MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5755: Martial Power games formation

Chapter 5753 Martial Power games formation 第5753章武力结界 Huangfu Shangyang, Thunder Mark, Lightning Armour, Lightning Wings displays at this time simultaneously. 皇甫上阳,此时雷纹,雷霆铠甲,雷霆羽翼同时施展而出。 His cultivation realm, went to the Ninth Rank Half God situation. 他的修为,也是达到了九品半神的地步。 And aura that his gives out has, was stronger than just Huangfu Shangwu. 并且他散发出的气息,比刚刚的皇甫上武还要强。 He is very dedicated, seems like that does not pay attention to Long Chengyu, in fact has observed Long Chengyu earnestly.” “他很专注,看似不将龙承羽放在眼里,实际上一直认真观察龙承羽。” When Long Chengyu promotes cultivation realm, he not only promoted cultivation realm, held the Long Chengyu flaw.” “在龙承羽提升修为之时,他不仅提升了修为,更是抓住了龙承羽的破绽。” Long Chengyu thinks that suddenly attacks to have victory in the hand, in fact from the beginning, was controlled the situation by the opposite party firmly.” 龙承羽以为突然袭击胜券在握,实际上从一开始,就被对方牢牢掌控了局势。” „It is not he is weak, but is the opposite party is stronger, he loses is not injust.” “不是他弱,而是对方更强,他输的不冤。” The Xianhai Shaoyu sound resounds in the Chu Feng ear, this is in secret sound transmission. 仙海少禹的声音在楚枫耳边响起,这是暗中传音 But regarding the analysis of Xianhai Shaoyu, Chu Feng also feels very reasonable. 而对于仙海少禹的分析,楚枫也觉得非常合理。 This is not the contempt to Long Chengyu, but is that Huangfu Shangyang is very indeed strong, is stronger than Huangfu Shangwu. 这不是对龙承羽的轻视,而是那皇甫上阳的确很强,比皇甫上武更强。 Hateful.” “可恶。” At this time, Long Chengyu lies on the ground refuses to accept very much, wish that he tries hard crawls, but the whole body worn out and aching does not have the strength. 此时,龙承羽趴在地上很是不服,他努力的想要爬起来,可是却浑身酸软没有力气。 Is the strength of that thunder, lulled the body of Long Chengyu, making him lose strength of the war. 是那雷霆之力,麻痹了龙承羽的身体,让他丧失了一战之力。 But looks at such Long Chengyu, Huangfu Shangyang looks the satire: 而看着这样的龙承羽,皇甫上阳面露讽刺: Now you were clear, your Bloodline in front of my Bloodline, some inferior?” “现在你清楚,你的血脉在我的血脉面前,有多低劣了吗?” At this time, Chu Feng wants to mount the stage. 此时,楚枫很想上台。 Does to that ratio to fight the stage, has special formation. 奈何那比斗台,有特殊的结界 Compared with fighting the stage can only accommodate two people, only if some people to field, otherwise the third person is unable to come up. 比斗台只能容纳两个人,除非有人离场,否则第三个人是无法上去的。 Until Huangfu Shangyang leaves, Chu Feng mounts the ratio to fight the stage. 所以直到皇甫上阳离开,楚枫才登上比斗台。 After Chu Feng Long Chengyu supports by the arm, looks to Huangfu Shangyang. 楚枫龙承羽搀扶起来后,看向了皇甫上阳 Huangfu Shangyang noticed the Chu Feng's vision, therefore showed the strange smile. 皇甫上阳注意到了楚枫的目光,所以露出了诡异的笑容。 Chu Feng anything had not said that but is supporting by the arm Long Chengyu, jumped down the ratio to fight the stage. 楚枫什么都没说,而是搀扶着龙承羽,跳下了比斗台。 Little Brother Chu Feng, I lost face.” Long Chengyu asked low voice. 楚枫兄弟,我是不是丢人了。”龙承羽小声问道。 You can't win them all, will win next time again is.” Chu Feng comforting said. “胜败乃兵家常事,下次再赢回来便是。”楚枫安抚道。 Also yes.” Long Chengyu smiles, he is the type of opening the comparison thinks. “也是。”龙承羽笑了笑,他是比较想的开的类型。 Although on the stage was very just unwilling, but after ending has decided that he has not fallen into actually rebukes oneself, instead said: 虽然刚刚台上还很是不甘,可结局已定后,他倒是没有陷入自责,反而说道: But let alone, these Huangfu also is really a little horizontal, I truly am inferior to him.” “但是别说,这几个皇甫的还真是有点水平,我确实不如他。” They are not weak.” Chu Feng also said. “他们不弱。”