MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5765: Immemorial Divine Water

Chapter 5763 Immemorial Divine Water 第5763章太古神水 Ranks seventh?” Chu Feng asked. “排名第七?”楚枫问。 Right, ranks seventh, compares from ranking everywhere... is stronger than my Four Ominous Divine Body.” “对,就是排名第七,从排名上来看比比比…比我的四凶神体还要强。” But day flame Divine Body was very... is very very difficult to control.” “但日炎神体是很很…很难驾驭的。” Afterward according to narration of Wang Qiang, Chu Feng is probably clear, day flame Divine Body very long no one has grasped. 随后根据王强的讲述,楚枫大概清楚,日炎神体已经很久没有人掌握了。 It is not does not want to grasp, because of control not. 不是不想掌握,而是因为驾驭不了。 Even Wang Qiang guessed, the Yuwen Yanri father will die, is when inherited day flame Divine Body by backlash, will therefore carry the heavy losses, finally was incurable and dead. 甚至王强猜测,宇文炎日的父亲之所以会死,都是因为继承日炎神体时被反噬,所以才会身负重创,最终不治身亡。 Thus it can be seen, day flame Divine Body is extremely wild, is very difficult to control. 由此可见,日炎神体极其狂暴,很难驾驭。 But as far as he knows, present Yuwen Yanri had inherited day flame Divine Body successfully. 而据他所知,如今的宇文炎日是已经成功继承了日炎神体 Therefore Yuwen Yanri, is so weak, is related with day flame Divine Body?” Chu Feng is guessing asking. “所以宇文炎日,身体之所以如此虚弱,是与日炎神体有关?”楚枫猜测着问道。 „Is is..., day flame Divine Body is powerful, although Yuwen Yanri Shun... accepted the inheritance smoothly, but is actually also bearing the huge pain.” Wang Qiang said. “是是是是…是的,日炎神体非常强大,尽管宇文炎日顺顺…顺利接受了传承,可却也承受着巨大的痛苦。”王强说道。 That is Yuwen Yanri what cultivation realm?” Chu Feng asked. “那宇文炎日是何修为?”楚枫问。 I... not am quite not clear, should be 666... Sixth Rank Half God.” Wang Qiang said. “我也不不…不太清楚,应该是六六六…六品半神。”王强说道。 That other Divine Body?” Chu Feng asked. “那其他神体呢?”楚枫问道。 After narration of Wang Qiang, Chu Feng knew Divine Body Ranking List, complete list. 随后经过王强的讲述,楚枫得知了天赐神体排行榜,完整的榜单。 First: Does not extinguish Divine Body 第一名:不灭神体 Second: Heavenly Demon Divine Body 第二名:天魔神体 Third: Four looks like Divine Body 第三名:四象神体 Fourth: Nirvana Divine Body 第四名:涅槃神体 Fifth: Ten thousand law Divine Body 第五名:万法神体 Sixth: Heavenly Thunder Divine Body 第六名:天雷神体 Seventh: day flame Divine Body 第七名:日炎神体 Eighth: Haoyue Divine Body 第八名:皓月神体 Ninth: Samsara Divine Body 第九名:轮回神体 Tenth: Four Ominous Divine Body 第十名:四凶神体 this list, said to oneself with own father, four looked like Divine Body to be heavy in Divine Body, ranks in third, was very strong Divine Body. 这榜单,与自己父亲对自己所说一样,四象神体天赐神体重,排名在了第三位,是很强的天赐神体 However Chu Feng most is interested, is Heavenly Thunder Divine Body ranked the sixth. 不过楚枫最感兴趣的,则是排名第六的天雷神体 Does not know that this Divine Body, does have the relations with Heavenly Thunder Bloodline. 不知道这个天赐神体,与天雷血脉有没有关系。 However according to Wang Qiang, now vast martial cultivation world, strongest Divine Body, was Divine Body Celestial Palace day flame Divine Body. 但是据王强所说,如今浩瀚修武界,最强的天赐神体,就是神体天府的日炎神体 As for other Divine Body, Ancient Era has presented some actually, but the present era cannot see. 至于其它神体,远古时期倒是出现过一些,但当今时代至今未能见到。 Therefore regarding these Divine Body, Wang Qiang did not understand specially. 所以对于这些天赐神体,王强也不是特别了解。 „... Divine Body Celestial Palace Mansion Lord did not say, the ranking of Divine Body, is actually not absolute.” “不不…不过神体天府府主说,天赐神体的这个排名,其实并不绝对。” „The Divine Body strong and weak, has much to do with the ability of holder.” 天赐神体的强弱,与持有者的能力也有很大关系。” On... looks like armament, its strong and weak is invariable, but... might that but in the hands of different person, its it... it can play actually also not... different.” Wang Qiang said. “就就…就像是一件兵器,它本身的强弱是不变的,但但…但在不同人的手里,它它…它能发挥出的威力却也是不不不…不同的。”王强说道。 