MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5746: Cannot, male cannot

Chapter 5744 cannot, male cannot 第5744章不许,男的不许 „Did you know?” Qin Xuan asked. “你们认识?”秦玄问。 Right, old friend.” Liu Kuo does not evade. “对,老相识。”刘阔毫不避讳。 No wonder, no wonder you are so unfair, originally is you knew.” “难怪,难怪你如此不公,原来是你们认识。” This was you says fair fair?” “这就是你说的公平公正吗?” In my opinion you are unfair are not positive.” “依我看你是不公不正。” Nine summit Grandmaster? Nine summit Grandmaster now where? I must want a justice is not possible.” “九巅大师呢?九巅大师现在何处?我非要讨个公道不可。” Qin Xuan waits and sees, loud interrogation. 秦玄四下观望,大声质问。 He felt that oneself was deceived, was played jokes upon. 他感觉自己被愚弄了,被戏耍了。 Can as the Heavenly Dome Immortal sect strongest talent, when suffer this? By this treatment? 可身为苍穹仙宗最强天才,什么时候吃过这种亏?受过这种待遇? Do not shout that what shouted, did the ear back remember badly? Didn't I just say my teacher to undergo closed-door training?” “别喊了,喊什么,耳朵背还是记忆差?我刚刚不是说我师尊闭关了吗?” My teacher is not, calculation that I said that if refuses to accept, leaves directly, that then invited.” “我师尊不在,我说的算,若是不服,直接离开,那便请。” Liu Kuo does not install simply, an exasperation of face. 刘阔也是干脆不装了,一脸的不耐烦。 And during the speeches a directional distant place alley, there... is the road that leaves. 且说话间指向远处一条小路,那里…便是离开的路。 You so favor, did not fear that was scoffed by the world?” Qin Xuan asked. “你如此偏袒,就不怕被世人耻笑?”秦玄问。 Qin Shu colludes with Azure Moon Temple, did not fear that was scoffed, do I have what fearfulness?” Liu Kuo asked. 秦梳勾结青月神殿,都不怕被人耻笑,我有何可怕?”刘阔问。 You little talked nonsense.” The Qin Xuan anger asked. “你少胡说八道。”秦玄怒问。 You were clear.” A Liu Kuo face disdains. “你们自己清楚。”刘阔一脸不屑。 Qin Xuan clenches jaws, but actually feels to have no alternative. 秦玄咬牙切齿,可却又感觉无可奈何。 The Summit of Nine Heavens itself/Ben is vast martial cultivation world exists specially, he carries out Heavenly Dome Immortal sect, but also really does not daunt Summit of Nine Heavens. 九天之巅本就是浩瀚修武界特殊存在,他搬出苍穹仙宗,还真吓不住九天之巅 But just shouted and wrangled , is to cause the public opinion, resists this unfair. 而刚刚大呼小叫,也是想要引起舆论,来对抗这种不公。 But the people whisper to whoop, actually no stands to help itself speak. 可众人只是交头接耳议论纷纷,却没有一个站出来帮自己说话。 This makes him realize, the person has to lower the head under the eaves, the talent of these all parties influence, is in Summit of Nine Heavens, does not dare to offend this Liu Kuo. 这让他意识到,人在屋檐下不得不低头,这些各方势力的天才,身在九天之巅,也都不敢得罪这刘阔。 Perhaps except for Seven Worlds Saint Palace, no one will stand this side him. 恐怕除了七界圣府,没人会站在他这一边了。 But in the meantime, Liu Kuo opens the mouth again. 而就在此时,刘阔再度开口。 This time, he looks to the people. 这一次,他看向众人。 everyone, my Liu Kuo works, may have unfair, you figure out, if some people feel me to be unfair, can say directly.” 诸位,我刘阔做事,可有不公,你们评评理,若是有人觉得我不公,可以直接说出来。” Crowd that he such remarks, made noise, unexpectedly immediately became peaceful. 