MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5745: Fair fair

Chapter 5743 is fair 第5743章公平公正 After striking, Qin Xuan refuses to accept, has acted again, but does to is unable to exceed Wang Qiang. 一击之后,秦玄不服,已是再度出手,但是奈何根本无法胜过王强 This is Wang Qiang so strong?” “这王强这么强?” At this time, the people discuss spiritedly. 此时,众人议论纷纷。 Sixth Rank Half God, as the junior, that was unusual, was true few. 六品半神,作为小辈,那是非常了得的,是真正的屈指可数。 What is most essential, with is Sixth Rank Half God, Wang Qiang can suppress Qin Xuan unexpectedly. 最关键的是,同为六品半神,王强竟能压制秦玄 Qin Xuan was suppressed, cannot be victorious this Wang Qiang.” 秦玄被压制了,打不过这王强。” No wonder, what no wonder Divine Body Galaxy invited is this Wang Qiang. Rather than Yuwen Yanri in that hearsay.” “难怪,难怪神体天河被邀请的是这个王强。而不是那个传闻中的宇文炎日。” This Wang Qiang, although puts on strangely, but actually also really fierce.” “这王强虽然穿着怪异,但却也是真的猛啊。” People the sound of discussion resounds through unceasingly, in addition indeed is suppressed by Wang Qiang, this makes Qin Xuan very annoyed. 众人的议论之音响彻不断,再加上自己的确被王强压制,这让秦玄十分恼火。 He is raises for a long time talent, is the Heavenly Dome Immortal sect signboard. 他好歹是名扬已久的天才,是苍穹仙宗的招牌。 If defeats in Wang Qiang today, perhaps that wanted to be disgraced, cannot raise the head again. 若是今日败在王强手里,那恐怕就要名声扫地,再也抬不起头来了。 Thinks of here, his thought rotation, immediately boundless Mist, since its within the body ascends. 想到这里,他意念转动,顿时磅礴气焰自其体内升腾而起。 cultivation realm promotes First Rank. 修为提升一品 Seventh Rank Half God!!! 七品半神!!! Quick, Mist changes, cultivation realm rises First Rank again. 很快,气焰变化,修为再升一品 Eight Rank Half God!!! 八品半神!!! Bang- 轰- But, a pressure drops from the clouds in the meantime. 可就在此时,一股威压从天而降。 Wang Qiang and Qin Xuan, all cannot move. 王强秦玄,皆是动弹不得。 That aims at their pressure. 那是针对他们二人的威压。 If fights, on the ratio fights the stage, fights in private does not pay attention to my Summit of Nine Heavens?” “若要打斗,就上比斗台,私下打斗是不将我九天之巅放在眼里吗?” Follows this sound to resound, has several a form to walk. 伴随这道声音响起,也有数道身影走了出来。 Sees this group of people, the numerous position talents are to also rush to flash both sides, allows to pass through for them. 见到这伙人,众位天才也是赶忙闪到两侧,为他们让路。 That is one group of monks, what behind is one crowd of little monk, before was they for the numerous position talent arrangement quarter. 那是一群和尚,后面的是一群小和尚,之前就是他们为众位天才安排处所。 But is the monk of head, is not a child. 而为首的和尚,并非小孩子。 That is one tall and tall and strong, on the face has some beards, although is the youth appearance but actually very mature monk. 那是一个身材高大且魁梧,脸上有着些许胡须,虽是青年模样但却很是成熟的和尚。 In his hand is grasping one skewer of buddha beads, buddha beads each is not simple, on each buddha beads, is corresponding great formation. 他手中握着一串佛珠,佛珠每个都不简单,每个佛珠上面,都对应着一座大阵 At present, this person of left hand pinches the law secret art, the right hand presses firmly between the fingers buddha beads. 眼下,此人左手捏动法诀,右手捏住一颗佛珠。 The ray of that buddha beads is radiant, and aura with covering Qin Xuan and Wang Qiang pressure is exactly the same. 那颗佛珠的光芒璀璨,且气息与笼罩秦玄王强的威压一模一样。 Obviously, is he stimulates to movement the formation technique strength. 很显然,是他催动阵法的力量。 But the key is, this person of Chu Feng recognizes. 但关键是,此人楚枫认得。 Liu Kuo?” “刘阔?” Strongest trial that Liu Kuo, Totem Dragon Clan held on the same day...... 刘阔,当日图腾龙族举办的最强试炼…… Long Xiaoxiao obtains initial period of Martial Venerable is strongest. 龙晓晓获得武尊初期最强。 Chu Feng obtains later period of Martial Venerable to be strongest. 楚枫获得武尊后期最强。 Long Muxi obtains initial period of Half God is strongest. 龙沐熙获得半神初期最强。 But later period of Half God strongest given name, precisely this Liu Kuo obtained. 半神后期最强的名号,正是这个刘阔所得。 Although this person is a monk, but the speech is careless, is very interesting. 此人虽是和尚,但说话大大咧咧,十分有趣。 