MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5756: Strongest junior?

Chapter 5754 strongest junior? 第5754章最强小辈? Ling Xiao, ended.” 灵霄,到此结束了。” Huangfu Jiangyao this words saying, then grasps the thunder long blade, launches the offensive to Ling Xiao again. 皇甫将耀此话说完,便手持雷霆长刀,对灵霄再度发动攻势。 This time, Ling Xiao formation power, is unable to prevent in him. 这一次,灵霄结界之力,根本无法阻挡于他。 Because of the Huangfu Jiangyao strength, there is an enormous promotion, when the strength in a rank, many skills is unable to make up. 因为皇甫将耀的战力,又有了极大的提升,当力量不在一个级别,再多的技巧也都将无法弥补。 Sees with own eyes so, a Ling Xiao figure revolution, jumped out of the ratio to fight the stage unexpectedly directly. 眼见如此,灵霄身形一转,竟直接跳出了比斗台。 Was I loses.” “是我输了。” After throwing down this words, Ling Xiao then arrived in the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion crowd directly. 丢下此话后,灵霄便直接走到了七界圣府的人群之中。 He because of not admitting defeat to display slightly dejectedly, to him, as if this showdown, itself he is very indifferent. 他并没有因为认输而表现出丝毫沮丧,对于他而言,似乎这场对决,本身他就很无所谓。 Regarding this, although Huangfu Jiangyao has not given full expression, but Ling Xiao has admitted defeat, he is also figure one revolution, jumped down the ratio to fight the stage. 对此,皇甫将耀虽然意犹未尽,但灵霄已经认输,他也是身形一转,跳下了比斗台。 At this time, everyone's vision, centralized on the body of that white hair youngster. 此时,所有人的目光,都集中在了那白发少年的身上。 The Huangfu five people, another four people have given the name. 皇甫五人,另外四人都已报出姓名。 Therefore the white hair youngster did not say, everyone can also to number. 所以白发少年不说,大家也能对的上号。 He is that Huangfu Shengyu. 他就是那个皇甫圣宇 Huangfu Shengyu, like others, the jumping up ratio has not fought the stage, but from the stair, walks step by step. 皇甫圣宇,并没有像其他人一样,跳上比斗台,而是从台阶上,一步一步走上去的。 But he mounts the stage, actually also while opens the mouth. 但他一边登台,却也一边开口。 Heavenly Thunder Bloodline, called Heaven rank Bloodline.” 天雷血脉,又称天级血脉。” Heaven rank Bloodline, proliferates martial cultivation world, may understand truly Heaven rank Bloodline, is actually very few.” 天级血脉者,遍布修武界,可真正了解天级血脉者,却是少之又少。” Heaven rank Bloodline, by weak, is divided into the low-grade, every, high-grade , as well as excellent works.” 天级血脉,由弱至强,分为下品,凡品,上品,将品,以及圣品。” Low-grade are your common Heaven rank Bloodline, these mediocre generations, the itself/Ben is the bits and pieces in Heaven rank Bloodline.” “下品便是你们常见的天级血脉,那些平庸之辈,本就是天级血脉中的边角料。” You because of them, but thought that Heaven rank Bloodline is weak, is normal, after all you were ignorant.” “你们因为他们,而觉得天级血脉弱,也算正常,毕竟你们本就无知。” But you need must know, if Heaven rank Bloodline has every natural talent, then has been able to compare favorably with Bloodline that you are proud.” “但你们需要知道,若是天级血脉拥有凡品资质,便已能媲美你们引以为傲的血脉。” But every, in Heaven rank Bloodline, is only the floor.” “可凡品,在天级血脉中,也只是底层。” If the high-grade, that then adds separately above you Bloodline.” “若是上品,那便是另加于你们之上的血脉。” As for in Heaven rank Bloodline, that is also very few, it may be said that in person Dragon and Phoenix.” “至于将品在天级血脉中,那也是少之又少,可谓人中龙凤。” However I am the excellent works.” “而我乃是圣品。” The words to here, Huangfu Shengyu, have stood in compared with fighting on the stage, and during the speeches, the boundless pressure is also the release. 