MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5747: True God card in a hand

Chapter 5745 True God card in a hand 第5745章真神底牌 Why can't?” “为啥不许?” This is the Little Brother Chu Feng dwelling, you said does not calculate oh the younger sister.” Say/Way that Xianhai Shaoyu smiles. “这是楚枫兄弟的住处,你说的不算喔妹子。”仙海少禹笑眯眯的道。 Long Chengyu does not dare to say a word, but the nod expressed the support. 龙承羽不敢言语,但却点头表示赞同。 I said even.” Little Fishy both hands pinch the waist, is seemingly arrogant, but is not loathful, instead is very lovably smart-alecky. “我说的就算。”小鱼儿双手掐腰,看似傲慢,但却不讨人厌,反而十分俏皮可爱。 immediately smiles, narrows the eyes of two crescent moon to look to Chu Feng: Big Brother, what I said is.” 旋即更是嫣然一笑,眯着两道月牙形的眼睛看向楚枫:“大哥哥,我说的算不算。” Calculates, naturally.” “算,当然了。” Chu Feng words to here, but also puts on airs looks to the people: Calculation that „ here, Little Fishy said. 楚枫话到此处,还装腔作势的看向众人:“我这里,小鱼儿说的算。 Good, I also to support Little Fishy.” Xian Miaomiao also said with a smile, and during the speeches looked to Long Muxi: That Miss Muxi, you also stay behind together.” “好耶,我也支持小鱼儿。”仙喵喵也是笑道,且说话间看向龙沐熙:“那沐熙姑娘,你也一起留下吧。” Eh......” Long Muxi somewhat hesitates, but slight nod. 额……”龙沐熙有些犹豫,但还是微微点头。 Good, Muxi Elder Sister also came, to live it up.” Little Fishy jumped happily, that is really happy. “太好了,沐熙姐姐也来,热闹起来了。”小鱼儿开心的跳了起来,那是真的开心。 I also want to live it up, is unfair.” In the Long Chengyu heart meditates, but actually only dares to meditate, inexplicable somewhat fears Little Fishy. “我也想热闹,不公平啊。”龙承羽心中默念,但却只敢默念,莫名的有些怕小鱼儿 Oh, Little Brother Chu Feng, the monk envies you.” “唉,楚枫兄弟,小僧真是羡慕你啊。” If not for the monk also has matter processing, really wants to stay behind together.” “若不是小僧还有事处理,真的很想一起留下。” The words to here, he also look to Little Fishy: Actually the monk is skilled in the law of change, therefore the monk can also be a woman.” 话到此处,他还看向小鱼儿:“其实小僧精通变化之法,所以小僧也可以是女人的。” „......” “……” The people are speechless, this monk is not truly proper. 众人无语,这和尚确实不正经。 immediately, Liu Kuo meaningful saying: 旋即,刘阔又意味深长的说道: Right everyone benefactor, every night your dwelling the place of cultivation will open, but each dwelling, can only a person, not be possible many people.” “对了诸位施主,每晚你们住处的修炼之地都会开启,但每个住处,只能一人,不可多人。” „...... Naturally, what the monk said is cultivation.” “咳咳……当然,小僧说的是修炼。” Therefore, you can during the daytime here, but suggested to go back respective cultivation in the evening.” “所以,你们白天可以在这里,但晚上还是建议回去各自修炼。” Because of the cultivation effect of place of cultivation, is different from person to person, your each talent extraordinary, if wastes, may be really a pity.” “因为修炼之地的修炼效果,因人而异,你们各个天赋不凡,若是浪费,可实在可惜。” After all Summit of Nine Heavens, is not the place that can come to momentarily.” “毕竟九天之巅,可不是随时都能来的地方。” After Liu Kuo this words exhort, then the plan leaves. 刘阔此话嘱咐完后,便打算离开。 When does the competition of Summit of Nine Heavens start?” Feng Ling asked. 九天之巅的比试何时开始啊?”风铃问。 