MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5766: Wang Qiang the law of dealing

Chapter 5764 Wang Qiang the law of dealing 第5764章王强的应对之法 Brother brother... Little Brother, my my I... I can listen.” “兄兄…兄弟,我我我…我能听的到。” Quick, in the Chu Feng ear also broadcasts the Wang Qiang sound. 很快,楚枫耳中也传来王强的声音。 Hears the response of Wang Qiang, Chu Feng also relaxes. 听到王强的回应,楚枫也是松了一口气。 Two people can be away from are so away from, can in secret sound transmission, be because Chu Feng gives Wang Qiang pendant. 二人之所以能够隔着如此距离,也能暗中传音,是因为楚枫送给王强吊坠 That pendant is Chu Feng builds with the Spirit Formation method. 吊坠乃是楚枫结界阵法打造而成。 Knew in Chu Feng, after Blood Devouring Demon Venerable has not died, builds specially. 是在楚枫得知,噬血魔尊没死之后,专门打造的。 This thing can strengthen in secret the sound transmission privacy, by guarantee their conversations, was not heard by Blood Devouring Demon Venerable of Wang Qiang within the body. 此物能够加强暗中传音的私密性,以保证他们的交谈,不被王强体内的噬血魔尊听到。 Naturally, this thing also has the limit. 当然,此物也是有限制的。 Now they in Summit of Nine Heavens, from are near, can therefore use. 现在他们都在九天之巅,距离较近,所以能够使用。 If they are away from are too far, that is not naturally able to conduct in secret sound transmission by this thing. 若是他们距离太远,那自然也就无法凭借此物进行暗中传音了。 Can hear then well, made a long story short......” “能听到便好,长话短说……” Chu Feng Demon Venerable near the world, was Blood Devouring Demon Venerable puts in the matter of Chu Feng within the body to inform Wang Qiang intentionally. 楚枫魔尊临世,是噬血魔尊故意放入楚枫体内之事告知了王强 Also informed Wang Qiang, Demon Venerable can also induce near the world to the Blood Devouring Demon Venerable aura, Blood Devouring Demon Venerable also in Chu Feng within the body. 也告知了王强,魔尊临世还能感应到噬血魔尊的气息,噬血魔尊还在楚枫体内。 Brother brother... Little Brother, I... I know.” “兄兄…兄弟,我…我知道。” But the response of Wang Qiang, makes Chu Feng accidental/surprised. 王强的回应,却让楚枫意外。 Afterward told after Wang Qiang, Chu Feng understood account. 随后经过王强讲述,楚枫才明白了事情的经过。 Originally Wang Qiang has long known, Blood Devouring Demon Venerable had not been thoroughly eradicated by him. 原来王强早就知道,噬血魔尊没有被他彻底根除。 Even, he absolutely does not have the means thoroughly to eradicate Blood Devouring Demon Venerable, Blood Devouring Demon Venerable defeats intentionally. 甚至,他根本就没有办法将噬血魔尊彻底根除,噬血魔尊是故意战败的。 Makes Wang Qiang believe intentionally, he has won, in fact Blood Devouring Demon Venerable with a stronger method, hides as in the body of Wang Qiang. 故意让王强认为,他已经赢了,实际上噬血魔尊用更强的手段,依旧潜藏在王强的身体之中。 Wang Qiang does not know the concrete plan of Blood Devouring Demon Venerable, but that old fogy surely does not have the peaceful good intention. 王强也不知道噬血魔尊的具体打算,但那个老家伙肯定是没安好心。 Therefore Wang Qiang pretends intentionally, does not know that Blood Devouring Demon Venerable is also living, but actually earnest cultivation. 所以王强故意装作,不知道噬血魔尊还活着,但却认真修炼 He spends lots of time cultivation every day, is the stable state of mind, avoided some day being won the body by Blood Devouring Demon Venerable. 他每天花费大量时间修炼,就是要稳固神魂,避免有朝一日自己被噬血魔尊夺走了身体。 But obvious that too he cannot display, therefore was also compiled some reasons, the reason that some outsider were very easy to believe, was not suspected by Blood Devouring Demon Venerable by this. 但他又不能表现的太明显,所以也是自己编造了一些理由,一些外人很容易信奉的理由,以此不被噬血魔尊怀疑。 