MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5750: Little Fishy challenges Jie Tian

Chapter 5748 Little Fishy challenges Jie Tian 第5748章小鱼儿挑战界天 Some good plays looked, finally had the good play to look.” “有好戏看,终于有好戏看了。” Saw that Jie Tian and others arrives, people becomes excited. 看到界天等人登场,众人内心变得兴奋起来。 Especially homeless, can only in square activity Qin Xuan and Qin Shu. 尤其是无家可归,只能在广场活动的秦玄秦梳 They have suppressed a lot of air/Qi, only waited for Seven Worlds Saint Mansion to have this tone for them. 他们早就憋了一肚子气,只等着七界圣府为他们出这口气了。 On this day, they hoped finally. 这一日,他们总算盼来了。 But who once thinks, after causing the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion numerous talents that the audience focuses attention on to arrive . 可谁曾想,引起全场瞩目的七界圣府众天才登场后。 Huangfu Xingshi five people, is turns around to prepare to depart. 那皇甫姓氏的五人,则是转身准备离去。 Halts.” “站住。” Jie Tian opens the mouth suddenly, and tone is bad. 界天忽然开口,且语气不善。 Said me?” “说我?” That white hair youngster turn head asked that even if regards Jie Tian and other Seven Worlds Saint Mansion the numerous talents, his look is still contemptuous. 那个白发少年回头问,哪怕看待界天七界圣府的众天才,他眼神依旧轻蔑。 I hear, you had just said that does Summit of Nine Heavens only anticipate Chu Feng?” Jie Tian asked. “我听闻,你刚刚说过,九天之巅只期待楚枫?”界天问。 Right.” “对。” But now, has not let the person who I anticipate.” The white hair youngster said. “但现在,已经没有让我期待的人了。”白发少年道。 My Seven Worlds Saint Mansion?” Jie Tian asked. “那我七界圣府呢?”界天问。 Heard this words, the white hair youngster smiled, that was the laughter that could not bear exude. 听闻此话,白发少年不由笑了,那是忍不住而发出的笑声。 World Spiritist, cannot amount to something.” 界灵师而已,上不了台面。” Bang- 轰- But that youngster words just left, boundless formation power, then from Jie Tian within the body release. 可那少年此话刚出,一股磅礴的结界之力,便自界天体内释放而出。 Although does not have the potential of moving mountains, may actually directly soar the white hair youngster to attack to go. 虽没有排山倒海之势,可却直奔白发少年冲击而去。 That is endures to compare Eight Rank Half God formation power. 那是堪比八品半神结界之力 Reveres dragon God-cloak, this is Jie Tian formation cultivation realm. 尊龙神袍,这便是界天结界修为 - 滋啦啦- That strikes has not approached the youngster, then kept off. 只是,那一击还未靠近少年,便被挡了下来。 In the Huangfu five people, that appearance ordinary man, initiate an attack to keep off this to strike. 是皇甫五人中,那个长相平凡的男子,主动出击挡下了这一击。 At this moment his body, presented Thunder Mark simultaneously, Lightning Armour. 此刻他的身上,同时出现了雷纹,雷霆铠甲 cultivation realm achieves Eight Rank Half God. 修为达到八品半神 Explanation, his originally cultivation realm, achieved Sixth Rank Half God. 说明,他的原本修为,也达到了六品半神 Snort.” “哼。” Sees the offensive to be blocked, Jie Tian lightly snorted, formation power explodes later unexpectedly. 见攻势被拦,界天轻哼一声,随后结界之力竟爆炸开来。 Originally that seemingly simple formation power, actually hidden formation technique. 原来那看似简单的结界之力,实则暗藏阵法 The powerful ripples, that appearance ordinary man, the direct bang draw back to go. 强大的涟漪,将那长相平凡的男子,直接轰退而去。 You court death.” “你找死。” Although that ordinary man is uninjured, but actually looks killing intent, the black wooden box that will carry directly behind takes down. 那平凡男子虽未受伤,可却面露杀意,直接将身后背着的黑色木盒取了下来。 Stop.” “住手。” The white hair youngster opens the mouth, the man stops acting. 白发少年开口,那男子才停止动作。 It seems like you are not convinced very much.” “看来你很不服气。” No rush, will make you be convinced, remember, is all of you.” “别急,会让你们服气的,记住,是你们所有人。” The youngster contemptuously smile, immediately then turns around to depart. 