MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5767: Refused to accept Huangfu Shengyu

Huangfu Shengyu that Chapter 5765 refuses to accept 第5765章不服的皇甫圣宇 Their Xianhai Yu Clan, indeed also participated in the action of that ruins, they also obtained Immemorial Divine Water, but their fathers, have not actually used to them. 他们仙海鱼族,的确也参与了那次遗迹的行动,他们也得到了太古神水,但他们的父亲,却并没有给他们使用。 Their fathers, thought that their present cultivation realm were still shallow, the future altitude will be higher. 他们的父亲,觉得他们现在的修为还尚浅,日后的高度会更高。 Now at this time, wish makes them depend upon own strength. 现在这个时候,还是想要让他们依靠自己的力量。 Immemorial Divine Water, can definitely wait for them, meets the bottleneck time uses again. 太古神水,完全可以等他们,遇到瓶颈的时候再用。 Therefore they have not used. 所以他们还没有用过。 „, You are luckily useless.” Chu Feng said. “幸好,你们还没有用。”楚枫说道。 „Did Big Brother, why say like this?” Little Fishy winks the curious big eye to look at Chu Feng. 大哥哥,为何这样说?”小鱼儿眨动着好奇的大眼睛看着楚枫 Afterward Chu Feng, then also donated Wang Qiang his Immemorial Divine Water, but he fuses, detected that was not right. 随后楚枫,便将王强也赠予了他太古神水,但他融合的时候,察觉到了一丝不对劲。 Freely, that is Chu Feng own speculation, is only the speculation in intuition, simply does not have ironclad evidence. 尽管,那是楚枫自己的推测,只是直觉上的推测,根本没有真凭实据。 But Chu Feng told Little Fishy, fierce. 楚枫还是告诉了小鱼儿,这其中的厉害。 Naturally, these words Chu Feng are in secret sound transmission, after all Immemorial Divine Water such important thing, Wang Qiang can, not see somebody off. 当然,这些话楚枫乃是暗中传音,毕竟太古神水这么重要的东西,王强能够得到,本是不该送人的。 This matter, I go back to tell my father unexpectedly.” Little Fishy said. “竟然还有这种事,那我回去要告诉我父亲。”小鱼儿说道。 My younger sister, are you my younger sister, how to see you to ask me is so positive?” “我的妹妹啊,你到底是不是我妹妹,怎么不见你找我这么积极?” Quick, the Xianhai Shaoyu sound resounds, simultaneously Long Chengyu, Long Muxi, Xian Miaomiao, Feng Ling and others also comes together. 很快,仙海少禹的声音响起,同时龙承羽,龙沐熙,仙喵喵,风铃等人也是一起来的。 Asks you to do.” Little Fishy curls the lip. “找你干嘛。”小鱼儿撇了撇嘴。 Oh, the younger sister does not remain greatly.” Xianhai Shaoyu shrugged, a very helpless appearance. “唉,妹大不中留啊。”仙海少禹摊了摊手,一副很无奈的模样。 Regarding this to the brother and sister, everyone has been used to it, therefore is also smiles, but Buyu. 对于这对兄妹,大家早就习惯了,所以也都是笑而不语 But sees Long Chengyu, Chu Feng also inquires immediately, Long Chengyu has used Immemorial Divine Water. 而见到龙承羽,楚枫也是立刻询问起,龙承羽有没有使用过太古神水 What has not thought that that moves Totem Dragon Clan not to participate time, therefore they have not obtained Immemorial Divine Water by chance. 没想到的是,那一次活动图腾龙族没有参与,所以他们恰巧没有获得太古神水 Following his father, but also wants to spend the high price, helping Long Chengyu buy, but does not have the influence willing to sell. 后面他父亲,还想花高价钱,帮龙承羽去买,但并没有势力肯卖。 Although Long Chengyu and Xianhai Shaoyu as well as Little Fishy are different, he wants to use. 虽然龙承羽仙海少禹以及小鱼儿不同,他是想要使用的。 But actually under the mistake arising out of chance circumstances, without the opportunity of use, pouring was also turns misfortune into a blessing. 但却阴差阳错之下,没有使用的机会,倒也算是因祸得福了。 Afterward Chu Feng also told Long Chengyu, his discovery, after knowing this matter, Long Chengyu also rejoiced. 随后楚枫也是告诉了龙承羽,他的发现,得知此事之后,龙承羽也是十分庆幸。 Fortunately, good my father has not helped me buy Immemorial Divine Water, otherwise do I fall behind am more?” “还好,还好我父亲没有帮我买到太古神水,不然我岂不是落后更多?” Originally, I have fallen behind your so many.” Long Chengyu sighed in secret. “本来,我就已经落后你们这么多了。”龙承羽暗中叹道。 