MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5749: Rampant youngster

Chapter 5747 rampant youngster 第5747章嚣张的少年 „Are you so how shameless?” Huangfu Jiangyao was anxious. “你怎么这么无耻?”皇甫将耀急了。 You said that who is shameless? Manages well your mouth “你说谁无耻?管好你的嘴巴” You, if refuses to accept, we mount the ratio to fight the stage, lost committing suicide.” Little Fishy said. “你若不服,咱们登上比斗台,输的自裁。”小鱼儿说道。 What, commits suicide?” “什么,自裁?” This, was too ominous?” “这,也太凶了吧?” Little Fishy such remarks, the people of surrounding had a scare. 小鱼儿此话一出,围观之人都被吓了一跳。 Although this person, direct determination Chu Feng cultivation realm, indeed is not without the consent of right. 虽说此人未经同意,直接测试楚枫修为,的确不对。 But is also insufficient to play is so big? 但也不至于玩的这么大吧? Fights tooth and nail unexpectedly directly? 竟然直接搏命? This Little Fishy temperament, was too big. 小鱼儿的脾气,也太大了。 Hears this words, on the Huangfu Jiangyao fearless face, emerged to wipe hesitant. 听闻此话,皇甫将耀无所畏惧的脸上,也涌现出了一抹犹豫。 Trades to be others, he naturally does not fear, but just strikes, he realized that Little Fishy is not simple. 换做其他人,他自然不惧,可刚刚的一击,他意识到小鱼儿并不简单。 If compares notes, he did not fear actually. 若是切磋,他倒是也不怕。 But if bets the life, he really did not have the full assurance. 可若是赌命,他还真就没有十足的把握。 In brief, he flustered. 总之,他慌了。 „A thing of test, he wants to give him is.” “一个测试的物件,他想要给他便是。” In the meantime, there is a sound together to resound. 就在此时,又有一道声音响起。 Waits and sees along the sound, four forms walked from the white fog. 顺声观望,四道身影从白雾之中走了出来。 These four people, all put on with the Huangfu Jiangyao same clothing. 这四人,皆是穿着与皇甫将耀相同的服饰。 Also carries a same wooden box. 身后也都背着一个相同的木盒。 First, is an appearance ordinary man, the height, is the facial features, even temperament, each aspect is very ordinary. 第一个,是一个长相平凡的男子,无论是身高,还是面容,甚至气质,各个方面都很平凡。 If not for this clothes, and side three people, he belongs to lose in the crowd, very common that type. 若不是这身衣服,以及旁边的三个人,他属于丢在人群,很不起眼的那一种。 Second, is a tall and powerfully built grandiose man, his body best pupil is nine meters, under other three people of normal heights serve as contrast, he just like a small-scale giant. 第二个,是一个身材魁梧的壮硕男子,他身高足有九米,在其他三人正常身高衬托下,他宛如一个小型巨人。 Third, the appearance is quite handsome, temperament extraordinary. 第三个,长相颇为英俊,气质不凡 Fourth, is a white hair youngster. 第四个,是一个白发少年。 But just sound, was the voice of youngster. 而刚刚的声音,就是少年的声音。 Young Lord.” 少主。” That is......” Huangfu Jiangyao looks to that youngster. “那可是……”皇甫将耀看向那名少年。 Gave him.” The youngster said. “给他了。”少年说道。 Good.” Hears this words, the Huangfu Jiangyao slight nod, later fell back on side the youngster unexpectedly. “好。”听闻此话,皇甫将耀微微点头,随后竟退到了少年身旁。 This, making everyone realize, youth's position in these five people, likely unusual. 这一幕,让所有人都意识到,那少年于这五人之中的地位,很可能非同一般。 This youngster is natural.” Chu Feng said. “还是这位少年大方。”楚枫说道。 But that youngster actually shows a faint smile, said: Even gave you, but you used?” 可那少年却微微一笑,不由道:“就算给你了,可你用的了吗?” Chu Feng has not spoken, but is the law secret art pinches, that stone the ray twinkle, covers Chu Feng immediately quickly, appeared Chu Feng cultivation realm again. 楚枫没有说话,而是法诀捏动,那石头顿时光芒闪烁,很快笼罩楚枫,紧接着再度显现了楚枫修为 Third Rank Half God!!! 三品半神!!! Sees this one, the Huangfu five people all are the complexion change, the youngster also stares. 见此一幕,皇甫五人皆是脸色变化,少年也是不由一愣。 They think, Chu Feng is unable to stimulate to movement, because this thing needs the special law secret art. 