MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5752: Jie Tian card in a hand

Chapter 5750 Jie Tian card in a hand 第5750章界天的底牌 Compared with fighting in stage, Jie Tian stands in same place, his roaming dragon formation technique already not, but he actually returns safe and sound. 比斗台内,界天站在原地,他脚下的游龙阵法已经不在了,可他却毫发未损。 But he compares previous, had the enormous change. 但他比之先前,却有了极大的变化。 His whole body is twining the twofold strength, one type is bloodline power, is quite powerful, causes the world to change. 他周身缠绕着两重力量,一种是血脉之力,极为强大,引得天地变化。 Is Bloodline of king!!! 乃是王之血脉!!! Another First Level is the strength of formation technique, extremely special formation technique, Bloodline of this formation technique and king melts perfectly. 一重乃是阵法之力,极其特殊的阵法,这阵法与王之血脉完美相融。 What is main, under the winding of this dual strength, the Jie Tian strength promotes unexpectedly again. 最主要的是,在这双重力量的缠绕下,界天的战力竟再度提升。 He above the Ninth Rank Half God strength, obtained the Fight Against First Rank strength. 他在九品半神的战力之上,又获得了逆战一品的战力。 Although Half God Realm cultivator, is God-cloak World Spiritist, is unable to break through True God and limit of True Dragon World Spiritist. 虽说无论是半神境修武者,还是神袍界灵师,都无法突破真神真龙界灵师的限制。 But Jie Tian this time strength, under True God and True Dragon, is extremely terrifying. 界天此时的战力,在真神真龙之下,已是极其恐怖。 Why can cover?” “干嘛要遮挡?” Feared that loses to me again, shameful?” Little Fishy asked. “怕再输给我,见不得人?”小鱼儿问。 Regarding this, Jie Tian is light smiles. 对此,界天则是淡淡一笑。 My method, they do not match to see.” “我的手段,他们不配见到。” But you, really have this qualifications.” “但你,确实有这个资格。” Xianhai Yu'er, I acknowledged that you are very strong, initial I, indeed was inferior to you.” 仙海鱼儿,我承认你很强,当初的我,的确不如你。” But now, my Jie Tian today we are no longer as we have been, you... are impossible to exceed me again.” “但如今,我界天已今非昔比,你…不可能再胜过我。” Jie Tian said to Little Fishy. 界天小鱼儿说道。 His vision at this moment, has the excitement, there is an excitement, but more is actually the self-confident, absolute self-confidence. 他此刻的目光,有兴奋,也有激动,但更多的却是自信,绝对的自信。 For this day, he paid extremely numerous. 为了这一日,他付出了极多。 Now, finally waited till. 现在,终于等到了。 Before waiting till his snow, shame opportunity. 等到了他一雪前耻的机会。 But looks that self-confidently, Jie Tian that has victory in the hand the appearance, Little Fishy smiled. 而看着那自信满满,一副胜券在握模样的界天,小鱼儿则是笑了。 „Is this your card in a hand?” “这就是你的底牌吗?” That fears, must disappoint you.” “那恐怕,要让你失望了。” Little Fishy this words saying, special aura, from Little Fishy within the body release. 小鱼儿此话说完,一股特殊的气息,自小鱼儿体内释放而出。 After that wipes the aura release, but, Little Fishy Mist also changes. 当那抹气息释放而出后,小鱼儿身上的气焰也是发生变化。 But sees Little Fishy this time change, Jie Tian is also the look big change, the previous self-confidence, vanishes does not immediately see. 而看到小鱼儿此时的变化,界天也是神色大变,先前的自信,立刻消失不见。 ...... …… That hidden formation technique, is the Jie Tian arrangement?” “那隐藏阵法,是界天布置的吧?” Xianhai Yu'er that powerful Divine Martial Forbidden Technique, hasn't he defeated?” 仙海鱼儿那么强大的神禁武技,他都没有败吗?” „But why he arranges such formation technique, now two people of tactical situations how?” “可他为何布置这样的阵法,现在二人到底战况如何?” The people were flustered, although their most people, cannot see clearly the concrete tactical situation, but can also look after all lively some. 众人急坏了,尽管他们大部分人,根本就看不清具体战况,可总归也能看些热闹。 However the present situation, they were actually anything cannot see. 