MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5757: Walks, eats meal.

Chapter 5755 walks, eats meal. 第5755章走,吃饭去。 Sir Chu Feng, you thought that they who can win?” Asura King asked. 楚枫大人,你觉得他们二人谁能获胜?”修罗王问。 Did not say, they have retained, has not displayed the full power.” “不好说,他们都有所保留,并未施展出全力。” Is only current fight, indeed shares half and half.” Chu Feng said. “只是目前的交手来看,的确是平分秋色。”楚枫说道。 Truly.” Asura King also expresses the support. “确实。”修罗王也是表示赞同。 - 滋啦啦- But quick, Huangfu Shengyu thunder changed. 可很快,皇甫圣宇身上的雷霆发生了变化。 Thunder Mark and Lightning Armour sparkle, Lightning Wings was also bigger than previously. 雷纹雷霆铠甲更为闪耀,雷霆羽翼也是比先前大了许多。 What is main, his strength in significantly is also increased at this moment. 最主要的是,他的战力也在此刻大幅度提升。 How to grow stronger suddenly, is his bloodline power?” Asura King asked. “怎么突然变强了,是他的血脉之力吗?”修罗王问。 No, is forbidden medicine, in view of Heaven rank Bloodline forbidden medicine, should specially on conceals in his within the body, the needed time, among the thoughts can stimulate to movement.” Chu Feng said. “不,是禁药,专门针对天级血脉禁药,应该就藏于他的体内,需要的时候,意念之间就能催动。”楚枫说道。 Unexpectedly so forbidden medicine?” Asura King also exclaimed in surprise. “竟然还有如此禁药?”修罗王也是惊叹。 Coming out that forbidden medicine often in the aura can feel, is at present that Huangfu Shengyu aura, actually could not feel him to use forbidden medicine. 禁药往往气息中就能感受的出来,可是眼下那皇甫圣宇的气息,却感受不出他使用了禁药 Stimulates to movement Huangfu Shengyu after forbidden medicine, finally breaks the power balance the deadlock, starts to suppress Xianhai Shaoyu. 催动禁药后的皇甫圣宇,终于打破均势的僵局,开始压制仙海少禹 Xianhai Shaoyu is also detected that was not right, therefore shows the meaningful smile. 只是仙海少禹也是察觉到了不对,于是露出意味深长的笑容。 Plays, does not need to spell.” “只是玩玩,不用这么拼。” After saying this words, a figure revolution jumped out of the ratio to fight the stage unexpectedly. 说出此话后,竟身形一转跳出了比斗台。 I admit defeat.” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “我认输。”仙海少禹说道。 Admitted defeat?” “认输了?” Even Xianhai Shaoyu admitted defeat.” “连仙海少禹都认输了。” This, Huangfu Shengyu, defeated so powerful Xianhai Shaoyu unexpectedly.” “这,皇甫圣宇,竟击败了如此强大的仙海少禹。” The people who cannot see clearly the concrete process, only saw result. 看不清具体过程的众人,只看到了结果 Although has known that Huangfu Shengyu is powerful. 尽管已经知道皇甫圣宇强大。 But before Xianhai Shaoyu, but has not basically been defeated. 仙海少禹之前,可是基本没有败绩的。 After he loses to Huangfu Shengyu, that Huangfu Shengyu the war, the gold content may really be full. 所以当他败给皇甫圣宇后,那皇甫圣宇的这一战,含金量可就真的是十足了。 He defeats, but before was honored as, Xianhai Shaoyu of vast martial cultivation world strongest junior. 他战胜的,可是之前被誉为,浩瀚修武界最强小辈的仙海少禹啊。 Calculates that you had self-knowledge.” “算你有自知之明。” The Huangfu Shengyu sound resounds, compared with fighting the ripples on stage also dissipates immediately. 皇甫圣宇声音响起,比斗台上的涟漪也是立刻消散。 He has not received oneself strength. 他并未收起自己的力量。 Therefore his thunder at this moment is encumbered, seemingly aggressive extraordinary, ascends the throne general just like the King. 