MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5748: Demon Venerable has not died

This sound, is Demon Venerable near the world. 这声音,乃是魔尊临世。 Is Blood Devouring Demon Venerable builds, and teaches to Chu Feng's Secret Skill. 噬血魔尊打造且传授给楚枫的秘技 This Demon Venerable near the world, is not willing to use for Chu Feng, defends the nightmare until the Chu Feng use, forcefully after it acts, it says the truth. 魔尊临世,一直不肯为楚枫所用,直到楚枫使用守之梦魇,强行对它出手后,它才说出实话。 Originally Demon Venerable near the world, is unable to use for Chu Feng, its body got down the ban by the Blood Devouring Demon Venerable arrange/cloth, all are the ghosts who Blood Devouring Demon Venerable does. 原来魔尊临世,根本无法为楚枫所用,它的身上被噬血魔尊布下了禁制,一切都是噬血魔尊搞的鬼。 Blood Devouring Demon Venerable Demon Venerable near the world, places Chu Feng within the body intentionally, to lock the Chu Feng's position. 噬血魔尊故意将魔尊临世,放在楚枫体内,就是为了锁定楚枫的位置。 Demon Venerable near the world, with Blood Devouring Demon Venerable, has certain relation. 魔尊临世,与噬血魔尊,是有一定联系的。 Before Demon Venerable had also said near the world, if had certain distance with Blood Devouring Demon Venerable, can induce to existence of Blood Devouring Demon Venerable. 之前魔尊临世也说过,若是与噬血魔尊有一定距离,是能感应到噬血魔尊的存在的。 „Did you feel him?” “你感觉到他了?” In Wang Qiang within the body?” Chu Feng asked. “是在王强体内吗?”楚枫问。 Right, in Wang Qiang within the body, but first do not disclose, Blood Devouring Demon Venerable is very deceitful, I feared that has the secret facts.” “对,就是在王强体内,不过你先别声张,噬血魔尊很狡诈,我怕另有隐情。” Chu Feng, do not look down on Blood Devouring Demon Venerable, he is extremely sly, certainly without simplicity that you imagine.” Demon Venerable said near the world. 楚枫,千万别小瞧噬血魔尊,他极其狡猾,绝没有你们想象的那么简单。”魔尊临世说道。 He is very discrete, can feel that he is afraid Blood Devouring Demon Venerable very much. 他很谨慎,能感觉到他很害怕噬血魔尊 I knew.” “我知道了。” Regarding this Chu Feng expressed the support. 对此楚枫表示赞同。 He also knows that Blood Devouring Demon Venerable is not simple. 他也知道噬血魔尊不简单。 Blood Devouring Demon Venerable to ban of Demon Venerable under near world arrange/cloth. 无论是噬血魔尊魔尊临世布下的禁制。 Blood Devouring Demon Venerable, Evil God Sword of seal, Chu Feng does not have the means. 还是噬血魔尊,封印的邪神剑,楚枫都没有办法。 Blood Devouring Demon Venerable initially, deciding however was lies to Chu Feng, his then strength, absolutely continued he to say was so simple. 噬血魔尊当初,定然是对楚枫说了谎,他当时的实力,绝对不止他说的那么简单。 Therefore he is so powerful, Wang Qiang wants to defeat him, the difficulty is truly large. 所以他那么强大,王强想战胜他,确实难度颇大。 But before Chu Feng, detects, Wang Qiang has a difference. 楚枫之前也察觉到,王强有所异样。 The person of his very happy lively scene, but this time arrives at Summit of Nine Heavens, has almost not made an appearance. 他是很喜热闹之人,可此次来到九天之巅,几乎没怎么露面。 In addition Demon Venerable had determined near the world, Blood Devouring Demon Venerable is also living, is not very difficult the Wang Qiang situation, contacts with Blood Devouring Demon Venerable together. 再加上魔尊临世已确定,噬血魔尊还活着,就很难不将王强的情况,与噬血魔尊联系到一起。 However Blood Devouring Demon Venerable strength, indeed also is not very only deceitful. 但是噬血魔尊不仅实力强,的确也很是狡诈。 Exchanges this matter with Wang Qiang, perhaps also needs to use a safe method to be good. 王强交流此事,恐怕还需要用一个保险的方法才行。 Therefore Chu Feng spends the time, arranged two exquisite communication formation technique. 于是楚枫花费时间,布置了两座精妙的沟通阵法 A formation technique conceals in own within the body, another formation technique conceals in goods. 一座阵法藏于自己体内,另一座阵法藏于一件物品之中。 By this formation technique, can strengthen in secret sound transmission, could avoid the monitor of Blood Devouring Demon Venerable. 凭借这阵法,可以加强暗中传音,也许能够避开噬血魔尊的监听。 After prepare formation technique, Chu Feng then goes out, prepares to look for Wang Qiang. 