MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5763: Huangfu Celestial Clan passing

Chapter 5761 Huangfu Celestial Clan passing 第5761章皇甫天族的过往 By me?” Chu Feng asked. “靠我?”楚枫问。 Source of lineage/vein is you awakens, does not depend on you to depend on anyone.” Liu Kuodao. “脉之本源是你唤醒的,不靠你又要靠谁。”刘阔道。 Is it possible that this is Summit of Nine Heavens, related with Source of this lineage/vein?” Chu Feng asked. “莫非此次九天之巅,就与这脉之本源有关?”楚枫问。 My Little Brother Chu Feng, you guessed right.” “我的楚枫兄弟,你又猜对了。” Summit of Nine Heavens, reason that will come here, is related with Source of this lineage/vein.” Liu Kuo said. 九天之巅,之所以会来到这里,就是与这脉之本源有关。”刘阔说道。 Is you must awaken Source of this lineage/vein?” Chu Feng asked. “是你们要唤醒此脉之本源?”楚枫问。 This issue, you want to be many, our where has that skill.” “这个问题,你想多了,我们哪有那个本事。” Let alone was I, actually my teacher served Summit of Nine Heavens.” “别说是我了,其实我师尊只是服务于九天之巅。” Summit of Nine Heavens we usually can control some formation technique strengths actually, but thing of some deep levels, are unable to control, even is unable to contact.” 九天之巅我们平时倒是可以掌控一些阵法力量,但有些深层次的东西,是无法掌控,甚至无法接触到的。” For example this time, is the order that Summit of Nine Heavens issues, we obey.” “比如这一次,全都是九天之巅下达的命令,我们只是服从。” Test formation technique in place of that trial, is not the test that I and teacher arrange, but is the test of Summit of Nine Heavens arrangement.” Liu Kuo said. “那试炼之地内的测试阵法,不是我和师尊安排的考验,而是九天之巅安排的考验。”刘阔说道。 „Does Summit of Nine Heavens, have a person of ability?” 九天之巅,另有高人?” Said, Summit of Nine Heavens does have the intelligence?” “还是说,九天之巅本身具有灵性?” Actually regarding Summit of Nine Heavens, I too did not understand whether to explain 12 for me?” Chu Feng curious asking. “其实对于九天之巅,我不是太了解,能否为我讲解一二?”楚枫好奇的问道。 My teacher is also as a result of circumstance, obtained in the Summit of Nine Heavens opportunity, as for me and Junior Brother, whether after the teacher leaves the world continues to keep Summit of Nine Heavens is the unknowns.” “我师尊也是因缘际会下,获得了在九天之巅的机会,至于我与师弟,能否在师尊离世后继续留在九天之巅都是未知数。” About Summit of Nine Heavens, actually I did not understand specially, only knows Summit of Nine Heavens has extremely powerful formation technique.” “关于九天之巅,其实我也不是特别了解,只知道九天之巅拥有极为强大的阵法。” We in Summit of Nine Heavens, can gain some advantage, can grasp some formation technique strengths.” “我们在九天之巅,能够获得一些好处,也能够掌握一些阵法力量。” But in addition, understanding was not too many.” “但除此之外,了解的也不是太多了。” My teacher told me, he guessed that this Summit of Nine Heavens choice arrived here, should be related with Source of lineage/vein.” “不过我师尊与我说过,他猜测此次九天之巅选择来到这里,应该是与脉之本源有关。” „, But was also really guessed right by my teacher.” “没想到,还真被我师尊猜对了。” Naturally, this key because Little Brother Chu Feng you came, if you do not come, it is estimated that even some people can open Summit of Nine Heavens, but still no one can awaken Source of lineage/vein.” “当然,这关键还是因为楚枫兄弟你来了,你若是不来,估计就算有人能开启九天之巅,但也没人能唤醒脉之本源。” The words to here, a Liu Kuo thread of conversation revolution, asked to Chu Feng: You know, why ancient times historical data, doesn't know the Source of concrete strength lineage/vein?” 