MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5743: Little Brother of this pit Elder Brother

My my I... I go, is this this... so peaceful?” “我我我…我去,这这这…这么安静呢?” Suddenly, the sound, brought to the attention of Qin Shu together. 忽然,一道声音,引起了秦梳的注意。 He not detected before, may wait and see along the sound, the form appeared in not far away together. 他之前毫无察觉,可顺声观望,一道身影出现在了不远处。 expert, this is his first response. 高手,这是他的第一反应。 Saw clearly this form, Qin Shu is actually shocked. 只是看清这个身影,秦梳却愣住了。 Because of this appearance, makes him shock. 因为这位的打扮,着实让他大跌眼镜。 That upper body anything has not put on, stripped, but is thin, muscle does not have, has not eaten meal with many days, being starving was the same. 那位上身啥都没穿,光着膀子,但却骨瘦如柴,一点肌肉都没有,就跟多少天没吃饭,快饿死了一样。 Such stature, does not have the reason of show simply. 这样的身材,简直没有秀的理由。 But his lower part of the body put on actually, but put on big underpants. 而他下身倒是穿了,不过穿了一条大裤衩子。 That green underpants child above, embroidered completely the gorgeous flower, earth fell the dregs simply. 那绿色的裤衩子上面,绣满了艳丽的花,土的简直掉渣。 Such appearance, Shenshen is stimulating the aesthetic appreciation of Qin Shu. 这样的打扮,深深的刺激着秦梳的审美。 Responded Qin Shu that then thinks crack cursed, because he felt that his eye was dirty. 反应过来的秦梳,便想破口大骂,因为他感觉他的眼睛脏了。 But next quarter, his nerve one tight. 可下一刻,他神经一紧。 He discovered, the sign of Wang Qiang residence extinguished. 他发现,王强住所的牌子熄灭了。 Associates to get up again, this at present, but he cannot catch the aura of opposite party unexpectedly. 再联想起,这位就在眼前,而他竟根本捕捉不到对方的气息。 Qin Shu thought of a possibility suddenly. 秦梳猛然间想到了一个可能。 Although is very surprised, but he walks up, polite serves with a ritual. 虽然很是吃惊,可他还是走上前去,客气的施以一礼。 „Are this brother, Wang Qiang from Divine Body Galaxy?” “这位兄台,可是来自神体天河王强?” Who your you... are you?” Wang Qiang asked. “你你你…你是谁呀?”王强问。 „Are you Wang Qiang?” Qin Shu asked again. “你是王强吗?”秦梳再度问道。 „Is is I, how how... how to drop?” Wang Qiang asked. “是是是是我,咋咋…咋滴了?”王强问。 „The Wang Qiang brother, below named Qin Shu, is Heavenly Dome Immortal sect disciple, Qin Xuan is my brother, the blood brother.” Qin Shu hurries a introduced. 王强兄,在下名为秦梳,乃苍穹仙宗弟子,秦玄乃是我哥,亲哥。”秦梳赶忙介绍道。 Oh, Qin Xuan my my I... I have listened.” “喔,秦玄我我我…我听过。” Your you... do you have the matter?” Wang Qiang asked. “你你…你有事?”王强问。 „The Wang Qiang brother, is this, you keep an appointment to arrive at Summit of Nine Heavens, inevitably to reputation big chirp, but now......” 王强兄,是这样的,你既赴约来到九天之巅,必然是向名声大噪,可如今……” Qin Shu not only goes forward several steps, previously, with the words that Feng Ling spoke, said with Wang Qiang. 秦梳不仅又上前几步,更是将先前,与风铃所说的话,又与王强说了一遍。 „Did Chu Feng come?” Wang Qiang is wild with joy. 楚枫来了?”王强欣喜若狂。 Right, he has come.” Qin Shu nods. “对,他已经来了。”秦梳点头。 „... It is not right.” “不不不…不对。” What you just said that you said that can... I collaborate with my me, copes with... Chu Feng neatly?” Wang Qiang asked. “你刚刚说啥,你说要与我我…我联手,对付楚楚…楚枫?”王强问。 Yes, that Chu Feng is sinister, despicable is shameless, is a scoundrel, I had once had the contact in Ancient World with him before, was used by him, frames, nearly the life loses his hand, but this person......” “是,那楚枫阴险狡诈,卑鄙无耻,乃是一个坏种,我之前在古界就曾与他有过接触,被他利用,陷害,险些命丧他手,但此人……” Does not need Qin Shu to speak the words, Wang Qiang held in the arms Qin Shu: Don't don't don't..., let alone, came, you come.” 