MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5744: Wang Qiang strength

Chapter 5742 Wang Qiang strength 第5742章王强的实力 At this moment, Little Fishy, Xian Miaomiao, the Long Muxi three people of vision, are like the invisible knife. 此刻,小鱼儿,仙喵喵,龙沐熙三人的目光,跟无形的刀子一样。 not to mention Qin Xuan, others can feel aggressive of that look. 莫说秦玄,旁人都能感觉到那个眼神的凶悍。 Chu Feng, you and do Qin Xuan have hatred?” Xianhai Shaoyu asked. 楚枫,你与秦玄过节?”仙海少禹问。 Chu Feng forwarded several steps, sized up Qin Xuan earnestly. 楚枫向前走了几步,认真打量了一下秦玄 Without remembering incorrectly, before should not see.” “若没记错,之前应该没见过。” Qin Shu I remember, before has met in Ancient World, he once collaborated Azure Moon Temple Zhou Dong, wants to cope with me and Miss Muxi.” Chu Feng said. “不过秦梳我记得,之前在古界遇到过,他曾联手青月神殿周冬,想要对付我和沐熙姑娘。”楚枫说道。 Azure Moon Temple?” 青月神殿?” „Isn't that the dishonest ways?” “那不是邪门歪道吗?” „Does Qin Shu, collaborate with the Azure Moon Temple person unexpectedly?” 秦梳,竟与青月神殿的人联手?” Hears the Azure Moon Temple four characters, the people vision becomes strange, they know, Azure Moon Temple is the dishonest ways. 听到青月神殿四个字,众人目光变得怪异,他们都知道,青月神殿乃是邪门歪道。 And famous, is in Bloodline Galaxy, is next to the Demon Transformation Clan demon influence. 并且大名鼎鼎,是血脉天河内,仅次于化魔一族的邪魔势力。 Since old times evil did not coexist, although their respective influences, has done the wicked matter, even in them also had is not the good person. 自古正邪不两立,虽说他们各自的势力,也都做过恶事,甚至他们之中也有很多不是好人。 But this does not affect them to look down upon the dishonest ways. 但这不影响他们看不起邪门歪道。 Coughs......” “咳……” At this time, Qin Xuan coughs lightly. 此时,秦玄轻咳一声。 First, I have not assigned my Little Brother Qin Shu, looks the Feng Ling miss to cope with Chu Feng jointly.” “首先,我并没有命我弟弟秦梳,去找风铃姑娘联手对付楚枫。” Perhaps this matter, has the misunderstanding.” “这件事,恐怕是有误会。” Next, my Heavenly Dome Immortal sect has been unable to co-exist with the dishonest ways, includes Azure Moon Temple.” “其次,我苍穹仙宗一直与邪门歪道势不两立,其中也包括青月神殿。” Therefore Chu Feng this word, feared that has the suspicion of false charge.” Qin Xuan said. “所以楚枫此言,怕是有诬陷之嫌。”秦玄说道。 After all is the Heavenly Dome Immortal sect strongest talent, the scene has seen, therefore the innermost feelings are very freely hurried, at this time but he displays, not only calm, and does not lose the dignity. 毕竟是苍穹仙宗最强天才,场面还是见过的,所以尽管内心很慌,但他此时表现的不仅淡定且不失威严。 You said that who falsely accuses?” “你说谁诬陷?” You said again does give a try?” Little Fishy points at Qin Xuan to say. “你再说一句试试看?”小鱼儿指着秦玄说道。 That stance, had Qin Xuan to say one greatly much, meaning that she must make a move. 那个架势,大有秦玄多说一句,她就要出手的意思 What's wrong, doesn't dare to acknowledge?” “怎么,不敢承认了?” Dares to do is not at all, does Qin Shu, stand?” “敢做不敢当啊,秦梳呢,站出来?” Feng Ling is not the good kind, immediately removes the happy expression on face, interrogated in the presence of everyone. 风铃也不是善类,立刻褪去脸上的笑意,当众质问。 Also is one, attitude that this matter cannot give up. 也是一副,此事不能善罢甘休的态度。 Wa Wa- 呜哇- However, in the meantime, the form grazes together, fell in the middle of the square. 然而,就在此时,一道身影飞掠而出,落在了广场当中。 Also the inertia is too strong, after falling to the ground, is tumbling fast, good skillful unfortunately, just to roll before the Chu Feng body. 