少年轻蔑一笑,旋即便转身离去。 But other four people also depart together. 而其余四人也是一同离去。 This Jie Tian reveres dragon God-cloak unexpectedly.” “这界天竟已是尊龙神袍。” I remember before Ling Xiao, is Immortal Dragon God-cloak, if Ling Xiao has not broken through, that Jie Tian has exceeded Ling Xiao.” “我记得灵霄之前是仙龙神袍,若是灵霄没有突破,那界天已超越灵霄。” Worthily is the Seven Worlds Mansion Lord grandchild, worthily is Jie Mubai and sons of Jie Tiannian two Sirs.” “不愧是七界府主的外孙,不愧是界慕白界天念两位大人的儿子。” Compares in Chu Feng, this Jie Tian is the genuine materials.” “相比于楚枫,这界天才是真材实料啊。” That several surnamed Huangfu, as if is also very strong, shows the strength two, unexpectedly is Sixth Rank Half God, but has not thought, they unexpectedly are Heaven rank Bloodline.” “不过那几个姓皇甫的,似乎也很强,展现实力的两个,竟都是六品半神,只是没想到,他们竟是天级血脉。” Before, how not to have heard, vast martial cultivation world also has such powerful Celestial Clan, conceals was also too deep?” “之前,怎么从来都没有听闻过,浩瀚修武界还有这样强大的天族,藏的也太深了吧?” The people exclaimed in surprise in the Jie Tian strength at the same time, actually does not dare to look down on the Huangfu five people again. 众人惊叹于界天实力的同时,却也都不敢再小瞧皇甫五人。 Quick, Chu Feng and others walked. 很快,楚枫等人走了出来。 Their this looks for Wang Qiang, but Wang Qiang has not responded, they are not then able to enter the Wang Qiang residence. 他们本去找王强,但王强没有回应,他们便也无法进入王强的住所。 Chu Feng!!!” 楚枫!!!” You really also dare to come unexpectedly.” “你竟真的还敢来。” Sees Chu Feng, the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion juniors, combative, wishes one could to tear to shreds Chu Feng. 看到楚枫,七界圣府众小辈,一个个杀气腾腾,恨不得将楚枫碎尸万段。 Compares in others, Jie Tian is actually not angry, but is tranquil looks at Chu Feng. 相比于其他人,界天倒是没有那么愤怒,而是平静的看着楚枫 Chu Feng, you are without a fight, wants my members of the same family to catch you?” Jie Tian asked. 楚枫,你是自己束手就擒,还是要我亲族抓你?”界天问。 Jie Tian, you dare to move him one to try.” Little Fishy asked. 界天,你敢动他一下试试。”小鱼儿问道。 Jie Tian has not spoken, but is the law secret art change. 界天没有说话,而是法诀变化。 Swish Swish Swish- 唰唰唰- In an instant, condenses the formation long sword innumerably, changes to the sword rain, attacks to go to Chu Feng. 刹那间,无数把结界长剑凝聚而出,化作剑雨,向楚枫冲击而去。 Sees that Xian Miaomiao, Little Fishy, Feng Ling stands before the Chu Feng body simultaneously. 见状,仙喵喵,小鱼儿,风铃同时站在楚枫身前。 They promote cultivation realm simultaneously, simultaneously releases Martial Power, kept off the Jie Tian offensive. 她们同时提升修为,同时释放出武力,将界天的攻势挡了下来。 After keeping off the Jie Tian offensive, Xian Miaomiao and Feng Ling stand side Chu Feng as before. 挡下界天攻势之后,仙喵喵风铃依旧站在楚枫身旁。 But Little Fishy, is actually jumps, attacked directly to Jie Tian. 可是小鱼儿,却是纵身而起,直接攻向了界天 And the body of Little Fishy, in previously, had then changed. 并且小鱼儿的身体,已在先前,便发生了的变化。 The whole body presents blue Mist, that Mist is ordinary like the water spray, is mobile in the Little Fishy whole body. 周身出现蓝色的气焰,那气焰如同水浪一般,在小鱼儿周身流动。 Meanwhile, the eye pupil also turned into the blue color, just like deep sea generally deep blue. 与此同时,眼眸也是变成了蓝色,宛如深海一般湛蓝。 In this case, Little Fishy cultivation realm achieved Eight Rank Half God, this is also the reason why she can keep off the Jie Tian attack. 这种情况下,小鱼儿修为达到了八品半神,这也是为何她能挡下界天攻击的原因。 that is Xianhai Yu Clan bloodline power. 那乃是仙海鱼族血脉之力 Little Fishy that but rises with a spring, has not approached Jie Tian, then kept off by powerful formation together. 