话到此处,刘阔话锋一转,对楚枫问道:“你知道,为何远古史料,也不知道脉之本源具体力量吗?” You said.” Chu Feng said. “你说。”楚枫道。 According to the ancient times historical record, awakened Source of lineage/vein in the past, is assembles all top martial cultivation expert and World Spiritist acts together.” “根据远古史料记载,当年唤醒脉之本源,是集结各方顶尖修武高手界灵师一起出手。” Population achieves about thousand people, that may be the Ancient Era apex exists.” “人数达到近千人,那可都是远古时期的顶尖存在啊。” Their, awakened Source of lineage/vein jointly actually, is only fog of flame Source and the soul lineage/vein is different.” “他们的联手之下,倒是唤醒了脉之本源,只是脉之本源与魂之雾焰不同。” „The fog of flame soul may supply many cultivation, but an Source of only to recognize as master person lineage/vein.” “魂之雾焰可供多人修炼,但脉之本源认主一人。” Initially Ancient Era, thousand top expert, reason that can collaborate, has reached an agreement, who can make Source of lineage/vein submit, Source of lineage/vein turns over to anyone.” “当初远古时期,千位顶尖高手,之所以能联手,就是已商量好,谁能让脉之本源臣服,脉之本源就归谁。” Was a pity, they jointly, although awakened Source of lineage/vein, but actually no one, can conquer Source of lineage/vein.” “只是可惜,他们联手之下,虽唤醒了脉之本源,但却没有一人,能够征服脉之本源。” Naturally, on no one knows that the Source of concrete strength lineage/vein, can only rely on the imagination and guess.” Liu Kuo answered. “自然而然,也就没人知道脉之本源具体的力量,只能凭借想象与猜测了。”刘阔解释道。 Source of this lineage/vein, very has the individuality actually.” Chu Feng said. “这脉之本源,倒是挺有个性啊。”楚枫说道。 That very does not have the individuality, that has the individuality.” “那可不是挺有个性,那是非常有个性了。” Therefore Little Brother Chu Feng, you also need to try hard.” “所以楚枫兄弟,你也需要努力。” If you can conquer Source of this lineage/vein, later I mixed with you.” “若是你能征服这脉之本源,以后我就跟你混了。” What Age of Gods, is unimportant.” “什么神之时代,都不重要了。” So long as can obtain the Source of approval lineage/vein, you become present age most powerhouse sooner or later, Ancient Era no one ratio you.” Liu Kuo said. “只要能得到脉之本源认可,那你迟早成为当世最强者,远古时期都没人比的过你。”刘阔说道。 I will certainly spell to go all-out, but how... do I want to do?” Chu Feng asked. “我一定会拼尽全力,但…我要如何做呢?”楚枫问。 So the strength, Chu Feng does not want to miss, but the understanding is truly limited, he does not know that now this/should starts from where. 如此力量,楚枫也不想错过,但确实了解有限,他现在根本不知道该从何下手。 You asked this, I don't know either, did you feel?” Liu Kuo asked back. “你问这个,我也不知道,你觉得呢?”刘阔反问。 Summit of Nine Heavens has opened, do I think the opportunity on conceals in then to our tests during?” Chu Feng asked. 九天之巅已然开启,我想机会就藏在接下来对我们的考验之中?”楚枫问。 Has this possibility very much, but I am unable to determine.” Liu Kuo said. “很有这种可能,但我也无法确定。”刘阔说道。 When the time comes looked again, I will pay attention.” Chu Feng said. “到时候再看吧,我会注意的。”楚枫说道。 Incessantly is Source of lineage/vein, Huangfu Celestial Clan that five, you must pay attention.” “不止是脉之本源,皇甫天族的那五个,你也要注意。” Obviously here only then their two people, Source of lineage/vein chatted frankly and uprightly, but mentioned Huangfu Celestial Clan, Liu Kuo actually transferred in secret sound transmission. 