MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5754: Powerful Huangfu Celestial Clan

Chapter 5752 powerful Huangfu Celestial Clan 第5752章强大的皇甫天族 Won me, it turns over to you.” That robust man said. “赢了我,它归你。”那位壮汉说道。 Sees that Qin Xuan also rise with a jump, jumps the ratio to fight on the stage, he... complied. 见状,秦玄也是一跃而起,跳到了比斗台上,他…答应了。 This Huangfu family/home interesting, how so many treasures?” “这皇甫家有点意思啊,怎么这么多宝物?” Long Chengyu, the right Huangfu five people somewhat held in high esteem. 就连龙承羽,也对皇甫五人有些刮目相看了。 The treasure that they put out at present, has explained their families, the background is good. 只是他们目前拿出的宝物,就已经说明他们家族,底蕴不俗。 Possibly is the family of hidden world, but indeed had never heard before.” Long Muxi said. “可能是隐世的家族吧,但之前的确从未听闻过。”龙沐熙说道。 Compared with fighting on stage, Qin Xuan looks at that grandiose man: Didn't introduce oneself?” 比斗台上,秦玄看着那壮硕男子:“不自我介绍一下?” Huangfu Shangwu.” Grandiose male words saying, the next quarter appeared in Qin Xuan unexpectedly behind, the giant fist dropped from the clouds, directly soars Qin Xuan to go. 皇甫上武。”壮硕男子此话说完,下一刻竟出现在了秦玄身后,巨大的拳头从天而降,直奔秦玄而去。 Qin Xuan has not moved, but is whole body Third Level Mist releases simultaneously, in the wink of an eye, he then cultivation realm from Sixth Rank Half God, promoted the Ninth Rank Half God situation. 秦玄没有挪动,而是周身三重气焰同时释放而出,瞬息之间,他便将修为六品半神,提升到了九品半神的地步。 Meanwhile, the boundless pressure release, sweeps away to go. 同时,磅礴的威压释放而出,横扫而去。 He seems to have expected, the opposite party will act suddenly, not only has the protection early, formulated the strategy. 他似乎早就料到,对方会突然出手,不仅早有防备,更是制定了策略。 The enemies attack suddenly, he comes to counter-attack simply suddenly. 对方突然袭击,他干脆来个突然反击。 So under the distance, he promotes Third Rank cultivation realm suddenly normally, the opposite party, simply does not have the opportunity to respond, will be defeated directly. 如此距离之下,他瞬息间提升三品修为,对方正常来说,根本没有机会反应,会直接落败。 But who once thinks, the Qin Xuan pressure, has not drawn back that Huangfu Shangwu bang. 可谁曾想,秦玄的威压,并没有就将那个皇甫上武轰退。 Therefore rushes to flee forward, dodges. 于是赶忙向前一窜,进行闪避。 Then waits and sees, fist of Huangfu Shangwu, not only falls on the position that Qin Xuan previously stood. 回头观望,皇甫上武的拳头,不仅落在了秦玄先前站立的位置。 And that Huangfu Shangwu, whole body thunder twinkle, not only the head has Thunder Mark, the body entangles Lightning Armour, in his also has two huge Lightning Wings behind. 并且那皇甫上武,周身雷霆闪烁,不仅头有雷纹,身缠雷霆铠甲,在他的身后还有着两道巨大的雷霆羽翼 That is Lightning Wings.” “那是雷霆羽翼。” „Can he also promote Third Rank cultivation realm?” “他也能提升三品修为?” Some can unexpectedly people in Half God Realm, control so the situation Heaven rank Bloodline?” “竟有人能在半神境,将天级血脉掌控到如此地步吗?” Looks at this time Huangfu Shangwu, the person of surrounding is also startled. 看着此时的皇甫上武,围观之人也都是吃惊不已。 Chu Feng, the vision also changes slightly. 就连楚枫,目光也是微微变化。 Coming out that he looks, Huangfu Shangwu Lightning Wings, does not need the special method to build. 他看的出来,皇甫上武雷霆羽翼,并不是用特殊方法打造而出。 But completely has really grasped, that is true Lightning Wings. 而是真的已经完全掌握,那是真正的雷霆羽翼 This person, is very strong!!! 