不待秦梳将话说完,王强一把搂住了秦梳:“别别别…别说了,来来来,你过来。” immediately, Wang Qiang is then drawing Qin Shu, approaches own residence line to go. 旋即,王强便拉着秦梳,向自己的住所行去。 Seeing the Wang Qiang attitude is so warm, the Qin Shu innermost feelings are exceptionally happy, obviously compares in Feng Ling, this Wang Qiang regarding the cooperation, is interested. 王强态度如此热情,秦梳内心异常欢喜,显然相比于风铃,这王强对于合作,更感兴趣。 Look invited him to enter own housing be a guest. 这不,都邀请他进自己的居住之所作客了。 Although the Wang Qiang modeling is truly strange, but Qin Shu guessed, Wang Qiang should have the skill. 虽说王强造型确实怪异,但秦梳猜测,王强应该是有本事的。 And he guessed, Wang Qiang should not be very intelligent, because the smart person will not wear the clothes. 并且他猜测,王强应该不是很聪明,因为聪明人不会这么穿衣服。 Not only can therefore collaborate, Wang Qiang should be organized by him very much easily, that may not only copes with Chu Feng. 所以不仅能联手,王强应该很容易被他摆布,那可就不仅仅是对付楚枫了。 Can result in so the brave warrior, regarding the tour of his Summit of Nine Heavens , helping enormously. 能得如此悍将,对于他此次九天之巅之行,帮助可是极大。 When the Qin Shu brain makes up in the future the future, Wang Qiang Qin Shu, has drawn the place that oneself lived. 秦梳脑补未来前程之际,王强已将秦梳,拉到了自己居住的地方。 Here has formation, so long as he stimulates to movement, outside person anything cannot hear. 这里有结界,只要他催动,外面的人什么都听不到。 Comes......” “来来来……” You give... to stand to me.” Wang Qiang points at Qin Shu to say. “你给给…给我站好。”王强指着秦梳道。 „The Wang Qiang brother, wants to confirm sincerity that I cooperate?” 王强兄,是想确认我合作的诚意吗?” Relax, my sincerity absolutely enough.” During the Qin Shu speeches, then touched to cosmos sack, wants to look at some poor and pedantic Wang Qiang advantage. “放心,我的诚意绝对够。”秦梳说话间,便摸向了乾坤袋,是想给看着穷酸的王强一些好处。 I go to your mother.” However Wang Qiang raises legs a foot, tramples to fly directly Qin Shu. “我去你娘的。”然而王强抬腿一脚,直接将秦梳踹飞出去。 If not for formation is blocking, this foot, feared that can trample Summit of Nine Heavens him directly. 若不是结界拦着,这一脚,怕是能直接将他踹出九天之巅 This foot, trampled Qin Shu without doubt ignorant, he poured me in the formation corner, suddenly did not have slow the god. 这一脚,无疑将秦梳踹懵了,他倒我在结界角落,一时间还没缓过神。 Wang Qiang arrives at the near, to Qin Shu that lies down in the formation corner, is a shoe sole. 王强已是来到近前,对着躺在结界角落的秦梳,就是一顿鞋底子。 Do not look at the straw sandal that he wears, but the quality is excellent, far more than is the face, the trampled Qin Shu whole body is the shoe sole seal. 别看他穿的草鞋,但质量极好,何止是脸,踹的秦梳浑身都是鞋底印子。 „Do your you... you dare to hit me?” After Qin Shu responded, raise one's head looked to Wang Qiang, that look...... “你你…你敢打我?”秦梳反应过来后,抬头看向王强,那眼神…… Angry, shock, stunned, but more is actually suffering. 愤怒,震惊,错愕,但更多的却是委屈。 „Do your you... you dare to study me?” Wang Qiang entrains the hair of Qin Shu, to his face, is big mouth female genitals. “你你你…你敢学我?”王强拽起秦梳的头发,对着他的脸,又是一顿大嘴巴子。 Fan also while said: Makes you study me, making you study me.” 一边扇还一边说:“让你学我,让你学我。” After the big mouth female genitals have pulled out, pulled out the pig head the face of Qin Shu directly. 大嘴巴子抽过之后,直接将秦梳的脸抽成了猪头。 „The Wang Qiang brother, I... I was wrong.” Qin Shu hit tears crossflow. 王强兄,我…我错了。”秦梳被打的眼泪横流。 Although he has his elder brother to support, but his elder brother here, he really did not fear that the Wang Qiang brain has the issue, kills him directly here. 虽然他有他哥撑腰,但是他哥不在这里,他真的怕王强脑子有问题,直接把他打死在这里。 