MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5759: Friendship flavor

Chapter 5757 friendship flavor 第5757章友情的味道 This......” “这……” Sees this, the Seven Worlds Mansion Lord expression is not calm, his corners of the mouth understand slightly, the chest bullies fiercely. 看到这一幕,七界府主的表情也不淡定了,他嘴角微微都懂,胸口更是剧烈欺负。 But numerous position Elder are frightens the complexion to be pale, the atmosphere does not dare to breathe. 而众位长老更是吓得脸色铁青,大气都不敢喘。 Because in the giant elimination list, only has six characters. 因为巨大的淘汰榜上,只有六个字。 Seven Worlds Saint Mansion Jie Tian. 七界圣府界天 Person as the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, they are very clear, in this participate Summit of Nine Heavens junior, called Jie Tian only had one. 身为七界圣府之人,他们很清楚,此次参加九天之巅的小辈中,叫界天的只有一个。 That was Seven Worlds Mansion Lord, a few days ago just the public grandchild. 那便是七界府主,前些时日刚刚公开的外孙。 ...... …… „Was Jie Tian eliminated?” 界天被淘汰了?” „The same name, does Seven Worlds Saint Mansion have others to be called Jie Tian?” “是同名吧,七界圣府还有其他人叫做界天吧?” What's the matter, such big eliminates the list, only then he alone? Doesn't present the names of others?” “到底咋回事啊,这么大的一张淘汰榜,只有他一个人?迟迟不出现其他人的名字?” Only was he eliminated? Was this too also conspicuous?” “难道只有他被淘汰了?这也太显眼了吧?” Outside, has blasted out the pot, all troops, are discussing intensely. 外面,已经炸开了锅,各方人马,都在激烈的讨论着。 ...... …… Summit of Nine Heavens, in that cave. 九天之巅,那座山洞内。 Jie Tian is looking at Liu Kuo with clenched jaws. 界天正咬牙切齿的看着刘阔。 Because he just looks at Liu Kuo with own eyes, own name, wrote above the list. 因为他刚刚亲眼看着刘阔,将自己的名字,写在了榜单之上。 And also specially, made up Seven Worlds Saint Mansion these four characters. 并且还特意,将七界圣府这四个字补了上去。 Very afraid others not to know, this eliminated person is he. 深怕别人不知道,这个被淘汰的人就是他。 Really almost forgot that added your Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, was good to think, now does not need to be worried, they should know that was you eliminates.” “真的差点就忘记把你七界圣府加上去了,好在想起来了,现在不用担心了,他们应该都知道是你淘汰了。” Liu Kuo smilingly looks to Jie Tian. 刘阔笑眯眯的看向界天 You will regret.” Jie Tian clenches jaws, speech time, the blue vein on face exceptionally is obvious. “你会后悔的。”界天咬牙切齿,说话的时候,脸上的青筋都异常明显。 If Ok, he wishes one could to tear to shreds Liu Kuo now. 若是可以,他现在恨不得将刘阔碎尸万段。 Regarding the threat of Jie Tian, Liu Kuo shows a faint smile, immediately pinches the buddha beads, immediately Fokuang shines. 对于界天的威胁,刘阔微微一笑,旋即捏动佛珠,顿时佛光普照。 But that seemingly sacred Fokuang, actually the Jie Tian oppression above the dike, the five senses distorts. 可那看似神圣的佛光,却将界天压迫在岩壁之上,五官都变了形。 Powerful strength, if continues, Jie Tian that perhaps will press forcefully, mortal body smashing, soul broken powder. 强大的力量,若是继续下去,恐怕会硬生生压的界天,肉身粉碎,灵魂破散。 By formation technique, after suppressing Jie Tian, Liu Kuo arrived at the Jie Tian near, two's face, almost pasted one quickly. 凭借阵法,压制住了界天后,刘阔走到了界天的近前,二者的脸,几乎都快贴到了一起。 Jie Tian benefactor, monk, although is the Buddhist, but the monk is not very usually quality.” 界天施主,小僧虽是出家人,但小僧可是非常没有素质的。” You dare to threaten the monk again, the monk is really possibly impolite to you.” “你再敢威胁小僧,小僧可能真就对你不客气了。” „The Summit of Nine Heavens trial, does not have the bad risk, let alone injured, even if you disappear, is still fair.” 九天之巅的试炼,并非没有凶险,别说受伤,你就算消失,也是合情合理。” The words, Liu Kuocai receives the formation technique strength, Jie Tian then falls off from the dike under. 话罢,刘阔才收起阵法力量,界天这才从岩壁脱落而下。 His gasping for breath in gulps at this moment, looked like the oxygen deficit generally. 此刻的他大口大口的喘着气,就像是缺氧了一般。 But can existences of their cultivation realm, how the oxygen deficit? 