After chatted, they also stepped into the square together. 闲聊过后,他们也是一同踏入了广场。 After Chu Feng and others appears, immediately brings to everyone's attention. 楚枫等人出现之后,立刻引起了所有人的注意。 Meanwhile, all troops in square, are also whooping. 同时,广场上的各方人马,也在议论纷纷。 What they mainly guessed, was actually who to open Summit of Nine Heavens. 他们主要猜测的是,究竟是谁开启了九天之巅 Some person of guesses are Xianhai Shaoyu, some people guessed Little Fishy, even some people guessed Chu Feng. 有人猜测是仙海少禹,也有人猜测小鱼儿,甚至有人猜测楚枫 However more people, thought that possibly is Huangfu Shengyu. 但是更多的人,却是觉得可能是皇甫圣宇 After all Huangfu Celestial Clan that five people, have proposed, they discovered tests the formation technique incident. 毕竟皇甫天族那五人,早就提出过,他们发现了测试阵法一事。 Especially when some people, inquired Xianhai Shaoyu and Little Fishy, whether was they broke through that formation technique, but after actually achieved negative result . 尤其是当一些人,询问了仙海少禹小鱼儿,是否是他们冲破了那阵法,但却达到否定的结果后。 They felt, possibly is that Huangfu Shengyu does. 他们更加觉得,可能是那皇甫圣宇做的了。 Why asked Chu Feng as for no one. 至于为何没人问楚枫 Actually since Chu Feng defeats Huangfu Shengyu, everyone to the Chu Feng's attitude, with previously has very big transformation. 其实自从楚枫击败皇甫圣宇后,大家对楚枫的态度,与先前已是有了很大的转变。 Everyone was clear, Chu Feng's was really the talent resulting in existence, even was very likely the winner of this Summit of Nine Heavens strongest given name. 大家都清楚,楚枫的确是天赋了得的存在,甚至很有可能是此次九天之巅最强名号的获得者。 True God World Spirit, cannot but is convinced. 真神界灵,不服都不行。 That is another level strength. 那已经是另外一个层面的力量了。 However concerned about Seven Worlds Saint Mansion and Chu Feng's grudge, no one dares with near that Chu Feng walks. 但是碍于七界圣府楚枫的恩怨,没有人敢与楚枫走的近。 Even does not dare to greet with Chu Feng, even if sound transmission does not dare in secret, will not naturally inquire Chu Feng this matter. 甚至都不敢与楚枫打招呼,哪怕暗中传音也不敢,自然也就不会询问楚枫此事。 Looked quickly, Huangfu Celestial Clan person came.” “快看,皇甫天族的人来了。” Follows together the sound, people notice, the Huangfu Celestial Clan five people also went to above the square. 伴随一道声音,人们注意到,皇甫天族的五人也是来到了广场之上。 But, Liu Kuo also went to above the square. 而紧接着,刘阔也是来到了广场之上。 everyone benefactor, come enough early.” Liu Kuo said with a smile. 诸位施主,来的够早的啊。”刘阔笑着说道。 Grandmaster, is actually who broke through tested formation technique?” 大师,究竟是谁冲破了测试阵法啊?” Liu Kuo this comes, then some people inquire immediately to Liu Kuo. 刘阔这一现身,便立刻有人向刘阔询问起来。 After all compares in others, Liu Kuo definitely knows this answer. 毕竟相比于其他人,刘阔一定是知道这个答案的。 everyone benefactor, has not known that is who does?” The words to here, Liu Kuo looked to Chu Feng. 诸位施主,还不知道是谁做的吗?”话到此处,刘阔看向了楚枫 Chu Feng benefactor, can you be too low-key?” 楚枫施主,你可太低调了吧?” Chu Feng? Unexpectedly is Chu Feng?” 楚枫?竟然是楚枫吗?” Hears this words, the people have a big shock at the same time, actually is also looks the happy expression, the innermost feelings relaxes. 听闻此话,众人大惊失色的同时,却也是面露喜色,内心纷纷松了一口气。 They felt, this matter decides however is Huangfu Shengyu does. 原本他们都觉得,此事定然是皇甫圣宇做的。 After all if Huangfu Celestial Clan did not say that tests the matter of formation technique, they do not know that in the place of trial has to test formation technique. 毕竟皇甫天族若不说测试阵法之事,他们都不知道试炼之地内有测试阵法 But Huangfu Shengyu they, posed as ancient times cultivator after all, looked down upon these present age cultivator. 可毕竟皇甫圣宇他们,以远古修武者自居,非常看不起这些当代修武者 Therefore in their heart, actually does not hope is Huangfu Shengyu opens Summit of Nine Heavens that. 