MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5760: Continual breakthrough, Fifth Rank Half God

Chapter 5758 breaks through continuously, Fifth Rank Half God 第5758章连续突破,五品半神 Chu Feng two bead crumbs, then starts to refine directly. 楚枫直接将两颗珠子捏碎,然后便开始炼化。 When that strength enters the body, Chu Feng discovers the strength in this bead, quenchings and integrates after special training in the bead. 当那力量入体,楚枫发现这珠子内的力量,都是经过特殊培养淬炼又融入珠子内的。 Not only the strength is very strong, is very easy to absorb and refining up. 不仅力量很强,也很容易吸收和炼化。 Especially the second bead, in Bloodline, formation, Martial Power, mysterious arts and other aspects is helpful. 尤其是第二颗珠子,在血脉,结界,武力,玄功等方面都有帮助。 Such fusion, needs the extremely strong ability, although possibly is not Huangfu Celestial Clan builds, but has so many, sees Huangfu Celestial Clan sufficiently competent. 这样的融合,需要极强的本领,虽可能不是皇甫天族自己打造的,但拥有这么多,足以见得皇甫天族是有实力的。 But this type of bead is suitable for cultivation, but also has a drawback. 但这种珠子虽然适于修炼,但也有一个弊端。 Has the use upper limit. 是有使用上限的。 Almost has overshot the upper limit on for example these two, normal, very difficult the strengths of two beads, displays completely. 就比如这两颗几乎已经超出上限,正常来说,很难将两颗珠子的力量,都完全发挥出来。 Explained this type of bead, although the strength was strong, indeed was cultivation treasure, but this upper limit was then doomed, bead most two that everyone can use, even many people can only. 说明这种珠子,虽然力量强大,的确是修炼至宝,可这个上限便注定,每个人能够使用的珠子最多两颗,甚至很多人只能一颗。 „It is not good, such strong cultivation resources, cannot waste.” “不行,这么强的修炼资源,不能浪费。” Discovered after this strength characteristics, Chu Feng then suspends building up, but arranges the Spirit Formation method, this has not built up strength fusion, forges. 发现这力量特性后,楚枫便暂停炼化,而是布置结界阵法,将这尚未炼化的力量融合,重新锻造。 Simultaneously integrates own aura, he wants to attempt to change the limit of this bead. 同时融入自己的气息,他想尝试改变这珠子的限制。 Although were many did not have the means that but broke two limits, Chu Feng has certain confidence. 虽说多了没办法,但是打破两颗的限制,楚枫还是有着一定信心的。 Became.” “成了。” Quick, the Chu Feng corners of the mouth also show the smile. 很快,楚枫嘴角也是露出笑容。 He got rid of the upper limit, although cannot say that displays the strengths of two beads completely, but compared with the normal condition, is good too many is too many. 他摆脱了上限,虽说不能说完全发挥出两颗珠子的力量,但比正常情况,已是好了太多太多。 Pitifully, they could not see.” “可惜了,他们看不到。” On the Chu Feng face reveals smiles badly, he felt, Huangfu Celestial Clan that five people, know this bead inevitably the limit effect. 楚枫脸上露出坏笑,他觉得,皇甫天族那五人,必然知道这珠子的限制效果。 If makes them see, exclaimed in surprise can overcome the limit inevitably in Chu Feng, simultaneously displays the strengths of two beads. 若是让他们见到,必然惊叹于楚枫能够克服限制,同时发挥出两颗珠子的力量。 Because they could not see, Chu Feng feels a pity. 正因为他们看不到,楚枫才觉得可惜。 Then, Chu Feng complete strength inspiration within the body, revolution Divine Punishment Mysterious Art, integrates oneself the ponder simultaneously of Dao of Martial Cultivation. 接下来,楚枫将全部力量吸入体内,同时运转神罚玄功,融入自己对修武之道的思考。 He greatest, uses the strength of bead. 他在最大程度的,利用珠子的力量。 Rumble- 轰隆隆- Quick, the sky outside Summit of Nine Heavens, is cloudy, nine thunder huge beast roared above void. 很快,九天之巅之外的上空,乌云密布,九只雷霆巨兽于虚空之上咆哮起来。 Has Heaven rank Bloodline to break through, very powerful phenomenon, is this phenomenon that Divine Punishment Mysterious Art can cause?” “有天级血脉者在突破,好强的异象,这是神罚玄功才能引起的异象吧?” Who can be?” “会是何人?” The people were attracted by this phenomenon, they are experienced, know that this degree of phenomenon, inevitably was cultivation Divine Punishment Mysterious Art. 