话到此处,皇甫圣宇,已是站在了比斗台上,且说话间,磅礴的威压也是释放而出。 Seventh Rank Half God, his unexpectedly Seventh Rank Half God?” 七品半神,他竟七品半神?” „Did that say? After his cultivation realm achieves Ninth Rank Half God, but can also enhance the First Rank strength?” “那岂不是说?他的修为达到九品半神后,还能够提升一品战力?” The person of expression surrounding becomes exceptionally complex, although thought that this Huangfu Shengyu, is in these five people are possibly strongest. 围观之人表情变得异常复杂,虽然想到了,这皇甫圣宇,可能是这五人之中最强的。 But has not actually thought that he to this situation, had achieved Seventh Rank Half God unexpectedly. 但却没有想到他强到了这种地步,竟已是达到了七品半神 And his aura, indeed non- general Seventh Rank Half God may compare. 并且他的气息,的确非一般七品半神可比。 When the people exclaim in surprise, Huangfu Shengyu is the palm spreads out, a bead floats, hangs above in its the palm. 在众人惊叹之际,皇甫圣宇则是手掌摊开,一颗珠子漂浮而出,悬于其手掌之上。 That is a special bead. 那是一颗特别的珠子。 Previously that several people of putting out bead, either is purely martial cultivation, either promotes Bloodline, either promotes formation. 先前那几人拿出的珠子,要么是纯粹修武,要么是提升血脉,要么是提升结界 The bead that but Huangfu Shengyu puts out, then built up all strengths. 皇甫圣宇拿出的这颗珠子,则是集结了所有力量。 Ignorant cultivator.” “无知的修武者们。” Today, I then make you enlarge ones vision, witness the true great strength.” “今日,我便让你们开开眼,见证真正的强大。” Anyone, I challenges my opportunity to you.” Huangfu Shengyu said. “无论是谁,我给你们挑战我的机会。”皇甫圣宇说道。 But he such remarks, people actually look at each other in shock. 而他此话一出,众人却面面相觑 That several people, had previously shown the absolute strength. 先前那几人,都已经展现出了绝对实力。 From Bloodline, this Huangfu Shengyu is without doubt stronger, that Thunder Mark, Lightning Armour, Lightning Wings, he is also naturally a cinch. 血脉上来说,这皇甫圣宇无疑更强,那雷纹,雷霆铠甲,雷霆羽翼,他自然也是不在话下。 In this case, he also has Seventh Rank Half God cultivation realm, who can be his opponent? 这种情况下,他又有七品半神修为,谁能够是他的对手? Fights with him, without doubt brings contempt upon oneself. 与他交手,无疑是自取其辱。 Really has not thought, the Summit of Nine Heavens dark horse, can be he.” “真是没想到,九天之巅的黑马,会是他。” Even at this time, many people had felt, this Summit of Nine Heavens most powerhouse given name, had been locked by this Huangfu Shengyu. 甚至此时,许多人都已经觉得,这九天之巅的最强者名号,已被这皇甫圣宇锁定了。 - 唰- But feels in despair in the people, the form falls together, in the ratio fought on the stage, is Xianhai Shaoyu. 可就在众人感到绝望之际,一道身影落在了比斗台上,乃是仙海少禹 Makes me accompany you to play.” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “让我陪你玩玩。”仙海少禹说道。 Ok.” Indifferent of Huangfu Shengyu face. “可以。”皇甫圣宇一脸的无所谓。 But his words just said, Xianhai Shaoyu then appeared before the Huangfu Shengyu body. 可他此话刚刚说完,仙海少禹便出现在了皇甫圣宇身前。 A fist, bang to Huangfu Shengyu. 一拳,轰向皇甫圣宇 He acts, the people in great surprise, Xianhai Shaoyu have not used any improvement method, is his aura, actually also achieved Seventh Rank Half God. 他一出手,众人大惊,仙海少禹没有施展任何提升手段,可是他的气息,却也是达到了七品半神 Seeing that although Huangfu Shengyu is accidental/surprised, but has not actually dreaded, the same fist rumbles. 