惯性太强,落地之后也是快速的翻滚着,好巧不巧,刚好滚到楚枫身前。 Chu Feng extends the foot to step, stands firm this person, otherwise this person must continue to roll. 楚枫伸脚踩住,才稳住此人,不然此人还要继续滚。 Who is this person?” “这人是谁啊?” Looks at the clothes, probably Heavenly Dome Immortal sect person.” “看衣服,好像是苍穹仙宗的人。” The people discuss spiritedly, because of this person, not only the body pulled out dripping with blood, the face turned into the pig head, and on face also many foot wear impressions, obviously stepped on heavy. 众人议论纷纷,因为这个人,不仅身上被抽的鲜血淋漓,脸更是变成了猪头,并且脸上还有诸多鞋印,显然被踩的不轻。 Because punched is too miserable, who everyone does not recognize this person is. 但是因为被揍的太惨,大家根本认不出此人是谁。 Or said that but must be the blood brother. 要不说,还得是亲哥呢。 When everyone is guessing, is which made into this appearance time, before Qin Xuan jumped the Chu Feng body, held Qin Shu. 当所有人都在猜,是哪位被打成了这个模样的时候,秦玄跳到了楚枫身前,一把将秦梳抱了起来。 Qin Shu, who is, is who makes into this appearance you?” A Qin Xuan face loves dearly. 秦梳,是谁,是谁将你打成这个模样?”秦玄一脸心疼。 Because the Qin Shu aura is extremely bad, this is the severe wound. 因为秦梳气息极差,这可是重伤。 „... Do not ask that is small... the young master hits.” “别别别…别问了,是小小小…小爷打的。” Quick, the form goes out from the white fog together. 很快,一道身影从白雾之中走出。 Saw this person, the crowd blasted out the pot immediately again, because this person was Wang Qiang. 看到此人,人群顿时再度炸开了锅,因为此人乃是王强 But they do not recognize Wang Qiang, when they such as Qin Shu see Wang Qiang initially, was shocked by the Wang Qiang modeling. 但他们不认得王强,所以他们都如秦梳初见王强之时,都被王强的造型惊呆了。 May compare in others, Chu Feng and Xian Miaomiao actually complexion great happiness. 可相比于其他人,楚枫仙喵喵却面色大喜。 Their eyes recognized Wang Qiang. 他们一眼就认出了王强 Especially Chu Feng, is the figure one vertical, arrived in front of Wang Qiang. 尤其楚枫,更是身形一纵,来到了王强面前。 I said Little Brother, but also is really you.” “我说兄弟,还真是你。” see again/goodbye Wang Qiang, Chu Feng is excited, after all because of Blood Devouring Demon Venerable, Chu Feng is worried about Wang Qiang very much. 再见王强,楚枫激动万分,毕竟因为噬血魔尊,楚枫很担心王强 Sees is safe and sound at this time, and can beat savagely Qin Shu, explained that cultivation realm also has big progression. 看到此时安然无恙,并且能暴打秦梳,说明修为也有不小增进。 It may be said that double happiness descend on the house. 可谓双喜临门。 But the most important thing is, Little Brother does not see for a long time, now meets by chance again, how can not be unhappy. 但最重要的是,兄弟许久不见,如今再度相逢,怎能不喜。 Wang Qiang, is along with Chu Feng from Lower Realm, goes on an expedition Ordinary Realm, to Upper Realm good Little Brother. 王强,可是随楚枫下界,一路征战凡界,又到上界的好兄弟 Is true the life friendship, has experienced innumerable test good Little Brother. 是真正的过命交情,经历过无数考验的好兄弟 Hehe,... is not I, but who also... can also be.” “嘿嘿,不不不…不是我,还还…还能是谁呢。” My my I... my good Little Brother, to hug... to hug, turn head said together... spoke mind.” “我我我…我的好兄弟,抱抱…抱一下,回头一起说说说…说说心里话。” Wang Qiang opens wide the both arms, big mouth is looking at Chu Feng. 王强敞开双臂,咧着大嘴看着楚枫 Chu Feng is the unhappy disgusting person, but facing Wang Qiang, he not parsimonious, grasped Wang Qiang. 楚枫是不喜肉麻之人,但面对王强,他并未吝啬,一把抱住了王强 But also hugged, then loosened, immediately holds the Wang Qiang shoulder, sizes up carefully. 