但他们这种修为的存在,怎么会缺氧呢? Reason that was just Liu Kuo will so give his pressure on be too big purely. 之所以会如此,纯粹是刚刚刘阔给他的压力太大了。 You dare so to treat me, really doesn't fear my Seven Worlds Saint Mansion?” “你敢如此待我,真不怕我七界圣府?” A Jie Tian hand covers the chest, makes the hoarse and weak sound. 界天一只手捂住胸口,发出嘶哑且虚弱的声音。 Feared?” “怕?” Your Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, keeping thinking about my Summit of Nine Heavens was not one day two days.” “你七界圣府,惦记我九天之巅也不是一天两天了。” You, if really has that skill, my Summit of Nine Heavens, hasn't been your Seven Worlds Saint Mansion it's in the bag?” Liu Kuo asked. “你们若是真有那个本事,我九天之巅,不就早就是你七界圣府的囊中之物了?”刘阔问。 What Summit of Nine Heavens is strong is formation technique, are not related with you.” Jie Tian said. 九天之巅强的是阵法,和你们没有关系。”界天道。 Speaking of formation technique, your Seven Worlds Saint Mansion is not World Spiritist, is not excels at formation technique, how hasn't been able to break open my Summit of Nine Heavens formation technique?” Liu Kuo asked. “说到阵法,你七界圣府不都是界灵师,不就是擅长阵法,怎么还无法破开我九天之巅阵法?”刘阔问。 You do not do to look down on my Seven Worlds Saint Mansion.” Jie Tian eye of reveal ominous light, although is very weak, but he really cares about the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion dignity very much. “你休要小瞧我七界圣府。”界天目露凶光,尽管很是虚弱,可他真的很在乎七界圣府的威严。 Makes clear, the monk never looks down on Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, but I want to tell you.” “搞清楚,小僧从未小瞧七界圣府,但我想告诉你。” You must look down on my Summit of Nine Heavens not.” “你也莫要小瞧我九天之巅。” The words, Liu Kuo then turned around to leave this place. 话罢,刘阔便转身离开了此地。 Jie Tian is very annoyed, but has not actually made any resistance again. 界天很是恼火,可却没有再做任何抗争。 He knows, this rock cave was blocked, this is the Summit of Nine Heavens formation technique strength, he is unable to break open that formation technique, can only treat in this place. 他知道,这岩洞被封锁了,这是九天之巅阵法力量,他根本无法破开那阵法,只能待在此地。 Next time, I will make all of you know, fierce of my Jie Tian.” “下一次,我会让你们所有人知道,我界天的厉害。” Jie Tian pledged secretly, see again/goodbye to Chu Feng and Xianhai Yu'er, including that Liu Kuo. 界天暗暗发誓,再见楚枫仙海鱼儿,包括那刘阔。 He again like the present, so will not be absolutely distressed. 他绝对不会再像现在这样,如此狼狈。 ...... …… Chu Feng and Little Fishy and others, shows special prowess, male catches fish to catch the shrimp to hit the game in the Chu Feng's territory, female is the tool and seasoning that the preparation prepares food. 楚枫小鱼儿等人,各显神通,男的在楚枫的领地内捞鱼抓虾打野味,女的则是准备做菜的工具和调料。 Finally, really made the meal of full table. 最终,也真的做了满满一桌子的饭菜。 Because everyone has not used Spirit Formation technique, but by traditional craftsmanship cooking good food. 但因为大家都没有使用结界之术,而是以传统手艺烹饪的美食。 Therefore these good food, seeming like are not quite really delicious. 所以这些美食,看起来真的不太美味。 Color fragrance these three characteristics, no standard. 色香味这三个特点,没有一个达标。 But Chu Feng and others, is actually raises glass to drink to heart's content, simultaneously eats is also very happy. 楚枫等人,却是举杯畅饮,同时吃的也是非常开心。 Although flavor difference, but at least can eat, has eaten innumerable bitter them regarding cultivation, this thing can be anything. 味道虽然差了点,但至少能吃,对于修炼吃过无数苦的他们,这点东西算得上什么。 Naturally, more importantly must show due respect for the feelings. 当然,重要的是要给面子。 Especially Long Chengyu, show due respect for feelings, eaten most, he drinks also many. 尤其龙承羽,最给面子,吃的最多,他喝的也很多。 My Long Chengyu pledged, this is my this lifetime has eaten, most unforgettable food.” “我龙承羽发誓,这是我这辈子吃过的,最难忘的一顿饭。” Long Chengyu turning purple of somewhat blushing. 龙承羽的脸红的有些发紫。 