Brother brother... Little Brother you felt relieved.” “兄兄…兄弟你放心好了。” Even if that old... the old fogy wants to seize my body now, that... will not be easy.” Wang Qiang fears Chu Feng to be worried, the comfort said. “就算那老老老老…老家伙现在想夺我身体,也不会那那…那么容易。”王强楚枫担心,不由安慰道。 Little Brother, you can induce, is he what cultivation realm?” 兄弟,你能感应到,他是何修为吗?” Chu Feng asked, this is very important, at least can determine their enemies strongly. 楚枫问,这个很重要,至少能够确定他们的敌人到底有多强。 Cannot induce, but... but he is very strong, is not we can be able... to be able now to remove.” Wang Qiang said. “感应不到,但但…但他很强,不是我们现在能能…能除掉的。”王强说道。 Afterward, Chu Feng and Wang Qiang communicate for a long time, wants to have a look whether to have the means to help Wang Qiang. 随后,楚枫王强沟通许久,想看看能否有办法帮助到王强 But final result is actually, present they are indeed helpless, instead the Wang Qiang plan is best. 可最终的结果却是,现在的他们的确无能为力,反而王强的方案是最佳的。 That pretends that does not know Blood Devouring Demon Venerable also, but strengthens the stability. 那就是假装不知道噬血魔尊还在,但同时加强自身稳定性。 When some day, Blood Devouring Demon Venerable really must capture the Wang Qiang mortal body, self-preservation that at least can also maximize. 这样有朝一日,噬血魔尊真的要夺取王强的肉身时,最起码也能最大化的自保。 Little Brother, I will also try to find the solution.” Chu Feng said. 兄弟,我也会想办法的。”楚枫说道。 Aiya, without... has not been all right, our Little Brother anything great storms have not seen, trivial Blood Devouring Demon Venerable, is only my Wang Qiang life path Lulu... the stepping-stone on road.” Wang Qiang self-confident saying with a smile. “哎呀,没没…没事,咱们兄弟什么大风大浪没见过,区区噬血魔尊而已,只是我王强人生路路路…路上的垫脚石罢了。”王强自信的笑道。 I believe you to be able.” “我相信你可以。” In Summit of Nine Heavens, our distances, you can communicate with me through this pendant at any time.” “在九天之巅,我们这个距离,你可以随时通过这个吊坠与我沟通。” Needs to help, looks for me.” Chu Feng said. “需要帮忙,就找我。”楚枫说道。 Does not have the issue, does not need to be worried about me, is wholly-absorbed the travel of your Summit of Nine Heavens, must take with... attains the strongest given name.” “没问题,不用担心我,专心你的九天之巅之旅吧,必须拿拿拿…拿到最强名号。” Ruthlessly hits the face of Seven Worlds Saint Mansion.” Wang Qiang said. “狠狠的打七界圣府的脸。”王强说道。 Certainly.” Chu Feng returns said. “一定。”楚枫回道。 Worries useless, Chu Feng also fully realizes this truth. 担忧没有用,楚枫也深知这个道理。 Therefore, pours does not have situation that because Wang Qiang encounters, but excessively worried. 所以,倒也没有因为王强遇到的情况,而过度担忧。 The matter that after all Chu Feng must face were too many. 毕竟楚枫要面对的事情太多了。 If the innermost feelings are so frail, does not need others to act, he himself wanted the nervous breakdown. 若是内心那么脆弱,不用别人出手,他自己就要精神崩溃了。 Afterward, Chu Feng put out Immemorial Divine Water. 随后,楚枫拿出了太古神水 He also wants to have a look, this major influence, only have the peak talent, Immemorial Divine Water that can use, actually drug efficacy strong. 他也想要看看,这各大势力,唯有最顶尖天才,才能够使用的太古神水,究竟药效有多强。 Immemorial Divine Water, needs to quenching, to recognize as master and other steps can use. 太古神水,需要淬炼,认主等步骤才能使用。 These steps regarding others, are quite possibly complex. 这些步骤对于其他人而言,可能较为复杂。 May regarding Chu Feng, be very simple. 可对于楚枫而言,都是非常简单的。 When Chu Feng completes to quenching to recognize as master, integrates within the body after Immemorial Divine Water, actually detects that immediately was not right. 但是当楚枫完成淬炼认主,将太古神水融入体内后,却立刻察觉到了不对劲。 Chu Feng Immemorial Divine Water that rushes not to integrate, from the body, compelled completely. 