明明这里只有他们两个人,脉之本源都是光明正大聊的,可是提到皇甫天族,刘阔却是转为了暗中传音 Huangfu Celestial Clan, do you have the understanding?” Chu Feng also to sound transmission ask in secret. “皇甫天族,你有了解?”楚枫也是以暗中传音问。 At this moment, Chu Feng felt, in the Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head mouth, that caused havoc the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion fellow in the past, should be Huangfu Celestial Clan person. 事到如今,楚枫觉得,图腾龙族族长口中,那个当年大闹七界圣府的家伙,应该就是皇甫天族的人。 He is not hidden world a person of ability, but came from the hidden world powerful Celestial Clan. 他不是隐世高人,而是来自隐世的强大天族 Ancient times the race, existed in now martial cultivation world, is only because of some reasons, they were stranded in the bottom, or some forbidden land and secret. 远古种族,本来就存在于当今修武界,只是因为一些原因,他们都被困在了地底,或者一些禁地与秘地之中。 Cannot like present age cultivator, free in the vast martial cultivation world activity. 不能像当代修武者一样,自由的于浩瀚修武界活动。 But Huangfu Celestial Clan, some people intruded Seven Worlds Saint Mansion before, although has not come out finally, does not know that died or is surrounded. 可皇甫天族,之前有人闯入七界圣府,虽然最终没有出来,不知是死还是被困住了。 But at least he at that time was the free state. 但至少他那个时候是自由状态。 But now, has the Huangfu Celestial Clan five juniors, arrives at Summit of Nine Heavens. 而现在,更是有皇甫天族五个小辈,来到九天之巅 This indicated Huangfu Celestial Clan, possibly is mastering a special method, can get rid of bound. 这说明皇甫天族,可能是掌握着一种特殊的方法,能够摆脱束缚 Also or they from beginning to end by bound, have not been only continuously the hidden worlds. 又或者说,他们从始至终都没有被束缚,只是一直隐世而已。 But since now came five juniors, in Age of Gods this at crucial moment. 但现在既然来了五个小辈,又在神之时代这种关键时候。 Huangfu Celestial Clan, possibly does not prepare to continue the hidden world, could coexist with present age cultivator. 皇甫天族,可能不准备继续隐世,可能是要与当代修武者共存。 Even, has a bigger ambition. 甚至,有着更大的野心。 Regarding this Huangfu Celestial Clan, Chu Feng felt, it is necessary to understand some. 对于这个皇甫天族,楚枫觉得,有必要多了解一些。 Properly speaking, this matter I should not tell you, because as the Summit of Nine Heavens person, the Summit of Nine Heavens passing matter, cannot say, unfair.” “按理来说,这件事我不该告诉你,因为身为九天之巅的人,九天之巅过往的事,是不能讲的,有失公平。” But our relations, I did not tell you some, my also too insufficient meaning.” “但咱俩这关系,我不告诉你一些,那我也太不够意思了。” Therefore I told you, you may not tell others.” Liu Kuo said in secret. “所以我告诉你,你可千万别告诉别人。”刘阔暗中道。 I keep certainly secret.” Chu Feng returns said. “我一定保密。”楚枫回道。 Now Huangfu Celestial Clan pattern I am not clear.” “现在皇甫天族格局我不清楚。” But as far as I know, in Ancient Era, Huangfu Celestial Clan once presented an extremely fierce talent.” “但据我所知,在远古时期,皇甫天族曾出现一位极其厉害的天才。” Named, Huangfu Yutian.” “名为,皇甫御天。” „When Huangfu governing day, is young has arrived at Summit of Nine Heavens.” “皇甫御天,年少时来到过九天之巅。” That Summit of Nine Heavens, the groups of heroes gather time, even if inferior to you now, perhaps on not weak many.” “那一次的九天之巅,群英汇聚,就算不如你们现在,恐怕也不弱上多少。” However