MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5753: Probably the inventory is the same

Chapter 5751 seems the inventory to be the same 第5751章好像进货一样 „The Yu'er miss is really fierce, unexpectedly expelled Jie Tian?” 鱼儿姑娘果然厉害啊,居然就将界天赶走了?” Oh, blamed my yesterday's cultivation was too attentive, after place of closure trial, then closed eye meditation a meeting, missed such good play unexpectedly.” Long Chengyu whole face lamentation. “唉,都怪我昨天修炼的太用心,试炼之地关闭后,便闭目养神了一会,竟错过了这样的好戏。”龙承羽满脸悔恨。 „To watch the good play, now gives you opportunity.” “想看好戏,现在给你机会。” But, the Huangfu Jiangyao sound resounds in the meantime again. 可就在此时,皇甫将耀的声音再度响起。 Waits and sees along the sound, the Huangfu five people appear again. 顺声观望,皇甫五人再度出现。 Anyone of you?” Long Chengyu asked. “你们谁啊?”龙承羽问。 Although the Huangfu five people, had just appeared, but Long Chengyu had not seen, therefore does not know them. 虽然皇甫五人,刚刚出现过,但龙承羽没见到,所以并不认识他们。 They are the people of that five Huangfu surnames.” Chu Feng said. “他们就是那五个皇甫姓氏的人。”楚枫说道。 Oh, is they?” “喔,就是他们?” After listening Chu Feng said that Long Chengyu also earnestly sizes up the Huangfu five people: „ You said the good play, what good play? 楚枫说后,龙承羽也是认真打量起皇甫五人:“你们说好戏,什么好戏? You may know, why hasn't the competition of Summit of Nine Heavens started?” Huangfu Jiangyao asked. “你们可知,为何九天之巅的比试迟迟没有开启?”皇甫将耀问。 Why?” Long Chengyu asked. “为何?”龙承羽问。 This is related with the place of trial, not only the place of trial is cultivation formation technique, tests formation technique.” “这与试炼之地有关,试炼之地不仅是修炼阵法,也是测试阵法。” If cannot meet the requirements, will never open.” “若是达不到要求,是永远不会开启的。” my family Young Lord, is attempting to break through formation technique every night, it is expected that tomorrow will open.” 我家少主,每晚都在尝试冲破阵法,预计明日就会开启。” Originally my family Young Lord thinks, after Summit of Nine Heavens opening, then makes you know the disparity.” “本来我家少主是想,九天之巅开启后,再让你们知道差距。” But you somewhat seem impatient, therefore my family Young Lord decided, ahead of time makes you desperate.” Huangfu Jiangyao said. “可你们似乎有些迫不及待,所以我家少主决定,提前让你们绝望。”皇甫将耀说道。 „It is not, you have not awaked, talks in a dream unexpectedly here?” “不是,你们是没睡醒吗,竟还在这里说梦话?” Long Chengyu naturally does not believe the words that they spoke, always violent temperament he is displays is not impatient. 龙承羽自然不信他们说的话,向来暴脾气的他已是表现出了不耐烦。 But that Huangfu Jiangyao, is actually the palm touches to cosmos sack, later a giant copper gong appears in his hands. 可那皇甫将耀,却是手掌摸向乾坤袋,随后一个巨大的铜锣出现在其手中。 Then, he is knocking to the copper gong suddenly. 接着,他对着铜锣猛然一敲。 Clang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 铛~~~~~ The grating sound resounds through. 刺耳的声音响彻开来。 And the sound that copper gong gives out has the penetrating power, in the respective housing clarity that the person, should also be able to listen. 并且那铜锣散发出的声音非常具有穿透力,在各自居住之所的人,应该也能听的清楚。 Everyone, all comes out, making you experience, what for true talent.” “所有人,全都出来,让你们见识一下,何为真正的天才。” Situ Jiangyao drinks one high. 司徒将耀高喝一声。 His sound, through that copper gong, transmits unexpectedly. 他这道声音,竟通过那铜锣,传递开来。 Really, follows under the transmission of that special copper gong, the increasing number of people walked, collects above this square. 