MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5761: legend strength, Source of lineage/vein

Chapter 5759 legend strength, Source of lineage/vein 第5759章传说力量,脉之本源 Chu Feng can break through, actually mainly depends upon, is Huangfu Celestial Clan that two beads. 楚枫能够突破,其实主要依靠,还是皇甫天族那两颗珠子。 That two beads have reached the limit, even if obtains the new bead again, is unable to use. 只是那两颗珠子已达极限,就算再得到新的珠子,也是无法使用了。 As for the place of cultivation, if long-term cultivation, naturally can also make Chu Feng break through. 至于修炼之地,若长期修炼,自然也能让楚枫突破。 But in a short time, is breaks through very much difficultly again. 但短时间内,是很难再突破的。 Huangfu Jiangyao had previously said that not only the place of trial is cultivation formation technique, tests formation technique.” “先前皇甫将耀说过,试炼之地不仅是修炼阵法,还是测试阵法。” Summit of Nine Heavens trial, if opens, must some people break through tests formation technique to be good.” 九天之巅的试炼若要开启,必须有人冲破测试阵法才行。” Test formation technique that is it possible that he said that hides in third layer in place of this trial?” “莫非他所说的测试阵法,就是藏于这试炼之地内的第三层?” Does not manage, tries.” “不管了,试一试。” Chu Feng said that tries then to try, he sits cross-legged in the place of trial, even more concentrates on and invests. 楚枫说试便试,他盘坐于试炼之地内,越发专注和投入。 But over time, his body starts to have Bloodline of dual strengths nine-colored lightning and king infiltrates, melts with the place of trial. 而随着时间流逝,他的身上开始有九色雷霆以及王之血脉双重力量渗透而出,与试炼之地相融。 ...... …… Meanwhile, in a crude house, Huangfu Shengyu, Huangfu Jiangyao, Huangfu Shangyang, Huangfu Shangwu, Huangfu Fanni and others, all here. 与此同时,在一个简陋的房屋内,皇甫圣宇,皇甫将耀,皇甫上阳,皇甫上武,皇甫凡逆等五人,皆在这里。 Huangfu Shengyu sits cross-legged in the place, closed eye meditation, but the complexion is very ugly/difficult to look at. 皇甫圣宇盘膝在地,闭目养神,但脸色却很难看。 Huangfu Jiangyao and others, stands in the one side, waits and sees mutually, they do not dare to speak. 皇甫将耀等人,站在一旁,互相观望,他们都不敢说话。 Finally Huangfu Jiangyao clenches teeth, takes the lead to open the mouth: 最终还是皇甫将耀咬了咬牙,率先开口: Young Lord, that Chu Feng uses World Spirit, is completely the cheating behavior, is not the skill, disgraced is actually he.” 少主,那楚枫使用界灵,完全是作弊行为,不是自身本事,丢人的其实是他。” May hear this words, Huangfu Shengyu is actually suddenly the opening eyes pupil, the vision is very swift and fierce. 可听闻此话,皇甫圣宇却是忽然睁开眼眸,目光无比凌厉。 Looked Huangfu Jiangyao, the body trembles, immediately closes the mouth. 看的皇甫将耀,身躯一颤,立刻闭上了嘴巴。 You think, I will care this matter?” Huangfu Shengyu said. “你以为,我会将这种事放在心上?”皇甫圣宇道。 Young Lord, I naturally am not this meaning, I......” 少主,我当然不是这个意思,我……” Huangfu Jiangyao also wants to explain, but Huangfu Shengyu said: 皇甫将耀还想解释,可皇甫圣宇却说道: This time, I indeed lost to that Chu Feng.” “此次,我的确败给了那楚枫。” This also grew a lesson, this Chu Feng was truly different from others, cannot belittle in him.” “这也算是长了个教训,这楚枫确实与旁人不同,不能小觑于他。” But this Summit of Nine Heavens, since we came, anybody not possible to capture the strongest given name in my front, the strongest given name only possibly is my Huangfu Shengyu.” “但这九天之巅,既然我们来了,任何人都不可能在我的面前夺得最强名号,最强名号只可能是我皇甫圣宇的。” Fights normally, I do not beat him, I acknowledged.” “正常交手,我不敌他,我承认。” But the competition of Summit of Nine