所以此刻的他雷霆缠身,看上去霸气非凡,宛如王者登基一般。 Very powerful, his thunder very powerful, compared with just several strong.” “好强,他身上的雷霆好强,比刚刚几位都强。” „Is this excellent works in Heaven rank Bloodline? Unexpectedly the shape has even changed.” “这就是天级血脉中的圣品吗?居然连形态都有所变化。” People of understanding the true situation, but also thinks that the Huangfu Shengyu thunder is so powerful, is related with his Bloodline. 不明真相的众人,还以为皇甫圣宇的雷霆之所以如此强大,是与他血脉有关。 Many people reveal the admiring the look, but many females, are the manners that exposes to admire. 许多人都露出敬佩的眼神,而许多女子,更是展露出仰慕的神态。 After all some females, inborn adore/admire strong. 毕竟有些女子,天生慕强。 Especially the talent that their types, originally the talent and strength coexist, can enter the people of their eye to be very few. 尤其她们这种,本就天赋与实力并存的天才,能够入她们眼的人少之又少。 But now, Huangfu Shengyu defeated Xianhai Shaoyu, he is almost solid, now the given name of vast martial cultivation world strongest junior. 而现在,皇甫圣宇可是击败了仙海少禹,他几乎已经坐实了,当今浩瀚修武界最强小辈的名号。 These females, naturally admire. 这些女子,自然仰慕。 May admire the look that and admire facing people that Huangfu Shengyu is contemptuous smiles. 可面对众人那敬佩与仰慕的眼神,皇甫圣宇却轻蔑一笑。 Ignorant present age cultivator, you know now, what for true powerhouse?” “无知的当代修武者,现在你们知道,何为真正的强者了?” Huangfu Shengyu such remarks, the people look puzzled. 皇甫圣宇此话一出,众人面露不解。 What meaning is his?” “他这是什么意思?” Regarding the people blind expression, Huangfu Shengyu opens the mouth again: Isn't clear?” 对于众人盲目的表情,皇甫圣宇再度开口:“还不明白?” We and you, are completely different.” “我们与你们,完全不同。” My Huangfu Celestial Clan, was ancient times Celestial Clan.” Huangfu Shengyu such remarks, the people are startled. “我皇甫天族,乃是远古天族。”皇甫圣宇此话一出,众人大为吃惊。 Originally, they were the ancient times families. 原来,他们是远古的家族。 But ancient times family, there is so complete Celestial Clan? Can they come and go out vast martial cultivation world at will? 可是远古家族,也有如此完整的天族吗?他们可以随意出入浩瀚修武界了吗? Ancient Being, does not have bound? 远古存在,不是都有束缚的吗? The race, why could not feel their ancient aura ancient times. 既是远古种族,为何又感受不到他们身上的远古气息 He is not a junior, mixes with the special method?” Long Chengyu asked. “他不是小辈,是用特殊手段混进来的?”龙承羽问。 No, they are the juniors, should be the same to us.” “不,他们都是小辈,应该是与我们一样。” Stated differently, their families do not rise in this time, but came from Ancient Era.” Chu Feng said. “不同的是,他们的家族不是在这个时代崛起,而是源自远古时期。”楚枫说道。 No wonder, their bodies do not have ancient aura.” Long Chengyu said. “怪不得,他们的身上没有远古气息。”龙承羽道。 But the conversation of Chu Feng and Long Chengyu is very low voice, many people have not heard, therefore many people are still confused. 楚枫龙承羽的交谈很是小声,很多人没听到,所以很多人依旧迷茫。 Has not thought through at once. 一时之间没有想通。 Also stayed before to the Ancient Being beforehand concept. 还停留在之前对远古存在之前的观念中。 Cannot think through, why the ancient times person, can mount Summit of Nine Heavens. 