Although the strength excels, but the rack does not have, instead is entirely different from the common monk, is not bothers about trifles that type. 尽管实力高强,但却一点架子没有,反而与寻常和尚全然不同,是不拘小节那种。 Chu Feng also thought at that time this person is good. 楚枫当时还觉得此人不错。 But but has not thought completely Liu Kuo also has such status, is controlling Summit of Nine Heavens unexpectedly? 但可完全没有想到刘阔还有如此身份,竟然掌控着九天之巅 Is it possible that is he nine summit Grandmaster disciple?” “莫非,他是九巅大师弟子?” Quick, Chu Feng thought of this possibility. 很快,楚枫想到了这种可能。 The famous teacher has the outstanding disciple, by the Liu extravagant ability, his teacher also is very naturally fierce. 正所谓名师出高徒,以刘阔的本领,他的师尊自然也很厉害。 But looks at his present status, mostly he is nine summit Grandmaster disciple. 而看他现在的身份,多半他就是九巅大师弟子 However the present situation is special, Chu Feng to avoid suspicion, has not opened the mouth to recognize each other. 不过现在的场合特别,楚枫为了避嫌,也没有开口相认。 As for Liu Kuo, across the crowd, had gone to the middle of the square, becomes existence that the audience most focuses attention on. 至于刘阔,已是穿过人群,来到了广场当中,成为了全场最瞩目的存在。 Liu Kuoshou has the law secret art, in the hand the buddha beads ray removes, that suppresses Qin Xuan and Wang Qiang pressure also dissipates immediately. 刘阔收起法诀,手中佛珠光芒褪去,那压制秦玄王强的威压也是立刻消散。 However Qin Xuan or Wang Qiang, plan that also has not acted again. 但是无论是秦玄还是王强,也都没有再出手的打算。 After all here is Summit of Nine Heavens, but this is grasping so formation technique, they do not dare to be negligent. 毕竟这里是九天之巅,而这位又掌握着如此阵法,他们也都不敢大意。 Introduced oneself, monk Liu Kuo.” “自我介绍一下,小僧刘阔。” Is nine summit Grandmaster disciple.” “乃是九巅大师弟子。” My teacher to undergo closed-door training, did not facilitate to make an appearance recently, Summit of Nine Heavens many matters concerned, will be managed by the monk.” “我师尊最近闭关,不方便露面,九天之巅诸多事宜,将由小僧主持。” This words saying, Liu Kuo then looks to lying down in ground Qin Shu. 此话说完,刘阔便看向躺在地上的秦梳 Qin Shu, you because of a oneself selfish desire, collude with others blatantly, deals with the others of participate competition, disrupts my Summit of Nine Heavens order, such behavior, takes a beating also gets what one deserves.” 秦梳,你因一己私欲,公然勾结他人,对付其他参加比试之人,扰乱我九天之巅秩序,此等行为,挨揍也是活该。” He such remarks, almost made really Qin Shu to collude with others 's matter, showed that Feng Ling said is true. 他此话一出,几乎做实了秦梳勾结他人的事情,证明风铃所说属实。 But Qin Xuan is actually not willing to acknowledge this matter, but asked: How you know that they said are true, did you see inadequately?” 秦玄却不愿承认此事,而是问道:“你怎知道他们所说属实,难道你看到了不成?” Qin benefactor, here was Summit of Nine Heavens, what matter had, was the monk does not know?” “秦施主,这里是九天之巅,有什么事情,是小僧不知道的?” Clarity that public area, your every action and every movement, every word and deed, I know.” “公共场合,你们的一举一动,一言一行,我都知道的清清楚楚。” Even if sound transmission, I can also hear in secret.” “哪怕暗中传音,我也能够听到。” Liu Kuo this words saying, Qin Xuan could not speak, Summit of Nine Heavens formation technique was world-famous, Liu Kuo said actually credibly. 刘阔此话说完,秦玄说不出话了,九天之巅阵法本就举世闻名,刘阔所言倒是可信。 But face proper Liu Kuo, this words saying, actually sweeps immediately to the people. 可原本一脸正经的刘阔,此话说完,却立刻扫向众人。 everyone benefactor felt relieved, our monitors only limit the public area, your housings are safe and private.” “不过诸位施主放心,我们的监听只限公共场合,你们的居住之所都是安全且私密的。” Words to here, but also looks specially to the Little Fishy, Xian Miaomiao, Long Muxi, Feng Ling and other beautiful women. 话到此处,还特意看向小鱼儿仙喵喵龙沐熙风铃等美人。 Therefore female benefactor, can take a bath as usual, does not need to be worried about the monk to see, moreover monk but honorable gentleman, even if can look that will not look, the key is I cannot see.” “所以女施主,还是可以照常洗澡,不用担心小僧看到,另外小僧可是正人君子,就算能看也不会看的,关键是我也看不到。” „......” “……” Although Liu Kuo is the good intention reminds, but this saying said that the people felt where was not right. 