见状,皇甫圣宇虽然意外,可却没有丝毫畏惧,同样一拳轰出。 But his fist, bang to is actually the fist that Xianhai Shaoyu comes. 但他这一拳,轰向的却是仙海少禹迎面而来的拳头。 Bang- 砰- Two fists bump into, two people all are backing up several steps. 两拳相撞,二人皆是倒退数步。 This fights shortly, shares half and half unexpectedly. 这短暂交手,竟是平分秋色。 But this moment Huangfu Shengyu complexion, actually becomes ugly/difficult to look at, regarding this result, he is obviously unsatisfied. 但此刻皇甫圣宇的脸色,却变得难看起来,对于这个结果,显然他并不满意。 Therefore sees only his figure one vertical, then counter-attacks to go to Xianhai Shaoyu. 于是只见他身形一纵,便向仙海少禹反攻而去。 In an instant, two people then fought in one, was only the simple fists and feet showdown, but the ratio fought the power and influence on the stage transmitting, made everyone Bloodline spurt to open. 转眼间,二人便战在了一处,只是简单的拳脚对决,可是比斗台上传来的威势,却让每个人都血脉喷张。 On the scene is a side talent, therefore they can feel, compared with fighting on the stage that is the fight of what rank. 在场的都是一方天才,所以他们都能感受到,比斗台上那是何种级别的战斗。 Worthily is Xianhai Shaoyu, was too strong.” “不愧是仙海少禹,太强了。” But this Huangfu Shengyu, is not weak.” “但这皇甫圣宇,也是不弱啊。” Regarding people's discussion, Chu Feng also expressed the support. 对于众人的议论,楚枫也是表示赞同的。 Huangfu Shengyu and strength of Xianhai Shaoyu performance, almost dominated in previously all the talents of making a move. 皇甫圣宇仙海少禹表现的战力,几乎凌驾于先前所有出手的天才。 Naturally, Little Fishy is an exception. 当然,小鱼儿除外。 Little Fishy strength, is very terrifying, is not weak in these two people. 小鱼儿的战力,也是非常恐怖,不弱于这二人。 However Little Fishy, is almost steamroll, then finished fighting quickly, therefore cannot see clearly her fighting skill. 但是小鱼儿,几乎都是碾压式的,很快便结束战斗了,所以没能太看清她的打斗技巧。 But these two on this present stage are not, their seemingly simple near bodies fight, in fact contains extremely rich operational experience. 可这现在台上的这两位可不是,他们看似简单的近身交手,实际上却蕴藏着极为丰富的作战经验。 These two, are the strength and skill, achieves existence that reaches the pinnacle. 这两位,是战力与技巧,都达到登峰造极的存在。 Facing these two people, under same strength, even if Chu Feng does not have the absolute assurance to win. 面对这二人,同等战力下,哪怕楚枫也没有绝对的把握可以获胜。 - 滋啦啦- Quick, the thunder twinkle, possibly is not unacceptable, with Xianhai Shaoyu Saint Mansion difficult minute/share, Huangfu Shengyu took the lead to promote cultivation realm. 很快,雷霆闪烁,可能是无法接受,与仙海少禹圣府难分的局面,皇甫圣宇率先提升了修为 But almost he promotes cultivation realm at the same time, Xianhai Shaoyu also promoted cultivation realm. 但几乎他提升修为的同时,仙海少禹也是提升了修为 Two people, fall into victory and defeat difficult minute/share of again. 二人,再度落入胜负难分的局面。 Therefore, Huangfu Shengyu promotes cultivation realm one after another. 于是,皇甫圣宇又接连提升修为 But Xianhai Shaoyu is prepared early, is almost while the opposite party promotes cultivation realm, oneself also promoted cultivation realm. 仙海少禹早有准备,几乎都是在对方提升修为的同时,自己也是提升了修为 In an instant, Huangfu Shengyu, Thunder Mark, Lightning Armour, Lightning Wings adds the body simultaneously. 转眼间,皇甫圣宇,雷纹,雷霆铠甲,雷霆羽翼同时加身。 After cultivation realm promotes to Ninth Rank Half God, obtained the Fight Against First Rank strength. 