MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5764: Divine Body Ranking List

Chapter 5762 Divine Body Ranking List 第5762章天赐神体排行榜 The Wang Qiang entrance, is standing together the form. 王强的门口,站着一道身影。 This person of height two meters, is throwing over a cape, cannot see the facial features. 此人身高两米有余,披着一件斗篷,看不到面容。 Chu Feng, Liu Kuo Grandmaster.” 楚枫,刘阔大师。” You... you are also look for Wang Qiang?” That takes the lead to ask. “你…你们也是来找王强的吗?”那位率先问道。 Do not look to be long very high, looks mystically, but his sound and tone are very gentle. 别看长得挺高,看着神秘,可他的声音和语气却很温柔。 And, he has heard Chu Feng and Liu's extravagant matter obviously, will otherwise not recognize them. 并且,他显然已经听闻过楚枫和刘阔的事情,不然不会一眼就认出他们。 We truly are look for Wang Qiang, you also?” Chu Feng asked. “我们确实是来找王强的,你也是吗?”楚枫问。 Un.” That site nod. “嗯。”那位点了点头。 That please ask that you are?” Chu Feng asked. “那请问你是?”楚枫问。 „Below Yuwen Yanri, just like Wang Qiang, is the people of Divine Body Celestial Palace.” “在下宇文炎日,与王强一样,都是神体天府之人。” During that speeches, takes off the hood, reveals the facial features, is a complexion is pale, as for face...... 那位说话间,将兜帽摘下,露出面容,是一个面色惨白,至于脸庞…… Too thin, is the true skin and bones, is ordinary just like the skeleton. 太瘦了,是真正的皮包骨,宛如骷髅一般。 What is main, here is not burning hot, he is actually sweating profusely. 最主要的是,这里并不炎热,他却满头大汗。 Sorry, I grow somewhat scary.” “抱歉,我长得有些吓人。” Words that does not mind.” “不介意的话。” During that quick speeches, the hand touched to the hood. 那位很快说话间,手又摸向了兜帽。 Takes off the hood, reveals the appearance/portrait, is the politeness. 摘下兜帽,露出真容,是出于礼貌。 Plans to put on the hood, is the fear frightens Chu Feng. 打算戴上兜帽,是害怕吓到楚枫 But he inquired Chu Feng and Liu Kuo. 但他还是询问楚枫和刘阔。 This person, has the formality. 此人,非常有礼节。 But, he is Yuwen Yanri. 可偏偏,他是宇文炎日 Chu Feng has heard him, the present age Divine Body Celestial Palace Mansion Lord biological grandson, his father in the past was also the able to move unhindered vast martial cultivation world talent. 楚枫听说过他,当代神体天府府主的亲孙子,他父亲当年也是纵横浩瀚修武界的天才。 The hearsay, the Yuwen Yanri talent, must be stronger than his father. 传闻,宇文炎日的天赋,比他父亲还要更强。 But Yuwen Yanri has been very mysterious, even if Divine Body Celestial Palace few has seen him personally. 宇文炎日一直很神秘,哪怕神体天府都没几个人见过他。 Before Chu Feng, has not really thought, Yuwen Yanri can be such a humble person. 楚枫之前真的没想到,宇文炎日会是这样一个谦逊之人。 Because of rare, therefore Chu Feng to the first impression of Yuwen Yanri is also very good. 正因少见,所以楚枫宇文炎日的第一印象也是非常不错。 I do not mind your appearance actually, but you, if minded, does as you please.” Chu Feng said. “我其实不介意你这个样子,但是你如果自己介意,请便。”楚枫说道。 many thanks.” During the Yuwen Yanri speeches, then put on the hood, it seems like he likes covering the appearance. 多谢。”宇文炎日说话间,便将兜帽戴上了,看来他还是更喜欢遮盖容貌。 „Do you look for Wang Qiang to have the matter?” Chu Feng asked. “你找王强有事?”楚枫问。 „The body of Wang Qiang, some issues, I somewhat am worried about him.” Yuwen Yanri said. 王强的身体,有些问题,我有些担心他。”宇文炎日说道。 You know, what issue his body is?” Chu Feng asked. “那你知道,他的身体是什么问题吗?”楚枫问。 He had guessed correctly, the Wang Qiang issue is mostly related with Blood Devouring Demon Venerable, but wants from Yuwen Yanri here, the side to inquire some thing. 他已经猜到,王强的问题多半与噬血魔尊有关,但还是想从宇文炎日这里,侧面打听到一些东西 Is the issue in cultivation aspect, making concrete me is not clear.” Yuwen Yanri said. “是修炼方面的问题吧,具体我也不清楚。”宇文炎日道。 That then goes in together.” Chu Feng said. “那便一起进去吧。”楚枫道。 Monk then does not go, two benefactor you go.” Liu Kuo stimulated to movement formation technique to open Wang Qiang housing entrance, immediately then left. “小僧便不去了,两位施主你们进去吧。”刘阔催动阵法打开了王强的居住入口,旋即便离开了。 