MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5768: Heavenly Thunder Bloodline, who is a King?

Chapter 5766 Heavenly Thunder Bloodline, who is a King? 第5766章天雷血脉,谁是王者? everyone, all right.” 诸位,没事。” He can come up, my Chu Feng can come up.” Chu Feng shoved open the hand of Little Fishy, immediately said: “他能上去,我楚枫就能上去。”楚枫则是推开了小鱼儿的手,旋即说道: I want to take a look actually, actually Huangfu Shengyu wants to play what pattern.” “我倒是想要看看,皇甫圣宇究竟想玩什么花样。” The words, Chu Feng jumped above that strange formation technique directly. 话罢,楚枫直接跳到了那诡异的阵法之上。 Just fell to the ground, Chu Feng then felt, a strength from the sole, entered Chu Feng within the body. 刚刚落地,楚枫便感觉到,一股力量自脚底,进入了楚枫体内。 so that's how it is.” 原来如此。” After feeling this strength, Chu Feng has not only looked painfully, instead to crack into a smile. 感受到这股力量之后,楚枫不仅没有面露痛苦,反而咧嘴一笑。 He has known, this formation technique was anything affects. 他已经知道,这阵法是什么作用了。 This formation technique indeed is a treasure, and construction cost not poor, but actually can only use one time. 阵法的确是一件宝物,并且造价不菲,但却只能使用一次。 Also Huangfu Shengyu uses after no wonder, Huangfu Jiangyao and others can be that complexion, they are actually loving dearly. 也难怪皇甫圣宇使用之后,皇甫将耀等人会是那个脸色,他们其实是在心疼。 Loves dearly Huangfu Shengyu, the treasure will so use on Chu Feng. 心疼皇甫圣宇,将如此宝物用在了楚枫身上。 Chu Feng Chu Feng, you do that fierce phenomenon, I also thought your Heavenly Thunder Bloodline how.” 楚枫楚枫,你搞出那么厉害的异象,我还以为你的天雷血脉多么了得。” Saw that Chu Feng is really on the stage, and on the face does not have the pain, instead is calm. 看到楚枫真的登上台,并且脸上没有痛楚,反而如此从容。 Huangfu Shengyu of sore grimacing, smiled unexpectedly, but his laughter, although is self-satisfied, but that smile is really ugly. 原本疼的呲牙咧嘴的皇甫圣宇,竟也笑了,只不过他笑声虽然得意,但却那个笑容着实丑陋。 Your rampant anything, looked type that your grimaces, the sore tears were about to come out.” “你嚣张什么,看你那呲牙咧嘴的样,疼的眼泪都快出来了。” Chu Feng is more relaxed than you do not know many times.” Feng Ling refutes immediately. 楚枫比你轻松不知道多少倍。”风铃立刻反驳道。 You do not understand, you know that what this is?” “你懂个屁,你知道这是什么吗?” This is the Heavenly Thunder Bloodline competition Bloodline ratio fights the stage.” “这是天雷血脉者比拼血脉的比斗台。” Bloodline is stronger, the withstood strength is stronger, is naturally more painful.” 血脉越强,承受的力量越强,自然也就越痛苦。” Chu Feng he is relaxed, can only explain that his Bloodline is too weak.” Huangfu Jiangyao answered. 楚枫他轻松,只能说明他的血脉太弱。”皇甫将耀解释道。 „The illiterate who one crowd has not experienced, does not need to explain to them.” “一群没见识的愚民,无需对他们解释。” Huangfu Shengyu is the idea of indifferent people, but has been staring at Chu Feng. 皇甫圣宇则是无所谓众人的想法,而是一直盯着楚枫 Compared with fighting stage?” “比斗台?” Damn.” “该死。” But at this time, Little Fishy is prepares to leave, mounts the ratio to fight the stage. 而此时,小鱼儿则是准备动身,登上比斗台。 She has not noticed other, she only noticed the ratio to fight the stage three characters. 她没注意到其他的,她只注意到了比斗台三个字。 This indicated that Huangfu Shengyu really suspended a trap to Chu Feng, this was really despicable. 这说明皇甫圣宇果然是摆了一个陷阱给楚枫,这实在是太卑鄙了。 But Little Fishy just about to leaves, was blocked by Xianhai Shaoyu. 小鱼儿刚要动身,便被仙海少禹拦了下来。 My younger sister, should not be anxious, first has a look.” “我的妹子啊,你别急,先看看。” Has me, will not make your Big Brother suffer a loss.” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “有我在,不会让你的大哥哥吃亏的。”仙海少禹说道。 Chu Feng, you won me yesterday, what relied on is World Spirit.” 