他们本以为,楚枫无法催动,因为此物需要特殊法诀。 But has not actually thought, Chu Feng studied unexpectedly, stimulated to movement this thing the law secret art. 但却没想到,楚枫竟自己研究出了,催动此物的法诀。 And is the so short time. 并且还是如此短的时间。 Thanked.” “谢了啊。” Chu Feng received this stone cosmos sack directly. 楚枫直接将这石头收入乾坤袋内。 Your Heaven rank Bloodline, I was interested very much.” “你的天级血脉,我原本很感兴趣。” Third Rank Half God, is really disappointing.” The youngster sighed. “不过三品半神,着实让人失望。”少年叹道。 You are disappointedly unimportant, that test stone I am very in any case satisfied.” Chu Feng indifferent saying. “你失望不重要,反正那测试石我很满意。”楚枫无所谓的说道。 But Little Fishy is not dry: You who how Third Rank Half God, hit in the same old way look for the tooth everywhere.” 小鱼儿却不干了:“三品半神怎么了,照样打的你满地找牙。” Hears this words, the youngster will look at Little Fishy, he will contemptuously smile unexpectedly, immediately also looked at Xianhai Shaoyu, in the eye also had contemptuously. 听闻此话,少年将目光投向小鱼儿,他竟轻蔑一笑,旋即也看了一眼仙海少禹,眼中同样带有轻蔑。 Xianhai Shaoyu and Xianhai Yu'er is right?” 仙海少禹仙海鱼儿对吧?” I hear your some skills, but I might as well told the facts.” “我听闻你们有些本事,但我不妨实话实说。” If not for that Chu Feng, triggers the Heaven rank Bloodline phenomenon in Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, I will not come this Summit of Nine Heavens.” “若不是那楚枫,在七界圣府触发天级血脉异象,我都不会来这九天之巅。” You, are not always my goal, because of you, possibly is not my opponent.” “你们,从来都不是我的目标,因为你们,不可能是我的对手。” The youngster said to Xianhai Shaoyu and Little Fishy. 少年对仙海少禹小鱼儿说道。 Such remarks, in an uproar. 此话一出,一片哗然。 The Xianhai Shaoyu reputation is not no need to say much. 仙海少禹的名声不必多说。 The Xianhai Yu'er strength, that has also manifested. 仙海鱼儿的实力,那也是有所体现。 But this person said this words unexpectedly , was too rather extremely arrogant. 可此人竟说出这种话,也未免太狂妄了吧。 People think, this person said this words, definitely will be challenged by Xianhai Yu'er. 原本人们以为,此人说出这种话,必然会遭到仙海鱼儿的挑战。 After all just, that Huangfu Jiangyao measured Chu Feng's formation technique, Xianhai Yu'er acted directly. 毕竟刚刚,那个皇甫将耀只是测了楚枫的阵法,仙海鱼儿就直接出手了。 How she will tolerate, do some people so look down upon themselves like this and oneself Elder Brother? 她岂会容忍,有人如此这样看不起自己与自己的哥哥 But who once thinks, after Xianhai Yu'er hear this words, the expression has not changed unexpectedly, like has not heard, turned around to run up to side Chu Feng. 可谁曾想,仙海鱼儿听完此话后,表情竟没有丝毫变化,就像没听到一样,转身跑到了楚枫身边。 Big Brother, are you all right?” Little Fishy concerned asking. 大哥哥,你没事吧?”小鱼儿关切的问道。 All right, measures cultivation realm.” “没事,测个修为而已。” Measures cultivation realm, but can also result in such treasure, the blood gains does not owe, the mood is excellent.” Chu Feng said with a smile. “测个修为,还能得这样宝物,血赚不亏,心情大好。”楚枫笑着说道。 You said like this probably is also.” “你这样说好像也是。” Big Brother, how you came out, is takes me to go to your there to live?” Little Fishy asked. 大哥哥,你怎么出来了,是来接我去你那里住的吗?”小鱼儿问。 Eh, actually I want to look for Wang Qiang to chat a matter.” Chu Feng said. “额,其实我是想去找王强聊点事。”楚枫道。 Unexpectedly does not meet me.” Little Fishy honk small mouth, but not really vitality/angry, immediately but smiles holds on the Chu Feng arm: Walks, my also same place.” “居然不是接我。”小鱼儿嘟着小嘴,但并没有真的生气,而是立刻笑眯眯的拉住楚枫胳膊:“走,我也一起。” What situation?” “什么情况?” Sees this one, the people felt not fully correct Little Fishy completely. 