修为提升到九品半神后,又获得了逆战一品的战力。 Xianhai Shaoyu, displays Third Level bloodline power, obtaining was not completely weak in the Huangfu Shengyu strength. 仙海少禹,同样施展出三重血脉之力,获得了完全不弱于皇甫圣宇的战力。 In this case, even if talents on the scene, could not see clearly their fights. 这种情况下,哪怕在场的天才们,也根本看不清他们二人的交手了。 Only can watch the fun, listens to the sound. 只能看看热闹,听听动静。 That has exceeded their realm completely, even if Long Chengyu they , can only watch the fun, even including Chu Feng. 那已经是完全超越他们的境界,哪怕龙承羽他们,也都只能看个热闹,甚至包括楚枫 senior, borrows me your cultivation realm.” 前辈,将你修为借我。” Chu Feng said to Asura King. 楚枫修罗王说道。 Chu Feng actually can definitely let Asura King, helping him watch the war. 楚枫其实完全可以让修罗王,帮他观看战局。 But at present, Xianhai Shaoyu and Huangfu Shengyu, almost represented, now the level of vast martial cultivation world strongest junior. 可是眼下,仙海少禹皇甫圣宇,几乎就代表了,当今浩瀚修武界最强小辈的水平。 And they are the genuine materials. 并且他们都是真材实料。 Chu Feng felt, oneself watches this fight to be better. 楚枫觉得,自己来观看这场战斗更好。 Although will waste to borrow the Asura King strength opportunity one time, advantage that may gain, the help of road of martial cultivation to oneself may be in the future bigger. 虽然会浪费一次借用修罗王力量机会,可从中获得的好处,对自己日后修武之路的帮助可能会更大。 Asura King requests to always follow regarding Chu Feng's, immediately attaches cultivation realm on Chu Feng. 修罗王对于楚枫的要求都是言听计从,立刻将修为附加在了楚枫身上。 After having True God cultivation realm, fight of Huangfu Shengyu and Xianhai Shaoyu, then again becomes clear. 当拥有真神修为之后,皇甫圣宇仙海少禹的战斗,则是再度变得清晰。 At present, in the Huangfu Shengyu hand, had presented thunder long spear, after that is a he, Divine Weapon that in the black wooden box takes out. 眼下,皇甫圣宇手中,已是出现了一把雷霆长枪,那是他自身后黑色木箱中取出的神兵 Just like Huangfu Jiangyao Divine Weapon, is Heaven rank Bloodline builds specially. 皇甫将耀神兵一样,是专门为天级血脉者打造的。 And this Huangfu Shengyu Divine Weapon, is fiercer. 并且这皇甫圣宇神兵,更为厉害。 But in Xianhai Shaoyu hand, is grasping a long sword, that similarly is Divine Weapon. 仙海少禹手中,则是握着一把长剑,那同样是一件神兵 Incessantly is Divine Weapon, two people of present is starts to use Martial Technique, even if simple Martial Technique, under two people of utilization, is displaying the to destroy the heavens and exterminate the lands strength. 不止是神兵,二人眼下已是开始使用武技,哪怕是简单的武技,也在二人的运用下,发挥着毁天灭地般的力量。 Also is that ratio fights the stage to have formation bound, the power and influence that otherwise two people battle at this time, will then cause the extremely fearful destruction. 也就是那比斗台有结界束缚,否则二人此时交战的威势,便会造成极为可怕的破坏。 These two young people, are not simple.” At this moment, Asura King cannot bear the opens the mouth. “这两位年轻人,都不简单。”此刻,就连修罗王都忍不住开口。 Because he has also borrowed the Chu Feng's eyes to observe, was the true feeling, these two fierce. 因为他也一直借用楚枫的双眼观战,也是真正的感受到了,这两位的厉害。 Real cultivation realm, they are now the vast martial cultivation world strongest juniors, is truly strong.” “论真实修为,他们二人就是当今浩瀚修武界最强的小辈,确实都很强。” Chu Feng is also not the parsimonious own praise. 楚枫也是毫不吝啬自己的夸赞。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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