To be honest, the monk does not know, all are the arrangements of Summit of Nine Heavens.” “说实话,小僧也不知晓,一切都是九天之巅的安排。” Properly speaking, your people have arrived in full, the inspection had also ended, should start to be right.” “按理来说,你们人已到齐,考核也已结束,就该开始了才对。” Should be quick.” “应该快了。” Liu Kuo said, then left. 刘阔说完,便离开了。 After Liu Kuo walks, Chu Feng and others also chatted, but everyone also listened to Liu Kuo words to have the words, therefore also started to take seriously the place of that cultivation. 刘阔走后,楚枫等人又闲聊起来,但大家也都听出刘阔话里有话,所以也开始重视那修炼之地。 Therefore when the night falls, then also returns to the respective dwelling respectively. 于是当夜幕降临,便也各自返回各自住处。 I said Qilin, you saw, everyone's cultivation realm was so strong, I was true insufficiently looked that when you can refine? Also helps me promote cultivation realm?” “我说麒麟,你看到了吗,大家的修为都这么强,我属实不够看啊,你啥时候能炼化完?也帮我提升提升修为?” Chu Feng asked to Heaven Swallowing Qilin, who once thinks that Heaven Swallowing Qilin had not replied. 楚枫吞天麒麟问道,可谁曾想吞天麒麟没有回答。 Actually these, this is the first time that not on the 2nd Chu Feng closely examined Heaven Swallowing Qilin. 其实这两日,这已经不是楚枫第一次追问吞天麒麟了。 But Heaven Swallowing Qilin had not replied, its this incoming call are very many, but recently like dying. 吞天麒麟一直没回答,它本来话挺多的,但最近就像死了一样。 My friend walked, do you also feign death?” Chu Feng asked. “我朋友都走了,你还装死?”楚枫问。 But had not replied as before. 可依旧没有回答。 Is it possible that is really building up with single-hearted devotion? Isn't able to speak?” “莫非,真的是在专心炼化?无法说话?” Chu Feng thinks after this possibility, pours also no longer closely examines Heaven Swallowing Qilin. 楚枫想到这个可能后,倒也不再追问吞天麒麟 But arrived at the place of cultivation. 而是来到了修炼之地。 The place of cultivation, is actually very small, in the institute of respective housing. 修炼之地,其实很小,就在各自的居住之所。 That is a pool, the size and bathing pool is similar, but the difference is, this inside does not have the water, proliferates the spell trace. 那就是一个池子,大小与浴池差不多,但区别在于,这里面没有水,遍布符咒纹路。 At present in this formation technique has revolved. 眼下这池内阵法已经运转。 The spell trace that the innumerable colors vary, just like the firefly that was given the life, flutters in the pond. 无数颜色各异的符咒纹路,宛如被赋予生命的萤火虫,于池内飘荡。 Chu Feng steps into directly. 楚枫直接踏入其中。 This feeling?” “这种感觉?” Chu Feng felt the clue quickly. 楚枫很快感受到了端倪。 The place of this cultivation, is divided into third layer. 修炼之地,分为三层 First, uses formation technique strength cultivation, this cultivation effect is also excellent, but wants to break through in a short time is not very realistic. 第一层,就是利用阵法力量修炼,这个修炼效果也是极好,但短时间内想要突破很不现实。 second layer, the deep layer comprehension, the comprehension enough can hit spell trace sorting, rearranges, the strength of obtains will be stronger. 二层,深层领悟,领悟足够可以打符咒纹路排序,重新排序,所获得的力量会更强。 As for third layer, that is a barrier, wants to break to be difficult, perhaps even if the Chu Feng's perception, requires some time. 至于第三层,那是一种屏障,想要打破极难,哪怕楚枫的悟性,恐怕也需要一些时间。 However quick Chu Feng then breaks through first, comprehended second layer. 但是很快楚枫便突破第一层,领悟了第二层 Now, Chu Feng can the rearrangement, many arrange styles. 