MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5762: Galaxy level strength

Chapter 5760 Galaxy level strength 第5760章天河级力量 Outside Summit of Nine Heavens, golden Mist covers the world, alarms inside and outside world all expert. 九天之巅外,金色气焰覆盖世界,惊动世界内外的所有高手 But in the place of cultivation in Summit of Nine Heavens, Chu Feng is, also wisp of golden Mist appears unexpectedly, is interweaving with Chu Feng's bloodline power. 九天之巅内,楚枫所在的修炼之地内,竟也有一缕金色气焰浮现,正在与楚枫的血脉之力交织。 The three, are encountering. 三者,正在交锋。 Bloodline of same camp Heavenly Thunder Bloodline and king, is suppressing golden Mist. 天雷血脉与王之血脉同一阵营,正在压制金色气焰 But that golden Mist, is very extremely arrogant, facing this powerful dual Bloodline, does not fear unexpectedly, has if I can not do it , who can greatly, the imposing manner of father unmatched in the world. 可那金色气焰,十分狂妄,面对这强大的双重血脉,竟丝毫不惧,大有舍我其谁,老子天下无敌的气势。 Only pitifully, this world, must depend on the strength speech eventually. 只可惜,这个世界,终究还是要靠实力说话。 Not only this single is cultivator and World Spiritist, fighting of Bloodline, similarly so. 这不单单只是修武者界灵师,就连血脉的争锋,也同样如此。 Golden Mist at first, Mist is indeed dreadful, and is not bluff, but has the genuine materials. 金色气焰起初,的确气焰滔天,并且绝非虚张声势,而是拥有真材实料。 If faces Bloodline of one of them Heavenly Thunder Bloodline and king, perhaps can also contend with one. 若只是面对天雷血脉与王之血脉其中之一,也许还能抗衡一阵。 But collaborates facing this dual Bloodline, quick falls leeward. 但面对这双重血脉联手,很快就落入下风。 But this golden Mist, with covering golden Mist of this side world is exactly the same. 而这金色气焰,与覆盖这方世界的金色气焰一模一样。 But also has the difference, golden Mist surface area that first place of trial presents is very small. 但也有区别,首先试炼之地出现的金色气焰面积很小。 Golden Mist that but the place of trial presents is stronger. 可试炼之地出现的金色气焰却更强。 If, outside blocks golden Mist of this side world, is existence that the phenomenon and strength blend, the genuine and fake are difficult to distinguish. 如果说,外面封锁这方世界的金色气焰,是异象与力量交融的存在,真假难辨。 Then in golden Mist that the place of trial presents, is the pure strength, does not contain a falseness, the strength of really having. 那么在试炼之地出现的金色气焰,就是纯粹的力量,不蕴含一丝虚假,是真实存在的力量。 This golden Mist was wild, even wants to attack Chu Feng, but under the suppressions of Chu Feng dual Bloodline, golden Mist is even more steady. 这金色气焰原本非常狂暴,甚至想要攻击楚枫,但在楚枫双重血脉的压制下,金色气焰越发平稳。 After the golden Mist wild strength dissipates thoroughly, Chu Feng's Heaven rank Bloodline as well as king Bloodline, return to Chu Feng's within the body. 当金色气焰的狂暴之力彻底消散后,楚枫的天级血脉以及王之血脉,才回到楚枫的体内。 But Chu Feng, opened a pupil finally. 楚枫,也终于睁开了眼眸。 Cannot think, in the place of this trial, is also hiding such harvest unexpectedly.” “想不到,这试炼之地内,竟然还隐藏着这样的收获。” What strength is this?” “这是什么力量?” Chu Feng also sets out, observes to extract now golden Mist in place of trial earnestly. 楚枫也是起身,认真观察起出现在试炼之地内的金色气焰 But a Chu Feng observation, actually actually cannot observe this strength is anything. 楚枫一番观察,却观察不出这力量究竟是什么。 Any observation method, Spirit Formation technique, does not have the effect on him, Chu Feng's Heaven's Eyes, could not discover a difference. 任何观察手段,结界之术,对他都没有效果,楚枫的天眼,也是发现不了一丝异样。 Similarly, Chu Feng puts out Celestial Master's Whisk, Celestial Master's Whisk also has no direction. 同样的,楚枫拿出天师拂尘,天师拂尘也没有任何指引。 Chu Feng can only rely on the feeling of most direct management, judged this strength. 楚枫只能凭借最直管的感受,对这力量进行判断。 But it gives Chu Feng's to feel, is five characters. 而它给楚枫的感觉,便是五个字。 Powerful and mysterious. 强大且神秘。 