楚枫也是说道。 But is quick, that Huangfu Jiangyao, mounted the ratio to fight the stage. 而很快,那皇甫将耀,也是登上了比斗台。 - 唰- But Huangfu Jiangyao just mounted the ratio to fight the stage, then has form together also to fall, in the ratio fought above stage. 皇甫将耀刚刚登上比斗台,便有一道身影也是落在了比斗台之上。 Is Little Fishy. 乃是小鱼儿 „Do you do? I had not said that challenges you.” Sees Little Fishy, Huangfu Jiangyao says immediately. “你干嘛?我没说挑战你。”看到小鱼儿,皇甫将耀立刻说道。 You just did not say, you do prepare to challenge my?” Little Fishy asked. “你刚刚不是说,你准备挑战我的吗?”小鱼儿问。 I... I changed the mind, I want to meet World Spiritist.” Huangfu Jiangyao said. “我…我改变主意了,我想会一会界灵师。”皇甫将耀说道。 „, Without meaning.” Little Fishy is somewhat disappointed, curls the lip, then left the ratio to fight the stage. “切,没意思。”小鱼儿有些败兴,撇了撇嘴,便离开了比斗台。 Huangfu Jiangyao, did you fear inadequately?” That white hair youngster asked. 皇甫将耀,你是怕了不成?”那白发少年问道。 Young Lord, I did not fear, but just they challenged is cultivator, if I challenge cultivator again, somewhat is rather senseless.” 少主,我不是怕,只是刚刚他们挑战的都是修武者,我若再挑战修武者,未免有些无趣。” I really want to meet World Spiritist.” Huangfu Jiangyao answered. “我是真的想会一会界灵师。”皇甫将耀解释道。 Do not forget your status, do not lose the face of my Huangfu Celestial Clan.” “别忘了你的身份,别丢我皇甫天族的脸。” The white hair youngster said, these words are warning Huangfu Jiangyao. 白发少年道,这句话是在警示皇甫将耀 Huangfu Jiangyao is somewhat afraid, will therefore look at the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion junior directly. 皇甫将耀有些心虚,于是直接将目光投向了七界圣府的众位小辈。 That named Jie Tian?” Huangfu Jiangyao asked loudly. “那个叫界天的呢?”皇甫将耀高声问道。 Regarding this words, the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion person no one responded. 对于此话,七界圣府的人没人回应。 May have others saying: Jie Tian has left.” 可却有其他人说道:“界天已经离开了。” Oh, left?” “喔,离开了?” Heard this words, Huangfu Jiangyao will then look at Ling Xiao. 听闻此话,皇甫将耀便将目光投向了灵霄 Ling Xiao, but dares to come up to fight with me?” 灵霄,可敢上来与我一战?” - 唰- His words just left, Ling Xiao then jumped up the ratio to fight the stage directly, has not hesitated. 他此话刚出,灵霄便直接跳上了比斗台,没有丝毫迟疑。 This is your reward, but the premise is you can win me.” “这个是你的奖励,但前提是你能赢我。” During the Huangfu Jiangyao speeches, a spheroid appears, that inside contains powerful formation power. 皇甫将耀说话间,一颗球体浮现,那里面蕴藏着强大的结界之力 Can start?” Ling Xiao faint saying. “可以开始了吗?”灵霄淡漠的说道。 Naturally, I stand here, you can make a move at any time.” “当然,我就站在这里,你可以随时出手。” On the face of Huangfu Jiangyao, showed the smile quizzically, he has not paid attention to Ling Xiao. 皇甫将耀的脸上,露出了嘲弄般的笑容,他根本就没有将灵霄放在眼里。 Rumbling- 轰轰轰- Suddenly, from Huangfu Jiangyao around, presents several hundred formation flood dragons, assumes the potential of surrounding, attacked to Huangfu Jiangyao. 忽然,自皇甫将耀四周,出现数百条结界蛟龙,呈包围之势,向皇甫将耀攻了过去。 That flood dragon, contains the Eight Rank Half God strength. 那蛟龙,蕴藏着八品半神的战力。 Reveres dragon God-cloak, Ling Xiao formation cultivation realm, achieved revered dragon God-cloak. 尊龙神袍,灵霄结界修为,也是达到了尊龙神袍 Sees that Huangfu Jiangyao displayed Thunder Mark simultaneously, Lightning Armour. 见状,皇甫将耀同时施展出了雷纹,雷霆铠甲 In the wink of an eye, after cultivation realm promotes to Eight Rank Half God, he has not dodged, but stands on the spot. 瞬息之间,将修为提升到八品半神后,他并没有闪躲,而是站在原地。 Meanwhile the pressure actually releases, sweeps away eight sides, wants to rely on the pressure, eradicates Ling Xiao formation technique directly. 