但也只是抱了一下,便松开了,旋即抓住王强肩膀,仔细打量起来。 The happy expression brims with saves face. 笑意洋溢全脸。 How is such thin, isn't the Divine Body Celestial Palace meals good?” Chu Feng asked. “怎么还是这么瘦啊,神体天府的伙食也不好吗?”楚枫问。 May not need Wang Qiang to reply, shouted angrily then to resound through. 可还不待王强回答,一声怒喝便响彻起来。 Wang Qiang? Was you injured my younger brother?” 王强是吗?是你打伤了我弟?” The Qin Xuan anger sound asked. 秦玄怒声问道。 In Chu Feng and time of Wang Qiang short conversation, he has awakened Qin Shu. 楚枫王强短暂交谈的功夫,他已经将秦梳唤醒。 Although Qin Shu is weak, but sees own own Elder Brother, cries immediately the tears person, and told Wang Qiang beats he enough one night of fact. 秦梳虽然虚弱,但见到自己亲哥哥,立刻哭成泪人,且诉说了王强殴打他足足一夜的事实。 Qin Xuan loves to own Little Brother extremely, naturally cannot tolerate this matter. 秦玄对自己弟弟极其疼爱,自然不能容忍这件事的发生。 How hit?” “打了又怎样?” Chu Feng blocks immediately before the Wang Qiang body, looks to Qin Xuan. 楚枫立刻拦在王强身前,看向秦玄 Swish Swish Swish- 唰唰唰- Meanwhile, five forms, fell by Chu Feng simultaneously. 与此同时,五道身影,同时落在了楚枫两侧。 Is Little Fishy, Xian Miaomiao, Long Muxi, Long Chengyu, as well as Feng Ling. 乃是小鱼儿,仙喵喵,龙沐熙,龙承羽,以及风铃 What's wrong, you are think that the person does bully the person to be few?” “怎么,你们是想人多欺负人少?” When really my Heavenly Dome Immortal sect feared that you are inadequate?” Qin Xuan asked. “真当我苍穹仙宗怕你们不成?”秦玄问道。 Qin brother, I urged you little to say several.” “秦兄,我劝你少说几句。” But, Xianhai Shaoyu arrived at side Qin Xuan in the meantime. 可就在此时,仙海少禹走到了秦玄身边。 Let alone the person bullies the person to be few, my younger sister person, can kill you.” “别说人多欺负人少,我妹妹一个人,就能打死你。” Said that this words, his meaningful smiles, under glare of the public eye, arrived at this side Chu Feng. 说完此话,他意味深长的一笑,也是在众目睽睽之下,走到了楚枫这一边。 Ended.” “完了完了。” This Wang Qiang is also Chu Feng one group, how does he know so many people?” “这王强也是楚枫一伙的,他怎么认识这么多人啊?” Who said that so long as Chu Feng does dare on Summit of Nine Heavens is courts death?” “谁说只要楚枫敢上九天之巅就是找死的?” In my opinion, this Summit of Nine Heavens, does no one dare to bully him? Were Leaning Mountain too also many?” “依我看,这九天之巅,没人敢欺负他吧?靠山也太多了?” How... he knows, so many great people, how he know? Why? Before everyone does not know, he is the Jie Ranqing son?” “不过…他是怎么认识的啊,这么多大人物,他是怎么认识的啊?凭什么啊?以前大家也不知道,他是界染清的儿子吧?” The people discuss spiritedly. 众人议论纷纷。 Really is unable to understand why so many people stand this side Chu Feng. 实在无法理解,为何这么多人站在楚枫这一边。 But Qin Xuan also deeply frowned. 秦玄也是眉头紧锁。 Actually he does not fear Little Fishy, but he fears Xianhai Shaoyu. 其实他并不怕小鱼儿,但是他怕仙海少禹啊。 Now the vast martial cultivation world talent, he really no one fears, but Xianhai Shaoyu is not one of them. 当今浩瀚修武界的天才,他真的谁也不怕,但仙海少禹不在此列。 Xianhai Shaoyu is his only determination, the person of can be victorious. 仙海少禹是他唯一一个确定,打不过的人。 Chu Feng, your matter we turn head said again.” 楚枫,你的事我们回头再说。” Now what I look is Wang Qiang.” “我现在找的是王强。” Wang Qiang, hits my Little Brother with no reason at all, this matter I must want a justice, Wang Qiang you are the words of man come out.” 王强,无缘无故打我弟弟,这件事我必须讨个公道,王强你是男人的话就出来。” Qin Shu points at Chu Feng behind Wang Qiang to say. 秦梳指着楚枫身后的王强说道。 