果然,伴随那特殊铜锣的传递下,越来越多的人走了出来,汇集于这广场之上。 Today we, will challenge our opportunities to you.” “今日我们,将会给你们一个挑战我们的机会。” We won, will not make any penalty to you, but if you can exceed us by luck, we will reward to you.” “我们赢了,不会对你们做任何惩罚,但若是你们侥幸能够胜过我们,我们会给你们奖励。” Situ Jiangyao this words saying, looked to that appearance ordinary man. 司徒将耀此话说完,看向了那个长相平凡的男子。 The man rise with a jump, falls on compared with fighting above stage, is holding the fist in the other hand to salute to the people. 那男子一跃而起,落在了比斗台之上,对着众人抱拳施礼。 immediately said: „Below Huangfu Fanni, from Huangfu Celestial Clan.” 旋即说道:“在下皇甫凡逆,来自皇甫天族。” Big Brother, we prepare food.” Little Fishy does not seem interested, but looked to Chu Feng. 大哥哥,我们去做饭吧。”小鱼儿对此似乎并不感兴趣,而是看向了楚枫 Obviously Little Fishy said this words, that Huangfu Fanni, then looks immediately to Little Fishy. 可见小鱼儿说出此话,那皇甫凡逆,则是立刻看向小鱼儿 I must challenge, Xianhai Yu'er.” “我要挑战,仙海鱼儿。” What, he dares to challenge Xianhai Yu'er unexpectedly, doesn't he know Xianhai Yu'er strongly?” “什么,他竟然敢挑战仙海鱼儿,他难道不知道仙海鱼儿有多强吗?” Regarding this, the people are surprised. 对此,众人感到意外。 The person of Huangfu, similarly accident/surprise. 就连皇甫之人,也同样意外。 Huangfu Fanni, you are up to mischief, Xianhai Yu'er is I the person who plans to challenge.” Huangfu Jiangyao said. 皇甫凡逆,你搞什么鬼,仙海鱼儿是我打算挑战的人。”皇甫将耀说道。 shining Young Master, the adjuration lets my willful this time, I want to prove itself in this place.” “将耀少爷,恳请让我任性这一次,我想于此地证明自己。” Huangfu Fanni salutes to say to Huangfu Jiangyao. 皇甫凡逆皇甫将耀施礼说道。 His attitude is very humble, looked comes out he to fear Huangfu Jiangyao. 他的态度很谦卑,看的出来他是惧怕皇甫将耀的。 Ok line.” Huangfu Jiangyao impatient saying. “行吧行吧。”皇甫将耀不耐烦的说道。 Who must accept your challenge.” But, Xianhai Yu'er is an interest does not have, draws Chu Feng to walk on the preparation. “谁要接受你的挑战。”可对此,仙海鱼儿却是一点兴趣都没有,拉着楚枫就准备要走。 Seeing that Chu Feng and others is also follows the Little Fishy preparation to leave. 见状,楚枫等人也是跟着小鱼儿准备离开。 But that Huangfu Fanni, is actually puts out a gives out thunder and lightning the bead. 可那皇甫凡逆,却是拿出一颗散发雷电的珠子。 Moment that bead presents, everyone's vision was attracted the past, including Chu Feng and Little Fishy and others. 那颗珠子出现的一刻,所有人的目光都被吸引了过去,包括楚枫小鱼儿等人 This thing, is immemorial treasure, to Heavenly Thunder Bloodline, will have very big advantage.” “此物,乃太古至宝,对天雷血脉者而言,会有很大好处。” You, if can win me, may take away it.” Huangfu Fanni, the hand lifts this bead, said to Little Fishy. “你若能胜我,可将它拿走。”皇甫凡逆,手举此珠,对小鱼儿说道。 - 唰- Little Fishy tender body one vertical, jumped the ratio to fight on stage directly, stood in the Huangfu Fanni opposite. 小鱼儿娇躯一纵,直接跳到了比斗台上面,就站在了皇甫凡逆的对面。 Little Fishy to Huangfu Fanni, is extending the small hand: I do not want to hit you, gives me directly.” 小鱼儿对着皇甫凡逆,伸出小手:“我不想打你,直接给我吧。” Xianhai Yu'er, I know that your strength is not weak, but my Huangfu Fanni, reason that challenges you, is to show to everyone, my Huangfu Fanni strength.” 仙海鱼儿,我知道你实力不弱,可我皇甫凡逆,之所以挑战你,就是要向所有人证明,我皇甫凡逆的实力。” Ha ~ ~ ~ “呜啊~~~” Huangfu Fanni this words just said, a Little Fishy fist then hit on his belly. 皇甫凡逆此话刚刚说完,小鱼儿一拳便打在了他的肚子上。 This fist, then painful Huangfu Fanni, knelt on the ground. 