想不通,为何远古的人,能够登上九天之巅 Look, this look, is exactly the same as the to view the sky from the bottom of a well frog.” “看,这种眼神,与坐井观天的青蛙一模一样。” This does not blame you, your itself/Ben is to view the sky from the bottom of a well, has not seen any world.” “不过这也不怪你们,你们本就是坐井观天,没见过任何世面。” Today we come to here, is to make you clearly recognize the reality, making you know, you weak.” “今日我们来这里,就是让你们认清现实的,让你们知道,你们有多弱。” You really think, this vast martial cultivation world was controlled by you?” “你们真的以为,这浩瀚修武界是被你们主宰了吗?” You made a mistake, so long as we make a move, you can only be our slaves, this is your present age cultivator, with our generation ancient times cultivator disparity.” “你们错了,只要我们出手,你们只能做我们的奴隶,这便是你们当代修武者,与我辈远古修武者的差距。” During the Huangfu Shengyu speeches, regardless of the expression or the tone, is all demonstrating his being proud and arrogance. 皇甫圣宇说话间,无论表情还是语气,皆在展示他的自负与傲慢。 At this time, previously covered the vision of his admiration and admiration, almost dissipated. 此时,先前覆盖他的仰慕与敬佩的目光,几乎都消散了。 What displacing is the anger. 取而代之的乃是愤怒。 After all the Huangfu Shengyu words offended somebody, they are the talents, can in the Huangfu Shengyu eye, they actually only be able to be the slave? 毕竟皇甫圣宇的话语太伤人了,他们好歹都是天才,可在皇甫圣宇眼中,他们却只能做奴隶? This makes them feel that own self-respect was trampled, the innermost feelings also received the enormous humiliation. 这让他们感觉自己的自尊被践踏了,内心也受到了极大屈辱。 But Huangfu Shengyu, seems wants to cause the popular anger, felt the atmosphere is not right obviously, but has not actually restrained. 皇甫圣宇,似乎就是想要引起众怒,明明感受到了氛围不对,但却也没有丝毫收敛。 I hear, now did Age of Gods, moreover hoped in the junior.” “我听闻,现在搞出了一个神之时代,而且希望就在小辈之中。” Therefore your in the influence, uses the resources to train you, is to seize the opportunity.” “所以你们的所在势力,倾尽资源培养你们,就是想要争得先机。” Hahaha......” 哈哈哈哈……” The words to here, Huangfu Shengyu laugh suddenly, and laughter is getting more and more grating, is getting more and more crazy. 话到此处,皇甫圣宇忽然大笑起来,并且笑声越来越刺耳,越来越疯狂。 Smiled some little time, gradually stabilized. 笑了好一会,才逐渐稳定。 He looks again to the people: 他再度看向众人: „Not good meaning, really not to have borne, because is truly funny.” “不好意思,实在没忍住,因为确实很好笑。” Actually I want to ask, your crowd of present age weak one a few words.” “其实我很想问,你们这群当代弱者一句话。” On your levels.” “就你们的水平。” That Age of Gods, with and other what does/works?” “那神之时代,与尔等何干?” He such remarks, many people clenches jaws. 他此话一出,许多人都咬牙切齿。 Huangfu Shengyu aims is not someone on the scene, but is all of them, all present age cultivator. 皇甫圣宇针对的不是在场的某一个人,而是他们所有人,所有当代修武者 Too extremely arrogant, has not worked as people them simply. 太狂妄了,简直就没把他们当人。 But, even Xianhai Shaoyu lost to Huangfu Shengyu, they also feel indignant but not daring to speak out, even if refuted not to have the energy. 可偏偏,连仙海少禹都败给了皇甫圣宇,他们也是敢怒不敢言,哪怕反驳都没有底气。 What's wrong, aren't you convinced very much?” “怎么,你们很不服气?” Like this, I give you to challenge my opportunity again one time.” “这样,我再给你们一次挑战我的机会。” If who refuses to accept, stands, my Huangfu Shengyu stands is waiting here.” “若是谁不服,就站上来,我皇甫圣宇就站在这里等着。” I must have a look actually, whether you can rectify names for yourselves.” “我倒是要看看,你们能否为自己正名。” The words to here, Huangfu Shengyu looked at Little Fishy. 