This but actually is also.” “这倒也是。” Said, possibly has a good news.” “不过说起来,可能有一个好消息。” Afterward, Chu Feng also has Divine Body Zhao Hong, and this Divine Body, likely is the matter of Samsara Divine Body on this Ranking List refers, told Wang Qiang. 随后,楚枫赵虹也拥有天赐神体,并且这天赐神体,很可能就是这个排行榜上所指的轮回神体之事,告诉了王强 „... Has this matter unexpectedly unexpectedly unexpectedly unexpectedly?” “竟竟竟…竟有此事?” My my I... I have long known that my wife... is not a mortal.” “我我我…我早就知道我娘子不不…不是凡人。” Has not thought fiercely unexpectedly compared with me also....” “没想到竟比我还还…还厉害。” After hearing the Chu Feng's words, Wang Qiang almost determined, Zhao Hong is Samsara Divine Body ranked the ninth. 听到楚枫的话后,王强几乎就确定了,赵虹就是排名第九的轮回神体 Other Divine Body... are actually not but actually clear, but Samsara Divine Body, has listened to some actually, because Ancient Era has appeared.” “其它神体倒…倒是不清楚,但是轮回神体,倒是听过一些,因为远古时期出现过。” Reason that can arrange... to arrange at ninth, is not because strong looks like Divine Body in my four.” “之所以能够排排…排在第九,并不是因为强于我的四象神体。” But because of Samsara Divine Body, has extremely extremely... extremely strong maintaining life ability.” “而是因为轮回神体,拥有极极…极强的保命能力。” My wife she, has such Divine Body in the body, is willing definitely... not to have the matter.” Wang Qiang said. “我娘子她,拥有如此神体在身,肯肯定不不…不会有事。”王强说道。 But from his expression, coming out that Chu Feng can also look, actually Wang Qiang is worried about the Zhao Hong safety very much. 而从他的表情,楚枫也能看的出来,其实王强还是很担心赵虹的安危的。 Zhao Hong decides however will not have the matter.” 赵虹定然不会有事。” That mysterious person, seizing Zhao Hong is used to threaten me, but I have not received any injury.” “那个神秘人,抓走赵虹是用来威胁我,但是我并没有受到任何伤害。” Therefore I even suspected, this person is the friend non- enemy, he does this wants to encourage me, or has other reason.” Chu Feng said. “所以我甚至怀疑,此人是友非敌,他这样做只是想激励我,或者有别的原因。”楚枫说道。 My I... I also think like this, otherwise this this... this person was also too idle,... isn't is sick?” Wang Qiang big mouth is saying with a smile. “我我…我也这样想,不然这这这…这个人也太闲了,不不…不是有病吗?”王强咧着大嘴笑道。 His optimism as always, open, interesting. 他一如既往的乐观,开朗,有趣。 Right, you know that Summit of Nine Heavens has opened?” Chu Feng asked. “对了,你知道九天之巅已经开启了吗?”楚枫问道。 Wang Qiang continuously in wholly-absorbed cultivation, and cultivation some time nearby people do not know. 王强一直在专心修炼,且修炼的时候连旁边有人都不知道。 Therefore Chu Feng felt, Wang Qiang has not possibly known Summit of Nine Heavens has opened. 所以楚枫觉得,王强可能还不知道九天之巅已然开启。 My I... I do not know.” Wang Qiang shakes the head, really he does not know this matter. “我我…我不知道啊。”王强摇了摇头,果然他并不知道此事。 Afterward, the matter that Chu Feng Summit of Nine Heavens must formally start tomorrow told Wang Qiang. 随后,楚枫将明日九天之巅就要正式开始的事情告诉了王强 But Wang Qiang indicated, he. 王强却表示,他不去了。 Because of his present cultivation, needs to cost lots of time, without means normal participate Summit of Nine Heavens. 因为他现在的修炼,需要耗费大量时间,没办法正常参加九天之巅 Comes to here, actually mainly wants to see Chu Feng. 来这里,其实主要就是想见楚枫而已。 Chu Feng knows, the Wang Qiang present condition, may be very limited by Blood Devouring Demon Venerable, is truly dangerous. 楚枫知道,王强如今的状况,很可能是受噬血魔尊所限,确实很危险。 Chu Feng has not naturally urged Wang Qiang to go to participate, instead urged his relieved cultivation. 楚枫自然也就没有劝王强参加,反而劝他安心修炼 Right... right Little Brother Chu Feng, this... this gives you.” “对对对…对了楚枫兄弟,这这…这个给你。” During the Wang Qiang speeches, gave Chu Feng a jade bottle. 王强说话间,将一个玉瓶递给了楚枫 Chu Feng received the jade bottle to open, in the discovery is the shining liquid, but that liquid gives out extremely strange strength. 楚枫接过玉瓶打开,发现里面是金灿灿的液体,而那液体散发着极为奇异的力量。 This is not the simple promotion cultivation realm liquid, but can within certain amount of time, the promotion strength. 这不是简单的提升修为的液体,而是能够在一定时间内,提升战力的。 