MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5758: The list is only

Chapter 5756 list is only 第5756章榜单唯一 Looks at Little Fishy, Xian Miaomiao, Feng Ling, the talent beautiful woman who Long Muxi and other strengths and beautiful appearance coexist, such follows Chu Feng, walks toward the Chu Feng dwelling. 看着小鱼儿,仙喵喵,风铃,龙沐熙等实力与美貌并存的天才美女,就那样跟着楚枫,屁颠屁颠的向楚枫住处走去。 Xianhai Shaoyu and Long Chengyu this existence, as if also only became the set-off. 就连仙海少禹龙承羽这种存在,仿佛也只成了陪衬。 In the past people envied, is puzzled, is the crazy envy, wishing one could to kill Chu Feng. 以往人们是羡慕,是不解,是疯狂的嫉妒,恨不得想打死楚枫 But they understand now, understands oneself are how ignorant, stupid. 可现在他们理解了,也明白自己是多么的无知,愚蠢。 Originally, Chu Feng is the true big shot. 原来,楚枫才是真正的大佬。 Has True God Realm World Spirit to assume personal command, does not need Xianhai Shaoyu and Xianhai Yu'er protection, who can do to him? 拥有真神境界灵坐镇,根本无需仙海少禹仙海鱼儿保护,谁能奈何他? No wonder Chu Feng dares to come, he really has the energy. 难怪楚枫敢来,他是真的有底气。 Chu Feng, is the Summit of Nine Heavens true dark horse. 楚枫,才是九天之巅真正的黑马。 Suddenly, Qin Shu felt that the cold vision covers itself together, unexpectedly is own Big Brother Qin Xuan. 忽然,秦梳感觉到一道冷冽的目光笼罩自己,竟是自己的大哥秦玄 Sees Qin Xuan this look, one batch in Qin Shu being flustered, this look, before his elder brother, has only exposed to him one time. 看到秦玄这个眼神,秦梳内心慌的一批,这个眼神,他哥之前只对他展露过一次。 But that time, he was hit by his elder brother is very miserable. 而那一次,他被他哥打的很惨。 Elder Brother, my I... I do not know that he has True God World Spirit.” Qin Shu rushes to explain. “哥,我我…我不知道他有真神界灵。”秦梳赶忙解释。 Next time will make clear, what otherwise suffers a loss is we.” Qin Xuan said in secret. “下次搞清楚,不然吃亏的是咱们。”秦玄暗中道。 Originally he also plans, if there is an opportunity, copes with Chu Feng, after all his Little Brother had been humiliated by Chu Feng. 本来他也计划,若有机会,就对付楚枫,毕竟他弟弟楚枫欺凌过。 But, has not waited till that opportunity now fortunately, otherwise some indeed people must be humiliated. 可现在来看,还好没等到那个机会,不然的确有人要被欺凌。 But is not Chu Feng, but is he. 但不是楚枫,而是他。 ...... …… Meanwhile, in a Summit of Nine Heavens ruined cave. 与此同时,九天之巅一个破败的山洞内。 Jie Tian lies down on the ground, therapy formation technique to cover him, under the formation technique treatment, his wound is basically good, but also in deep sleep. 界天躺在地上,一座疗伤阵法笼罩着他,在阵法治疗下,他的伤已经基本好了,但还在沉睡中。 Liu Kuo stands, closes one's eyes. 刘阔则是站在旁边,闭着眼睛。 His eye is reappearing the light ray, that is formation power. 他的眼睛浮现着淡淡光芒,那是一种结界之力 Meanwhile, in his hand is pinching buddha beads, is gives out the similar ray. 同时,其手中捏着的佛珠,也是散发着同样的光芒。 Little Brother Chu Feng, the hidden is deep enough, even True God World Spirit has, simply strong not.” 楚枫兄弟,隐藏够深的,连真神界灵都有,简直强的不像人了。” Liu Kuo corners of the mouth reveal wipe the smile. 刘阔嘴角露出一抹笑容。 Although he at the scene, has not been by regarding this grasping of formation technique, just all of square, he was the clarity that looked. 尽管他没有在现场,可是凭借对此地阵法的掌握,刚刚广场发生的一切,他都是看的清清楚楚。 -” “唔-” Suddenly, light snort/hum resounds together, Liu Kuo opening eyes pupil, will then look at Jie Tian. 忽然,一道轻哼响起,刘阔便睁开眼眸,将目光投向了界天 In the immediately fluctuation hand the buddha beads, to a Jie Tian point, that are covering Jie Tian therapy formation technique then to dissipate immediately. 旋即变幻手中佛珠,对着界天一点,那覆盖界天的疗伤阵法便立刻消散。 But Jie Tian, is slowly the opening eyes pupil. 界天,也是缓缓睁开眼眸。 Where is this?” Jie Tian regains consciousness, is rubbing the head while asked. “这是哪里?”界天苏醒,一边揉着脑袋一边问道。 You and Xianhai Yu'er compare notes to defeat, but also remembers?” Liu Kuo asked. “你与仙海鱼儿切磋战败,还记得吗?”刘阔问。 Hears this words, the Jie Tian expression becomes incomparably heavy. 听闻此话,界天表情变得无比沉重。 Before this lets he recalled at first, and fight of Xianhai Yu'er. 这让他回想起先前与仙海鱼儿的交手。 His progress is very big, may defeat. 他的进步已是非常之大,可还是败了。 It seems like remembers, remembers well.” “看来记得,记得就好。” According to the gambling makes, you had been eliminated, should leave Summit of Nine Heavens.” “按照赌约,你已被淘汰,应该离开九天之巅。” Liu Kuo such remarks, Jie Tian the pressure multiplies immediately. 刘阔此话一出,界天顿时压力倍增。 But, now Summit of Nine Heavens is the blocked state, you must stop over here some days, finished until Summit of Nine Heavens.” “但是,现在九天之巅乃是封锁状态,你还需在这里逗留些日子,直到九天之巅结束。” Hears here, Jie Tian also relaxes. 听到这里,界天也是松了一口气。 Even if cannot leave, still finds the good point place to me, this is nothing?” “就算不能离开,也给我找个好一点的地方吧,这算什么?” Jie Tian sized up around one, this broken cave, is true does not suit his status. 界天打量了一眼四周,这个破山洞,属实不适合他的身份。 Jie Tian benefactor, you were eliminated, but also is here nitpicking?” 界天施主,你都被淘汰了,还在这里挑肥拣瘦?” Monk has given you to be dignified, good and evil you here, only then you know.” “小僧已经给你体面了,好歹你在这里,只有你知道。” Or, you and Qin Xuan Qin Shu is the same, goes to the square to squat?” Liu Kuo asked. “要不,你和秦玄秦梳一样,去广场蹲着?”刘阔问。 Hears this words, Jie Tian shows the whites of the eyes: Actually here is also good.” 听闻此话,界天翻了个白眼:“其实这里也还行。” Right Jie Tian, although you are unable to leave, but your eliminated matter is public.” Liu Kuo said. “对了界天,虽然你无法离开,但是你被淘汰的事情还是要公开。”刘阔说道。 What meaning?” Hears this words, Jie Tian stands up immediately. “什么意思?”听闻此话,界天立刻站起身来。 „Before you come, should see, inspects the result to have the list.” “你进来之前,应该看到了,考核成绩是有榜单的。” But this Summit of Nine Heavens, unlike, eliminated in the past also has the list of public announcement.” Liu Kuo said. “但此次九天之巅,与往常不同,淘汰也有公示的榜单。”刘阔说道。 Your meaning is, will everyone see?” Jie Tian asked. “你的意思是,所有人都会看到?”界天问。 Right, moreover you are the first selected person, temporarily is also only one.” Liu Kuo said. “对,而且你是第一个上榜之人,暂时也是唯一一个。”刘阔说道。 Hears this words, before Jie Tian rushed to arrive at Liu Kuo body, cosmos sack takes out, gave Liu Kuo. 听闻此话,界天赶忙来到了刘阔身前,将一个乾坤袋取出,递给了刘阔。 What meaning, wants to bribe the monk?” Liu Kuo asked. “什么意思,想贿赂小僧?”刘阔问。 „It is not the bribe, but discussed whether to write my name?” “不是贿赂,只是商量,能否不将我名字写上去?” Or late point, otherwise......” “或者迟一点也可以,不然……” Otherwise does not have the face is right? But Jie Tian benefactor, you make a move to Chu Feng in the presence of everyone, kneeling place that if he was really hit by you, have you thought his face?” “不然很没面子对吧?