After all other did not say, only said Wang Qiang this appearance, truly not too intelligent appearance. 毕竟别的不说,只说王强这个打扮,确实不太聪明的样子。 But now the Wang Qiang action, confirms the Wang Qiang brain not good fact. 而现在王强的举动,更是验证了王强脑子不好的事实。 Which wrong... was wrong?” Wang Qiang asked. “错错…错哪了?”王强问。 I... I... I do not know.” Qin Shu thinks, truly does not know. “我…我…我也不知道啊。”秦梳想了一下,确实不知道。 Does not know that does not know, but also his mother study study... study I.” A Wang Qiang wrist/skill revolution, the simple leather whip appeared in the hand. “不知道就不知道,还他娘学学…学我。”王强手腕一转,干脆一个皮鞭出现在了手中。 Looks at that leather whip, Qin Shu frightens the opening mouth immediately: 看着那皮鞭,秦梳顿时吓得张大嘴巴: „!!!” “啊!!!” ...... …… Next morning, in garden that Little Fishy is, Chu Feng and others will also sit there. 次日清晨,小鱼儿所在的庭院内,楚枫等人还坐在那里。 Their position has not moved, seriously is the words that has unable to speak. 他们位置都没有挪过,当真是有着说不完的话。 But sounds convey from the direction of square suddenly. 可忽然一道道声音自广场的方向传来。 Chu Feng, you come out to me quickly.” 楚枫,你快给我出来。” Sun exposed to the sun the buttocks, how to have come out?” “太阳都晒屁股了,怎么还不出来?” Hears this sound, Long Muxi and Xian Miaomiao and Little Fishy three females, immediately sets out, and eye reveal is disgruntled. 听到这个声音,龙沐熙仙喵喵以及小鱼儿三位女子,立刻起身,且目露不悦。 Their first response, some people look for Chu Feng's to be troublesome. 她们第一反应,就是有人找楚枫的麻烦。 However Long Chengyu and Xianhai Shaoyu, after actually look at each other one, said: This sound, probably that miss.” 然而龙承羽仙海少禹,却对视一眼后,同时说道:“这个声音,好像是那位姑娘。” But at this time, whose sound Chu Feng also listened to that is, therefore set out directly, walked outward. 而此时,楚枫也听出了那是谁的声音,所以直接起身,向外走去。 Sees that Little Fishy, Xianhai Shaoyu and others, follows immediately. 见状,小鱼儿,仙海少禹等人,也是立刻跟上。 In the morning, above the square had gathered many people. 清晨,广场之上本来就已经聚集了不少人。 After all the cultivation time has crossed. 毕竟修炼时间已经过了。 This situation, is they became friends with mutually, develops the good opportunity of personal connection. 况且这种场合,本来就是他们相互结交,拓展人脉的好机会。 But Feng Ling this shouted, attraction more people go out of the door, goes to above the square. 风铃这一喊,就吸引更多人走出房门,来到广场之上。 This is, Feng Ling?” “这位,就是风铃吗?” Comes from the Bloodline Galaxy talent?” “是来自血脉天河的天才?” Is long strangely attractive, this and in the hearsay the savage appearance, is not same.” “长得还怪好看的,这与传闻中凶残的样子,并不相同啊。” She and do Chu Feng have hatred?” “不过她与楚枫过节吗?” It seems like had the good play to look.” “看来有好戏可以看了。” Regarding Feng Ling, has the hearsay early, but few person has seen her appearance/portrait. 对于风铃,早有传闻,只是少有人见过她的真容。 But present people, more is holding the attitude of seeing a play. 但现在的人们,更多的则是抱着看戏的态度。 Quick, Chu Feng and others walked. 很快,楚枫等人走了出来。 Haha, Chu Feng.” “哈哈,楚枫。” But after seeing Chu Feng, the Feng Ling action, was disappoints people. 可是看到楚枫之后,风铃的举动,却是让人们失望了。 Feng Ling jumped in front of Chu Feng directly. 风铃直接跳到了楚枫面前。 Little Fishy blocks immediately before the Chu Feng body. 小鱼儿立刻拦在楚枫身前。 Yo, little girl must blame.” “哟,小丫头怪凶的。” Can hit Elder Sister?” Feng Ling smiles looks at Little Fishy. “难道要打姐姐吗?”风铃笑眯眯的看着小鱼儿 Little Fishy is the willow eyebrows but is actually vertical, just wants to speak, Chu Feng then says immediately: Little Fishy, we knew.” 小鱼儿则是柳眉倒竖,刚想说话,楚枫便立刻道:“小鱼儿,我们认识。” „, Do you know her?” Little Fishy and Xianhai Shaoyu as well as everyone on the scene is accidental/surprised. “啊,你认识她?”