此人,很强!!! It seems like, I need seriously to treat.” “看来,我需要认真对待了。” During the Qin Xuan speeches, the palm turns, a golden long sword appears in his hands. 秦玄说话间,手掌一翻,一把金色长剑出现在其手中。 Then after the golden long sword appears, entire compared with fighting the world energy in stage shakes. 当那把金色长剑出现之后,整个比斗台内的天地能量都为之震荡。 But the Qin Xuan strength is the large scale promotion. 秦玄的战力更是大幅度的提升。 That is Divine Weapon!!! 那是一把神兵!!! Come, this time changes you first to act.” Huangfu Shangwu, was cancelling colluding to Qin Xuan. “来,这次换你先出手。”皇甫上武,对着秦玄勾了勾手。 „Don't you reveal Divine Weapon?” Qin Xuan asked. “你不亮出神兵吗?”秦玄问。 Depends upon the person of mysterious arts martial cultivation, but also does not have the qualifications to make me use Divine Weapon.” Huangfu Shangwu said. “一个依靠玄功修武之人,还没资格让我动用神兵。”皇甫上武说道。 This fellow, is quite crazy.” “这个家伙,好狂啊。” The people said, said no matter how, Qin Xuan may be the Heavenly Dome Immortal sect strongest talent. 众人纷纷说道,不管怎么说,秦玄可都是苍穹仙宗最强天才。 In people opinion, this person truly is not even weak, but he so does not pay attention to Qin Xuan, that is must pay the price. 在众人看来,就算此人确实不弱,但他如此不将秦玄放在眼里,那是要付出代价的。 But Qin Xuan, facing the Huangfu Shangwu so extremely arrogant behavior, does not have the general idea/careless. 秦玄,面对皇甫上武如此狂妄的行为,却也没有大意。 He has not chosen near body battle, but wields the Divine Weapon long sword, stylish say/way boundless Sword Qi, grazes one after another. 他没有选择近身交战,而是挥动神兵长剑,顿时道道磅礴的剑气,接连飞掠而出。 Snort.” “哼。” Facing the Qin Xuan offensive, Huangfu Shangwu lightly snorted, a immediately fist rumbles, immediately the thunder rises from all directions, is not only broken the Qin Xuan Sword Qi bang, that thunder has not dissipated, threw to Qin Xuan. 面对秦玄的攻势,皇甫上武轻哼一声,旋即一拳轰出,顿时雷霆四起,不仅将秦玄剑气轰碎,那雷霆更是没有消散,向秦玄扑了过去。 Sees that Qin Xuan can only make a move again, is the next quarter, the form appeared in together behind, was that Huangfu Shangwu. 见状,秦玄只能再度出手,可是下一刻,一道身影出现在了身后,是那皇甫上武 Qin Xuan does not detect right, rushes to display Movement Martial Technique to spread out, after spreading out, Qin Xuan launches the offensive again, but kept off by Huangfu Shangwu as before. 秦玄察觉不对,赶忙施展身法武技拉开距离,拉开距离后,秦玄再度发动攻势,可依旧被皇甫上武挡了下来。 Qin Xuan must defeat.” Xianhai Shaoyu said. 秦玄要败。”仙海少禹说道。 Regarding this, Chu Feng expressed the support. 对此,楚枫表示赞同。 Qin Xuan has put out Divine Weapon to enhance the strength, may face Huangfu Shangwu, has not had the advantage. 秦玄已经拿出神兵来提升战力,可面对皇甫上武,却并没有占据优势。 Instead Huangfu Shangwu, has not spelled to go all-out, but the feeling of playing jokes upon Qin Xuan. 反而皇甫上武,并没有拼尽全力,而是给人一种戏耍秦玄的感觉。 Only if Qin Xuan also has the card in a hand, otherwise victory and defeat already difference. 除非秦玄还有底牌,否则胜负已分。 But looks like in Chu Feng, when Qin Xuan discovered, after Huangfu Shangwu can display Lightning Wings, regarding this showdown, Qin Xuan then not slightly negligent. 而在楚枫看来,当秦玄发现,皇甫上武能够施展雷霆羽翼之后,对于这场对决,秦玄便没有丝毫大意。 He from the beginning, seriously is treating. 他从一开始,就在认真对待。 Was similar.” “差不多了。” Follows Huangfu Shangwu this words saying that Huangfu Shangwu appeared in Qin Xuan again behind. 伴随皇甫上武此话说出,皇甫上武再度出现在了秦玄身后。 