可是界天施主,你当众对楚枫出手,若他真的被你打的跪地不起,你想过他的面子吗?” Or, Xianhai Yu'er benefactor, was defeated by you, she wants first to be eliminated, her name must appear on this list, have you thought her face?” “又或者,仙海鱼儿施主,被你击败,她就要第一个被淘汰,她的名字就要出现在这榜单上面,你想过她的面子吗?” I think that you will not only not care, wild with joy that instead can be from the heart, steps on them to establish your reputation, the itself/Ben is you wants.” “我想你不仅不会在乎,反而会发自内心的狂喜,踩着他们建立你的名声,本就是你想要的。” Was a pity, you defeated, defeated must recognize.” Liu Kuo satirized looks at Jie Tian. “只是可惜,你败了,败了就要认啊。”刘阔讽刺的看着界天 Your other to hesitate to do something until forced to do even more.” The Jie Tian suddenly complexion becomes gloomy and cold. “你别敬酒不吃吃罚酒。”界天忽然脸色变得阴冷。 What's wrong, soft is not good, wants to come hardly?” “怎么,软的不行,想来硬的?” You can try.” Liu Kuo said. “你可以试试。”刘阔说道。 Jie Tian pinches the law secret art suddenly, powerful formation power, changes to several chains, releases from its within the body, twines to go to Liu Kuo. 界天忽然捏动法诀,强大的结界之力,化作数道锁链,自其体内释放而出,又向刘阔缠绕而去。 That formation chains, closely twines Liu Kuo, but actually cannot touch Liu Kuo main body. 结界锁链,紧紧将刘阔缠绕,但其实未能触碰到刘阔本体。 First Level defends formation, is protecting Liu Kuo. 一重防御结界,守护着刘阔。 Snort.” “哼。” Sees only Liu Kuo lightly snorted, not only twines his formation chains shaken smashing, Jie Tian was also shaken draws back, collision ruthlessly above dike. 只见刘阔轻哼一声,不仅缠绕他的结界锁链被震的粉碎,就连界天也是被震退,狠狠的撞在了岩壁之上。 Jie Tian, if fights normally, the monk possibly is not your opponent.” 界天,若是正常交手,小僧可能不是你对手。” But now in Summit of Nine Heavens, here is the monk my home game , do you and I fight?” “但现在是在九天之巅,在这里是小僧我的主场,你和我斗?” Liu Kuoshou grasps the buddha beads, despicable looks at Jie Tian. 刘阔手握佛珠,鄙夷的看着界天 Afterward, Liu Kuofa secret art changes, buddha beads in palm then release formation power, changes to a formation list before Liu Kuoshen. 随后,刘阔法诀变化,掌中的一颗佛珠便释放出结界之力,化作一张结界榜单在刘阔身前。 But at the same time, outside Summit of Nine Heavens, above void of Burning Vein Village, presented a list. 而与此同时,九天之巅外,燃脉村的虚空之上,也是出现了一张榜单。 That list and exactly the same before Liu Kuo body, but is actually very huge, is also big with the list that previously inspected, stands abreast in row. 那榜单与刘阔身前的一模一样,只不过却是非常巨大,与先前考核的榜单同样大,就并排而立。 Even if the distance is very far, is the clarity that looks. 哪怕距离很远,也是看的清清楚楚。 Also had the list to appear, did the competition of Summit of Nine Heavens finally start?” “又有榜单出现了,九天之巅的比试终于开始了吗?” This list emergence, immediately brought to the attention of all influence. 此榜单一出现,顿时引起了各方势力的注意。 Is built on void, stands in the land, regardless of being far, is near, everyone collects the vision above that list. 无论是立于虚空的,还是站于大地的,无论远的,还是近的,所有人都将目光汇集在那榜单之上。 People are unable to discover floats in the spatial palace, Seven Worlds Mansion Lord is meeting to Seven Worlds Saint Mansion Elder. 一座众人无法发现的浮空宫殿内,七界府主正在给七界圣府长老开会。 