After Chu Feng and Yuwen Yanri go, discovered that Wang Qiang is in the place of cultivation cultivation. 楚枫宇文炎日进去后,发现王强正在修炼之地内修炼 His cultivation condition is very dedicated, even if Chu Feng and Yuwen Yanri, appear in side, he had not detected. 修炼状态很专注,哪怕楚枫宇文炎日,就出现在旁边,他也是没有丝毫察觉。 But according to the Chu Feng observation, the Wang Qiang present condition has no issue actually. 而根据楚枫观察,王强现在的状况倒是没有什么问题。 „, He is don't worry all right.” “不用担心,他没事。” After the determination, Chu Feng said to Yuwen Yanri. 确定后,楚枫宇文炎日说道。 That is then good.” The Yuwen Yanri tone felt relieved much, but immediately looks to Chu Feng. “那便好。”宇文炎日语气放心了不少,但旋即又看向楚枫 Eh... is Brother Chu Feng, hearing you Senior Jie Ranqing's son?” 额…楚枫兄,听闻你是界染清前辈的儿子?” I... I do not have other meaning, I have heard the Jie Ranqing senior deeds, although has not seen, but admires her very much.” “我…我没有别的意思,我只是听闻过界染清前辈的事迹,虽未见过,但很敬佩她。” But martial cultivation world, the Rumor matter are too after all many, therefore wants to determine personally.” “但毕竟修武界,道听途说的事情太多,所以想亲自确定一下。” His tone is very careful, fears to injure Chu Feng very much, or Chu Feng misunderstands his meaning. 他语气很小心,很怕伤害楚枫,或者楚枫误会他的意思 Yes, this hearsay actually real.” Chu Feng said with a smile. “是,这个传闻倒是真的。”楚枫笑道。 Really was honored, had the opportunity to know Senior Jie Ranqing's son unexpectedly.” “真是太荣幸了,竟有机会结识界染清前辈的儿子。” Yuwen Yanri, very serious serves with a ritual to Chu Feng. 宇文炎日,非常郑重的对楚枫施以一礼。 Sees that Chu Feng hurries by a ritual: Can know Yuwen brother, is my Chu Feng's is honored.” 见状,楚枫赶忙回以一礼:“能认识宇文兄,也是我楚枫的荣幸。” „Has Brother Chu Feng, heard me?” The Yuwen Yanri tone becomes pleasantly surprised, as if Chu Feng has heard him, to him is one is worth the happy matter being ordinary very much. 楚枫兄,听闻过我?”宇文炎日语气变得惊喜,似乎楚枫听闻过他,对于他而言是一件很值得高兴的事情一般。 Embarrassed saying that I come from Ancestral Martial Galaxy, our that side and other Galaxy have almost not happened together, the news is not truly quick.” “说来惭愧,我自祖武天河而来,我们那边与其他天河几乎没有交集,的消息确实不灵通。” I also arrive at Summit of Nine Heavens, hears Yuwen brother.” “我也是来到九天之巅,才听闻宇文兄。” Actually friend of mine , is very curious you, because you have been very probably mystical.” Chu Feng said with a smile. “其实我的朋友,也都很好奇你,因为你好像一直都很神秘。”楚枫笑道。 Brother Chu Feng, I do not do intentionally mystically, but is my grandfather does not allow me to leave Divine Body Celestial Palace.” 楚枫兄,我并不是故作神秘,而是我爷爷不允许我离开神体天府。” This time, I also asked him to comply for a long time.” “这一次,我也是求了他好久才答应。” However after arriving here, because I feared that my appearance frightens others, therefore......” Yuwen Yanri answered. “而来到这里后,因为我怕我的长相吓到别人,所以……”宇文炎日解释道。 I understand.” “我明白。” Yuwen brother, I just saw your complexion is not good, are you ill?” “宇文兄,我刚刚见你脸色不好,你是身体不适吗?” I am World Spiritist, the needed words I can help you take a look.” Chu Feng said. “我是界灵师,需要的话我可以帮你瞧瞧。”楚枫说道。 My this situation, somewhat resembles with the Wang Qiang brother actually, is actually not the sickness, but is the cultivation issue.” “我这个情况,倒是与王强兄有些相像,其实不是病,而是修炼的问题。” My body is very healthy.” Yuwen Yanri said. “我身体还是挺健康的。”宇文炎日道。 That is then good.” Chu Feng said with a smile. “那便好。”楚枫笑道。 Well, how your your you... did you two come... to come?” “咦,你你你你…你们两个怎么来来来…来了?” In the meantime, Wang Qiang stopped cultivation, discovers the Chu Feng two people immediately. 就在此时,王强停止了修炼,也是立刻发现了楚枫二人。 Sees that Chu Feng also with Wang Qiang, told a situation. 见状,楚枫也是与王强,讲述了一下情况。 But then Yuwen Yanri, after Wang Qiang chatted several left, only left behind Chu Feng and Wang Qiang here. 宇文炎日,与王强闲聊几句后便离开了,只留下了楚枫王强在这里。 