话到此处,皇甫圣宇将目光投向了小鱼儿 Obviously he also realized, on the scene in besides Xianhai Shaoyu, can with be Little Fishy that he fights only. 显然他也意识到,在场之中除了仙海少禹外,唯一能与他交手的就是小鱼儿了。 But others , was will look at Little Fishy and Xianhai Shaoyu. 而其他人,也都是将目光投向了小鱼儿仙海少禹 Although cultivation realm of little Yu person is Sixth Rank Half God, but her previous performance, is actually startled is a Celestial. 虽然小鱼人的修为六品半神,可她先前的表现,却是惊为天人。 Although Xianhai Shaoyu defeated, but has not actually been injured, but admits defeat on own initiative, perhaps opportunity. 仙海少禹虽然败了,但却并没有受伤,而是主动认输,也许还有机会。 In fact, except for this to the brother and sister, everyone cannot think, can for the person who their present age cultivator rectifies names. 实际上,除了这对兄妹,大家也想不到,能够为他们当代修武者正名的人了。 This to the brother and sister, is their only hopes. 这对兄妹,乃是他们唯一的希望。 At this time, Xianhai Shaoyu obviously also wants to mount the stage again. 此时,仙海少禹明显还想再度登台。 But suddenly, sound transmission actually maps the Xianhai Shaoyu ear curtain together in secret. 可忽然,一道暗中传音却映入仙海少禹耳帘。 I know that you have not displayed the full power, but you just do not want to display, is thinks that has retained.” “我知道你并未施展全力,但你刚刚不想施展,便是想有所保留。” Since this plans, retain, does not need to expose in this.” “既然有这个打算,就保留到底,不必在此展露。” This in secret sound transmission, is from Chu Feng. 这道暗中传音,乃是来自楚枫 - 唰- Afterward, the form jumped up the ratio to fight the stage together. 随后,一道身影跳上了比斗台。 After seeing clearly that people stare immediately. 当看清那位之后,人们顿时一愣。 Because of this person, is Chu Feng. 因为此人,乃是楚枫 But after seeing clearly Chu Feng, the innumerable sounds then also resound through. 而看清楚枫之后,无数声音便同时响彻。 Chu Feng, you pound anything to be chaotic.” 楚枫,你捣什么乱啊。” He is Seventh Rank Half God, and is the Heaven rank Bloodline excellent works, is not you can cope.” “他可是七品半神,并且是天级血脉圣品,不是你能对付的了的。” Chu Feng you are quick, must waste the opportunity of rectifying names not.” 楚枫你快下来,莫要浪费了我们的正名的机会。” Chu Feng, now is not you deliberately create trouble, immediately gets down, otherwise you lose is not your own face, but is our present age cultivator everyone's face.” 楚枫,现在可不是你胡闹的时候,立刻下来,否则你丢的可不是你自己的脸,而是我们当代修武者所有人的脸。” This was says of pleasant to hear. 这还是说的好听的。 The opinions of some people are coarser, they do not want to make Chu Feng waste this opportunity. 有些人的言论更加难听,他们都不想让楚枫浪费了这次机会。 Even if understands Chu Feng's Long Chengyu, Xian Miaomiao, Long Muxi and others, looks at this time Chu Feng, is in the heart lacks self-confidence. 哪怕了解楚枫的龙承羽,仙喵喵,龙沐熙等人,看着此时的楚枫,也是心中没底。 Because of other, was only not strong because of that Huangfu Shengyu. 不因别的,只因那皇甫圣宇太强了。 Elder Brother.” “哥。” Little Fishy looks to Xianhai Shaoyu, she somewhat is worried about Chu Feng. 小鱼儿看向仙海少禹,她有些担心楚枫 All right.” Xianhai Shaoyu smiles lightly, immediately looks to the people, said loudly: “没事。”