呀?”小鱼儿不解。 Your vision was too strong, then unexpectedly has seen fierce of Little Brother Chu Feng.” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “你眼光太强了,居然那么早就看出楚枫兄弟的厉害。”仙海少禹说道。 Is sick.” Little Fishy stared oneself Elder Brother one. “有病。”小鱼儿瞪了自己哥哥一眼。 She to the Chu Feng's sentiment, actually has nothing to do with the Chu Feng strength. 她对楚枫的感情,其实与楚枫实力无关。 My heavens, Little Brother Chu Feng must do, can do insanely me?” “我的天啊,楚枫兄弟到底要干嘛啊,非要把我搞疯吗?” I have long known, he was fierce.” “我早就知道,他厉害了。” „But why can also, break me time and time again to his cognition?” “可为什么还要一次又一次的,打破我对他的认知啊?” Long Chengyu is opening big mouth, does not attend to the people responding. 龙承羽张着大嘴,不顾众人反应。 But in fact, regardless of he said anything, everyone will not feel exaggeratingly. 但实际上,无论他说什么,大家都不会感觉夸张。 Such power and influence, these did not understand that Chu Feng's outsider looked at this time the Chu Feng's look also again changed. 这样的威势,那些不了解楚枫的外人此时看楚枫的眼神也都再度变了。 That is the awe and fear of the heart deep place. 那是发自内心深处的敬畏与恐惧。 After all their these people of surrounding, received the oppression of Chu Feng that Heavenly Thunder Bloodline. 毕竟他们这些围观之人,也都受到了楚枫天雷血脉的压迫。 This and deterrent of Huangfu Shengyu is different. 这与皇甫圣宇的威慑不同。 This lets their fear from the innermost soul truly. 这是真正的让他们发自灵魂深处的恐惧。 Let them have to acknowledge, they and Chu Feng, are completely not existence of level. 让他们不得不承认,他们与楚枫,完全不是一个层面的存在。 Can Summit of Nine Heavens, really be fighting of numerous talent? 九天之巅,真的会是众天才的争锋吗? This clearly is a Chu Feng person of performance. 这分明就是楚枫一人的表演。 ~ ~ ~ ~ “呃啊~~~~” Suddenly, Huangfu Shengyu sent out wailing of pain. 忽然,皇甫圣宇发出了痛苦的哀嚎。 Takes advantage of opportunity to wait and see, people discovered, he seems to be bearing the huge pain. 顺势观望,人们发现,他似乎在承受着巨大的痛苦。 But nine thunder huge beast that he releases, have reduced the insufficient kilometer, and shape has been approximate is defeated and dispersed, could not have seen is nine thunder huge beast. 而他所释放的九只雷霆巨兽,已经缩小到了不足千米,并且形态已经近似溃散,已经看不出是九只雷霆巨兽 Young Lord!!!” 少主!!!” Sees this situation, Huangfu Jiangyao and other people, wants to leave to help Huangfu Shengyu break through. 见此情形,皇甫将耀等四人,都想动身去帮皇甫圣宇解围。 May just set out, then lies on the ground immediately, in any event struggles, difficult stands up. 可刚刚起身,便立刻趴在了地上,无论如何挣扎,都难以站起身来。 More approaches that formation technique, that constriction is stronger. 越是靠近那阵法,那压迫感便是越强。 Little Brother Chu Feng Bloodline, but also is extending, even if already so, but actually still non- complete picture.” 楚枫兄弟血脉,还在延伸啊,哪怕已经如此,但却仍非全貌。” Xianhai Shaoyu looks was sighing void. 仙海少禹望着虚空叹道。 „, Nine thunder huge beast were truly bigger.” “确实,九只雷霆巨兽更大了。” Long Chengyu is also echoes to say. 龙承羽也是附和道。 Nine thunder huge beast, had previously camouflaged void, but at that time, because was too big, is unable to estimate the concrete volume. 先前九只雷霆巨兽,早已遮蔽虚空,但那个时候,只是因为太大,无法估算具体的体积。 But now, by their regards the range, could not have seen nine thunder huge beast unexpectedly. 可现在,以他们的所视范围,竟已经看不到九只雷霆巨兽了。 Their vision institute and , can only see seven thunder huge beast complete pictures, was not thunder huge beast was short of two. 他们目光所及内,只能看到七只雷霆巨兽的全貌,不是雷霆巨兽少了两只。 But because the thunder huge beast volume was still increasing, to them was unable the complete income eyegrounds of nine thunder huge beast. 而是因为雷霆巨兽体积仍在变大,大到他们已经无法将九只雷霆巨兽的全貌收入眼底。 - 咔嚓- - 咔嚓- Quick, that stage presents the fissure. 很快,那高台出现裂痕。 