MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5751: The talent shows

Chapter 5749 talent shows 第5749章天赋展现 Yu'er benefactor, here has not bet the life the custom, you must challenge, below bets approximately, but trades a gambling to make.” Liu Kuo also said. 鱼儿施主,我们这里没有赌命的规矩,你要挑战可以,下赌约也可以,但还是换个赌约吧。”刘阔也是说道。 That loses, tumbles out Summit of Nine Heavens directly.” Little Fishy also said. “那输的,就直接滚出九天之巅。”小鱼儿又道。 This gambling stake, as if also big.” The people said. “这个赌注,似乎也不小啊。”众人纷纷说道。 But Liu Kuo said: This actually.” 但刘阔却是说道:“这个倒是可以。” immediately Liu Kuo looks to Jie Tian, that look seemed saying, you do dare? 旋即刘阔看向界天,那眼神仿佛在说,你敢吗? Xianhai Yu'er, this is you brings upon oneself.” Jie Tian this words saying, then also jumped up the ratio to fight the stage. 仙海鱼儿,这可是你自找的。”界天此话说完,便也跳上了比斗台。 And looked to Chu Feng: Chu Feng, you were not anxious, I first tidy up this girl, then tidies up you.” 且还看向了楚枫:“楚枫,你莫急了,我先收拾这丫头,再来收拾你。” - 唰- But in the speeches, before Little Fishy is arrives at his body, a fist rumbles. 可就在说话间,小鱼儿已是来到他的身前,一拳轰出。 The entire ratio fights the stage to sway immediately fiercely. 整个比斗台顿时剧烈摇晃起来。 Is Little Fishy this fist, hit above Jie Tian defense formation. 小鱼儿这一拳,打在了界天的防御结界之上。 The ripples that Little Fishy this fist, might relative, starts, in compared with fighting in stage wreak havoc crazily. 小鱼儿这一拳,威力相当之强,掀起的涟漪,于比斗台内疯狂肆虐。 Defense formation of Jie Tian whole body, is the mark silk has not actually moved, not to mention fissure, even has not moved. 界天周身的防御结界,却是纹丝未动,莫说裂痕,甚至都未曾动弹一下。 Fight Against First Rank!!!” 逆战一品!!!” Chu Feng and Xianhai Shaoyu also said. 楚枫仙海少禹同时说道。 They looked, Jie Tian formation power, although reveres dragon God-cloak, should be the Eight Rank Half God strength. 他们都看出来了,界天结界之力,虽是尊龙神袍,本应是八品半神的战力。 But in fact, has the Ninth Rank Half God strength. 可实际上,却拥有九品半神的战力。 Why this is also, Little Fishy is unable to break through this formation reason. 这也就是为何,小鱼儿无法攻破这结界的原因。 Fight Against First Rank, Jie Tian is revering dragon God-cloak, has such strength unexpectedly, does that endure to compare Ninth Rank Half God?” 逆战一品,界天在尊龙神袍,竟有如此战力,那岂不是堪比九品半神?” After hearing Xianhai Shaoyu and Chu Feng's words, the person of surrounding to Jie Tian, had the new view. 听到仙海少禹楚枫的话后,围观之人对界天,也是有了新的看法。 I have said that leaves Immemorial Star Sea, did not have the formation armor, your anything is not.” “我说过,离开太古星海,没有了结界铠甲,你什么都不是。” You even, cannot break my guarding.” “你甚至,都破不了我的防。” Jie Tian stands in same place, looks at Little Fishy by the contemptuous look. 界天站在原地,以轻蔑的眼神看着小鱼儿 Initially Immemorial Star Sea, he has taken to heart, but currently he has the opportunity finally, before snow, shame. 当初太古星海,他一直耿耿于怀,而现在他终于有机会,一雪前耻。 And is in front of everyone, defeats Little Fishy. 并且是当着所有人的面,击败小鱼儿 Little Fishy has not spoken, but her whole body Mist actually changed, Mist not only grows stronger, it behind, presented two Mist wings for the time being. 小鱼儿没有说话,可她周身气焰却发生了变化,气焰不仅变强,且自其身后,出现了两对气焰翅膀。 That wing is very special, resembling is the fish fin, but is magnificent and attractive. 那翅膀很特别,似是鱼鳍,但却非常华丽且好看。 This time she, really just like fairy maiden. 此时的她,真的宛如仙子。 However she gives out power and influence, is actually overbearing. 但是她所散发的威势,却是霸道非常。 Seeing only Little Fishy is a fist rumbles, defense formation that Jie Tian is proud, then damages immediately. 只见小鱼儿又是一拳轰出,界天引以为傲的防御结界,便立刻破损开来。 Because, in that appears after the fish fin common two wings, the Little Fishy aura promotes again. 因为,在那宛如鱼鳍一般的两对翅膀出现之后,小鱼儿的气息再度提升。 The cultivation realm, had achieved Ninth Rank Half God. 修为,已是达到了九品半神 And, after this fist bang breaks to pieces defends formation, the strength does not reduce, is directly soars Jie Tian to go. 并且,这一拳轰碎防御结界后,力道丝毫不减,已是直奔界天而去。 