Does not manage, since can refine, I refine.” “不管了,既然能炼,我就炼。” In is unable to determine that under the function of this strength, Chu Feng sits cross-legged to sit down simply, pinches the law secret art, attempts to refine this strength. 在无法确定这力量的作用下,楚枫干脆盘膝坐下,捏动法诀,尝试将这力量炼化。 But refining up the process, is exceptionally smooth. 而炼化过程,异常顺利。 But after building up, martial cultivation, formation has no growth. 但炼化后,无论是修武,还是结界都没有任何增长。 But, actually obtained a special strength, strengthened grasping of Chu Feng to Bloodline. 可,却获得了一项特别的力量,增强了楚枫血脉的掌握。 And this grasps, this and say/way of being expert is different. 并且这掌握,这与专精之道不同。 Promotion that because Chu Feng grasps to bloodline power, is not only Heaven rank Bloodline, also has the promotion to Bloodline of king. 因为楚枫血脉之力掌握的提升,不仅仅是天级血脉,对王之血脉同样也有提升。 Even Chu Feng consciousness, projects to dantian, looks again to that powerful red thunder huge beast, quick Chu Feng looks the happy expression. 甚至楚枫将意识,投射到丹田之内,再度看向那只,强大的红色雷霆巨兽,很快楚枫面露喜色。 Such long, Chu Feng can spy on some finally, the red thunder huge beast strength was anything. 这么久了,楚枫终于能够窥探出一些,红色雷霆巨兽的力量是什么了。 This is its strength, is really the anticipation.” “这便是它的力量吗,真是期待啊。” Although cultivation realm has no promotion, the strength has not been enhanced, but Chu Feng is actually wild with joy. 尽管修为没有任何提升,战力也没有增强,可楚枫却是狂喜。 Because of that golden Mist, takes to his advantage, only then he himself was clear. 因为那金色气焰,带给他的好处,只有他自己清楚。 Little Brother Chu Feng, congratulated you.” 楚枫兄弟,恭喜你了。” Quick, outside resounds Liu Kuo voice. 很快,外面响起刘阔的声音。 Hears this words, Chu Feng rushes to set out, really Liu Kuo stands outside. 听闻此话,楚枫赶忙起身,果然刘阔就站在外面。 But at this time Chu Feng notices, the void above phenomenon, this precisely tests formation technique to be broken through, phenomenon that Summit of Nine Heavens official opening has. 而此时楚枫才注意到,虚空之上的异象,这正是测试阵法被冲破,九天之巅正式开启所产生的异象。 Liu Kuoxiong was, I breaks through tested formation technique?” Chu Feng asked. “刘阔兄,是我冲破了测试阵法吗?”楚枫问。 Naturally is you.” “当然是你。” Little Brother Chu Feng, as far as I know, you may not only break through tested formation technique is so simple.” “不过楚枫兄弟,据我所知,你可不仅仅是冲破了测试阵法这么简单。” You also awakened a very extraordinary strength.” Liu Kuo said. “你还唤醒了一个很了不得的力量。”刘阔说道。 Liu Kuoxiong, you know that what that is?” Chu Feng asked. “刘阔兄,你知道那是什么吗?”楚枫问。 Liu Kuo does not have the direct reaction, but asked back to Chu Feng: Brother Chu Feng, came from Eastern Territory, may hear the fog of flame soul.” 刘阔没有直接回答,而是对楚枫反问:“楚枫兄,自东域而来,可听闻过魂之雾焰。” Has heard.” Chu Feng said. “听闻过。”楚枫道。 The fog of flame soul, Chu Feng's had understood firmly. 魂之雾焰,楚枫的确有所了解。 That is the legend strength of hidden in Nine Souls Galaxy. 那是隐藏于九魂天河之中的传说力量。 Is green Mist, is quite powerful, when it comes, world all living things will tremble. 是一种绿色的气焰,极为强大,当它现身之际,天地万物都将为之颤栗。 Since has heard, you should quite be easy to understand.” “既然听闻过,那你应该就比较容易理解了。” It is said that nine Galaxy, the legend strength hidden in Galaxy respectively.” “据说,九道天河,各有一个传说力量隐藏于天河之内。” Some strengths had been unearthed, some strengths have not been discovered.” “有的力量已被挖掘,有的力量至今还未被发现。” On for example your Ancestral Martial Galaxy legend strength, has not been discovered, the historical data has not recorded.” “就比如你祖武天河传说力量,至今就没有被发现,史料也没有记载。” As for the Nine Souls Galaxy legend strength, is the fog of flame soul.” “至于九魂天河传说力量,就是魂之雾焰。” However you just saw, is this Bloodline Galaxy legend strength, Source of named lineage/vein.” Liu Kuo said. “而你刚刚所见,乃是这血脉天河传说力量,名为脉之本源。”