Chu Feng saw, Yuwen Yanri is first walks intentionally. 楚枫则是看出,宇文炎日是是故意先走的。 He is hears Chu Feng and Wang Qiang relates good, therefore wants to leave more spaces, lets Chu Feng and Wang Qiang talks. 他是听闻楚枫王强关系不俗,所以想留更多空间,让楚枫王强交谈。 This Yuwen Yanri, with the difference that I imagine.” Chu Feng said. “这宇文炎日,与我想象的不一样。”楚枫说道。 Right, this this... this Yuwen Yanri, his he... he is very pure, I from high... have not seen have looked like him such purely, and... and good small Young Master.” “对,这这这…这个宇文炎日啊,他他他…他很单纯,我就从从从…从没见过像他这么单纯且且且…且善良的小少爷。” What... is most essential, do not visit him to be timid, he very very very... is actually very strong.” Wang Qiang said. “最最…最关键的是,你别看他唯唯诺诺的,他其实很很很…很强。”王强道。 Strong?” Chu Feng asked. “有多强?”楚枫问。 non- non- non-... is strong, really really... even is really stronger than me.” Wang Qiang said. “非非非…非常强,甚甚甚…甚至比我还强。”王强道。 Oh?” Hears this words, Chu Feng is also somewhat accidental/surprised, is curious. “喔?”听闻此话,楚枫也是有些意外,也感到好奇。 After all present Wang Qiang, is so strong. 毕竟现在的王强,已经这么强了。 Chu Feng your you... you know Ancient Era, flows Divine Body that the class/flow class/flow... spreads, rows of... Ranking List?” Wang Qiang asked. 楚枫你你你…你知道远古时期,流流流…流传下来的天赐神体,排排…排行榜吗?”王强问。 I know this list, but I do not know concrete ranking.” Chu Feng said. “我知道这个榜单,但我不知道具体排名。”楚枫道。 Hehe.” Sees that Wang Qiang happily smiles, not only stands up, reorganized an own measuring appliance, immediately lost both hands behind, is supine the head, said to Chu Feng: “嘿嘿。”见状,王强得意一笑,不仅站起身来,更是整理了一下自己的仪表,旋即将双手负于身后,仰着脑袋,对楚枫说道: „This... this I must before you, install... to install.” “这这…这我必须在你面前,装装…装一下了。” Because of because of..., because I know.” “因因…因为我知道。” You also said with me, making me grow in experience.” Chu Feng said with a smile. “那你也与我说说,让我长长见识。”楚枫笑道。 First arranges the row... ranked the tenth, is, Four Ominous Divine Body that my my I... I have.” “首先排排…排在第十位的,便是我我我…我所拥有的,四凶神体。” This point Blood Devouring Demon Venerable that... that old thing, has not deceived me actually.” Wang Qiang said. “这一点噬血魔尊那那…那老东西,倒是没骗我。”王强说道。 About Wang Qiang Four Ominous Divine Body, Chu Feng knows. 关于王强四凶神体,楚枫知道。 Initially in Void God Tree, Wang Qiang has said with Chu Feng, Blood Devouring Demon Venerable told him, his Four Ominous Divine Body was Divine Body ranked the tenth. 当初在虚空神树内,王强就与楚枫说过,噬血魔尊告诉他,他的四凶神体是排在第十的天赐神体 Ninth?” Chu Feng asked. “第九呢?”楚枫问。 Ninth is a round of round... Samsara Divine Body.” Wang Qiang said. “第九是轮轮…轮回神体。”王强道。 Samsara Divine Body?” Hears this words, the Chu Feng innermost feelings shakes. 轮回神体?”听闻此话,楚枫内心一震。 Divine Body that Zhao Hong has, is Samsara Divine Body, before only heard is Divine Body in legend, has not thought that is so unexpectedly fierce, ranks Wang Qiang Four Ominous Divine Body is higher. 赵虹所拥有的天赐神体,便是轮回神体,之前只听闻是传说中的天赐神体,没想到竟如此厉害,比王强四凶神体排名更高。 This matter, Chu Feng is also behind knows. 这件事,楚枫也是后面才知道。 Therefore Wang Qiang should not know, his wife's Divine Body, is actually fiercer than him. 所以王强应该还不知道,他娘子的天赐神体,其实比他还厉害。 What ranks... eighth is Haoyue Divine Body.” “排名第第…第八的是皓月神体。” What ranks... seventh is day flame Divine Body.” “排名第第…第七的是日炎神体。” However speaking of this... this day flame Divine Body was then fierce.” “而说到这这…这日炎神体便厉害了。” Day flame Divine Body, was... strongest Divine Body that Divine Body Celestial Palace had, can enter... to conduct the inheritance.” “日炎神体,乃神体天府所拥有的最最最…最强的神体,是能够进进…进行传承的。” However Yuwen day flame corpulent... was day flame Divine Body inheritance.” “而宇文日炎便便…便是日炎神体的传承者。” Wang Qiang also said. 王强又道。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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