Heavens, may the continuing surface be so simple.” “但九天之巅的比拼,可不止表面这么简单。” Let alone we have occupied completely take the initiative.” “何况我们早就占尽先机。” I seriously was pondering, immediately must see the light suddenly.” “我在认真思考,马上就要顿悟。” „After I see the light suddenly, can break through in one vigorous effort tests formation technique, opens Summit of Nine Heavens.” “待得我顿悟之后,就能一鼓作气冲破测试阵法,开启九天之巅。” Makes everyone know, Chu Feng cannot be regarded anything, all must depend on my Huangfu Shengyu.” “让所有人知道,楚枫算不得什么,一切还要靠我皇甫圣宇。” „The opportunity that without me, they start to compete with does not have.” “若是没有我,他们连开始比试的机会都没有。” Huangfu Shengyu such remarks, Huangfu Jiangyao and others also echoes immediately. 皇甫圣宇此话一出,皇甫将耀等人也是立刻附和。 That is that is, except for Young Lord you, how they possibly to open this Summit of Nine Heavens?” “那是那是,除了少主你,他们怎么可能开启这九天之巅呢?” Ok, you first went out, here will only affect me.” Huangfu Shengyu said. “行了,你们先出去吧,在这里只会影响我。”皇甫圣宇道。 Sees that Huangfu Jiangyao and others also walked. 见状,皇甫将耀等人也是走了出来。 But they have not actually receded, but stands in the entrance, is waiting for the Huangfu Shengyu good news. 但他们却并没有远走,而是站在门口,等待着皇甫圣宇的好消息。 In fact, these days, they had not entered place of cultivation cultivation. 实际上,这些日子,他们都没有进入修炼之地修炼 Their cultivation methods are quite special, except for their family's cultivation formation technique, other cultivation they do not bump generally. 他们的修炼方法较为特殊,除了他们家族的修炼阵法,其他修炼他们一般都不碰。 Therefore these days , they in Huangfu Shengyu out of the door, are waiting for their Young Lord at night, breaks through that formation technique. 所以这些日子,到了晚上,他们都在皇甫圣宇的门外,等待着他们的少主,冲破那阵法 Out arrives, their four people do not exchange, they seem to have no the sentiment. 来到门外,他们四人也不交流,他们似乎没什么感情。 But in a while, the land shivers slightly, later in the dim light of night appears the dazzling phenomenon. 可没过多久,大地微微颤动,随后夜色之中浮现耀眼的异象。 „Was this scene, is it possible that successful?” “这景象,莫非是成功了?” Sees this phenomenon, Huangfu Jiangyao and others, at first was unable to determine. 看到这异象,皇甫将耀等人,起初还无法确定。 But quick, void above broadcast Liu Kuo voice. 可是很快,虚空之上传来了刘阔的声音。 everyone, some people of test formation technique that breaks through the place of trial, the place of Nine Heavens has opened officially. 诸位,有人突破试炼之地的测试阵法,九天之地已然正式开启。 Tomorrow 5 to 7 a.m., everyone gathers in the square.” “明日卯时,所有人于广场集合。” You will choose, who is now the vast martial cultivation world strongest talent.” “你们将抉择出,谁是当今浩瀚修武界最强的天才。” Liu Kuo voice then ended hence, but actually gave up the Huangfu Jiangyao and others anxiety. 刘阔声音至此便结束,但却打消了皇甫将耀等人的疑虑。 Young Lord really success, but this was also too quick.” 少主真的成功了,但这也太快了吧。” Worthily is Young Lord.” “不愧是少主啊。” On the face of Huangfu Jiangyao and others, emerged the wild with joy color. 皇甫将耀等人的脸上,都涌现出了狂喜之色。 They worried, Huangfu Shengyu because of Chu Feng, but the mood is unhappy, but opens Summit of Nine Heavens now, is a magnificent feat, should be able to level in the Huangfu Shengyu heart was unhappy. 他们原本担心,皇甫圣宇因为楚枫而心情不快,但现在开启了九天之巅,乃是一件壮举,应该可以抹平皇甫圣宇心中的不快了。 Therefore they shove open the door immediately, the preparation congratulate. 于是他们立刻推开房门,准备道贺。 