只是这一拳,便痛的皇甫凡逆,跪在了地上。 Huangfu Fanni refuses to accept very much, above the forehead Thunder Mark appears, although cultivation realm from Sixth Rank Half God, promoted Seventh Rank Half God, but the severe pain of abdomen, still kept him from setting out. 皇甫凡逆很是不服,额头之上雷纹浮现,尽管修为六品半神,提升到了七品半神,可腹部的剧痛,仍让他无法起身。 Quick, Lightning Armour appears, his cultivation realm promoted Eight Rank Half God. 很快,雷霆铠甲浮现而出,他的修为提升到了八品半神 But he is still not able to set out, even the intense pain, making Lightning Armour that the body appears also diverge quickly. 可他依然无法起身,甚至强烈的痛感,让身上浮现的雷霆铠甲也是很快散去。 Thunder Mark on forehead, creakies, will diverge momentarily. 就连额头上的雷纹,也是摇摇欲坠,随时会散去。 Do not support, I do not want to hit you again.” “别撑了,我不想再打你。” Little Fishy searches the hand to grasp, then the bead of that gives out thunder in the Huangfu Fanni hand, then falls into the Little Fishy hand. 小鱼儿探手一抓,那在皇甫凡逆手中那散发雷霆的珠子,便落入小鱼儿手中。 The immediately Little Fishy then hand grasps the bead, arrived in front of Chu Feng: Big Brother, this delivers you.” 旋即小鱼儿便手握珠子,来到了楚枫面前:“大哥哥,这个送你。” This thing, probably value not poor.” Chu Feng said. “这东西,好像价值不菲。”楚枫说道。 Should be useful to you in any case.” Little Fishy said. “反正对你应该有用吧。”小鱼儿道。 Absolutely useful.” Chu Feng is but actually impolite, but accepts directly. “绝对有用。”楚枫倒也不客气,而是直接收下。 Because he knows, he wants to refuse unable to reject facing Little Fishy, therefore is only fluent: many thanks, Little Fishy.” 因为他知道,面对小鱼儿他想拒绝都拒绝不了,于是只能道:“多谢了,小鱼儿。” Is polite anything with me.” “和我还客气什么呢。” Big Brother, must no longer have a look, ten thousand great, what treasure can they also put out?” 大哥哥,要不再看看吧,万一等一下,他们还能拿出什么宝贝呢?” I all help you bring.” Little Fishy said. “我全都帮你拿过来。”小鱼儿道。 Hears this words, the people complexion is complex. 听闻此话,众人脸色复杂。 Brings? 拿过来? Said seems the inventory to be the same? 说的怎么好像进货一样? But this saying, was Little Fishy said that probably was is not unacceptable. 但这话,是小鱼儿说的,好像也不是不能接受。 This girl, was too truly terrorist. 这丫头,确实太恐怖了。 I.” Chu Feng said with a smile. “我都可以。”楚枫笑道。 But at this time, that build is grandiose, the nine-meter fellow, is jumps the ratio to fight above stage. 而此时,那个体型壮硕,高达九米的家伙,已是跳到了比斗台之上。 Disgraced.” He raises legs a foot, kicked that Huangfu Fanni unexpectedly. “丢人。”他抬腿一脚,竟将那皇甫凡逆踢了下去。 Elects me to elect me.” Little Fishy waves to say. “选我选我。”小鱼儿挥手说道。 But that after looking at exciting Little Fishy, is actually the brow wrinkles, the immediately vision switched to Qin Xuan. 可那位,看了一眼兴奋的小鱼儿后,却是眉头皱起,旋即目光一转投向了秦玄 I must challenge you.” He points at Qin Xuan to say. “我要挑战你。”他指着秦玄说道。 You challenge, do I want to accept?” Qin Xuan asked. “你挑战,我就要接受吗?”秦玄问。 Sees that the robust man palm turns, the bead that floods the special strength appears. 见状,那壮汉手掌一翻,一颗充斥充斥特殊力量的珠子浮现而出。 Sees that bead brightly, Qin Xuan immediately at present one. 看到那颗珠子,秦玄顿时眼前一亮。 Even if his Heavenly Dome Immortal sect, has not seen so the treasure. 哪怕是他苍穹仙宗,也没见过如此宝物。 In that bead, is to the person of cultivation mysterious arts, has the strength of enormous help. 那珠子内,是对修炼玄功之人,有着极大帮助的力量。 Simply is tailor for him. 简直就是为他量身打造的。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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