但是现在的情况,他们却是什么都看不到了。 Chu Feng, can you see?” Feng Ling asked to Chu Feng. 楚枫,你能看到吗?”风铃楚枫问道。 Compared with fighting the stage had special formation technique, Jie Tian Concealment Spirit Formation is not simple, the two in addition holds, I cannot see through this to hide formation technique.” Chu Feng said. “比斗台本就有特殊的阵法,界天隐藏结界也不简单,二者加持下,我也看不穿这隐藏阵法。”楚枫说道。 „Is Jie Tian this fellow, really also King-level Bloodline? That can Little Fishy have an accident?” Some Feng Ling worries. 界天这家伙,真的也是王级血脉吗?那小鱼儿会不会出事啊?”风铃有些担心。 Actually is she was worried incessantly, Xian Miaomiao, Long Muxi is also worried about Little Fishy very much. 其实不止是她担心,仙喵喵,龙沐熙也都很担心小鱼儿 Although is only short being together, but they actually like this youngest sister very much. 尽管只是短暂的相处,但她们却都很喜欢这个小妹妹。 Looked quickly, formation started to dissipate.” “快看,结界开始消散了。” But is quick, people notice, that just blocked the ratio to fight formation of stage, at this time is dissipating. 而很快,人们注意到,那刚刚封锁比斗台的结界,此时正在消散。 formation has not dissipated thoroughly, the Little Fishy form then from compared with fighting in stage jumped. 结界还未彻底消散,小鱼儿的身影便从比斗台内跳了出来。 Sees Little Fishy, Chu Feng and others relaxes, because Little Fishy returns safe and sound. 看到小鱼儿,楚枫等人都松了口气,因为小鱼儿毫发未损。 Jie Tian, he......” 界天,他……” But follows formation to dissipate, people also soon discovered the Jie Tian form. 而伴随结界消散,人们也是很快发现了界天的身影。 Jie Tian the stupor, his body also had not only been put on a blood hole, the nose, in the mouth, some similarly a lot of blood unceasingly spout. 界天不仅已经昏迷,他的身上还被穿了一个血窟窿,鼻子,口中,同样有大量鲜血不断喷涌。 Obviously, this showdown, was Jie Tian losses. 很显然,这场对决,还是界天了。 And wound that Jie Tian receives, is heavy. 并且界天受的伤,也是不轻。 Scoundrel, but compares notes, under dares so the violent treachery?” “混账,只是切磋,竟敢下如此毒手?” Sees the Jie Tian condition, the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion junior is not all dry. 见到界天的状况,七界圣府的众位小辈全都不干了。 Although they and Jie Tian are also not ripe, but this status, they must maintain. 虽然他们与界天也是不熟,可这位身份,他们必须维护。 He has not died is lucky, if you refuse to accept, can make a move to revenge for him, my Xianhai Shaoyu accompanies.” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “他没死已是万幸,你们若是不服,可以出手替他报仇,我仙海少禹奉陪。”仙海少禹说道。 Although Seven Worlds Saint Mansion numerous talents over the face scowl, but actually no one dares to act to Xianhai Shaoyu. 七界圣府众天才虽满面怒容,但却没有人敢对仙海少禹出手。 They very clear several jin (0.5 kg) several two, therefore can only incompetent saying: This matter, my Seven Worlds Saint Mansion will not give up.” 他们很清楚自己几斤几两,于是只能无能的说道:“此事,我七界圣府不会善罢甘休的。” ~ ~ “嘁~~” Regarding this words, Xianhai Shaoyu is disinclined to respond, the powerhouse will act directly, the incompetent person will lift own family. 对于这种话语,仙海少禹根本懒得回应,强者都会直接出手,无能的人才会抬出自己的家族。 But what is worth mentioning is, Seven Worlds Saint Mansion another two talents, Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao have not spoken. 但值得一提的是,七界圣府的另外两位天才,灵霄界宝宝却并没有说话。 Ling Xiao has jumped to the ratio fights on the stage, the preparation is Jie Tian therapy. 灵霄已是跳到比斗台上,准备为界天疗伤。 Buzz- 嗡- But his formation technique has not arranged to complete, the strength of therapy, then covered Jie Tian together. 可他的阵法还未布置完成,一道疗伤之力,便笼罩了界天 Is Liu Kuo. 刘阔 Ling Xiao benefactor, Jie Tian benefactor gives me then.” Liu Kuo said. 灵霄施主,界天施主交给我即可。”刘阔说道。 Has the work.” Sees that Ling Xiao also fights on the stage to draw back from the ratio. “有劳。”