Although must support the gathering place for Jie Tian here, may as Mansion Lord, Seven Worlds Saint Mansion many matters concerned, he probably process promptly. 虽说要在这里替界天撑场子,可身为府主,七界圣府的诸多事宜,他还是要及时处理。 But after that list appears, he will also stop speaking, looks at that list. 但当那榜单出现后,他也是不由停止讲话,将目光投向那榜单。 Quick, in the list presented the name, eliminates the list!!! 很快,榜单上出现了名字,淘汰榜!!! Originally eliminates the list, suddenly presents this list, it seems like some people must be eliminated.” “原来是淘汰榜,突然出现这种榜单,看来是有人要被淘汰了。” Does not know, who first does appear above this list can be?” “只是不知道,第一个出现在这榜单之上会是谁?” Also with asking, naturally is the nameless junior, otherwise can be the top talent of all influence?” “还用问吗,自然是无名小辈,不然难道会是各方势力的顶尖天才吗?” Eliminates the list regarding this, the people did not anticipate, instead performs teases. 对于这淘汰榜,众人并不期待,反而尽是调侃。 But is quick, the Jie Tian name, appears, in eliminated above the list. 而很快,界天的名字,出现在了淘汰榜之上。 Jie Tian?” 界天?” So to be how familiar-sounding?” “怎么这么耳熟?” Damn , isn't the Seven Worlds Mansion Lord grandchild, calls Jie Tian?” 我擦,七界府主的外孙,不就是叫界天吗?” „, Won't he be eliminated?” “不会吧,难道他被淘汰了?” Sees Jie Tian, the indifferent people, came the interest immediately. 看到界天,原本无所谓的众人,顿时来了兴趣。 Thinks anything, Jie Tian what kind of talent, is not only the Seven Worlds Mansion Lord grandchild, but also has legend Bloodline of king, with the talent of Jie Ranqing same rank, how he to be eliminated.” “想什么呢,界天何等天才,不仅是七界府主的外孙,还拥有传说中的王之血脉,是与界染清同一级别的天才,他怎么可能被淘汰。” But regarding the guess of Jie Tian, is countered by many people immediately, how regardless to see, possibly is not Seven Worlds Saint Mansion that Jie Tian. 但对于界天的猜测,也是立刻遭到许多人的反驳,无论怎么看,都不可能是七界圣府那位界天 At this time, the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion people are at floats in the spatial palace, the atmosphere is also becomes exceptionally serious. 此时,七界圣府众人所在的浮空宫殿内,气氛也是变得异常严肃。 Sir Mansion Lord, possibly is not Jie Tian Young Master, after all big of the world, the person of same surname of the same name were too many.” 府主大人,不可能是界天少爷,毕竟天下之大,同名同姓的人实在太多了。” Elder goes forward, said to Seven Worlds Mansion Lord. 一名长老上前,对七界府主说道。 What impudent remark spoke, this naturally cannot be the weather, you suspected that is the weather is inadequate?” “说什么混账话,这自然不会是天儿,难道你怀疑是天儿不成?” The Seven Worlds Mansion Lord tone is quite disgruntled. 七界府主的语气颇为不悦。 He indeed had not suspected this is Jie Tian, he has the absolute self-confidence to Jie Tian. 他的确没有怀疑过这是界天,他对界天有着绝对的自信。 Subordinate stupid, the subordinate damn.” “属下愚钝,属下该死。” Sees with own eyes oneself spoke incorrectly the words, that Elder rushed to kneel. 眼见自己说错了话,那位长老赶忙跪了下来。 But, in front of Jie Tian presented four large characters in the meantime. 可就在此时,界天前面又出现了四个大字。 Seven Worlds Saint Mansion. 七界圣府 Is linked to each other, then yes...... 连在一起,便是…… Seven Worlds Saint Mansion Jie Tian. 七界圣府界天 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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