见此一幕,众人感到完全猜不透小鱼儿 How just Huangfu Jiangyao, but measured Chu Feng's cultivation realm, Little Fishy with must kill people. 怎么刚刚皇甫将耀,只是测了楚枫的修为,小鱼儿都跟要杀人似的。 Even proposed that bet the life directly. 甚至都提出直接赌命了。 But that Huangfu family/home that youngster, despises Xianhai Yu'er and her Elder Brother face to face, a Xianhai Yu'er actually looking but not see appearance? 可那皇甫家那个少年,当面轻视仙海鱼儿和她的哥哥,仙海鱼儿却一副视而不见的样子? younger sister Yu'er is so early.” Quick, the form appears together, is Xian Miaomiao. 鱼儿妹妹这么早。”很快,一道身影出现,乃是仙喵喵 Miaomiao Elder Sister, this also early? I feel place of no use that cultivation.” 喵喵姐姐,这还早吗?我是感觉那修炼之地没什么用处的。” If not for feared that affects Big Brother cultivation, I looked for him last night.” Little Fishy said. “若不是怕影响大哥哥修炼,我昨晚去找他了。”小鱼儿说道。 I also feel to have nothing to use, did not go back cultivation simply, Chu Feng there has played.” Xian Miaomiao said. “我也感觉没啥用,干脆就不回去修炼了,就一直楚枫那里玩吧。”仙喵喵说道。 Right right, I think.” Little Fishy fierce nod. “对呀对呀,我就是这么想的呢。”小鱼儿猛猛点头。 Oh, really cannot think, we think goes together.” “哎哟,真是想不到,咱们想到一起去啦。” Quick, two forms appear, is Feng Ling is drawing Long Muxi. 很快,又有两道身影浮现,是风铃拉着龙沐熙 But saw them to come, Chu Feng is then also drawing them, looked for Wang Qiang together. 而见他们都来了,楚枫便也拉着他们,一起去找王强了。 Therefore, this did finish?” “所以,这就结束了?” Also thinks that will hit.” “还以为会打起来呢。” „... It is not right, what just did they say?” “不…不对,刚刚她们说什么?” Xianhai Yu'er, Xian Miaomiao, Feng Ling Long Muxi, is to live with Chu Feng?” 仙海鱼儿,仙喵喵,还有风铃龙沐熙,是要和楚枫一起住吗?” „Did I... comprehend wrong?” “我…是不是领会错了?” Certainly was I wants?” “一定是我想多了吧?” This Chu Feng, trivial Third Rank Half God, he why?” “这楚枫,区区三品半神,他凭什么?” People difficult understanding. 众人难以理解。 But quick, have several a form, enormous and powerful appearance above square. 但很快,又有数道身影,浩浩荡荡的出现在广场之上。 After these forms appear, the square that makes noise returns again peacefully. 当那些身影出现之后,喧闹的广场再度回归安静。 Is the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion numerous position talent. 七界圣府的众位天才。 They like agreeing, before did not make an appearance. 他们就像约定好了一样,之前都不露面。 But today this makes an appearance, then presented more than 2000 people. 而今日这一露面,便出现了两千余人。 They unify the wear, the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion World Spirit long gown, although has not appeared formation power, but seems like is actually powerful, forms the striking contrast with others. 他们统一穿着,七界圣府界灵长袍,虽都没有显现结界之力,但看上去却是威风凛凛,与其他人形成鲜明对比。 The enormous and powerful degree of this momentum, stronger compared with any influence. 这声势的浩荡程度,比任何势力都要强。 What is the head is three people. 为首的乃是三人。 The left skin is fair, the facial features just like the female common man, they recognize this person. 左边的皮肤白皙,面容宛如女子一般的男子,他们都认得此人。 He is honored as now vast martial cultivation world, strongest junior World Spiritist genius, Ling Xiao. 他便是被誉为当今浩瀚修武界,最强小辈界灵师的天才人物,灵霄 What right is the same skin is fair, and some beauties, but actually the female of eye of reveal ominous light. 右边的乃是一位同样皮肤白皙,并且有些姿色,但却目露凶光的女子。 Although many years have not come, but can see vaguely, she is the World Spiritist talent that the past years and Ling Xiao shared the honor, Jie Baobao. 尽管多年没有现身,但依稀能够看出,她便是当年与灵霄齐名的界灵师天才,界宝宝 As for middle, few has seen. 至于中间这位,几乎没人见过。 But can standing in this position, inevitably was that famous Jie Tian. 但能够站在这个位置,必然就是那个大名鼎鼎的界天了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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