布置好阵法后,楚枫便出门,准备去找王强 Blood Devouring Demon Venerable must completely solve, otherwise no end of trouble for the future. 噬血魔尊必须彻底解决,否则后患无穷。 - 唰- But Chu Feng just went out of the white fog, goes to the square, then had object together to fly to oneself. 楚枫刚刚走出白雾,来到广场,便有一道物体飞向了自己。 That is a stone of palm of the hand size, falls before own not far away. 那是一块巴掌大小的石头,落在自己身前不远处。 After the stone falls to the ground, then has the spell to reappear, later releases a ray to proliferate fast, oneself will cover. 石头落地之后,便有符咒浮现,随后释放一道光芒快速扩散,将自己覆盖其中。 This feeling?” “这感觉?” Chu Feng can distinguish, the special characteristics of that ray, do not have the threatening nature to oneself, but has the extremely strong permeability. 楚枫能够分辨出,那光芒的特质,对自己没有威胁性,但却有着极强的渗透性。 Should be used to measure cultivation realm. 应该是用来测修为的。 But, can test Chu Feng's cultivation realm forcefully, explained that this thing is not very simple. 但,能够强行测试楚枫的修为,说明此物很不简单。 Really, fixes the eyes on looked that stone will have covered the Chu Feng's ray to take back 果然,定睛一看,那块石头已将笼罩楚枫的光芒收回 Afterward changes to the light beam to shoot up to the sky together. 随后又化作一道光柱冲天而起。 On that light beam, writes the Third Rank Half God four characters. 那光柱上面,写着三品半神四个字。 What is that?” “那是什么?” Third Rank Half God, is this Chu Feng's cultivation realm?” 三品半神,这是楚枫的修为吗?” „Is he... only Third Rank Half God?” “他…只是三品半神吗?” In the square has many people, naturally also noticed this. 广场上有着不少人,自然也都注意到了这一幕。 Third Rank Half God, famous Chu Feng, is only this cultivation realm, this may be really disappointing.” 三品半神,大名鼎鼎的楚枫,原来就只是这种修为,这可着实令人失望。” The sound resounds together, waits and sees a man to stand along the sound in not far away. 一道声音响起,顺声观望一名男子站在不远处。 That man, height robust body, the appearance is very martial-looking, in brave general just like battlefield. 那名男子,身高体壮,长相更是非常英武,宛如战场上的猛将。 The clothing that but wears is very special, is the black long gown, but above has the thunder trace. 但穿的服饰却很特别,是黑色长袍,但上面带有雷霆纹路。 That feeling, looks like in the dark cloud, inundating the Heavenly Thunder thunderclap is ordinary. 那种感觉,就像是乌云之中,漫天雷霆一般。 In brief, this black long gown, seem very graceful. 总之,这黑色长袍,看上去还挺帅。 But in his behind, at the back of a black rectangular wooden box, could not completely understand that inside is hiding anything. 而在他的身后,背着一个黑色的长方形木箱,看不透里面藏着什么。 Chu Feng knows, treasure that surveys cultivation realm, is this person loses. 楚枫知道,那个探测修为的宝物,就是此人丢出来的。 - 唰- But suddenly, the form grazes together, directly soars that man to go. 可忽然,一道身影飞掠而出,直奔那名男子而去。 Is Little Fishy, Little Fishy raises legs a foot, directly soars that male surface gate. 小鱼儿,小鱼儿抬腿一脚,直奔那男子面门。 Sixth Rank Half God, this is Little Fishy current cultivation realm. 六品半神,这是小鱼儿当下的修为 But the Little Fishy speed is extremely fast. 小鱼儿的速度极快。 When the man responded, he does not have the opportunity to dodge, therefore can only lift the hand to keep off. 当男子反应过来之时,他已是没有机会闪躲,于是只能抬手去挡。 Although this foot, was used the arm to keep off by him, but powerful inertia, makes the man fly upside down to go, departed enough several tens of thousands of meters to stand firm the figure unexpectedly. 虽然这一脚,被他用胳膊挡下,可强大的惯性,还是使得男子倒飞而去,竟飞出了足足数万米才稳住身形。 Xianhai Yu'er? Are you unexpectedly Sixth Rank Half God?” 仙海鱼儿吗?你竟是六品半神?” Although that was repelled, but is actually not angry, instead raise one's head looks after Little Fishy, smiled meaningfully. 那位虽被击退,可却丝毫不生气,反而抬头看向小鱼儿后,意味深长的笑了。 At this time the people also responded, was just Little Fishy acts to that. 此时众人也才反应过来,刚刚是小鱼儿对那位出手了。 But these two people, are Sixth Rank Half God. 而这二人,都是六品半神 „, Is Xianhai Yu'er so strong?” “哇,仙海鱼儿这么强?” The people exclaim in surprise the Little Fishy strength. 众人惊叹小鱼儿的实力。 