现在,楚枫可以重新排列,有多种排列方式。 martial practitioner cultivation has many, formation cultivation also has many, even can help World Spirit cultivation. 武者修炼有多种,结界修炼也有多种,甚至可以帮助界灵修炼 According to Chu Feng speculated, the spell trace situation in his formation technique, if the rearrangement, the effect is best, is World Spirit cultivation. 根据楚枫推测,他这阵法内的符咒纹路情况,若重新排列,效果最好的,乃是界灵修炼 Kui Ting senior, I the formation technique strength, introduce in World Spirit Space now, you monopolize this strength, looked whether to help you break through True God Realm.” 魁庭前辈,我现在将阵法力量,引入界灵空间内,你独享此力量,看能否助你突破到真神境。” Using the place of cultivation, Chu Feng can also cultivation, even may break through. 利用修炼之地,楚枫自己也可以修炼,甚至有可能突破。 But now his cultivation realm is too weak, even if can promote, in Summit of Nine Heavens that this day stands in great numbers, still difficult stands firm. 但现在他的修为太弱,就算能增进,在这天才林立的九天之巅,也难以站稳脚跟。 But if first helps Asura King promote cultivation realm, helping him step into True God Realm. 可若先帮助修罗王提升修为,帮他踏入真神境的话。 That this card in a hand, basically can show disdain for the outstanding heroes. 那这个底牌,基本可以傲视群雄。 After all according to the Chu Feng observation, the strong junior, has certain distance from True God Realm. 毕竟根据楚枫观察,再强的小辈,距离真神境也有一定距离。 Even if they can promote cultivation realm by the respective method, may want cultivation realm is Half God Realm, is unable to break the True God Realm barrier. 就算他们能凭借各自手段提升修为,可只要原本修为半神境,便无法打破真神境的屏障。 Even if some people are Ninth Rank Half God, and can enhance the Third Rank strength, but also faces Half God to have the advantage. 哪怕有人是九品半神,且能提升三品战力,但也只是面对半神有优势。 Facing True God, can only come under attack as before. 面对真神,依旧只能挨打。 Sir, the subordinate prepared.” “大人,属下准备好了。” Asura King also understands the Chu Feng's plan, therefore responded directly. 修罗王也明白楚枫的打算,于是直接回应。 After all, after before he refining up melted Chu Feng, to his Source, now he is away from True God, is really only separation, was close. 毕竟,他炼化了楚枫之前给他的本源后,如今他距离真神,真的只是一线之隔,很是接近了。 Afterward, the Chu Feng then rearrangement formation technique strength, causes the formation technique strength, changing is World Spirit cultivation powerful formation technique. 随后,楚枫便重新排列阵法力量,使得阵法力量,化作为界灵修炼的强大阵法 Introduces in this formation technique strength World Spirit Space again, only for Asura King person of cultivation. 再将这阵法力量引入界灵空间之内,只供修罗王一人修炼 But all, the Chu Feng estimate is smoother. 而一切,比楚枫预想的还要顺利。 Such cultivation entire night, when Heaven General/will is bright, Asura King then successfully breaks through. 这样修炼整整一夜,在天将亮时,修罗王便成功突破。 From Ninth Rank Half God, broke through True God Realm. 九品半神,突破到了真神境 Sir Chu Feng, the subordinate broke through.” After the breakthrough, Asura King is also excited. 楚枫大人,属下突破了。”突破之后,修罗王也非常激动。 Actually, originally he is away from some True God Realm also distances, before Chu Feng also gave him massive Source, but after building up, actually cannot break through. 