He naturally cannot because of drinking to be drunk, but actually also because of drinking wine, but made him and was not quite in the past same. 他自然不会因为喝酒而醉,但却也会因为饮酒,而使他与往常变得不太一样。 That slightly drunk appearance, is quite actually interesting. 那微醺的样子,倒是颇为有趣。 Brother Long, you spoke were too implicit, you might as well say directly, this was food that you had have most been unpalatable.” 龙兄,你说话太含蓄了,你不如直接说,这是你吃过最难吃的一顿饭。” Xianhai Shaoyu such remarks, above the Long Muxi slightly red small face, raises wipes the light smile. 仙海少禹此话一出,龙沐熙微红的小脸之上,不由扬起一抹淡淡的微笑。 But Little Fishy, Feng Ling, Xian Miaomiao and others actually purses the lips close to, obviously regarding the appraisal of Xianhai Shaoyu, they do not accept. 小鱼儿,风铃,仙喵喵等人却是噘起了嘴巴,显然对于仙海少禹的评价,她们并不接受。 „It is not, is really not, this food was too rare, I very long not such happy.” “不是,真的不是,这顿饭太难得了,我很久没有这样开心过了。” At least after my Totem Dragon Clan presents the accident, this is I happiest food.” “至少在我图腾龙族出现变故之后,这是我最开心的一顿饭。” Long Chengyu such remarks, the people all are silent. 龙承羽此话一出,众人皆是沉默。 The Totem Dragon Clan accident, they knew. 图腾龙族的变故,他们都知道了。 After all the family position exchanges ownerships, Long Chengyu is Young Lord, regardless of the surface is indifferent, but isn't his heart, possibly how sad? 毕竟家族地位易主,龙承羽又是少主,无论表面如何无所谓,可他内心,怎么可能一点都不难过? His pressure, although is unable the sympathize, but actually can also imagine has 12. 他的压力,虽无法感同身受,但却也能够想象出个一二。 What I said is the truth, Little Brother Chu Feng, you, is this food unpalatable, is happy?” Long Chengyu asked to Chu Feng. “我说的是实话,楚枫兄弟,你来说,这顿饭难不难吃,开不开心?”龙承羽楚枫问道。 At this time, the Chu Feng hand held wine glass, stands up. 此时,楚枫手提酒杯,站起身来。 I said that a truth, today's food, being unpalatable is really unpalatable, but happy also really happy.” “我说句实话啊,今天的饭,难吃是真的难吃,但开心也是真的开心。” This is the friendship flavor, comes... to make us raise glass, respects our friendship.” Chu Feng raises glass to say. “这是友情的味道,来…让我们举杯,敬我们的友情。”楚枫举杯说道。 The people also set out: Good, respects the friendship!!!” 众人同时起身:“好,敬友情!!!” The smile on all faces, all are incomparably bright. 所有人脸上的笑容,皆是无比灿烂。 This food, they have eaten the darkness. 这顿饭,他们一直吃到了天黑。 When darkness, everyone has not wanted to diverge, but Chu Feng actually puts out several scroll, gave everyone on the scene respectively. 天黑之时,大家还不想散去,可楚枫却拿出几个卷轴,分别递给了在场的每一个人。 „The place of that cultivation, I comprehended some methods, according to my method cultivation , helping should be bigger.” Chu Feng said. “那修炼之地,我领悟到了一些方法,按照我这个方法修炼,帮助应该会大一些。”楚枫说道。 The people, did not plan to disperse. 原本众人,是不打算散开的。 Because they felt, the place of effect cultivation is small, did not plan to go back cultivation. 因为他们都觉得,修炼之地效果甚微,不打算回去修炼了。 But regarding the Chu Feng's words, they unusual letter/believes, therefore has not given full expression although, may decide according to the Chu Feng's method goes back to try. 可是对于楚枫的话,他们又非常的信,所以尽管意犹未尽,可还是决定按照楚枫的方法回去试试。 Brother Shaoyu, this is to belong your.” 少禹兄,这个本是属于你的。” But in seeing somebody off, Chu Feng actually that the bead that attains from the Huangfu Shengyu hand, gave Xianhai Shaoyu. 但在送人的时候,楚枫却将那颗,从皇甫圣宇手中拿到的珠子,递给了仙海少禹 Originally, Xianhai Shaoyu also prepares to mount the stage again. 本来,仙海少禹也是准备再度登台的。 Chu Feng knows, Xianhai Shaoyu has not displayed the full power, if he mounts the stage again, can defeat Huangfu Shengyu mostly. 楚枫知道,仙海少禹并未施展全力,他若再登台,多半是能击败皇甫圣宇的。 Little Brother Chu Feng, you thought that my Xianhai Yu Clan, will lack the cultivation resources?” 