刘阔虽是好心提醒,可这话说出来,众人还是感觉哪里不对。 Is this monk, probably not quite how proper? 这和尚,怎么好像不太正经? Chu Feng looked actually to Long Muxi, Long Muxi also shakes the head, corners of the mouth rare is hanging the light happy expression. 倒是楚枫看向了龙沐熙,龙沐熙也是摇了摇头,嘴角少见的挂着淡淡笑意。 They have known Liu Kuo, compares in others, they are clear, this Liu Kuo is not a proper monk. 他们早就认识刘阔,相比于其他人,他们是清楚,这刘阔本来就是个不正经的和尚。 But is quick, Liu Kuo looks to Qin Xuan: Qin benefactor, your Little Brother misdemeanor did completely, you made the education of Elder Brother to be improper, was the family affairs, I did not investigate.” 而很快,刘阔又看向秦玄:“秦施主,你弟弟坏事做尽,你做哥哥的教育不当,乃是家事,我不追究。” But you depend the ability to excel, does not make inquiries the love unexpectedly by, for own Little Brother over, acts in a public setting directly, this matter must investigate.” “但你仗着本领高强,竟不问事情缘由,就替自己弟弟出头,在公共场合就直接对人出手,此事必须追究。” Qin Xuan, Qin Shu, the housing closed on the 3rd, anybody can not give shelter.” 秦玄,秦梳,居住之所关闭三日,任何人不得收留。” The words, he pinches the buddha beads, later Qin Xuan and Qin Shu the institute of housing, sealed up. 话罢,他捏动佛珠,随后秦玄秦梳的居住之所,都封闭了起来。 But Liu Kuo turns around, prepares to move toward Chu Feng. 而刘阔则是转身,准备走向楚枫 Waits for.” But Qin Xuan opens the mouth immediately. “等一下。”可秦玄立刻开口。 Qin Xuan does benefactor have the matter?” Liu Kuo asked. 秦玄施主还有事?”刘阔问。 I began, I accept punishment.” “我是动手了,我认罚。” But he also began, why doesn't punish him?” Qin Xuan points at Wang Qiang to ask. “但他也动手了,为何不罚他?”秦玄指着王强问道。 Qin Xuan benefactor, you hit others on own initiative, but can also not allow others hit back?” 秦玄施主,你主动打别人,还不许别人还手?” „The Wang Qiang benefactor behavior, is called the self-defense, is fair.” Liu Kuo said. 王强施主的行为,叫做自卫,是合情合理的。”刘阔说道。 Father-in-law Grandmaster... fair and just.” Wang Qiang big mouth, is giving the thumbs-up to Liu Kuo. 大师公公…公允。”王强咧着大嘴,对着刘阔竖起了大拇指。 Wang Qiang benefactor, the monk is inborn, is fair fair.” Liu Kuo returns said. 王强施主莫谢,小僧天生正直,乃是公平公正而已。”刘阔回道。 „Does he hit my Little Brother?” Qin Xuan also asked. “那他打我弟弟呢?”秦玄又问。 Your Little Brother disrupts the order, Wang Qiang benefactor hits him also to calculate the self-defense.” Liu Kuodao. “你弟弟扰乱秩序,王强施主打他也算自卫。”刘阔道。 This also calculates the self-defense, you......” Qin Xuan refuse to accept. “这也算自卫,你……”秦玄不服。 But Liu Kuo said: Qin Xuan benefactor, Summit of Nine Heavens has the Summit of Nine Heavens custom.” 可刘阔却说道:“秦玄施主,九天之巅九天之巅的规矩。” However the monk works fairly always fair, but also please can observe my Summit of Nine Heavens custom, if cannot, be able to withdraw momentarily.” “而小僧做事向来公平公正,还请你能遵守我九天之巅的规矩,若是不能,随时可以退出。” But Qin Xuan is very speechless, the opposite party takes this to press him unexpectedly, he can only acknowledge that the punishment is deserved. 秦玄很是无语,对方竟拿这个压他,那他只能认栽。 But quick, before Liu Kuo then arrived at the Chu Feng body . 可是很快,刘阔便走到了楚枫身前。 Originally people felt, Liu Kuo must inquire Chu Feng anything, after all this matter because of Chu Feng. 本来人们觉得,刘阔是要询问楚枫什么,毕竟此事因楚枫而起。 But quick, Liu Kuoda sleeve wields, patted Chu Feng shoulder ruthlessly. 可很快,刘阔大袖一挥,狠狠的拍了楚枫肩膀一下。 The immediately big mouth one, reveals a row of becoming known tooth, the smile is very bright. 旋即大嘴一咧,露出一排大白牙,笑容无比灿烂。 Your boy, the hidden is deep enough, originally you are Senior Jie Ranqing's son.” “你小子,隐藏够深的,原来你是界染清前辈的儿子啊。” Sees this one, besides Long Muxi everyone, including Xianhai Shaoyu and Wang Qiang and others, is the mouth openings. 见此一幕,除了龙沐熙以外的所有人,包括仙海少禹王强等人,都是嘴巴张大。 Especially Qin Xuan, that complexion is becomes exceptionally ugly/difficult to look at. 尤其是秦玄,那脸色更是变得异常难看。 Obviously, this Liu Kuo also knows Chu Feng. 很显然,这刘阔也认识楚枫啊。 Fair fair? 公平公正? Originally people are the letters. 本来人们是信的。 But isn't the present, probably right? 但现在来看,好像不对吧? () ()
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