其实,本来他距离真神境还有一些距离,之前楚枫也给了他大量本源,只是炼化之后,却也未能突破。 Although only remains separation, but if does not have this formation technique to boost, he perhaps is short time also difficult to break through. 虽然只剩一线之隔,但若没有这阵法助力,他恐怕短时间也难以突破。 Then, can step into True God Realm, basically is the Chu Feng's merit. 说起来,能够踏入真神境,基本都是楚枫的功劳。 senior does not need to express gratitude, you can step into True God, most profits is actually I.” 前辈不必道谢,你能踏入真神,最受益的其实是我。” Chu Feng was also happy, Asura King steps into True God Realm, Chu Feng shows disdain for the outstanding heroes sufficiently. 楚枫也非常高兴,修罗王踏入真神境,楚枫足以傲视群雄。 After all the World Spirit strong and weak, is in itself the World Spiritist skill, had Asura King, Chu Feng facing any junior, does not fear. 毕竟界灵强弱,本身就是界灵师的本事,有了修罗王在,楚枫面对任何小辈,都是不惧。 But in the meantime, the sky has shone, formation technique also closes. 而就在此时,天空已亮,阵法也随之关闭。 Un?” “嗯?” But quick, Chu Feng detected that some people were at oneself out. 可很快,楚枫察觉到了有人在自己门外。 But this person is Wang Qiang. 而此人乃是王强 Therefore out Chu Feng rushes to run, met Wang Qiang. 于是楚枫赶忙跑到门外,将王强接了进来。 He wants to know, matter about Wang Qiang. 他太想知道,关于王强的事情了。 But Wang Qiang see again/goodbye to Chu Feng, is a face is ashamed. 王强再见楚枫,则是一脸惭愧。 Little Brother, really hugs... to be sorry, I have actually heard your matter, does to me unable to leave to help you.” Wang Qiang said. 兄弟,真是抱抱…抱歉,我其实已听闻你的事了,奈何我无法抽身帮你。”王强道。 Little Brother, do not say like this, must say is sorry should be I.” Chu Feng is a face is also ashamed. 兄弟,千万别这样说,要说抱歉的应该是我。”楚枫也是一脸惭愧。 immediately will meet Zhao Hong, as well as Zhao Hong by the matter that the mysterious person seizes, informed Wang Qiang. 旋即将自己遇到赵虹,以及赵虹被神秘人抓走的事情,都告知了王强 After all in Hundred Refinements Ordinary Realm, Wang Qiang and Zhao Hong becomes a buddhist get to know. 毕竟在百炼凡界的时候,王强赵虹结缘。 Three people entered Upper Realm from Ordinary Realm together, but enters the Upper Realm process how, was separated. 三人本来是一同从凡界进入上界的,只是奈何进入上界的过程,却分开了。 Meets with Wang Qiang in Void God Tree previous time, Chu Feng can feel, Wang Qiang misses Zhao Hong very much. 上一次在虚空神树内与王强相遇,楚枫能感觉到,王强很挂念赵虹 Then surface Chu Feng meets Zhao Hong, not only cannot protect Zhao Hong, instead makes Zhao Hong be seized by the mysterious person. 而后面楚枫遇到赵虹,不仅未能将赵虹保护好,反而让赵虹被神秘人抓走。 Unexpectedly this this... this matter.” “竟然还有这这这…这种事。” Little Brother, this... this also no wonder you, are that that... those words, my wife good and virtuous person has young, I believe that she will not have... is not all right.” Wang Qiang said. “不过兄弟,这这…这也怪不得你,还是那那那…那句话,我娘子吉人自有夭相,我相信她会没没…没事的。”王强说道。 I also hope, Zhao Hong will not have the matter, your couple, are the people of lucky big having good luck ever.” “我也希望,赵虹不会有事,你们夫妻俩,都是福大命大之人。” Right Little Brother, my matter you heard, but your matter I have not known, said quickly with me about your matter.” “对了兄弟,我的事你听说了,但你的事我还不知道,快与我说说关于你的事吧。” Chu Feng is also very curious, how Wang Qiang joins Divine Body Celestial Palace, naturally most wants to know the bloodthirsty Demon Venerable matter. 