楚枫兄弟,你觉得我仙海鱼族,会缺少修炼资源吗?” This you remain, to compensate me, tomorrow accompanies me to rest the head on with the dormancy together then.” “这个你就留着,若想补偿我,明天陪我一起同眠共枕即可。” Xianhai Shaoyu such remarks, Little Fishy immediately complexion big change, cursed: Elder Brother, you are sick.” 仙海少禹此话一出,小鱼儿顿时脸色大变,大骂一声:“哥,你有病吧。” And, Chu Feng, entrained immediately from Xianhai Shaoyu one side. 并且,立马将楚枫,从仙海少禹身旁拽到了一边。 Big Brother, you later to my brother, you do not understand him, he is not a normal person, you do not know, the bad reading material that he reads is what content.” 大哥哥,你以后离我哥远一点,你不了解他,他不是正常人,你都不知道,他看的不良读物是什么内容。” Is saying, Little Fishy also while grips the palm of bead to get hold of Chu Feng. 一边说着,小鱼儿还一边将楚枫握住珠子的手掌握紧。 Her meaning was very obvious, this thing Chu Feng remain. 她的意思很明显了,这东西楚枫自己留着。 „Any bad reading material, how spreads rumors and misleads the people, oh, is really the younger sister does not remain greatly.” “什么不良读物啊,怎么妖言惑众,唉,真是妹大不中留啊。” Sad, was sad, Little Brother Chu Feng, my younger sister does not want, considers as finished to you.” “伤心,难过了,楚枫兄弟,我这妹妹不要也罢,给你算了。” Xianhai Shaoyu makes to wipe the tears movement, walks outward. 仙海少禹做出抹眼泪的动作,向外走去。 But on the face is actually giving a tongue-lashing the big tooth, smiled that called a happiness. 但脸上却是呲着大牙,笑的那叫一个开心。 Big Brother, I first go back, you must well cultivation.” After the farewell that Little Fishy smiles, then turns around to pursue to Xianhai Shaoyu: Smelly Elder Brother, waits for me.” 大哥哥,那我先回去咯,你也要好好修炼。”小鱼儿笑眯眯的告别后,便转身追向仙海少禹:“臭哥哥,等等我。” Seeing that others are also wear a look of the happy expression, coming out that they look, this to brother and sister's relations, really very good. 见状,其他人也是面带笑意,他们都看的出来,这对兄妹的关系,是真的非常的好。 Even sees Xianhai Yu'er and Xianhai Shaoyu that intimate appearance, Long Chengyu somewhat envies. 甚至看到仙海鱼儿仙海少禹那亲密的样子,龙承羽有些羡慕。 He wants with oneself Elder Sister, can like this. 他多想与自己的姐姐,也能这样啊。 Chu Feng, I also go back cultivation, tomorrow I will come again.” 楚枫,那我也回去修炼咯,明日我再来。” Xian Miaomiao is also saying of smiling. 仙喵喵也是笑眯眯的说道。 I also come back.” Feng Ling also collected. “我也回来的喔。”风铃也是凑了过来。 Afterward, people 11 farewells. 随后,众人一一告别。 After the people send off, Chu Feng not the palace that returns to itself to rest, sits directly. 将众人送走后,楚枫并没有回到自己休息的宫殿,直接席地而坐。 That bead that not only has not wanted Xianhai Shaoyu took, gave his bead to take Xianhai Yu'er. 不仅将仙海少禹没要的那颗珠子取了出来,也将仙海鱼儿给他的那颗珠子取了出来。 Chu Feng has seen, these two beads are extremely good cultivation resources. 楚枫已经看出,这两颗珠子是极佳的修炼资源。 He prepares, direct cultivation!!! 他准备,直接修炼!!! PS: PS: Today Martial God animation maximum heat degree, still second, but is not we are weak, but swallowed Heavenly Dome too to be truly strong. 今日武神动漫的最高热度,依然第二,但不是我们弱,而是吞噬苍穹确实太强了。 Although saw that cannot rush to the heat degree first, but barrage, commented, saw everyone to the support of Martial God and honeybee, was very affected. 虽然看到没能冲到热度第一,但是无论是弹幕,还是评论,都看到了大家对武神和蜜蜂的支持,真的很感动。 Therefore the honeybee decided, even today attacks the animation heat degree's first failure, but next Monday, I must erupt ten chapters. 所以蜜蜂决定,就算今天冲击动漫热度第一失败,但下周一,我还是要爆发十章。 Moreover, wants to continue Little Brother of fee/spent Tencent video member, please must in the contact surface operation of Martial God Asura animation, help the Martial God animation enter the best-selling list like this. 另外,想续费腾讯视频会员的兄弟们,请务必在修罗武神动漫的界面操作,这样有助于武神动漫进入畅销榜。 So long as enters the best-selling list, in into the list day ten days, the honeybee will challenge to erupt 15 chapters. 只要进入畅销榜,在入榜日起的十日内,蜜蜂会挑战爆发十五章。 Let us together, to!!! 让我们一起,冲冲冲!!! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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