小鱼儿仙海少禹以及在场的所有人都意外。 Life-and-death friendship that far more than understanding, we share hardships.” “何止认识啊,我们可是患难与共的生死之交啊。” During the Feng Ling speeches, has arrived at side Chu Feng, held in the arms the Chu Feng's shoulder unexpectedly, that stance looks like Little Brother to be the same. 风铃说话间,已来到楚枫身旁,竟一把搂住了楚枫的肩膀,那个架势就像是好兄弟一样。 But she after all is a female, no matter how she thinks, but this movement, still seemed very affectionate. 但她毕竟是女子,所以不管她怎么想,可这个动作,仍显得非常亲昵。 In the crowd, the Qin Xuan straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards are but actually vertical. 人群中,秦玄剑眉倒竖。 Long Chengyu, Long Muxi also even. 龙承羽,龙沐熙也就算了。 Xianhai Shaoyu and Xianhai Yu'er are also acquainted with Chu Feng. 仙海少禹仙海鱼儿也与楚枫相识。 Now jumps Feng Ling, and their performance, do not have scruples the people vision, is clearly indicating the standpoint. 现在又跳出来了一个风铃,并且他们的表现,毫不顾忌众人目光,分明是在表明立场。 This makes Qin Xuan realize, wants to cope with the Chu Feng's difficulty, as big as a not possible situation. 这让秦玄意识到,想对付楚枫的难度,已经大到了一种不可能的地步。 Whether it seems like copes with Chu Feng, must seriously consider one.” “看来是否对付楚枫,需认真考虑一番了。” In the Qin Xuan heart sighed secretly, he does not think, this turbid water, the Chu Feng camp was too after all powerful. 秦玄心中暗叹,他已经不太想,趟这趟浑水了,毕竟楚枫阵营太强大了。 Right Chu Feng, you offended many people, offended Heavenly Dome Immortal sect?” “对了楚枫,你是不是得罪了不少人啊,得罪苍穹仙宗了吗?” Feng Ling asked this words suddenly time, but also looked to Qin Xuan. 风铃忽然问此话的时候,还看向了秦玄 Her vision shift, everyone's vision, fell on Qin Xuan. 她的目光一转移,所有人的目光,都落在了秦玄身上。 At once, hides Qin Xuan in crowd, becomes the person of audience attention. 一时之间,躲在人群中的秦玄,成为了全场瞩目之人。 Other person of booing, Little Fishy and Xian Miaomiao and others vision, that is vicious than the sharp sword. 其他人倒好,小鱼儿仙喵喵等人的目光,那可是比利剑还凶狠。 This lets Qin Xuan is also eyeful vacant. 这让秦玄也是满眼茫然。 How suddenly, changed to the thread of conversation oneself? 怎么忽然间,就把话锋转到自己身上了? Although he has had this idea, but also thinks, hasn't looked for Chu Feng to be troublesome? 他虽然有过这个想法,但也只是想想,并没找楚枫麻烦啊? Now only wants to look to see a play, how to start to aim at him? 现在只想看看戏,怎么就开始针对他了? Is.” Chu Feng said. “算是吧。”楚枫说道。 No wonder.” Feng Ling said. “难怪。”风铃道。 Why asked like this?” Chu Feng asked. “为何这样问?”楚枫问。 Yesterday evening cultivation was tired, comes out to ventilate, result met a stinking insect.” “昨天晚上修炼累了,出来透透气,结果遇到了一只臭虫。” Meets must collaborate with me, but also various types slandered that slanders you.” “一见面就要与我联手,还各种诋毁污蔑你。” With your bitter in suffering and deep in hatred, thinks that you who does not know snatched his wife.” “跟你苦大仇深的,不知道的以为你抢了他老婆呢。” Oh, right, that stinking insect called Qin Shu, said that he was Qin Xuan Little Brother.” “喔,对了,那个臭虫叫秦梳,说他是秦玄弟弟。” Presents his elder brother Qin Xuan life, looks my.” “是奉他哥秦玄的命,来找我的。” Feng Ling such remarks, just like the cloudless day startling thunderclap, was startled the person of audience. 风铃此话一出,宛如晴天惊雷,惊到了全场之人。 But must say that responded biggest, is actually Qin Xuan. 可要说反应最大的,却是秦玄 Always calm he, looks deathly pale at this moment, the innermost feelings cannot bear cursed one. 向来沉稳的他,此刻也是脸色惨白,内心都忍不住大骂一声。 Damn , Little Brother of this pit Elder Brother.” 我擦,这坑哥的弟弟。”
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