楚枫也很好奇,王强是怎么加入神体天府的,当然最想知道嗜血魔尊的事。 But Chu Feng does not know now, Blood Devouring Demon Venerable in Wang Qiang within the body, he is not whether good directly to ask. 楚枫现在不知道,噬血魔尊是否还在王强体内,他也不好直接问。 Evil, my my I... I have no experience.” “害,我我我…我没啥经历。” Blood Devouring Demon Venerable you are know that you also reminded me at that time, letting... makes me guard against him.” 噬血魔尊你是知道的,当时你还提醒我,让让…让我提防他。” Was really said by you, that old... old thing has not settled the good intention, seeing my stature is good, he had a look... to have a liking for me.” “真被你说中了,那老老老…老东西没安好心,见我身材好,他看看…看上我了。” „To occupy my my me... my body.” “想占据我我我…我的身体。” Is good because of my me... my also not a weakling.” “好在我我…我也不是吃素的。” Although the process is difficult, but in my strength disadvantage, wisdom wisdom wisdom... in the situation of intelligence quotient advantage, with... Zhang Yanfeng, their brother and sister three people collaborates, that that... that old thing... was also killed by us.” “虽然过程艰难,但在我实力劣势,智智智…智商优势的情况下,与张张…张延枫,他们兄妹三人联手,那那那…那老东西还还…还是被我们弄死了。” According to Wang Qiang told, Chu Feng knows, Blood Devouring Demon Venerable brings Wang Qiang and Zhang Yanfeng, Zhang Boyi, Zhang Shirui and others went to Divine Body Galaxy, is the plan started to Wang Qiang. 根据王强讲述,楚枫知道,噬血魔尊带着王强张延枫,张博毅,张诗芮等人前往了神体天河,原本是计划对王强下手。 But they were seen through its conspiracy by Wang Qiang, although therefore destroyed completely Blood Devouring Demon Venerable jointly. 但被王强他们识破其阴谋,于是虽联手灭掉了噬血魔尊 But actually also paid the serious price, carries the severe wound, falls into the long-term stupor. 可却也付出了惨重的代价,身负重伤,陷入长时间的昏迷。 Behind was rescued by the Divine Body Celestial Palace person, but Divine Body Celestial Palace discovered that their talent is good, particularly Wang Qiang Divine Body is quite special, then their forcefully income under. 后面还是被神体天府的人救了,而神体天府发现他们三人天赋不错,尤其是王强天赐神体极为特别,便将他们三人强行收入麾下。 Although Divine Body Celestial Palace waits them to be good, but actually right they request strictly, limiting them is free. 虽说神体天府待他们不错,但却也对他们要求严格,限制着他们自由。 If not for this Summit of Nine Heavens, Wang Qiang were invited, he does not have the opportunity to slide. 若不是此次九天之巅,王强被邀请,他也没机会溜出来。 Little Brother, the situation is this... such situation.” 兄弟,情况就是这这…这么个情况。” My present cultivation way is special, in a period of time must enter... to conduct cultivation.” “不过我现在修炼方式特殊,一段时间内就要进进进…进行修炼。” I first first... first went back, turn head looks for you again.” “我先先…先回去了,回头再来找你。” After telling, Wang Qiang then planned to leave. 讲述完后,王强便打算离开。 He wants cultivation, Chu Feng is not naturally good to stop, although many words want to say with Wang Qiang, but delivers Wang Qiang to leave. 他要修炼,楚枫自然不好阻拦,虽然还有很多话想与王强说,但还是送王强离开。 But Wang Qiang just walked, the sound resounds from the Chu Feng ear together: 可是王强刚走,一道声音自楚枫耳边响起: Chu Feng, I can also feel the Blood Devouring Demon Venerable aura.” 楚枫,我还能感觉到噬血魔尊的气息。” () ()
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