仙海少禹淡淡一笑,旋即看向众人,高声说道: All shut up.” “全都闭嘴。” Your this crowd did not have the person who the guts mount the stage, has Chu Feng that what qualifications accuse to mount the stage?” “你们还这群没有胆量登台的人,有什么资格去指责登台的楚枫?” Xianhai Shaoyu, we do not accuse Chu Feng, but was that Huangfu Shengyu said that they are Ancient Era cultivator, Chu Feng now our present age cultivator of representative, but he can take on this no matter what greatly, he was only Third Rank Half God, in my opinion you came up.” 仙海少禹,我们不是指责楚枫,而是那皇甫圣宇都说了,他们是远古时期修武者,楚枫现在代表的我们当代修武者,但是他能担此大任吗,他只是三品半神啊,依我看还是你上去吧。” Right, you come up Xianhai Young Master, you consider for our present age cultivator face countenance, when we did ask you inadequately also?” “对啊,还是你上去吧仙海少爷,你为我们当代修武者的颜面考虑一下,就当我们求你了还不成吗?” The people said that even some people open the mouth to implore. 众人纷纷说道,甚至有人开口祈求。 May facing the shown weakness people, the Xianhai Shaoyu complexion actually be even more ice-cold: I called you to shut up.” 可面对已经示弱的众人,仙海少禹的脸色却是越发冰冷:“我叫你们闭嘴。” His voice is not loud previously, was this opens the mouth, the people actually closed the mouth. 他的声音没有先前大,可是这次开口,众人却是纷纷闭上了嘴巴。 They felt the chill in the air, if talked too much again, that consequence, was they are not possibly willing to undertake. 他们都感受到了寒意,若是再多嘴,那后果,可能就是他们不愿承担的了。 After berating the people, Xianhai Shaoyu receives seriously, looks the happy expression looks to Chu Feng: 喝斥了众人后,仙海少禹收起严肃,面露笑意的看向楚枫: Little Brother Chu Feng, I favor you.” 楚枫兄弟,我看好你。” Relax.” Chu Feng returns to smile, he had not just had the change on slight mood because of the accusation of people. “放心吧。”楚枫回以一笑,他并没有因为刚刚众人的指责而有丝毫情绪上的变动。 This human nature, he has seen. 这种人性,他早就见惯不惯了。 „Do you really want to challenge me?” Huangfu Shengyu looks at Chu Feng. “你真的要挑战我?”皇甫圣宇看着楚枫 „Does your within the body have forbidden medicine?” Chu Feng asked. “你体内还有禁药吗?”楚枫问。 What?” Huangfu Shengyu plays the fool. “什么?”皇甫圣宇装傻。 All uses up.” Chu Feng said. “全都用掉。”楚枫说道。 What are you talking nonsense?” “你在胡说什么?” The Huangfu Shengyu straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards are but actually vertical, obviously he does not want to acknowledge, uses the matter of forbidden medicine. 皇甫圣宇剑眉倒竖,显然他不想承认,使用禁药之事。 I meant, forbidden medicine of your within the body uses up completely, otherwise do not blame me not to give you opportunity.” Chu Feng said. “我是说,你体内的禁药全部用掉,不然别怪我不给你机会。”楚枫说道。 Joke, depends on you......” “笑话,就凭你……” I stand make you hit here, you can injure my slightest, even if I you win.” Huangfu Shengyu said. “我就站在这里让你打,你能伤我分毫,我就算你赢。”皇甫圣宇说道。 „......” “呵……” Regarding this, Chu Feng has not spoken, but is the light happy expression. 对此,楚枫没有说话,而是淡淡笑意。 But the next quarter, sees only the Chu Feng vision to transfer coldly, later a boundless pressure releases from its within the body. 可下一刻,只见楚枫目光转冷,随后一股磅礴的威压自其体内释放而出。 Only listens to the loud sound of bang!!! 只听轰的一声巨响!!! not to mention compared with fighting in stage, fights outside stage on the continued proportion is also the sharp shake. 莫说比斗台内,就连比斗台外也是剧烈震荡。 