见状,灵霄也是从比斗台上退下。 Because he saw, Liu Kuo therapy formation technique is very strong, has this therapy formation technique, Jie Tian will not have the matter. 因为他看出,刘阔的疗伤阵法很强,有这疗伤阵法在,界天不会有事。 But Liu Kuo rubs to begin the buddha beads, then vanished with Jie Tian in this place together. 刘阔搓动手中佛珠,便与界天一同消失在了此地。 Therefore Jie Tian, was eliminated like this?” “所以界天,就这样被淘汰了吗?” „Was Xianhai Yu'er too also strong?” 仙海鱼儿也太强了吧?” No wonder, no wonder Summit of Nine Heavens invitation is not Xianhai Shaoyu, but is she.” “难怪,难怪九天之巅邀请的不是仙海少禹而是她。” Was too terrifying, only from the talent, she perhaps already exceeded beginning Xianhai Yu Clan generation of Clan Head.” “太恐怖了,只从天赋来看,她恐怕已经超越仙海鱼族初代族长了。” Xianhai Shaoyu, presents Xianhai Yu'er now.” “一个仙海少禹也就罢了,现在又出现一个仙海鱼儿。” Age of Gods, the rise of Xianhai Yu Clan, feared that was no one can prevent.” 神之时代,仙海鱼族的崛起,怕是无人能够阻挡了。” After Jie Tian Liu Kuo carries off, this side world immediately blasted out the pot, brave said face to face, timid is also sound transmission exchanges in secret. 界天刘阔带走后,这方天地顿时炸开了锅,胆大的当面就说了,胆小的也是暗中传音相互交流。 This matter attacked to them is too big. 这件事对于他们来说冲击太大了。 From the previous performance, the Jie Tian strength is not absolutely weak, even can say. 从先前的表现来看,界天的实力绝对不弱,甚至可以说非常之强。 Two people of fights, actually the time are very but short. 可是二人的交手,其实时间很短。 But in the so short time, branched out Saint Mansion. 可如此短暂的时间内,就分出了圣府 This then side explanation, Xianhai Yu'er strength terrifying. 这便侧面的说明了,仙海鱼儿的实力有多恐怖。 And Jie Tian is stronger, more can prove the Xianhai Yu'er terrifying. 并且界天越强,越能证明仙海鱼儿恐怖。 This is the real talent, she is this Summit of Nine Heavens true dark horse. 这是货真价实的天才,她才是此次九天之巅真正的黑马。 Younger Sister Yu'er, you may be really good, to reward you teaches that Jie Tian, Elder Sister prepares also to show one's skill, makes big feast to you.” Feng Ling said. 鱼儿妹妹,你可真棒啊,为了奖励你教训那个界天,姐姐准备也露一手,给你做顿大餐。”风铃说道。 „Will Elder Sister prepare food?” Little Fishy blinks the big eye to ask. 姐姐会做饭?”小鱼儿眨巴着大眼睛问道。 Naturally, is true preparing food, not with Spirit Formation technique, moreover is delicious.” Feng Ling said. “当然,是真正的做饭,可不是用结界之术,而且非常好吃。”风铃道。 Good, I must go to the kitchen, shows one's skill to Big Brother.” Little Fishy is eager to try. “好唉,那我也要下厨,给大哥哥露一手。”小鱼儿跃跃欲试。 May hear this words, Xianhai Shaoyu actually gathers near the Chu Feng ear to say immediately: 可听闻此话,仙海少禹却是立刻凑到楚枫耳边道: Little Brother Chu Feng, other I had nothing saying that but my younger sister went to the kitchen to prepare food, I urged you to leave easily attempt.” 楚枫兄弟,别的我没啥说的,但我妹妹下厨做饭,我劝你别轻易尝试。” But in the meantime, Long Chengyu also walked from the white fog. 而就在此时,龙承羽也从白雾内走了出来。 How you in this?” Long Chengyu asked. “怎么你们都在这?”龙承羽问。 Long Chengyu, how you come out, just missed a good play, that Jie Tian was eliminated.” Feng Ling said. 龙承羽,你怎么才出来,刚刚可是错过一场好戏,那界天被淘汰了。”风铃说道。 Jie Tian? How was he eliminated? Has started?” Long Chengyu asked. 界天?他怎么被淘汰的?难道已经开始了吗?”龙承羽问。 Has not started, is he acts to Chu Feng, Younger Sister Yu'er is unable to continue watching, the direct challenge he, lost departure Summit of Nine Heavens, therefore you understand.” “没有开始呢,是他对楚枫出手,鱼儿妹妹看不下去,直接挑战他,输了的离开九天之巅,所以你懂的。” Taking pleasure in others'misfortunes of Feng Ling face, this melon she was eats to the full. 风铃一脸的幸灾乐祸,这场瓜她算是吃饱了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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