After all previously Qin Xuan and Wang Qiang fought, showed Sixth Rank Half God cultivation realm. 毕竟先前秦玄王强交手,也都展现出了六品半神修为 But the list from the expressive force, Little Fishy is not weak in Wang Qiang. 可单从表现力来看,小鱼儿丝毫不弱于王强 But her age is very small, her age can have such strength, the people naturally exclaimed in surprise. 但她年纪很小,她的年纪能有如此实力,众人自然惊叹。 Meanwhile, people are also the attention have that man. 但同时,人们也是注意起那名男子。 Who is this person? Also has Sixth Rank Half God cultivation realm unexpectedly?” “这人是谁啊?竟也有六品半神修为?” The people discuss spiritedly, because this , is not only strange regarding Chu Feng, to them, is a strange face. 众人议论纷纷,因为这位不仅对于楚枫陌生,对于他们来说,也是一个陌生面孔。 But some people responded quickly, this person, likely was one of the Huangfu five people. 但很快就有人反应过来,这个人,很可能是皇甫五人之一。 Lets loose me, dares to act to Big Brother with no reason at all, I must teach him.” Little Fishy said suddenly. “放开我,敢无缘无故对大哥哥出手,我要教训他。”小鱼儿忽然说道。 Originally, as soon as she strikes has not become, then prepares to act again. 原来,她一击未成,便准备再度出手。 However at this time a hand according to the shoulder of Little Fishy, is Xianhai Shaoyu. 但是此时一只手按在了小鱼儿的肩膀上,乃是仙海少禹 Xianhai Shaoyu has not let loose Little Fishy, but actually looked to that man: „Are you surnamed Huangfu?” 仙海少禹没有放开小鱼儿,但却看向了那名男子:“你姓皇甫吧?” „Below named Huangfu Jiangyao.” That appearance martial-looking man said, really he is Huangfu one. “在下名为皇甫将耀。”那名长相英武的男子道,果然他是皇甫之一。 And words that according to inspection ranking comes to see, this person is in the Huangfu five people strength's second. 并且按照考核排名来看的话,此人乃是皇甫五人之中实力第二强的。 Why probes Chu Feng cultivation realm?” Xianhai Shaoyu asked. “为何试探楚枫修为?”仙海少禹问。 This time goes out, hears many are this Chu Feng, is very curious his cultivation realm, therefore then measures simply.” Huangfu Jiangyao said. “此次出关,听到最多的就是这个楚枫,很好奇他的修为,所以便干脆测一下。”皇甫将耀说道。 Chu Feng's cultivation realm, is not you wants to measure can measure.” 楚枫的修为,可不是你想测就能测的。” Apologized to him.” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “向他道歉。”仙海少禹说道。 Apology? Measures cultivation realm.” Huangfu Jiangyao said. “道歉?只是测个修为而已。”皇甫将耀说道。 Apology.” Xianhai Shaoyu stressed again, and expression becomes ice-cold. “道歉。”仙海少禹再度强调,并且表情变得冰冷起来。 May facing such Xianhai Shaoyu, that Huangfu Jiangyao actually not fear, but showed the smile provocatively: 可面对这样的仙海少禹,那皇甫将耀却是丝毫不惧,而是露出了挑衅般的笑容: I, if did not apologize, how you can?” “我若不道歉,你又能如何?” The Xianhai Shaoyu straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards are but actually vertical, resembling is to make a move, but, the Chu Feng's sound actually resounds in the meantime suddenly. 仙海少禹剑眉倒竖,似是想要出手,可就在此时,楚枫的声音却忽然响起。 Does not need to apologize.” “不用道歉。” Might as well compensate, this thing, I wanted.” “不如赔偿吧,这东西,我要了。” Waits and sees along the sound, people discovered that Chu Feng already that stone that measures his cultivation realm took, is placing in the hand to manipulate. 顺声观望,人们发现楚枫已将那个测他修为的石头拿了起来,正放在手中摆弄呢。 What nonsense you spoke, is this you can want?” “你说什么胡话,这是你能要的?” Sees this, that Huangfu Jiangyao stared in a big way the eye immediately, he has not thought shameless, takes his thing directly. 见到这一幕,那皇甫将耀顿时瞪大了眼睛,他没想到这么无耻,直接拿他东西 You measure my cultivation realm with no reason at all, does this achievement compensate is unreasonable?” Chu Feng asked. “你无缘无故测我修为,这个作为补偿难道不合理吗?”楚枫问。 Naturally is unreasonable, you know that what that is? Do you know its value?” Huangfu Jiangyao asked. “当然不合理,你知道那是什么吗?你知道它的价值吗?”皇甫将耀问。 I know certainly its value not poor, otherwise do I want it to do?” Chu Feng said. “我当然知道它价值不菲,不然我要它干嘛?”楚枫说道。 You......” a Huangfu Jiangyao face is speechless. “你……”皇甫将耀一脸无语。
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