Fixes the eyes on looked, previously was also built in the stage, just like King general Huangfu Shengyu, is painful lying on the ground. 定睛一看,先前还立于台上,宛如王者一般的皇甫圣宇,已是痛苦的趴在了地上。 At this moment, audience in great surprise. 这一刻,全场大惊。 Xianhai Shaoyu, Long Chengyu, Long Muxi, Xian Miaomiao, Feng Ling and others is no exception. 就连仙海少禹,龙承羽,龙沐熙,仙喵喵,风铃等人也不例外。 But like Qin Xuan, Qin Shu, as well as previously let the people who Chu Feng gets down, stares in a big way the eye, as if received enormous frightening. 而如秦玄,秦梳,以及先前让楚枫下来的众人,更是瞪大了眼睛,仿佛受到了极大的惊吓。 Because on Chu Feng the gives out aura, is not Half God, but is True God!!! 因为楚枫身上所散发的气息,并非半神,而是真神!!! Regardless of Huangfu Shengyu strong, may want him to be Half God Realm, then facing Chu Feng, does not have the slight opportunity. 无论皇甫圣宇有多强,可只要他还是半神境,那么面对楚枫,就没有丝毫的机会。 Only depending on the pressure, after then defeats Huangfu Shengyu, is Chu Feng step by step moves toward Huangfu Shengyu. 只凭威压,便击败皇甫圣宇后,也是楚枫一步一步走向皇甫圣宇 Huangfu Shengyu clenches jaws, the palm grasps, furiously wants to struggle to set out, may have no use. 皇甫圣宇咬牙切齿,手掌抓地,奋力的想要挣扎起身,可却没有任何用处。 What's the matter, why will Chu Feng have True God Realm cultivation realm? Did he hide cultivation realm?” “怎么回事啊,楚枫为何会有真神境修为?他隐藏了修为吗?” When shock, some people expressed puzzled. 震惊之余,也有人表示不解。 Was World Spirit, Chu Feng's World Spirit achieved True God, he borrowed World Spirit cultivation realm.” “是界灵,楚枫的界灵达到了真神,他借用了界灵修为。” When the people are puzzled, Ling Xiao gave the answer. 众人不解之际,灵霄给出了答案。 True God Realm World Spirit?” 真神境界灵?” True God Realm did World Spirit, use for him unexpectedly?” 真神境界灵,竟然为他所用了?” „Is this... then the son of Sir Jie Ranqing?” “这…便是界染清大人的儿子吗?” Can rely on Third Rank Half God cultivation realm unexpectedly, conquers True God Realm World Spirit?” “竟能凭借三品半神修为,征服真神境界灵?” Hears the explanation of Ling Xiao, the people look to the Chu Feng's look, thoroughly changed. 听到灵霄的解释,众人看向楚枫的眼神,彻底变了。 Although does not have to see with own eyes, Chu Feng makes a big row the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion magnificent feat. 虽然没有亲眼见到,楚枫大闹七界圣府的壮举。 But looks at this time Chu Feng, they as if saw that makes a big row Seven Worlds Saint Mansion Chu Feng. 可是看着此时的楚枫,他们仿佛看到了那个,大闹七界圣府楚枫 Originally, they are really frog in a well. 原来,他们真的是井底之蛙。 Just looked down upon unexpectedly, can cause havoc Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, and Chu Feng that moved out. 刚刚竟看不起,能大闹七界圣府,且全身而退的楚枫 At this moment, Chu Feng is arrives at side Huangfu Shengyu, searches the hand to grasp, Huangfu Shengyu falls in that bead of ground, then flew to fall in his hand. 此刻,楚枫已是走到皇甫圣宇身旁,探手一抓,皇甫圣宇掉落在地上的那颗珠子,便飞落到了他的手中。 Receives the bead, Chu Feng looks to Huangfu Shengyu. 收起珠子,楚枫才看向皇甫圣宇 Ancient times Celestial Clan is right?” “远古天族对吧?” Has a look at your present appearance.” “看看你现在的模样。” Age of Gods, with and other what does/works?” 神之时代,又与尔等何干?” Chu Feng this words saying, the satire smiles, immediately then jumps, fights stage from the ratio directly, jumped the Little Fishy and others front. 