After may shove open the door, their several people actually all are in same place, the look is complex, helpless. 可推开房门后,他们几人却皆是愣在原地,神色复杂,不知所措。 Because of Huangfu Shengyu, sits cross-legged in the place, the complexion is exceptionally gloomy. 因为皇甫圣宇,盘坐在地,脸色异常阴森。 He... has not entered in the place of trial. 他…还没有进入试炼之地内。 This indicated, outside scene, is uninterested with Huangfu Shengyu. 这说明,外面的景象,与皇甫圣宇并无关系。 Completes this magnificent feat, has someone else. 完成这一壮举的,另有其人。 ...... …… „The place of trial, really has to test formation technique unexpectedly, was really said by Huangfu Jiangyao right.” “试炼之地,竟真的藏有测试阵法,真被皇甫将耀说对了。” „, Really is Huangfu Shengyu does?” “难道,真的是皇甫圣宇做的吗?” Meanwhile, all troops, is aiming at this matter to guess. 与此同时,各方人马,也都在针对此事猜测。 Actually, in their hearts basically has the answer, mostly was Huangfu Shengyu. 其实,他们心中已经基本有了答案,多半就是皇甫圣宇了。 But because just feels is Huangfu Shengyu, the people are also happy. 但正因为觉得是皇甫圣宇,众人也是高兴不起来。 Huangfu Shengyu they, what represented was the ancient times inherits, regarding their present age cultivator, performed despises obviously. 皇甫圣宇他们,代表的乃是远古传承,对于他们当代修武者,尽显鄙夷。 If not for during the daytime, Chu Feng borrows the True God World Spirit strength, defeated Huangfu Shengyu. 若不是白天,楚枫借用真神界灵的力量,击败了皇甫圣宇 The face of their present age talent, was loses completely. 那他们当代天才的脸面,算是丢尽了。 But Huangfu five people of showing strengths, matter that the treasure that puts out, as well as they know. 可无论是皇甫五人展现的实力,还是拿出的宝物,以及他们所知晓的事情。 Is actually also all showing, Huangfu Celestial Clan different from ordinary person background. 却也皆在展现着,皇甫天族异于常人的底蕴。 Therefore they are somewhat nervous. 所以他们内心是有些慌的。 Even if there are Chu Feng and Xianhai Shaoyu and other talents assumed personal command, they are unable to determine, facing background deep Huangfu Celestial Clan, their present age cultivator, can capture the strongest given name. 哪怕有楚枫仙海少禹等天才坐镇,他们也无法确定,面对底蕴深厚的皇甫天族,他们当代修武者,能否夺得最强名号。 ...... …… Meanwhile, Liu Kuo in own residence, fast is pacing up and down. 与此同时,刘阔在自己的住所内,快速的来回走动着。 He closely is grasping the buddha beads, on the face of being happy and worried at the same time, covers entirely the sweat. 他紧紧的握着佛珠,喜忧参半的脸上,已是布满汗水。 That fast step, the rapid breath, is showing his flurry and intense all. 那快速的步伐,急促的呼吸,无不彰显着他的慌乱与紧张。 Little Brother Chu Feng, asked you, you must succeed.” 楚枫兄弟,求你了,你一定要成功。” You, if can awaken the legend strength, later my Liu Kuo mixed with you.” “你若是能够将传说的力量唤醒,以后我刘阔就跟你混了。” Liu Kuo takes a walk fast, while said. 刘阔一边快速走动,一边说道。 Because grasps the great formation strength, he not only knows that was Chu Feng breaks through tested formation technique, opened the Summit of Nine Heavens trial. 因为掌握大阵的力量,他不仅知道是楚枫突破了测试阵法,开启了九天之巅的试炼。 He also knows, Chu Feng was still continue break through. 他还知道,楚枫仍在继续突破。 But that is not only the hindrance of Summit of Nine Heavens, that is a more powerful hindrance. 但那已不仅仅是九天之巅的阻碍了,那是更为强大的阻碍。 Is the strength in legend!!! 传说中的力量!!! - 嗷- Suddenly, outside Summit of Nine Heavens, hears one to roar. 忽然,九天之巅外,传来一声咆哮。 That sound is grating, overbearing, and shock and awe state of mind. 那声音刺耳,霸道,且震慑神魂。 Even if the numerous position talents hear, is the innermost feelings one tight, frightens heavily. 