楚枫,你昨日胜我,凭借的是界灵。” But as Heavenly Thunder Bloodline, your not wholly-absorbed martial cultivation, instead stressed on Spirit Formation technique, you really insulted Heavenly Thunder Bloodline.” “但身为天雷血脉者,你不专心修武,反而侧重于结界之术,你真的是侮辱了天雷血脉。” Today, I make you know, Heavenly Thunder Bloodline powerful.” “今日,我就让你知道,天雷血脉到底有多强大。” Other what Bloodline are also good, Bloodline of what king.” “什么其他血脉也好,什么王之血脉也罢。” Any Bloodline, in front of Heavenly Thunder Bloodline, is not worth mentioning, collapses at the first blow.” “任何血脉,在天雷血脉面前,都是不值一提,不堪一击。” Heavenly Thunder Bloodline, is vast martial cultivation world strongest Bloodline, dominates the kings above all Bloodline!!!” 天雷血脉,才是浩瀚修武界最强的血脉,是凌驾于所有血脉之上的王!!!” The words to here, the Huangfu Shengyu whole body space tremble, immediately rises from all directions thunderously. 话到此处,皇甫圣宇周身空间一颤,旋即雷鸣四起。 Has boundless nine-colored lightning, from within the body release of Huangfu Shengyu, direct impact horizon. 是有磅礴的九色雷霆,自皇甫圣宇的体内释放而出,直冲天际。 Meanwhile, void above also induces this powerful strength. 同时,虚空之上也是感应到了这强大的力量。 The sky of clear and boundless sky, the dark cloud rolled immediately, the thunder makes up. 原本晴空万里的天空,顿时乌云滚动,雷霆弥补。 The phenomenon, triggered the Heavenly Thunder phenomenon unexpectedly. 异象,竟然引发了天雷异象。 Not is only void above. 不仅仅是虚空之上。 - 嗷呜- Follows intermittent grating roaring. 伴随阵阵刺耳的咆哮。 nine-colored lightning that at this time the Huangfu Shengyu whole body releases, changed to nine thunder huge beast Phantom. 此时皇甫圣宇周身释放出的九色雷霆,也是化作了九只雷霆巨兽虚影 Each thunder huge beast Phantom Gundam/reaches as high as ten thousand meters, this volume actually not specially big, but the gives out power and influence, is to make everyone feel scared. 每只雷霆巨兽虚影都高达万米,这个体积倒不是特别的大,但所散发的威势,却是令所有人都感到胆寒。 That power and influence, the gives out power and influence must be stronger than the covering the sky and blocking the sun phenomenon unexpectedly. 那种威势,竟比遮天蔽日的异象所散发的威势还要更强。 „Is this your Bloodline?” “这就是你的血脉吗?” Excellent works?” Chu Feng asked. “圣品?”楚枫问。 Chu Feng, not being stronger brace.” 楚枫,莫要强撑。” Bloodline strong and weak, just like the difference of rulers and ministers.” 血脉强弱,宛如君臣之别。” „Haven't you knelt down in a big hurry, give up?” Huangfu Shengyu said to Chu Feng. “你还不快快跪下,俯首称臣?”皇甫圣宇楚枫说道。 At this time his on the face, does not have the previous painful color, some are only overbearing of if I can not do it , who can. 此时他的脸上,已经没有了先前的痛苦之色,有的只是舍我其谁的霸道。 As the Heavenly Thunder Bloodline excellent works, in this special ratio fights on the stage, he does not have the defeat. 身为天雷血脉圣品,在这个特殊的比斗台上,他从无败绩。 He is the Heavenly Thunder Bloodline king, Chu Feng has again World Spirit, in this special compared with fighting on stage, not possible victory he. 他就是天雷血脉的王,楚枫拥有再界灵,在这个特殊的比斗台上,也不可能胜的过他。 Because in this compared with fighting on stage, irrelevant cultivation realm realm, what compared with is only the Heavenly Thunder Bloodline strong and weak. 因为在这个比斗台上,无关修为境界,比的是只是天雷血脉的强弱。 Let alone is Chu Feng, even the cultivation realm strong person, stands in this Bloodline compared with fighting on the stage, so long as is Bloodline weak in him, can only give up. 别说是楚枫,就算是修为再强的人,站在这个血脉比斗台上,只要是血脉弱于他,都只能俯首称臣。 Very powerful, is this Heavenly Thunder Bloodline true strength?” “好强,这就是天雷血脉真正的力量吗?” Originally can Heavenly Thunder Bloodline, really powerful hence?” “原来天雷血脉,真的能够强大至此?” The person of surrounding, looks at Huangfu Shengyu the gives out Bloodline strength, deeply frowned. 