It seems like limit.” “看来到极限了。” But is not the Little Brother Chu Feng limit, is this formation technique limit.” “但不是楚枫兄弟的极限,是这阵法的极限。” Xianhai Shaoyu noticed the change of formation technique, knows that soon finished. 仙海少禹注意到了阵法的变化,知道快要结束了。 Rumble- 轰隆隆- Really, follows one to thunder, formation technique thorough smashing. 果然,伴随一声轰鸣,阵法彻底粉碎。 But Chu Feng's nine thunder huge beast also dissipate immediately, that type oppresses everyone's terrifying to feel, also dissipates. 楚枫的九只雷霆巨兽也是立刻消散,那种压迫所有人的恐怖感觉,也是随之消散。 But Huangfu Shengyu, actually still lay on the ground, the oppression that he just withstood is strongest, even if all stop, but he actually was still exceptionally weak. 可是皇甫圣宇,却仍趴在地上,他刚刚承受的压迫最强,哪怕一切停止,可他却仍是异常虚弱。 Naturally, his spiritual, came under the enormous attack. 当然,他的精神上,也是受到了极大的打击。 Young Lord.” 少主。” Huangfu Jiangyao and others regains the condition actually, runs up to the near, supported by the arm Huangfu Shengyu. 倒是皇甫将耀等人恢复状态,跑到近前,将皇甫圣宇搀扶了起来。 Chu Feng sees that also does not want to press Huangfu Shengyu, but turns around to be about to leave. 楚枫见状,也不想难为皇甫圣宇,而是转身准备离开。 But Huangfu Jiangyao is actually angrily rebukes. 皇甫将耀却是怒斥起来。 Chu Feng, what despicable method did you use?” Huangfu Jiangyao looks at Chu Feng to ask. 楚枫,你到底使用了什么卑鄙手段?”皇甫将耀看着楚枫问道。 despicable method?” 卑鄙手段?” Uses the despicable method isn't your family Young Lord?” “使用卑鄙手段的不是你家少主吗?” In the situation that I know nothing about, making me be on this, after I came up, told me this is the Bloodline ratio fights the stage.” “在我毫不知情的情况下,让我登上此台,待我上去了之后,才告诉我这是血脉比斗台。” „To oppress me by so-called excellent works Bloodline, but has not once thought, he is not as skillful as others, injures someone inadequately, instead brings contempt upon oneself.” “想凭借所谓圣品血脉压迫我,只是没曾想,他技不如人,害人不成,反是自取其辱。” Saying of Chu Feng satire. 楚枫讽刺的说道。 You little talked nonsense.” “你少胡说八道。” my family Young Lord is the Heavenly Thunder excellent works, this is result that tests.” 我家少主乃是天雷圣品,这是测试出来的结果。” However you, are impossible are also the excellent works, your Bloodline not possible strong my family Young Lord.” Huangfu Jiangyao said. “而你,不可能也是圣品,你的血脉不可能强的过我家少主。”皇甫将耀说道。 Hey, but also is concerned about face?” “喂,还要不要脸啊?” Releases that nine thunder huge beast on your Young Lord, with nine small earthworm, but also does not have the Chu Feng casual thunder huge beast fingernail to be big.” “就你们少主释放那九只雷霆巨兽,跟九只小蚯蚓似的,还没楚枫随便一只雷霆巨兽的指甲盖大呢。” Manages your excellent works not to have, in front of our Chu Feng, is the civilians.” “管你圣品还是没品,在我们楚枫面前,就是平民。” Xian Miaomiao could not bear, opens the mouth to scold. 仙喵喵忍不住了,开口骂道。 younger sister Miaomiao, how you can say that how can be the civilians, didn't your insult the civilians?” 喵喵妹妹,你怎么能这么说呢,怎么能是平民呢,你这不是侮辱平民吗?” On their Young Lord that Bloodline, in front of Chu Feng, at best also even.” “就他们少主那点血脉,在楚枫面前,充其量也就算个屁。” You have a look, that nine thunder huge beast, were just frightened by Chu Feng's thunder huge beast, state of mind broken powder.” Feng Ling said. “你看看,刚刚那九只雷霆巨兽,被楚枫的雷霆巨兽吓的,都神魂破散了。”风铃说道。 Right that Feng Ling Elder Sister said.” Xian Miaomiao said. “还是风铃姐姐说的对。”仙喵喵说道。 Hee, that natural, I observe carefully.” Feng Ling also self-satisfied smiling. “嘻,那当然,我观察仔细呗。”风铃也是得意的笑着。 You......” Huangfu Celestial Clan and others, are looking deathly pale of air/Qi, they refuse to accept very much, may actually unable to find the rebuttal the place. “你们……”皇甫天族等几人,都是气的脸色惨白,他们很是不服,可却找不到反驳的地方。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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