众人都被这异象所吸引,他们见多识广,知道这种程度的异象,必然是修炼神罚玄功 But the void phenomenon was still changing, the power and influence of that terrifying, even all powerhouses from the heart felt that fears and anxious. 但虚空异象仍在变化,那恐怖的威势,连各方强者都发自内心的感到恐惧与不安。 The scene in sky deep place, maps the deterrent of innermost feelings, is they have never felt. 无论是天空深处的场面,还是映入内心的威慑,都是他们从未感受过的。 „It is not right, this phenomenon is stronger than common Divine Punishment Mysterious Art, I have even never seen so the phenomenon.” “不对,这异象比寻常的神罚玄功还要强,我甚至从未见过如此异象。” Where is the look to break through?” “到底是何方神色在突破?” „Did here come hidden world expert?” “难道这里来了隐世高手?” The phenomenon obstructs the day, before may fall, numerous position cultivator are unable to judge, this phenomenon is where causes. 异象遮天,可落下之前,众位修武者也无法判断,这异象是何处引起。 The quick, boundless phenomenon starts to contract, changes to together the terrifying thunder, goes to the Summit of Nine Heavens bombardment. 很快,磅礴的异象开始收缩,化作一道恐怖的雷霆,向九天之巅轰击而去。 Summit of Nine Heavens, is the later generation in Summit of Nine Heavens is breaking through.” 九天之巅,是九天之巅内的后辈在突破。” What kind of talent this did Summit of Nine Heavens come?” “这九天之巅到底来了怎样的天才?” Should... not be Chu Feng?” “该不会…是楚枫吧?” Regarding this, the person who the people's first relates arrives at is Chu Feng. 对此,众人第一个联想到的人便是楚枫 Now the people have known, Chu Feng not only inherited Jie Ranqing Bloodline of king, is Heaven rank Bloodline cultivator. 如今众人已是知晓,楚枫不仅继承了界染清的王之血脉,更是一位天级血脉修武者 And Chu Feng's Heaven rank Bloodline is very strong. 并且楚枫的天级血脉很强。 On the same day in the phenomenon that Seven Worlds Saint Mansion caused, that Heaven rank Bloodline phenomenon, even must be fiercer than Bloodline of king. 当日在七界圣府引起的异象,那天级血脉的异象,甚至比王之血脉还要更加凶猛。 Simply startled is the Celestial. 简直惊为天人。 Looks at today the phenomenon again, although was inferior to the same day the phenomenon terrifying, but also has the same feeling. 再看今日异象,虽不如当日异象恐怖,可却也有着相同之感。 Is the observation, the people also thought that this likely is Chu Feng causes. 越是观察,众人也是觉得这可能就是楚枫所引起的。 Therefore, the intelligent person, in the heart had the conclusion. 于是,聪明之人,心中都有了定论。 outsider can guess, initially in Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, the short distance observed Chu Feng to cause the phenomenon, the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion people, naturally can also judge, this is Chu Feng is breaking through. 外人都能猜测出,当初在七界圣府内,近距离观察楚枫所引起异象的,七界圣府众人,自然也是能够判断出,这是楚枫在突破。 In Seven Worlds Saint Mansion that palace, Seven Worlds Mansion Lord was closing eyes cultivation. 七界圣府那座宫殿内,七界府主原本在闭目修炼 But hearing outside sound and discussion, his chest fluctuates, clenches jaws, difficult enters the cultivation condition. 但听到外面的声音与议论,他胸口起伏,咬牙切齿,难以进入修炼状态。 But stands many Seven Worlds Saint Mansion powerhouses outside palace, was words does not dare saying that even does not dare in secret sound transmission. 而站在殿外的诸多七界圣府强者,则是连句话都不敢说,甚至都不敢暗中传音 They know that Jie Tian was eliminated, Sir Mansion Lord is sad. 他们都知道界天被淘汰,府主大人心情不好。 Now Chu Feng does such a, this will make the Mansion Lord mood worse without doubt. 现在楚枫又搞了这么一出,这无疑会让府主心情更差。 The people wait and see the phenomenon, is in the world. 众人观望异象,都是世界之内。 But outside this side world, Song Changsheng is situated in void above. 可是这方世界之外,宋长生则立于虚空之上。 