Sees that Qin Xuan then displays Movement Martial Technique again, wants to spread out. 见状,秦玄便再度施展身法武技,想要拉开距离。 But Huangfu Shangwu, these time actually not to Qin Xuan this opportunity, when he falls to the ground at the same time, a palm rumbles, the boundless thunder scatters in all directions to go, covers during Qin Xuan. 可是皇甫上武,这一次却并没有给秦玄这个机会,当他落地的同时,一掌轰出,磅礴的雷霆四散而去,将秦玄笼罩当中。 Is so away from, Qin Xuan moves aside, can only resist with Divine Weapon, after may do to that thunder covers, unexpectedly penetrates the defense of Qin Xuan, making the Qin Xuan whole body paralysis, later lay down on the ground. 如此距离,秦玄躲闪不及,只能用神兵抵挡,可奈何那雷霆覆盖之后,竟穿透秦玄的防御,使得秦玄浑身麻痹,随后躺在了地上。 This......” “这……” Regarding this, most unacceptable is the Heavenly Dome Immortal sect person. 对于这一幕,最不能接受的便是苍穹仙宗的人。 Coming out that they look, Qin Xuan not only defeated, and humiliation of very defeating, the opposite party... Divine Weapon has not even revealed. 他们都看的出来,秦玄不仅败了,并且败的很屈辱,对方…可是连神兵都没有亮出啊。 But humiliation is, Qin Xuan that Huangfu Shangwu, will unable to move raised, later then like throwing trash, threw down the ratio to fight the stage Qin Xuan. 可更屈辱的是,那皇甫上武,将动弹不得的秦玄提起,随后便像丢垃圾一样,将秦玄丢下了比斗台。 Completes all these, he is contemptuous smiles, this leaves. 做完这一切,他还轻蔑一笑,这才离开。 He just left, there is a form together, jumped up the ratio to fight the stage, was that appearance handsome man. 他刚离开,又有一道身影,跳上了比斗台,是那个长相英俊的男子。 After that mounts the ratio to fight the stage, will directly look at Long Chengyu. 那位登上比斗台之后,直接将目光投向了龙承羽 Long Chengyu, my Huangfu Shangyang, gives you to prove own opportunity today, if can win me, this thing gives you.” 龙承羽,我名皇甫上阳,今日给你证明自己的机会,若能胜我,此物给你。” The Huangfu Shangyang man, took out a bead, in that bead contains, is can strengthen the bloodline power strength. 自称皇甫上阳的男子,取出了一颗珠子,那珠子内蕴藏的,乃是能够增强血脉之力的力量。 Sees that the Long Chengyu figure leaps, jumped up the ratio to fight the stage. 见状,龙承羽身形一跃,也是跳上了比斗台。 Brother Long, is more careful.” 龙兄,小心一些。” This person, is not weak.” “此人,不弱。” Sees Long Chengyu to accept a challenge, Chu Feng reminded in secret. 龙承羽应战,楚枫暗中提醒。 Relax, I cannot be victorious Xianhai Shaoyu, but can also 't be victorious they?” “放心,我打不过仙海少禹,还打不过他们吗?” Long Chengyu to sound transmission return to the covered passageway to Chu Feng in secret. 龙承羽以暗中传音楚枫回复道。 Direct bright Divine Weapon.” Huangfu Shangyang said to Long Chengyu. “直接亮神兵吧。”皇甫上阳龙承羽说道。 Your not bright Divine Weapon.” “你不亮神兵。” I will not shine.” Long Chengyu said. “我不会亮。”龙承羽说道。 „Compared with me? You why?” “和我比?你凭什么?” Depends on your inferior Bloodline?” Huangfu Shangyang asked. “就凭你那低劣的血脉吗?”皇甫上阳问道。 Hears this words, the Long Chengyu complexion transfers suddenly coldly, does not have any probe, without promoting cultivation realm, directly soars Huangfu Shangyang then to rush over. 听闻此话,龙承羽脸色忽然转冷,没有任何试探,也没有提升修为,直奔皇甫上阳便冲了过去。 But facing the Long Chengyu offensive, Huangfu Shangyang has nothing to move aside, stands in same place, awaits calmly the arrival of Long Chengyu. 而面对龙承羽的攻势,皇甫上阳没有任何躲闪,就站在原地,静候龙承羽的到来。 Until the Long Chengyu offensive, has been rumbling a fist to the Huangfu Shangyang surface gate. 