围观之人,看着皇甫圣宇散发血脉力量,一个个眉头紧锁。 Although does not like Huangfu Shengyu this person, the strength that but he shows, indeed makes them exclaim in surprise. 尽管不喜欢皇甫圣宇这个人,可他展现的实力,却也的确让他们惊叹。 „......” “呵……” But compares in others, shows the king stance facing that Huangfu Shengyu, Chu Feng is light smiles. 但相比于其他人,面对那展现君王姿态的皇甫圣宇,楚枫却淡淡一笑。 immediately, the Chu Feng vision surface transfers dignifiedly, only the Ting Lei sound rises from all directions. 旋即,楚枫目光面转凝重,紧接着只听雷声四起。 !!! 滋啦啦!!! Chu Feng's within the body, releases nine-colored lightning. 楚枫的体内,也是释放出了九色雷霆 At this moment, the world shakes, everyone difficult comes to a stop unexpectedly. 这一刻,天地震荡,所有人竟难以站稳。 Thunder Light soars to the heavens, shines the land, the dark cloud must withdraw!!! 雷光冲天,普照大地,乌云也要退避开来!!! When nine-colored lightning shoots up to the sky, not only the void phenomenon will break through directly, displaces, covering the trim was void. 九色雷霆冲天而起之际,不仅将虚空的异象直接冲破,更是取而代之,覆盖了整片虚空。 Nine thunder huge beast, each volume only as big as the difficult estimate. 九只雷霆巨兽,每只的体积都大到难以估量。 Because of nine thunder huge beast, is true covering the sky and blocking the sun. 因为九只雷霆巨兽,已是真正的遮天蔽日 Similarly is nine thunder huge beast, but actually formed the sharp contrast at this time. 同样是九只雷霆巨兽,可此时却形成了鲜明的对比。 How Gundam/reaches as high as ten thousand meters? 高达万米又如何? In front of that covering the sky and blocking the sun thunder huge beast, is tiny to just like the ants. 在那遮天蔽日的雷霆巨兽面前,也是渺小到宛如蝼蚁。 This feeling!!!” “这感觉!!!” What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” At this moment, not to mention is Heavenly Thunder Bloodline!!! 这一刻,莫说天雷血脉者!!! Long Chengyu, Long Muxi, even Xianhai Shaoyu, Xianhai Yu'er, Xian Miaomiao and other numerous Bloodline owner, felt the enormous constriction. 就连龙承羽,龙沐熙,甚至仙海少禹,仙海鱼儿,仙喵喵等一众血脉拥有者,也都感受到了极大的压迫感。 That came from the constriction of innermost soul. 那是来自灵魂深处的压迫感。 Even, even Divine Body, and person of cultivation mysterious arts, still felt the oppression. 甚至,就算是天赐神体,以及修炼玄功之人,也都感受到了压迫。 Just, their oppressions, were inferior that Long Chengyu and others is big. 只不过,他们的压迫,不如龙承羽等人大。 But must say in a big way, is the Heaven rank Bloodline owner. 但要说最大的,则是天级血脉拥有者。 For example Huangfu Jiangyao, Huangfu Shangyang, Huangfu Shangwu, Huangfu Fanni and others. 比如皇甫将耀,皇甫上阳,皇甫上武,皇甫凡逆等人 When that nine thunder huge beast, when Chu Feng within the body appears, their four then plop people knelt on the ground. 当那九只雷霆巨兽,自楚枫体内出现之际,他们四个便噗通一人跪在了地上。 It is not they want to kneel, but is their both legs becomes tender at this moment, is unable to control the body, is their Bloodline is kneeling. 不是他们想跪,而是这一刻他们的双腿发软,无法控制身体,是他们的血脉在跪。 Actually that... that... is that what?” “那…那…那究竟是什么啊?” Huangfu Jiangyao and others, raise one's head is looking void, looks that the void above electric light is thunderous, gives out King power and influence nine thunder huge beast. 皇甫将耀等人,抬头望着虚空,看着虚空之上电光雷鸣,散发王者威势的九只雷霆巨兽 Their eyes are very shocking, the lip is shivering fiercely, as if received enormous frightening and stimulation. 他们的双眼无比震惊,嘴唇都在剧烈颤抖,仿佛受到了极大的惊吓与刺激。 As Heavenly Thunder Bloodline, how they can not know that what that is? 身为天雷血脉者,他们岂会不知那是什么? That naturally is Heavenly Thunder Bloodline. 那自然是天雷血脉 But that is not the phenomenon, that is from Bloodline that Chu Feng within the body releases. 但那不是异象,那是自楚枫体内释放出的血脉 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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