但同时威压却释放而出,横扫八方,是想凭借威压,直接将灵霄阵法破除。 But the next quarter, Huangfu Jiangyao is also the complexion change. 可下一刻,皇甫将耀也是脸色变化。 His pressure, was defeated instantaneously, that flood dragon formation technique real strength, achieved Ninth Rank Half God. 他的威压,被瞬间击破,那蛟龙阵法的真实战力,达到了九品半神 Ling Xiao, has the Fight Against First Rank strength. 灵霄,也拥有逆战一品的战力。 - 滋啦啦- May see only the thunder to wreak havoc, that formation flood dragon jumps to break to pieces in abundance. 可只见雷霆肆虐,那结界蛟龙纷纷蹦碎开来。 Fixes the eyes on to wait and see, Huangfu Jiangyao behind, presented Lightning Wings. 定睛观望,皇甫将耀的身后,也出现了雷霆羽翼 Finally the moment, he promotes cultivation realm, promoted the Ninth Rank Half God situation cultivation realm. 最后关头,他提升修为,将修为提升到了九品半神的地步。 Some of your actually skills.” “你倒是有些本事。” Huangfu Jiangyao said to Ling Xiao. 皇甫将耀灵霄说道。 Ling Xiao has not spoken, but compared with fighting the stage actually shivers fiercely, sees only the boundless ocean waves to pull up arrogantly, and First Level then First Level, attacked to Huangfu Jiangyao unceasingly. 灵霄没有说话,但比斗台却剧烈颤动,只见磅礴的海浪自大地拔起,且一重接着一重,不断向皇甫将耀攻了过去。 This time formation technique power and influence, was more powerful than previously. 这一次的阵法威势,比先前更为强大。 But Ling Xiao, actually stands from beginning to end same place, even even/including Fajue have not pinched. 可是灵霄,却从始至终站在原地,甚至连法诀都没有捏动。 It seems like, this is one is ordinary with the fight that he has nothing to do with. 就好像,这是一场与他无关的战斗一般。 Very powerful formation technique control.” “好强的阵法掌控力。” Facing such Ling Xiao, Chu Feng also holds in high esteem. 面对这样的灵霄,就连楚枫也是刮目相看。 From the strength, Huangfu Jiangyao has the advantage, is the control of Ling Xiao to Spirit Formation technique, actually was also unusual. 从战力来看,皇甫将耀占据着优势,可是灵霄结界之术的掌控,却也是非常了得。 Huangfu Jiangyao Martial Power occupies superiorly, but the Ling Xiao skill is to actually occupy superiorly. 皇甫将耀武力占优,可灵霄的技巧却是占优。 Two people at once, unexpectedly are close. 二人一时之间,竟是难分胜负。 Worthily is Ling Xiao.” “不愧是灵霄。” Everyone can feel, compares in Huangfu Shangyang, this Huangfu Jiangyao aura is stronger. 大家都能感觉到,相比于皇甫上阳,这个皇甫将耀的气息更强。 May facing so exist powerful, Ling Xiao actually does not drop the wind, this proves the great strength of Ling Xiao sufficiently. 可面对如此强大存在,灵霄却丝毫不落下风,这足以证明灵霄的强大。 Qin Xuan, Long Chengyu, two talents have been defeated one after another. 秦玄,龙承羽,两位天才已经接连失败。 They do not want to look that Ling Xiao also defeats. 他们并不想看都灵霄也败。 But at present the performance of Ling Xiao is also the quite bright eye, even they saw hope that Ling Xiao wins. 而眼下灵霄的表现也是相当亮眼,甚至他们看到了灵霄获胜的希望。 Huangfu Jiangyao, you come to here are play?” In the meantime, that white hair youngster opens the mouth suddenly. 皇甫将耀,你来这里是玩的吗?”就在此时,那白发少年忽然开口。 Hears this words, Huangfu Jiangyao the wooden box will take down behind, after the wooden box opens, the unexpectedly black long blade appears. 听闻此话,皇甫将耀将身后木盒取下,木盒打开之后,竟有一把黑色长刀浮现。 That black long blade, above covered entirely the thunder, that is not Martial Technique, but is the strength that the black long blade then contains. 那黑色长刀,上边布满了雷霆,那不是武技,而是黑色长刀本身便蕴藏的力量。 Sees that the black long blade, Chu Feng is also at present one bright, that simply is specially is Heaven rank Bloodline, tailor Divine Weapon. 看到那把黑色长刀,楚枫也是眼前一亮,那简直是专门为天级血脉,量身打造的神兵 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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