His position, that phenomenon is without doubt nearer, the power and influence is also stronger. 他的位置,那异象无疑更近,威势也更强。 Also is he, trades to be the following person, if standing in this position, even if the phenomenon will not offend somebody, but this power and influence, most people are unable to withstand. 也就是他,换做下面的人,若站在这个位置,哪怕异象本身不会伤人,可这威势,大多数人也无法承受。 „The Heavenly Thunder Bloodline phenomenon, the short distance looks, but also is really magnificent.” 天雷血脉的异象,近距离看,还真是壮观。” „The power and influence, truly is so extraordinary, perhaps has this exceeded his father?” “只是如此威势,确实非凡,这恐怕已然超越他爹了吧?” Song Changsheng sighed. 宋长生叹道。 ...... …… Because of Summit of Nine Heavens special formation, although outside person had been shocked by the phenomenon. 因为九天之巅特殊的结界,虽然外面的人已被异象震撼。 But actually the person in Summit of Nine Heavens, instead cannot see this phenomenon. 但其实九天之巅内的人,反而是看不到不到这异象的。 Place that Chu Feng is, cannot see the phenomenon, but Chu Feng can feel that phenomenon has appeared. 就连楚枫所在的地方,也看不到异象,但楚枫能够感觉到那异象已经出现。 Quick, Divine Lightning from appears void, directly soars Chu Feng. 很快,神雷自虚空浮现,直奔楚枫而来。 The turbulent thunder covers Chu Feng, to the Chu Feng's soul, conducts crazy tearing, must rip the smashing Chu Feng simply. 汹涌的雷霆覆盖楚枫,对楚枫的灵魂,进行疯狂的撕扯,简直要将楚枫撕成粉碎。 Thunder Punishment that Divine Punishment Mysterious Art causes, but other not mysterious arts may compare. 神罚玄功所引起的雷罚,可远非其他玄功可比。 But regarding Chu Feng, has actually had long been used, facing so Divine Lightning, even the expression has no fluctuation. 但对于楚枫来说,却早已习惯,面对如此神雷,甚至表情都没有什么波动。 Does not give this Thunder Punishment to respect simply slightly. 简直不给这雷罚丝毫尊重。 This makes Thunder Punishment even more angry, but also has no alternative, finally also can only accept fate, integrates Chu Feng within the body. 这让雷罚越发愤怒,可却又无可奈何,最终也只能认命,融入楚枫体内。 At this time the Chu Feng aura has the change. 此时楚枫气息已是有了变化。 In is not Third Rank Half God, but is Fourth Rank Half God. 不在是三品半神,而是四品半神 But Chu Feng has not set out immediately, even does not have the opening eyes pupil, but continues cultivation. 楚枫并未立刻起身,甚至没有睁开眼眸,而是继续修炼 The strength no small matter of this bead, Chu Feng wants to attempt to break through twofold cultivation realm continuously. 这珠子的力量非同小可,楚枫想尝试连续突破两重修为 And he felt, may succeed very much. 并且他觉得,很有可能会成功。 It seems like not good.” “看来不行。” But quick, Chu Feng then sets out, from is very near, but actually missed was so little. 但很快,楚枫便起身,距离已经很近了,但却差了那么一点点。 „The place of cultivation.” 修炼之地。” But quick Chu Feng at present one bright, therefore Yu Kong, grazes to go to the place of cultivation immediately. 可很快楚枫眼前一亮,于是立刻御空而起,向修炼之地飞掠而去。 The place of cultivation wants to break through that is very difficult, but there is this bead to be used as the basis, he used the place of cultivation, decided however can break through. 修炼之地想要突破那是很难的,但有了这珠子做基础,他用修炼之地,定然可以突破。 Chu Feng enters the place of cultivation, before deferring to itself, method cultivation that comprehends. 楚枫进入修炼之地,按照自己之前领悟的方法修炼 Really has then harvested quickly. 果然很快便有所收获。 ...... …… Outside Summit of Nine Heavens, the void above Divine Lightning phenomenon has not diverged thoroughly, the dark cloud covers the sky as before. 九天之巅外,虚空之上的神雷异象还未彻底散去,乌云依旧覆盖天空。 Rumble- 轰隆隆- Quick, Divine Lightning reappears, the power and influence such as was the same previously. 很快,神雷再现,威势如先前一样。 