Huangfu Yutian, all talents of suppression same period, captured that strongest given name time.” “而皇甫御天,镇压同时期的所有天才,夺得了那一次的最强名号。” Concrete advantage that he obtains, without record.” “他所得到的具体好处,没有记载。” But is helpful to descendants, obtains the thing of advantage in Summit of Nine Heavens.” “但是有助于后人,在九天之巅获得优势之物。” After that Huangfu Celestial Clan person, once arrived at Summit of Nine Heavens repeatedly, but is harvestless.” “在那之后,皇甫天族的人,也曾多次来到九天之巅,但均无收获。” To put it bluntly, was no one has put out Huangfu Yutian in the past the thing of achievement, they have left room for maneuver.” “说白了,就是没有人拿出过皇甫御天当年所赢得之物,他们一直留着后手。” As for the present era, Huangfu Celestial Clan person had not then appeared, until this time.” “至于当今时代,皇甫天族的人便一直没有出现过,直到这一次。” I suspected, this Huangfu Shengyu they come, possibly comes prepared, brings thing that Huangfu Yutian was winning in the past to come.” Liu Kuo said in secret. “我怀疑,此次皇甫圣宇他们来,可能是有备而来,是带着皇甫御天当年赢得的东西来的。”刘阔暗中说道。 They inspected to finish so high ranking, because of the experience of older generations?” Chu Feng asked. “他们考核能获得如此高的排名,也是因为先辈们的经验吧?”楚枫问。 This is natural.” Liu Kuodao. “这是自然。”刘阔道。 Also really backs on the big tree to be good to enjoy the cool air, but are not related, the opponent is stronger, I am more excited.” Chu Feng said. “还真是背靠大树好乘凉啊,不过没关系,对手越强,我越兴奋。”楚枫说道。 Hehe, I like your character.” Liu Kuo grinning say/way. “嘿嘿,我就喜欢你这性格。”刘阔笑嘻嘻的道。 Right Liu Kuoxiong, can you observe the Wang Qiang situation?” Chu Feng asked. “对了刘阔兄,你能观察到王强的情况吗?”楚枫问。 He somewhat is worried about Wang Qiang, after all during the daytime visits, Wang Qiang has not responded. 他有些担心王强,毕竟白天去拜访,王强没有回应。 Little Brother Chu Feng, the monk cannot act in a self-serving manner, I can observe your situation, is because the place of your trial triggered formation technique.” 楚枫兄弟,小僧不能为所欲为,我能观察到你的情况,也是因为你的试炼之地触发了阵法。” „Others in the place of housing, only if there is a peculiar circumstance, otherwise I really cannot see.” Liu Kuo answered. “其他人在居住之地,除非有特殊情况,否则我真看不到。”刘阔解释道。 You can lead me, goes to the Wang Qiang residence?” Chu Feng asked. “那你能带我,去一下王强的住所吗?”楚枫问。 This actually, in any case you are good Little Brother, I lead you to go, he should not say anything.” “这个倒是可以,反正你们是好兄弟,我带你进去,他应该也不会说啥。” When do you want to go?” Liu Kuo asked. “你想什么时候去?”刘阔问。 Now.” Chu Feng said. “现在。”楚枫道。 Walks.” “走。” Liu Kuo does not neglect, brings Chu Feng to look for Wang Qiang directly. 刘阔也不怠慢,直接带着楚枫去找王强 But before arriving at the Wang Qiang gate, two people all stare. 而来到王强门前,二人皆是不由一愣。 PS: PS: Recommends a work to you, my Little Brother wind Qingyang ‚the eternal first god. More than 4000 chapters, the governing beast class/flow is unreliable! Warm-blooded is also funny, having the pet chicken is very smooth, the chapter enough can see one time crisply, honeybee wall crack recommendation! 给你们推荐一部作品,我兄弟风青阳的‘万古第一神’。已经有四千多章了,御兽流玄幻!热血又搞笑,有只宠物鸡特别溜,章节够可以一次看到爽,蜜蜂墙裂推荐! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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