他此话一出,原本喧闹的人群,竟立刻变得安静了下来。 The people do not dare to discuss the discussion, is very afraid is misunderstood by Liu Kuo. 众人连讨论都不敢讨论了,深怕被刘阔误会。 Sees that Liu Kuo satisfied nod, immediately looks to Qin Xuan: 见状,刘阔满意的点了点头,旋即看向秦玄: You saw, only then you feel unfair. That is not my issue, but is your issue.” “你看到了,只有你觉得不公。那就不是我的问题,而是你的问题。” Qin Xuan at this time, is really the mute eats the Chinese goldthread rhizome, has bitter not being able saying that when does he receive this type of air/Qi? 秦玄此时,真是哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出,他啥时候受过这种气? Little Brother Chu Feng, comes, I lead you to have a look, Summit of Nine Heavens for the dwelling that you prepare.” 楚枫兄弟,来来来,我带你去看看,九天之巅为你准备的住处。” Liu Kuo turns around to hold on Chu Feng, over the face happy expression, this attitude transformation, clearly laid cards on the table again. 刘阔转身拉住楚枫,再度满面笑意,这种态度转变,分明就是摊牌了。 And Liu Kuo spoke also looks to Little Fishy and others: Younger sisters also come together,... is not right, is female benefactor, hey.” 且刘阔说话间还看向小鱼儿等人:“妹妹们也一起来啊,不…不对,是女施主,嘿。” The Little Fishy brow wrinkles slightly, but has not said anything, because she must follow Chu Feng. 小鱼儿眉头微微皱起,但却并未说啥,因为她要跟着楚枫 Brother brother Little Brother.” “兄兄兄弟。” My my I... my a little matter, my I... I first go back, am late... look for you again and again.” Wang Qiang said to Chu Feng. “我我我…我有点事,我我…我先回去,晚点再再…再去找你。”王强楚枫说道。 Little Brother, you have go beforehand busily.” Chu Feng said. 兄弟,你有事先去忙。”楚枫道。 Okay good... good.” “好好好…好嘞。” Afterward, Wang Qiang then returned to own residence. 随后,王强便回到了自己的住所。 But Chu Feng and others was also follows Liu Kuo to move toward the white fog. 楚枫等人也是跟着刘阔走向了白雾。 After Liu Kuo and others walks, the crowd blasted out the pot thoroughly. 刘阔等人走后,人群彻底炸开了锅。 Ended, then really ended, unexpectedly even Summit of Nine Heavens is Chu Feng's Leaning Mountain.” “完了,这下真的完了,居然连九天之巅都是楚枫的靠山。” No wonder Chu Feng dares to come Summit of Nine Heavens, I as if became aware, originally here no one, can do to he.” “难怪楚枫敢来九天之巅,我似乎悟了,原来这里根本没有人,能奈何的了他啊。” But this Chu Feng why, his father is not the waste, but really all-resourceful?” “可这楚枫凭什么啊,难道他父亲不是废物,而是真的神通广大?” Why otherwise does he... he know so many great people?” “不然他…他凭什么结识这么多大人物?” At this moment, Chu Feng and others follows Liu Kuo, across the white fog, arrived at the Chu Feng's residence. 此刻,楚枫等人已是跟随刘阔,穿过白雾,来到了楚枫的住所。 The first impression, greatly!! 第一观感,大!! Arrived distant place mountain waterfall, vicinity boundless grassland, and at present sees, unexpectedly non place complete picture. 大到远处高山瀑布,近处茫茫草原,且眼前所见,竟非此地全貌。 Normal, can arrive at the Summit of Nine Heavens person, the whose place of housing isn't big to just like a side world? 正常来说,能来到九天之巅的人,谁的居住之地不是大到宛如一方世界? Actually here scene, is not anything. 其实这里的景象,不算啥。 But all depend on the contrast. 可偏偏一切就靠对比。 must know, here is Summit of Nine Heavens, is not the family territory of talent. 