Sees this situation, Jie Tian is also the brow tight wrinkle, does not dare to have a general idea/careless again. 见此情形,界天也是眉头紧皱,不敢再有所大意。 Therefore the under foot raises formation power, changes to roaming dragon, rides roaming dragon to flee to go. 于是脚下升起结界之力,化作一条游龙,乘着游龙逃离而去。 Little Fishy has not pursued, but actually grips the horse stance, the left hand gets hold , the Martial Power long bow appears, later right hand, then Martial Power Guided Arrow appears. 小鱼儿没有追赶,但却扎起马步,左手握紧,武力长弓浮现,随后右手一拉,便有一把武力箭矢浮现。 Swish Swish Swish- 唰唰唰- In an instant, several Martial Power Guided Arrow, graze to go to Jie Tian one after another. 刹那间,数道武力箭矢,接连向界天飞掠而去。 But roaming dragon of Jie Tian under foot, is special formation technique, is very quick, avoids Little Fishy Martial Power Guided Arrow unexpectedly one after another. 界天脚下的游龙,乃是特殊阵法,速度很快,竟接连避开小鱼儿武力箭矢 But these Martial Power Guided Arrow, have the tracing effect, after shooting to be spatial, unexpectedly like living general. 而那些武力箭矢,具有追踪效果,在射空之后,竟像活过来一般。 Is ordinary just like Yu'er, from the sky jumps to hover, and fast is pursuing Jie Tian. 宛如鱼儿一般,在空中跳跃游动,且快速的追赶着界天 Good flexible Martial Technique.” “好灵活的武技。” Although Chu Feng cultivation realm has not achieved Little Fishy and Jie Tian that situation. 楚枫修为没有达到小鱼儿界天那种地步。 But side observes, and uses in the Heaven's Eyes situation, actually can also see clearly the war. 可旁观战,且使用天眼的情况下,却也是能够看清战局。 He had seen, Little Fishy Martial Technique is fierce, should be Divine Martial Forbidden Technique. 他已是看出,小鱼儿武技非常厉害,应该是神禁武技 In order to see clearly the war, many talents in public or the hidden place promoted cultivation realm. 为了看清战局,很多天才都在明处或者暗处提升了修为 But, at least promotes to Eight Rank Half God, otherwise looks radically cannot see clearly. 但,也至少是提升到八品半神,否则根本看都看不清。 Even if the power of observation is insufficient, Eight Rank Half God, cannot see clearly the situation. 甚至若是观察力不足,八品半神,也根本看不清局势。 For example Qin Xuan, his Mist, had the Third Level change directly. 比如秦玄,他身上气焰,直接有了三重变化。 Promoted Ninth Rank Half God from Sixth Rank cultivation realm. 修为六品提升到了九品半神 Not only proves his strength in the presence of everyone, wants to see clearly Little Fishy and Jie Tian war. 不仅是当众证明他的实力,也是想看清小鱼儿界天的战局。 Is it possible that is Xianhai Yu Clan Divine Martial Forbidden Technique, the Divine Taboo long bow leaps!!!” “莫非,那是仙海鱼族神禁武技,神禁长弓跃!!!” After an observation, Qin Xuan said. 一番观察后,秦玄说道。 But he such remarks, immediately causes the people to discuss. 而他此话一出,立刻引起众人议论。 „, The Divine Taboo long bow in legend will not leap, Xianhai Yu'er did cultivation succeed?” “不会吧,传说中的神禁长弓跃,仙海鱼儿修炼成功了?” Their many people, cannot see clearly the war, can only watch the fun. 他们很多人,都看不清战局,只能看热闹。 However clearly has regarding Divine Martial Forbidden Technique that Qin Xuan said understand. 但是显然对于秦玄所说的神禁武技是有所了解的。 Because of the understanding, is surprised. 正因了解,才如此惊讶。 Right, that precisely my Xianhai Yu Clan First Rank Divine Taboo, the Divine Taboo long bow leaps.” “没错,那正是仙海鱼族一段神禁,神禁长弓跃。” When the people are unable to determine, Xianhai Shaoyu gave the affirmative answer directly. 在众人无法确定之际,仙海少禹则是直接给出了肯定的答复。 But his reply, was lets people clear realizing the Xianhai Yu'er talent. 而他这一回答,更是让众人清晰的认识到了仙海鱼儿的天赋。 At this moment, does not need Xianhai Shaoyu to tell, but the audience person discussed chaotically, Chu Feng had known fierce of this Martial Technique. 此刻,都不用仙海少禹讲述,只是听众人七嘴八舌的议论,楚枫已是知道了这武技的厉害。 The Divine Taboo long bow leaps. 神禁长弓跃。 Is Xianhai Yu Clan in Divine Martial Forbidden Technique that in Ancient Ruins gains. 乃是仙海鱼族远古遗迹内所获取的神禁武技 It is said until now, only then Xianhai Yu Clan beginning generation of Clan Head success cultivation this Divine Taboo long bow leapt. 据说至今为止,只有仙海鱼族的初代族长成功修炼了这神禁长弓跃。 