楚枫赶忙将尚未融入的太古神水,从身体内,全部逼了出来。 Part that has fused, compelled from the body. 就连已经融合的部分,也是从身体内逼了出来。 This thing, unexpectedly so bad risk.” “这东西,竟如此凶险。” Chu Feng looks that was compelled Immemorial Divine Water in outside the body by oneself, has a being survivor of disaster feeling. 楚枫看着被自己逼出体外的太古神水,有种劫后余生之感。 Just when Immemorial Divine Water fused with him, Chu Feng then had a feeling. 刚刚在太古神水与他融合的时候,楚枫便产生了一种感觉。 Very not wonderful feeling. 非常不妙的感觉。 He felt, Immemorial Divine Water, can indeed in a short time, helping oneself enhance the strength. 他感觉,太古神水,的确能够在短时间内,帮助自己提升战力。 After the use, indeed does not have the backlash pain. 使用后也的确没有反噬的痛苦。 But it does not have the side effect, and its side effect, is possibly more fearful than forbidden medicine. 可它并非没有副作用,并且它的副作用,可能比禁药还要可怕。 According to the Chu Feng's inference, after Immemorial Divine Water uses it, indeed will enhance the strength, even possibly gains the promotion of cross realm. 根据楚枫的推断,太古神水使用它之后,的确会提升战力,甚至可能获取跨境界的提升。 However after the future cultivation realm promotion, not only may reduce the strength, even possibly influence in the future cultivation realm altitude. 但是在日后的修为提升后,不仅可能会降低战力,甚至可能影响日后修为的高度。 This thing, the shortcoming outweighs the advantage!!! 此物,弊大于利!!! Does not know, Brother Shaoyu, Little Fishy, Long Chengyu are they useful.” “也不知道,少禹兄,小鱼儿,龙承羽他们有没有用。” Even used, hopes they use few.” “就算用了,希望他们用的很少吧。” Chu Feng felt, by Xianhai Shaoyu their status, decides however can gain Immemorial Divine Water. 楚枫觉得,以仙海少禹他们的身份,定然是能获取太古神水的。 If quantity slightly fortunately, if the quantity is big, and long-term use, will then be inevitably influential to future cultivation realm. 若是量小还好,若是量大,且长期使用,那对日后的修为必然是有影响的。 The time passes, in an instant then arrived at building up time. 时间流逝,转眼便到了集结的时候。 Everyone to avoid missing, everyone was building up then early above the square. 大家为了避免错过,大家都是早早的便集结在了广场之上。 This vast square, is fully occupied. 这浩瀚广场,人满为患。 Big Brother!!” 大哥哥!!” Chu Feng just went out of the gate, places in the white fog, but also without entering the square, together the familiar and delightful sound, then maps the Chu Feng ear curtain. 楚枫刚刚走出门,身处白雾中,还没进入广场,一道熟悉且悦耳的声音,便映入楚枫耳帘。 Waits and sees along the sound, is Little Fishy squats in own entrance, saw that Chu Feng sets out immediately, smiling ran up to the Chu Feng near. 顺声观望,是小鱼儿蹲在自己的门口,见到楚枫立刻起身,笑眯眯的跑到了楚枫近前。 Little Fishy is so early.” Chu Feng said with a smile. 小鱼儿这么早。”楚枫笑道。 Was not Summit of Nine Heavens opening, thinks that early was not good.” “不是九天之巅开启了吗,想不早也不行啊。” Big Brother, your cultivation method is very effective, the effect of place of that trial, was strengthened much.” Saying that Little Fishy smiles. “不过大哥哥,你的修炼方法真的很有效,那试炼之地的效果,增强了不少。”小鱼儿笑眯眯的说道。 Your this girl, how since came not to call me, is squatting doing outside.” Chu Feng some saying of loving dearly. “你这丫头,既然来了怎么不叫我,在外面蹲着干嘛。”楚枫有些心疼的说道。 I feared that affects Big Brother cultivation, actually I also just came.” Little Fishy said. “我怕影响大哥哥修炼嘛,其实我也刚来。”小鱼儿说道。 After exchanging greetings two, Chu Feng was also inquires, Little Fishy has used Immemorial Divine Water. 寒暄两句后,楚枫也是询问起,小鱼儿有没有使用过太古神水 But result that Little Fishy said that makes Chu Feng feel relieved actually. 小鱼儿所说的结果,倒是让楚枫放下心来。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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