Similar to forbidden medicine, so long as cultivation obtains, will not have backlash. 类似于禁药,但只要修炼得到,是不会有反噬的。 And, this thing strength can superimpose, the quantity of so long as having is enough, quenchings appropriately, that strength will be enhanced will be quite considerable. 并且,此物力量可以叠加,只要拥有的量足够,淬炼得当,那战力增强将会极为可观。 Strengthens the strength effect above forbidden medicine, but will not actually suffer backlash. 增强战力效果在禁药之上,但是却又不会遭受反噬 This thing, simply is the priceless treasure!!! 此物,简直是无价之宝!!! What is this?” Chu Feng asked. “这是什么?”楚枫问。 Wife... Immemorial Divine Water.” Wang Qiang said. “太太…太古神水。”王强道。 „Is this Immemorial Divine Water?” Chu Feng exclaimed in surprise. “这就是太古神水?”楚枫惊叹。 „Have your you... you listened?” Wang Qiang asked. “你你…你听过?”王强问。 Has heard.” “听闻过。” Chu Feng's has heard firmly, before this is, Ling Sheng'er told Chu Feng's. 楚枫的确听闻过,这是之前灵笙儿告诉楚枫的 When Chu Feng in front of Ling Sheng'er, after showing the different from ordinary person formation strength . 楚枫灵笙儿面前,展现出了异于常人结界战力后。 Ling Sheng'er then suspected that Chu Feng also used Immemorial Divine Water. 灵笙儿便怀疑楚枫也使用了太古神水 Then Chu Feng knows, Immemorial Divine Water is various major influence collaborates, in ruins obtained. 而后楚枫才知道,太古神水乃是各大势力联手,在一座遗迹所得。 This thing is quite scarce, therefore in Seven Worlds Saint Mansion that place, only then Ling Xiao can want to use Immemorial Divine Water cultivation. 此物极为稀缺,所以在七界圣府那种地方,也只有灵霄可以想用太古神水修炼 But the Ling Xiao formation strength can be so strong, naturally also has the Immemorial Divine Water merit. 灵霄结界战力能够那么强,自然也有太古神水的功劳。 „This... this is good thing.” “这这…这可是好东西。” Originally must recognize to recognize as master, but my my I... I had not recognized.” “本来是要认认主的,但是我我我…我一直没有认。” Is thinking I have... to have Four Ominous Divine Body, this thing uses is not big with... the use to me, remains to you.” “想着我已经有有…有四凶神体了,这东西对我用用…用处不大,就给你留着。” My I... I teach you law of quenching.” “我我…我教你淬炼之法。” During the Wang Qiang speeches, gave Chu Feng Immemorial Divine Water, and added: You and I may the cocoa... be possible to leave politely, otherwise I may be angry.” 王强说话间,将太古神水递给了楚枫,且补充道:“你和我可可可…可就别客气了,不然我可生气了。” Good, I accept.” “好,那我收下。” Actually, I also gave you to prepare a gift, my was actually not valuable, but was I does.” “其实,我也给你准备了一个礼物,我这个倒是不值钱,不过是我自己做的。” During the Chu Feng speeches, gave Wang Qiang pendant. 楚枫说话间,将一个吊坠递给了王强 Damn this... is this you do personally?” 我擦这这…这是你亲手做的?” Then compared with my wife... Immemorial Divine Water valuable.” “那比我这太太…太古神水有价值。” Wang Qiang received pendant, direct set on own neck, rare is not good. 王强接过吊坠,直接套在了自己的脖子上面,稀罕的不行。 Afterward, two people also exchanged greetings a meeting, Chu Feng then left. 随后,二人又寒暄了一会,楚枫便离开了。 Returns to own dwelling, Chu Feng to stimulate to movement the law secret art immediately: „Can Wang Qiang, hear? I am Chu Feng.” 回到自己的住处,楚枫立马催动法诀:“王强,能听到吗?我是楚枫。” If can hear do not disclose, my some words want to say with you.” “若能听到别声张,我有些话想与你说。” Chu Feng is speaking with Wang Qiang. 楚枫是在与王强说话。 PS: Is sorry Little Brother, the honeybee recent matter are quite many, therefore had not accumulated to retain the draft, yesterday stays up late to write about the present, at present cannot write ten chapters, but the honeybee is still writing, since promised everyone, the honeybee will achieve full power. PS:抱歉兄弟们,蜜蜂最近事情比较多,所以一直没有攒出存稿,昨天熬夜一直写到现在,目前也未能写出十章,但是蜜蜂还在写,既然答应了大家,蜜蜂就会全力做到。 But update time possibly 1 : 00 pm, first update section and you will say. 更新时间可能会晚 1 点,先更新一章和你们说一下。 The honeybee continued the symbol to go, today ten chapters, the honeybee will try hard to write. 蜜蜂继续码字去了,今天十章,蜜蜂会努力写出来的。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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