Not, broke through?” “不是吧,又突破了?” Continual breakthrough?” “连续突破?” This... this what cultivation speed?” “这…这什么修炼速度啊?” The people expression is complex, continual breakthrough this matter, has to happen. 众人表情复杂,连续突破这种事情,不是没有发生过。 But because, them has known that breaks through continuously needs anything. 但正因发生过,他们才知道连续突破需要什么。 This is not the issue of cultivation resources, this need extremely strong perception. 这不是修炼资源的问题,这需要极强的悟性。 And realm is higher, the needed perception is stronger. 并且境界越高,需要的悟性越强。 Can mount the Summit of Nine Heavens junior, at least is also Half God Realm, can break through in Half God Realm continuously, hears something never heard of before. 能够登上九天之巅的小辈,起码也是半神境,能在半神境连续突破,闻所未闻。 This Chu Feng, comes air/Qi Seven Worlds Saint Mansion intentionally?” “这楚枫,是故意来气七界圣府的吧?” Too genius, is this Jie Ranqing son?” “太妖孽了,这就是界染清的儿子吗?” If that eliminated Jie Tian, is really the Seven Worlds Mansion Lord grandchild, was that this contrast too also sharp?” “倘若那个被淘汰的界天,真的就是七界府主的外孙,那这个对比也太鲜明了吧?” The people do not dare openly to discuss, but talked in secret, because they know, Seven Worlds Saint Mansion person also. 众人已经不敢公开讨论,而是暗中交谈,因为他们知道,七界圣府的人也在。 This words, are Seven Worlds Saint Mansion are not willing to hear inevitably. 这种话,必然是七界圣府不愿意听到的。 But Half God Realm breaks through continuously, this also indeed makes them enlarge ones vision. 半神境连续突破,这也的确让他们开了眼。 This at all is not the issue of cultivation resources, but is the cultivation talent is extremely terrifying. 这根本不是修炼资源的问题,而是修炼天赋太过恐怖。 must know, many of them, even if the cultivation resources are sufficient, but wants to break through in Half God Realm, short, then consumes for dozens years, long, then consumes for several thousand years, even over ten thousand years. 要知道,他们之中的许多人,哪怕修炼资源早已足够,但在半神境想要突破,短则耗费几十年,长则耗费几千年,甚至上万年。 But in fact, can cultivation to Half God Realm, the talent not be bad, but does not have heaven defying that. 可实际上,能够修炼半神境的,天赋已经不差了,只是没那么逆天而已。 Because of knowing cultivation is not easy, the people subdue. 正因知道修炼不易,众人才折服。 By this Divine Lightning phenomenon, they then had only felt, Chu Feng does not have unearned reputation, the talent is indeed terrorist. 只凭借这神雷异象,他们便已觉得,楚枫绝非浪得虚名,天赋的确恐怖。 Quick, Divine Lightning falls into Summit of Nine Heavens again, falls into the place of cultivation. 很快,神雷再度落入九天之巅,落入修炼之地。 After Thunder Punishment integrates within the body, Chu Feng is also finally the opening eyes pupil. 雷罚融入体内后,楚枫也是终于睁开眼眸。 Achieved Fifth Rank Half God finally, calculated some energy.” “总算达到了五品半神,也算有些底气了。” On Chu Feng's face, is difficult to cover joyfully. 楚枫的脸上,也是难掩喜悦。 Asura King cultivation realm, although achieved True God, available his strength has the number of times limit. 修罗王修为,虽达到了真神,可用他的力量是有次数限制的。 Calculates, now can only use again twice. 算下来,如今只能再使用两次。 Long-time, must depend upon itself. 长久来看,还是要依靠自己。 But now has Fifth Rank Half God cultivation realm, Chu Feng displays the full power, Qin Xuan that rank, he can fight. 而现在有五品半神修为,楚枫施展全力,秦玄那种级别,他是能够一战的。 If Heaven Swallowing Qilin has not deceived him, after its refining up dragon marrow, really can help Chu Feng promote cultivation realm, even if only First Rank, that Chu Feng facing Huangfu Shengyu that rank, can fight. 若是吞天麒麟没有骗他,待其炼化龙髓后,真的能帮助楚枫提升修为,哪怕只是一品,那楚枫面对皇甫圣宇那种级别,也是能够一战。 If can promote Second Rank, Chu Feng did not say strongly, but also includes strongest sufficiently. 倘若能提升两品,楚枫不说最强,但也足以列入最强之列。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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