But initially beginning Xianhai Yu Clan generation of Clan Head had once said that even if he cannot utmost become this Martial Technique cultivation. 可当初仙海鱼族初代族长曾说过,哪怕是他也未能将此武技修炼至大成。 Guided Arrow that because he projects, can only have the tracing effect. 因为他射出的箭矢,只能具备追踪效果。 If the cultivation accomplishment, projected Guided Arrow can explode, and explosion power is extremely strong. 若是修炼大成,射出的箭矢是能够爆炸的,且爆炸威力极强。 But in the short time that the people discussed that void above, had presented several tens of thousands of Martial Power Guided Arrow. 而就在众人讨论的短暂时间内,虚空之上,已是出现了数万支武力箭矢 These Martial Power Guided Arrow, looking like the army are ordinary, does not have no brain pursuit, instead is starts to deploy troops and form lines, blocks off. 那些武力箭矢,就像是大军一般,没有无脑追击,反而是开始排兵布阵,四下堵截。 Quick, the Jie Tian escape route was then totally blocked. 很快,界天的退路便被彻底封锁。 Sees this situation, Jie Tian also stimulates to movement formation power, arranges slaughtering formation, wants to reopen blocks Guided Arrow of way. 见此情形,界天也是催动结界之力,布置出攻杀阵法,想要重开封锁去路的箭矢 But the next quarter, in resort to violence stage starts to shiver fiercely, even stands the people outside resort to violence stage, has an impression. 可下一刻,武斗台内开始剧烈颤动,甚至站在武斗台外的众人,也是有所观感。 The explosion, had the multiple explosions in Jie Tian all around, the powerful ripples almost covered the resort to violence stage. 爆炸,在界天的四周发生了多次爆炸,强大的涟漪几乎覆盖了武斗台。 I go, this girl very powerful.” Feng Ling cannot bear blurt out. “我去,这丫头好强。”风铃忍不住脱口而出。 Truly fierce.” Xian Miaomiao also expresses the support. “确实厉害。”仙喵喵也是表示赞同。 Qin Xuan that similarly surrounds, then deeply frowned. 同样围观的秦玄,则是眉头紧锁。 He remembers beforehand Xianhai Shaoyu to the words that he spoke. 他不由想起之前仙海少禹对他说的话。 Now looks like, Xianhai Shaoyu does not frighten him. 现在看来,仙海少禹并不是吓唬他。 Little Fishy, indeed has to kill his ability. 小鱼儿,的确具有打死他的能力。 Sixth Rank Half God , to promote Third Rank cultivation realm, achieves Ninth Rank Half God first not to discuss. 六品半神,提升三品修为,达到九品半神先不谈。 The Little Fishy strength, as well as to grasping of Martial Technique, achieved extreme. 小鱼儿的战力,以及对武技的掌握,都达到了极致 Obviously, reason that will have that and other explosions of might, was because of Xianhai Yu'er that Divine Martial Forbidden Technique cultivation to extreme. 很显然,之所以会有那等威力的爆炸,乃是因为仙海鱼儿将那神禁武技修炼到了极致 She this Martial Technique, cultivation to even Xianhai Yu Clan beginning situation that generation of Clan Head, are unable to go. 她将这一武技,修炼到了连仙海鱼族初代族长,都无法达到的地步。 But beginning Xianhai Yu Clan since generation of Clan Head, have been recognized Xianhai Yu Clan all previous generations most existence. 可是仙海鱼族初代族长,可是公认的仙海鱼族历代以来最的存在。 This said, the Little Fishy talent, has exceeded Xianhai Yu Clan beginning generation of Clan Head? 这岂不是说,小鱼儿的天赋,已经超越了仙海鱼族的初代族长 Whistling- 呼呼- But the next quarter, boundless formation power, blocked the entire ratio to fight the field. 可下一刻,一股磅礴的结界之力,封锁住了整个比斗场。 Covered the line of sight of people thoroughly. 彻底遮挡住了众人的视线。 Jie Tian?” 界天?” Sees that formation power, Chu Feng then knows, is ghost who Jie Tian does. 看到那结界之力,楚枫便知道,是界天搞的鬼。 Even if Little Fishy Divine Martial Forbidden Technique, the might is very indeed strong, but Jie Tian can release so formation power, blocks the entire ratio to fight the stage, then also explained Jie Tian and being affected much. 哪怕小鱼儿神禁武技,威力的确很强,可是界天能释放出如此结界之力,封锁整个比斗台,便也说明界天并无大碍。 Do not worry, my younger sister will not have the matter.” Xianhai Shaoyu said to Chu Feng. “别担心,我妹妹不会有事。”仙海少禹楚枫说道。 Compares in others, on his face does not have one to worry, to own younger sister, has the absolute self-confidence. 相比于其他人,他的脸上没有一丝担忧,对自己妹妹,有着绝对的自信。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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