直到龙承羽攻势已至,对着皇甫上阳面门轰出一拳。 This fist, the speed, is the strength, is the no small matter. 这一拳,无论是速度,还是力量,都是非同小可。 May see only Huangfu Shangyang, the body raises backward slightly, then relaxed avoids Long Chengyu this fist. 可只见皇甫上阳,身子向后微微一扬,便轻松的将龙承羽这一拳躲开。 Brother Long, other general idea/careless , to promote cultivation realm directly, uses you strongest method.” 龙兄,别大意,直接提升修为,施展你最强的手段。” This fights shortly, Chu Feng sees, this Huangfu Shangyang, is stronger than that Huangfu Shangwu. 只是这短暂交手,楚枫就看出,这个皇甫上阳,比那个皇甫上武还要强。 If Long Chengyu unexpectedly, mostly do not lose to this Huangfu Shangyang. 龙承羽若不出其不意,多半是要输给这皇甫上阳 But regarding Chu Feng's sound transmission, Long Chengyu not only responded in secret, has not changed, instead was the crazy launch offensive. 可是对于楚枫的暗中传音,龙承羽不仅回应,也没有做出改变,反而是疯狂的发动攻势。 But regarding the Long Chengyu near body offensive, dodging that Huangfu Shangyang non-stop. 可是对于龙承羽的近身攻势,皇甫上阳只是不停的闪躲。 Long Chengyu does not promote cultivation realm, Huangfu Shangyang then not to promote cultivation realm. 龙承羽不提升修为,皇甫上阳便也不提升修为 Contemptuous, the insult, this insulting, compares in Huangfu Shangwu treats Qin Xuan, but must. 轻蔑,侮辱,这种侮辱性,相比于皇甫上武对待秦玄,还要更甚。 Scoundrel, has hidden is anything, you hit back.” “混账,一直躲算什么,你还手啊。” In this case, Long Chengyu is even more angry, is even more hot tempered, the offensive even more is also fierce, but is actually not able to bump into Huangfu Shangyang as before, all offensive, were shunted by Huangfu Shangyang with ease. 这种情况下,龙承羽越发恼怒,越发暴躁,攻势也愈发凶猛,可却依旧无法碰到皇甫上阳,所有攻势,都被皇甫上阳轻松躲开。 But regarding the Long Chengyu words, Huangfu Shangyang had not replied, but the corners of the mouth always hang that to wipe the disgusting smile. 而对于龙承羽的话语,皇甫上阳也没有回答,只是嘴角始终挂着那抹让人厌恶的笑容。 Bang- 轰- But suddenly, the Long Chengyu whole body has golden Mist to reappear, in the meantime, above his forehead appears dragon horn, on the body upper eyelid covers entirely Long Lin(dragon scale). 可忽然,龙承羽周身有金色气焰浮现,同时,他的额头之上浮现龙角,身上脸上更是布满龙鳞 In a flash, Long Chengyu cultivation realm, then from Sixth Rank Half God, promoted the Ninth Rank Half God situation. 只是一瞬间,龙承羽修为,便从六品半神,提升到了九品半神的地步。 Almost while the cultivation realm promotion, Long Chengyu displayed Martial Technique, under the distance, the Martial Technique might was extremely so strong. 几乎在修为提升的同时,龙承羽施展出了武技,如此距离之下,武技威力极强。 Originally, Long Chengyu is intentionally, pretends the violent anger intentionally, making the opposite party think oneself lose the reason, thus completes this to strike suddenly. 原来,龙承羽是故意的,故意装作暴怒,让对方以为自己失去理智,从而完成这突然一击。 - 滋啦啦- May see only the thunder twinkle, Long Chengyu strikes to be fended unexpectedly. 可只见雷霆闪烁,龙承羽的一击竟然被闪避开来。 Next quarter, a palm that supplements the thunder, appears in Long Chengyu behind, knocking ruthlessly in the Long Chengyu nape of the neck place. 下一刻,一只附带雷霆的手掌,出现在龙承羽的身后,狠狠的敲在了龙承羽的脖颈处。 This strikes, then made Long Chengyu lose the strength, fell down. 只是这一击,便使得龙承羽丧失了战力,瘫倒在地。 Is Huangfu Shangyang!!! 皇甫上阳!!! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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