楚枫此话说完,讽刺一笑,旋即便纵身而起,直接从比斗台,跳到了小鱼儿等人的面前。 Big Brother, you were also too good. 大哥哥,你也太棒了。 Little Brother Chu Feng, you have True God Realm World Spirit unexpectedly, can you also hide you?” 楚枫兄弟,你竟有真神境界灵啊,你也太能藏了吧你?” Little Fishy, Long Chengyu and others, encircle one group Chu Feng immediately, they are excited. 小鱼儿,龙承羽等众人,立刻将楚枫围成一团,他们都是激动不已。 But Chu Feng is actually indifferent saying: 楚枫却是无所谓的说道: Did not chat this.” “不聊这个。” Walks, eats meal.” “走,吃饭去。” PS: PS: Little Brother, Martial God animation update has in January/one month, at present the result is good, the update day can rush to the animation to broadcast the list hotly second. 兄弟们,武神动漫更新已有一月,目前成绩不错,更新日能冲到动漫热播榜第二。 But the honeybee has an ambition, wants to challenge the animation heat degree list first. 但蜜蜂有个野心,想挑战动漫热度榜第一。 Tomorrow, was on October 24, Martial God animation in 7 : 00 am, in Tencent video update. 明日,也就是10月24日,武神动漫将在上午7点,于腾讯视频更新 This is the Martial God impact animation heat degree's first good time. 这将是武神冲击动漫热度第一的好时机。 Here requested earnestly Little Brother to boost, tomorrow has the time, please go to the Tencent video, watched the Martial God Asura animation, can increase the Martial God animation heat degree. 在这里恳请兄弟们助力,明日有时间的,请去腾讯视频,观看修罗武神动漫,可以增加武神动漫的热度。 The earlier the better, has best 7 : 00 am of time to look. 越早越好,有时间的最好上午 7 点就去看。 If the Martial God animation can rush to the animation to broadcast first tomorrow hotly, honeybee next Monday, was on October 30, erupted ten chapters. 若是明日武神动漫能冲到动漫热播第一,蜜蜂将在下周一,也就是10月30日,爆发十章。 Moreover, has the Tencent members to prepare to continue the fee/spent, or does not have the Tencent members to clear the member, please conduct to clear or continue the fee/spent in the page of Martial God Asura animation. 另外,有腾讯会员准备续费,或是没有腾讯会员想开通会员的,都请在修罗武神动漫的页面进行开通或续费。 Clears in the page of Martial God Asura animation, this member result calculates that on Martial God animation , helping enter the popular best-selling list. 修罗武神动漫的页面开通,这个会员成绩会算到武神动漫上面,有助于进入流行畅销榜。 At present the Martial God animation, has not entered the popular best-selling list, because needs member in addition to hold, this list difficulty is big. 目前武神动漫,还没有进入过流行畅销榜,因为需要会员加持,这个榜单难度较大。 But if some day, Martial God can enter the popular best-selling list. That honeybee in ten days of list, will challenge a 15 chapters of big eruption( since Martial God serializes, never has one-day update 15 chapters) 但若有朝一日,武神能进流行畅销榜。那蜜蜂将在进榜的十日内,挑战一次十五章大爆发(武神连载至今,还从来没有单日更新过十五章) However because involves to open the member, needs to spend, everyone does what one can, must demand not. 不过因为涉及到开会员,需要花钱,大家量力而行,莫要强求。 The honeybee that can boost is deeply grateful, the honeybee that cannot boost feels grateful similarly you. 能助力的蜜蜂感激不尽,不能助力的蜜蜂同样感恩你们。 The honeybee rolled the symbol, prepares for next Monday in addition, if really rushed first. 蜜蜂滚去码字了,为下周一加更做准备,万一真的冲到了第一呢。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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