所以他们心底里,其实并不希望是皇甫圣宇开启的九天之巅 But after knowing is matter that Chu Feng does, not only the uncomfortable dissipation in heart, instead feeling feel proud and elated. 但当知道是楚枫做的事之后,不仅心中的不爽消散,反而一个个的觉得扬眉吐气。 Not only many females, look at the Chu Feng's look, emerged different kind meaning. 不仅诸多女子,看楚枫的眼神,涌现出了别样意味。 Even many people, the vision of that provocation, went to the body of Huangfu Shengyu and others. 甚至很多人,将那挑衅的目光,投向了皇甫圣宇等人的身上。 If not for the my family Young Lord beforehand effort, that Chu Feng so will be how easy to break through?” “若不是我家少主之前的努力,那楚枫岂会这么容易冲破?” Chu Feng, you are pick up a bargain.” Huangfu Jiangyao points at Chu Feng to say. 楚枫,你不过是捡了便宜罢了。”皇甫将耀指着楚枫说道。 „Do you look to hit?” Little Fishy asked. “你是不是找打?”小鱼儿问。 What I... I said is the fact.” Huangfu Jiangyao said. “我…我说的是事实。”皇甫将耀说道。 - 唰- But, the flowing light flies to fall in the meantime suddenly together, the flowing light falls to the ground, immediately changes to formation technique. 可就在此时,忽然一道流光飞落而出,流光落地,立刻化作一座阵法 During the formation technique proliferation, all by the person who formation technique covers, was rushes to draw back. 阵法扩散间,所有被阵法覆盖的人,都是赶忙退了出去。 Because of this thing, is Huangfu Shengyu loses, they are afraid this thing to have the bad risk. 因为此物,乃是皇甫圣宇丢出来的,他们都害怕此物有凶险。 Young Lord, you......” 少主,你……” Compares in the bystander of understanding the true situation, Huangfu Jiangyao and others sees this thing, the complexion is exceptionally complex. 相比于不明真相的围观者,皇甫将耀等人看到此物,脸色则是异常复杂。 This thing formation technique is unusual, starting obviously is visible formation technique, but quick changed to an entity unexpectedly, changed to very broad stone platform. 此物阵法非同一般,开始明明是肉眼可见的阵法,但很快竟然化作了一个实体,化作了一个非常广阔的石台 stone platform is very special, only has one meter highly, but surface area is extremely broad. 石台很特别,高度只有一米,但是面积却极其广阔。 stone platform is the black, but actually inscribes the thunder and lightning general spell trace, is not only very attractive , unexpectedly on the designs with Huangfu Celestial Clan five people of long gown is the most important thing is exactly the same. 石台是黑色,但却刻有雷电一般的符咒纹路,不仅很是好看,最重要的是,竟与皇甫天族五人长袍上的图案一模一样。 Obviously, this is Huangfu Celestial Clan treasure. 很显然,这是皇甫天族的宝物。 Huangfu Shengyu anything had not said, jumped above this directly. 皇甫圣宇什么都没说,直接跳到了此台之上。 But after landing, the formation technique strength then from its sole, drills into its within the body, but his complexion becomes exceptionally twists. 而落地之后,阵法的力量便自其脚底,钻入其体内,而他的脸色变得异常扭曲。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” „Is he doing?” “他在干嘛?” What expression is his?” “他那是什么表情啊?” The people are puzzled, because in outside, cannot observe anything. 众人不解,因为在外面,根本观察不出来什么。 But Huangfu Shengyu, actually bites the jaw tightly, looks to Chu Feng: Chu Feng, you, if Heavenly Thunder Bloodline, comes up.” 皇甫圣宇,却是紧咬牙关,看向楚枫:“楚枫,你若是天雷血脉,就上来。” Little Brother Chu Feng, do not go, cheats carefully.” Xianhai Shaoyu says immediately. 楚枫兄弟,别去,小心有诈。”仙海少禹立刻说道。 Meanwhile, Long Chengyu, Xian Miaomiao, Feng Ling and others also urged Chu Feng not to go. 同时,龙承羽,仙喵喵,风铃等人也都劝楚枫别去。 They look, this is not very simple, absolutely is special treasure. 他们都看出来,此阵很不简单,绝对是特别的至宝 But they cannot see this treasure use, at this time came up rashly, is dangerous. 可他们看不出此至宝的用途,这个时候贸然上去,非常危险。 Big Brother.” But Little Fishy, grasped the Chu Feng's arm directly, does not make Chu Feng go. 大哥哥。”而小鱼儿,更是直接抱住了楚枫的胳膊,不让楚枫去。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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