要知道,这里是九天之巅,不是各位天才的家族领地。 Even if Little Fishy residence, is only a house that has the garden. 哪怕小鱼儿的住所,也只是一个带有庭院的房子。 But that already by the special amenities of person of invitation. 但那已是受邀之人的特殊待遇。 The residences of others, the garden does not even have, is a small house. 其他人的住所,连庭院都没有,就是一个小房子。 „, Too eccentric, was invited obviously, how Chu Feng lives is so luxurious?” “哇,太偏心了吧,明明都是被邀请的,怎么楚枫住的这么豪华?” Sees the Chu Feng's residence, Feng Ling honk the small mouth was saying. 看到楚枫的住所,风铃嘟着小嘴说道。 I as if can understand that Qin Xuan said that unfair is not positive.” Xianhai Shaoyu also said with a smile. “我似乎能理解秦玄说的,不公不正了。”仙海少禹也是笑着说道。 Haha, everyone benefactor, this matter no wonder monk, this is my teacher is the Chu Feng arrangement.” “哈哈,诸位施主,这件事莫怪小僧,这是我师尊为楚枫安排的。” The words to here, Liu Kuo look to Xianhai Shaoyu and Feng Ling. 话到此处,刘阔看向仙海少禹风铃 Two previous time have come Summit of Nine Heavens, should remember why previous time stops in midway?” “两位上次来过九天之巅,应该记得上次为何中途停止吧?” „Can't the talent invite in other words completely?” “不就是说天才未能邀请齐全吗?” Oh, I knew, is the talent that nine summit Grandmaster refer to Chu Feng?” Feng Ling asked. “喔,我知道了,九巅大师所指的天才就是楚枫?”风铃问。 This saying I had not said that but Little Brother Chu Feng truly is or obligato one.” Liu Kuodao. “这话我可没说,但楚枫兄弟确实是或不可缺的一员。”刘阔道。 Do not say like this, my time comes to see the friends, joins in the fun while convenient, my cultivation realm, basically could not struggle anything.” Chu Feng said with a smile. “可别这样说,我这次来就是想见见朋友们,顺便凑个热闹,我的修为,基本争不了什么。”楚枫笑道。 By oneself cultivation realm, Chu Feng is not only weak. 只论自身修为,楚枫不弱。 May place Xianhai Shaoyu, Little Fishy, Feng Ling in front of their these, Chu Feng present cultivation realm, truly some insufficiently look. 可放在仙海少禹,小鱼儿,风铃他们这些面前,楚枫现在的修为,确实有些不够看。 Little Brother Chu Feng, the competition of our Summit of Nine Heavens, is different sometimes, not just discussed immediately the strength, sometimes what compared will be the future potential.” Liu Kuo said. 楚枫兄弟,我们九天之巅的比拼,有的时候是不同的,并非只论当下实力,有的时候比的是未来潜力。”刘阔说道。 „Is that perhaps unfair?” Chu Feng asked. “那恐怕有失公允吧?”楚枫问。 Compared with the potential, Chu Feng has not really feared anyone. 比潜力,楚枫真没怕过谁。 But Chu Feng actually does not want so. 楚枫却不想如此。 In his opinion, since so many juniors gathered one. 在他看来,既然这么多小辈都聚到了一起。 This basic is, now vast martial cultivation world, a grandest junior gathers, really all top talents came. 这基本已是,当今浩瀚修武界,最盛大的一场小辈聚集了,真的所有顶尖天才都来了。 This situation, instead does not have meaning compete potential. 这种场合,比潜力高低反而没意思 Comparing of real swords and spears, divides a height, is interesting. 真刀真枪的比一比,分个高低,才有趣。 This also is really not unfair, how each Summit of Nine Heavens competes with, is calculation that Summit of Nine Heavens said.” Liu Kuo answered. “这还真不是不公,每一次九天之巅如何比试,都是九天之巅说的算。”刘阔解释道。 