刘阔说道。 Source of lineage/vein?” “脉之本源?” Then it does have what function specifically?” Chu Feng asked. “那它具体有何作用?”楚枫问。 Little Brother Chu Feng, actually I also want to ask you, does Source of this lineage/vein, actually have what function?” 楚枫兄弟,其实我还想问你呢,这脉之本源,究竟有何作用?” Liu Kuo asked to Chu Feng with a smile. 刘阔笑着对楚枫问道。 I just indeed refine to melt, but only felt that has strengthened to grasping of bloodline power, but cultivation realm or the strength, have not been enhanced.” Chu Feng said. “我刚刚的确炼化了,但只感觉对血脉之力的掌握有所增强,但无论是修为还是战力,都并没有增强。”楚枫说道。 It seems like the world guessed that is true.” Liu Kuo said. “看来世人猜测属实。”刘阔说道。 Liu Kuoxiong, you do not circle, told me.” Chu Feng is very curious. “刘阔兄,你就别兜圈子了,告诉我吧。”楚枫很是好奇。 „The fog of flame soul in this time, had once been awakened by Nine Souls Saint Clan, Nine Souls Saint Clan is very strong at the beginning of the time, but in the final analysis is because grasped the fog of flame soul.” “魂之雾焰在这个时代,曾被九魂圣族唤醒过,九魂圣族在时代初期可是很强的,而归根结底就是因为掌握了魂之雾焰。” Therefore regarding the fog of flame soul, everyone had also understood that is the thing of extremely good cultivation.” “所以对于魂之雾焰,大家也是有所了解,那是极佳的修炼之物。” But needs to match special Bloodline, is not all cultivator suits, Nine Souls Saint Clan fog of flame Bloodline and soul, the matching is extremely high.” “但需要匹配特别的血脉,不是所有修武者都适合,九魂圣族血脉与魂之雾焰,匹配度极高。” But Source of lineage/vein is different.” “但脉之本源不同。” Source of lineage/vein in this time, had not been awakened, everyone knows that its existence, was according to the record of ancient times historical data.” “脉之本源在这个时代,并没有被唤醒过,大家知道它的存在,还是根据远古史料的记载。” But ancient times historical record, but recorded Bloodline Galaxy, is hiding Source of this legend strength lineage/vein, regarding its concrete function, is silent.” “但远古史料记载,只是记载了血脉天河,隐藏着脉之本源这一传说力量,对于它的具体作用,并无记载。” According to Bloodline Galaxy, and Source of lineage/vein name, present age cultivator guessed, Source of lineage/vein, should also be the thing of cultivation, it will strengthen bloodline power.” Liu Kuo said. “不过根据血脉天河,以及脉之本源的名字,当代修武者们纷纷猜测,脉之本源,应该也是修炼之物,它会增强血脉之力。”刘阔说道。 I just refine, is only the minimum part?” Chu Feng asked. “那我刚刚所炼化的,只是极小的一部分吧?”楚枫问。 Guessed right, Source of true lineage/vein outside.” “猜对了,真正的脉之本源在外面呢。” Liu Kuo spoke, pinched the buddha beads, formation technique adhered to stick cohere together in the Chu Feng eyes. 刘阔说话间,捏动佛珠,一道阵法附着在楚枫双眼。 At this moment, Chu Feng at present changed, that blocks the Summit of Nine Heavens strength to dissipate from Chu Feng at present. 这一刻,楚枫眼前变了,那封锁九天之巅的力量自楚枫眼前消散。 Chu Feng can see nine beyond the heavens surface scenes. 楚枫能够看到九天外面的景象。 Naturally can also see, blocks void golden Mist. 自然也就能够看到,封锁虚空的金色气焰 So many?” Chu Feng looks the happy expression. “这么多?”楚枫面露喜色。 Only refine to melt a point, some effects. 只炼化了一点,都有一些效果了。 Chu Feng felt, if refining up Source of so many lineage/vein completely. 楚枫觉得,若将那么多脉之本源全部炼化。 cultivation realm and strength will be increased. 修为和战力都会提升。 Quick, the Chu Feng's vision returns to normal, was Liu Kuo took back the formation technique strength. 很快,楚枫的目光恢复正常,是刘阔收回了阵法力量。 Source of lineage/vein, but was awakened by you.” “脉之本源,只是被你唤醒而已。” This is also not its real appearance, to make its real appearance appear, but also needs to depend on you.” Liu Kuo said. “这还并非是它的真实面貌,若想让它的真实面貌浮现,还需要靠你。”刘阔说道。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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