哪怕众位天才听到,也是内心一紧,吓得不轻。 What is that?” “那是什么?” Everyone scared, even timid does not dare to stay in the residence, lots of people collect to the square. 所有人都吓坏了,甚至胆小的不敢留在住所,大量的人都向广场汇集。 But Liu Kuo, is actually stops the flurried step, raise one's head looks to Summit of Nine Heavens. 可是刘阔,却是止住慌乱的步伐,抬头望向九天之巅以外。 Because of formation bound, the person in Summit of Nine Heavens cannot see outside scene. 因为结界束缚,九天之巅内的人看不到外面的景象。 However the hand grasps great formation him actually to see. 但是手握大阵的他却能看到。 Therefore, his corners of the mouth rise, in the moist eye, actually reveals the wild with joy color. 所以,他嘴角上扬,湿润的眼中,却露出狂喜之色。 „, Really can succeed?” “难道,真的要成功了吗?” ...... …… Meanwhile, outside Summit of Nine Heavens, everyone made one group randomly. 与此同时,九天之巅外,所有人都乱做了一团。 Originally is the night land, is dazzling than the daytime. 本是黑夜的大地,比白天还要耀眼。 Because all void. 一切都因为虚空。 Sees only void above, the golden ray, camouflaged void. 只见虚空之上,金色的光芒,遮蔽了虚空。 No, is not void of top of the head, but covered the whole world. 不,不是头顶的虚空,而是覆盖了整个世界。 But just overbearing incomparable sound, precisely from that golden ray. 而刚刚霸道无比的声音,正是来自那金色的光芒。 That resembles is the phenomenon, but is not the common phenomenon, everyone feels, that looks like a life body, an extraordinary strength. 那似是异象,但又不是寻常的异象,所有人都感受到,那更像一个生命体,一种非凡的力量。 Seven Worlds Mansion Lord, is rare departure floats the spatial palace, arrives at outside observation void above the scene. 就连七界府主,也是少见的离开浮空宫殿,来到外面观察虚空之上的景象。 „Is this feeling, the strength in that legend?” “这感觉,难道是那传说中的力量?” He deeply frowned, but is actually not able to determine. 他眉头紧锁,但却也无法确定。 Meanwhile, is outside the world, carries the axe, is situated in Song Changsheng in starry sky, similarly everywhere startled color. 与此同时,身在世界之外,身背斧头,立于星空之中的宋长生,也同样满目惊色。 He waits and sees above the starry sky, can see one group of golden Mist, covered the whole world. 他在星空之上观望,能够看到一团金色气焰,覆盖了整个世界。 That looks like the huge lifeform, has swallowed into the world the abdomen general. 那就像是巨大的生物,已经将世界吞入腹中一般。 Even in his angle, but can also from that golden Mist, see huge Phantom faintly. 甚至在他的角度,还能够隐隐从那金色气焰中,看到庞大的虚影 The oppression that in that golden Mist gives out has, even he is unattainable. 那金色气焰散发出的压迫,连他都遥不可及。 Succeeded, is Chu Feng?” “成功了,是楚枫吗?” Said, in Summit of Nine Heavens, a stronger talent, awakens this thing.” “还是说,九天之巅内,还有更强的天才,将此物唤醒。” At first, Song Changsheng is indefinite. 起初,宋长生还不确定。 May follow one to roar to resound through, he determined. 可又伴随一声咆哮响彻,他确定了。 „Is this then the present age junior, martial cultivation world in history, strongest one generation of?” “这便是当代小辈,修武界有史以来,最强的一代人吗?” They... really awakened this thing.” “他们…真的唤醒了此物。” In Song Changsheng eye besides shock, has the complex emotion, has the joy, is unwilling, has reluctantly. 宋长生眼中除了震惊外,也有着复杂的情感,有喜悦,有不甘,同时也有着无奈。 He is very clear, what this covers the world is what strength. 他很清楚,这覆盖世界的是什么力量。 This was he in the past and Chu Xuanyuan thinks of every means that strength that but cannot awaken. 这是他当年与楚轩辕费尽心思,但都未能唤醒的力量。 Source of lineage/vein!!! 脉之本源!!! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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