Under Liu Kuo leads the way, they arrived at an in the air palace, here is the institute of Chu Feng's housing. 刘阔引路下,他们来到了一处空中殿宇,这里便是楚枫的居住之所。 The palace is not only grand, and under not clouds, waits and sees downward, the land beautiful scene completely enters the view. 宫殿不仅宏伟,且下方无云,向下观望,大地美景尽入眼帘。 Similarly is the person, the disparity so to be how big, oh, I do not want to go back.” “同样是人,差距怎么这么大,唉,我不想回去了。” „Can I not walk, live in this?” Feng Ling looks to Liu Kuo. “我能不走,住这吗?”风铃看向刘阔。 Liu Kuo had not replied, but pinches the buddha beads, later to Chu Feng one finger/refers, the flowing light is entering the Chu Feng body together. 刘阔没有回答,而是捏动佛珠,随后对着楚枫一指,一道流光进入楚枫身体。 That is to the control of formation technique. 那是对阵法的掌控。 Had this formation technique, Chu Feng can induce to the housing outside situation, if some people visited, he will detect. 有了这阵法,楚枫能感应到居住之所外面的情况,若有人来拜访,他会察觉到。 Completes these, Liu Kuocai looks to Feng Ling: Calculation that Feng Ling benefactor, this Little Brother Chu Feng said.” 做完这些,刘阔才看向风铃:“风铃施主,这个楚枫兄弟说的算。” Moreover, the monk dwelling actually also has the free time, hehe.” “另外,小僧住处其实也有空闲,嘿嘿。” Did not need to trouble you uncle.” Feng Ling said. “不用麻烦你了大叔。”风铃道。 „The Eh... monk is actually young.” Liu Kuo explained. 额…其实小僧年纪不大。”刘阔解释。 But Feng Ling actually no longer manages him, but looks to Chu Feng: Chu Feng, do I live to be able in your not?” 风铃却不再理他,而是看向楚枫:“楚枫,我在你这住可以不?” Words that you want, sure.” Chu Feng said. “你愿意的话,当然可以。”楚枫道。 I must live in this.” Xian Miaomiao says immediately. “那我也要在这住。”仙喵喵立刻道。 Miaomiao Elder Sister, do you really want to live in this?” Little Fishy asked. 喵喵姐姐,你真的要在这住吗?”小鱼儿问。 Right.” Xian Miaomiao nods. “对呀。”仙喵喵点头。 Good, I accompany Elder Sister, I also come this to live.” Little Fishy said. “好呀,那我陪姐姐,我也来这住。”小鱼儿道。 „It is not necessary the younger sister, you and others Miaomiao miss and you are not ripe, others do not need you to accompany.” “大可不必吧妹妹,你和人家喵喵姑娘和你没那么熟,人家不需要你陪。” You don't with the families Miaomiao miss, when gave a pretext, do not install to act with constraint, said directly wants to accompany Chu Feng.” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “你别拿人家喵喵姑娘当借口,你也别装矜持,直接说想陪楚枫得了。”仙海少禹说道。 You manage.” Little Fishy white Xianhai Shaoyu. “你管呢。”小鱼儿白了仙海少禹一眼。 Snort, woman.” Xianhai Shaoyu contemptuously smiles, the whole face arrogance, immediately looks to Chu Feng. “哼,女人。”仙海少禹轻蔑一笑,满脸傲气,旋即看向楚枫 Little Brother Chu Feng, you understand my meaning.” 楚枫兄弟,你明白我意思吧。” Ok, everyone wants to come, Ok.” Chu Feng said. “可以,大家想来,都可以。”楚枫说道。 Hears this words, Long Chengyu the eyes shines immediately: Since this, I......” 听闻此话,龙承羽顿时双眼放光:“既然这样,那我……” Cannot, male cannot.” Little Fishy says immediately. “不许,男的不许。”小鱼儿立刻道。 Eh......” Long Chengyu embarrassed in same place, previous excitement, is nothing left immediately. 额……”龙承羽尬在原地,先前的兴奋,顿时荡然无存。 () ()
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