You move him one to try.” “你动他一下试试。” When really my Divine Body Celestial Palace no one?” “真当我神体天府无人?” Follows this sound to resound, waits and sees along the sound, the form that several hundred wear the golden armor stands after the crowd. 伴随这道声音响起,顺声观望,数百位身着金色铠甲的身影站在人群之后。 Sees these people, the surrounding crowd rushes to retreat. 看到这些人,周围的人群赶忙退去。 Because of these people, is completely the Divine Body Celestial Palace talents. 因为这些人,全部都是神体天府的天才。 But is the head, is a tall and powerfully built robust man, but has a quiff man. 而为首的,是一个身材魁梧的壮汉,但是有着一头卷毛的男子。 This personal name is Li Tang, is the vast martial cultivation world famous talent, although the reputation is inferior to Qin Xuan, but the strength is also not weak. 此人名为李唐,也是浩瀚修武界鼎鼎有名的天才,名声虽不如秦玄,但实力也是不弱。 Li Tang, I do not look for your Divine Body Celestial Palace to be troublesome.” “李唐,我并非要找你神体天府麻烦。” But you have a look at my Little Brother, made into this appearance with no reason at all, today I must want the justice, if you block me, does not take it ill me not to you face.” “但你看看我弟弟,无缘无故被打成了这个模样,今日我必须要讨回公道,你若要拦我,休怪我不给你面子。” Facing Li Tang, Qin Xuan obviously has the imposing manner, because he does not fear Li Tang. 面对李唐,秦玄明显更有气势,因为他并不惧怕李唐。 Meanwhile, Heavenly Dome Immortal sect several hundred juniors, stood, arrived at Qin Xuan behind. 同时,苍穹仙宗的数百位小辈,也都站了出来,来到了秦玄身后。 Brother brother brother... Little Brother, makes way, my matter my my I... I solve.” “兄兄兄…兄弟,让开一下,我的事情我我我…我来解决。” During the Wang Qiang speeches, rise with a jump directly, arrived at the Qin Xuan opposite. 王强说话间,直接一跃而起,来到了秦玄的对面。 „This this... this boy is I hits, his he... he asks me to collaborate, wants right... to cope with my Little Brother Chu Feng, do I hit... to hit him is not good?” “这这这…这小子就是我打的,他他…他找我联手,要对对…对付我兄弟楚枫,我打打…打他不行吗?” „If not good, that... that you hit together.” “要是不行,那那…那就连你一起打。” You do not teach well your Little Brother , also... should also hit.” “你教不好你弟弟,也也也…也是该打。” Wang Qiang raises the head to look at Qin Xuan, that look, has not paid attention to Qin Xuan completely. 王强扬着脑袋看着秦玄,那个眼神,完全没将秦玄放在眼里。 Extremely arrogant thing.” “狂妄的东西。” Today does not give you lesson, I did not call Qin Xuan.” “今日不给你一些教训,我就不叫秦玄。” Facing so provokes, Qin Xuan cannot endure finally, lifts a hand palm, directly soars the Wang Qiang chest. 面对如此挑衅,秦玄也终于忍不下去,抬手一掌,直奔王强胸口。 Sixth Rank Half God, this is Qin Xuan immediately cultivation realm. 六品半神,这是秦玄当下修为 But Wang Qiang shakes hand the fist, to the palm that Qin Xuan is patting is a fist. 王强握手成拳,对着秦玄拍来的手掌就是一拳。 Bang- 嘭- The fist palm bumps into, Qin Xuan backing up several steps. 拳掌相撞,秦玄倒退数步。 At this moment, everyone has a big shock. 这一刻,所有人都是大惊失色。 Their this cultivation realm, so long as wants, among the thoughts can destroy Fangshan lineage/vein, the rivers and streams, the lake. 他们这种修为,只要愿意,意念间便可毁灭一方山脉,江河,湖泊。 Backing up several steps, at all are not anything. 倒退数步,根本不算什么。 But important is, the Wang Qiang tiny step has not moved unexpectedly. 可重要的就是,王强竟寸步未移。 And cultivation realm that Wang Qiang demonstrates, is Sixth Rank Half God, under such fight... 并且王强展示的修为,也是六品半神,这样的交手下… Obviously, Wang Qiang strength, even better!!! 显然,王强的实力,更胜一筹!!! 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