可是一跃而起的小鱼儿,还未靠近界天,便被一道强大的结界挡了下来。 But, that is not Jie Tian formation, but is another more powerful Spirit Formation method. 但,那不是界天结界,而是另外一道更为强大的结界阵法。 Jie Tian does benefactor, why make a move to Chu Feng?” 界天施主,为何对楚枫出手?” Follows Liu Kuo to arrive, the people also understand, is he stimulates to movement formation technique, kept off the Little Fishy offensive. 伴随刘阔登场,众人也是明白,是他催动阵法,挡下了小鱼儿的攻势。 Daring to challenge my Seven Worlds Saint Mansion to be dignified, even if he dies over a thousand ten thousand times, still pities insufficient.” Jie Tian said. “胆敢挑战我七界圣府威严,他就算死上千次万次,也不足惜。”界天道。 What damn is you?” Little Fishy said. “该死的是你吧?”小鱼儿道。 Facing Little Fishy of whole face scowl, Jie Tian also transferred the vision. 面对满脸怒容的小鱼儿,界天也是将目光转了过来。 Xianhai Yu'er, you think living Chu Feng that you protect?” 仙海鱼儿,你以为你护的住楚枫?” Here, is not Immemorial Star Sea, did not have the formation armor, you two before me, collapse at the first blow.” Jie Tian said. “这里,可不是太古星海,没有了结界铠甲,你们两个在我面前,不堪一击。”界天道。 „Have they been acquainted?” “他们早就相识?” Immemorial Star Sea?” 太古星海?” Name that could it be that, Immemorial Star Sea presented before, is Jie Tian?” 难道说,之前太古星海出现的名字,便是界天吗?” The people realize from the dialogue of Little Fishy and Jie Tian, they before were the acquaintances. 众人从小鱼儿界天的对话中认识到,他们之前是相识的。 And very possible in Immemorial Star Sea. 并且很可能是在太古星海 This then made them recall, that before Immemorial Star Sea changed. 这便不由的让他们回想起了,之前太古星海所发生的变化。 Doesn't have the formation armor?” “没有结界铠甲?” You forgot before , in Immemorial Star Sea, you have fought.” “你难道忘记之前在太古星海,你们两个已经交过手。” You do not remember, you were the Little Fishy defeated?” Chu Feng said. “你不记得,你是小鱼儿的手下败将了吗?”楚枫说道。 What meaning are the Chu Feng's words?” 楚枫的话是什么意思?” Little Fishy and do Jie Tian fight early?” “难道小鱼儿界天早有交手?” The people guessed. 众人纷纷猜测。 They may too be really curious, after all Xianhai Yu'er or Jie Tian, that may be unusual existence. 他们可实在太好奇了,毕竟无论是仙海鱼儿还是界天,那可都是非同一般的存在。 May regarding this words, Jie Tian be actually without turning a hair. 可对于此话,界天却是面不改色。 Chu Feng, your can only hide in the woman following waste, then only remained the skill that fabricated a rumor?” Jie Tian asked. 楚枫,你一个只能躲在女人后面的废物,便只剩造谣的本事了吗?”界天问。 Obviously, he does not prepare to acknowledge, initially had lost to Little Fishy this matter. 显然,他是不准备承认,当初败给过小鱼儿这件事。 Regarding this, Chu Feng smiled. 对此,楚枫笑了。 After Little Fishy jumps up directly the ratio fought the stage, looks to Jie Tian: Comes up.” 小鱼儿则是直接跳上了比斗台后,看向界天:“上来。” „Do you want to lose face in the presence of everyone?” Jie Tian asked. “你想当众出丑?”界天问。 Loses, commits suicide.” Little Fishy said. “输的,自裁。”小鱼儿道。 Little Fishy, do not play such in a big way.” Sees that Chu Feng rushes to open the mouth. 小鱼儿,别玩这么大。”见状,楚枫赶忙开口。 He naturally is not worried about Jie Tian, he is worried about Little Fishy. 他自然不是担心界天,他是担心小鱼儿 Also is not does not have the confidence to Little Fishy, but is Chu Feng knows, Jie Tian is not weak. 也不是对小鱼儿没信心,而是楚枫知道,界天可是不弱的。 No matter moral behavior how, but the Jie Tian strength is very strong. 不管人品如何,但界天的实力很强。 Although before Little Fishy, indeed exceeds Jie Tian, but Chu Feng does not think Little Fishy, for he sets so the gambling to make. 虽说小鱼儿之前的确胜过界天,但楚枫并不想小鱼儿,为了他定下如此赌约。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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