MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5742: Meets the stinking insect, is really unlucky

Chapter 5740 meets the stinking insect, is really unlucky 第5740章遇到臭虫,真是晦气 That Wang Qiang, he comes is very early, I come time he had come, but has not seen him.” “那个王强,他来的很早,我来的时候他已经来了,但没有见到过他。” Knows Daoyi about his news, he is very mysterious, is a Divine Body Celestial Palace new talent.” “不过知道一些关于他的消息,他还挺神秘的,是神体天府新出现的一个天才。” But is not Divine Body Celestial Palace training, but is under the new income.” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “但不是神体天府培养的,而是新收入麾下的。”仙海少禹说道。 What appearance can know him to be long?” “可知他长什么模样?” Chu Feng asked, he even more felt, this Wang Qiang possibly is that know. 楚枫问,他越发觉得,这个王强可能就是自己认识的那个。 This material has not collected.” “这个资料没有收集到。” Unobstructive, since he came, sooner or later will see.” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “不过无碍,他既然都来了,迟早会见到的。”仙海少禹道。 Compares this Wang Qiang, my actually more curious Yuwen Yanri.” Long Chengyu said. “相比这王强,我倒是更好奇宇文炎日。”龙承羽道。 Yuwen Yanri how?” Chu Feng asked. 宇文炎日怎么了?”楚枫问。 This Yuwen Yanri is also very mysterious.” “这个宇文炎日也很神秘。” Yuwen Yanri, his grandfather is now Divine Body Celestial Palace Mansion Lord, but before his father was more than in 2000, the vast martial cultivation world strongest talent, suppresses that existences of other influence all talents.” 宇文炎日,其爷爷乃当今神体天府府主,而其父亲乃是两千年多前,浩瀚修武界最强的天才,是镇压其他势力所有天才的那种存在。” Just scenery not long, because is seriously ill in the mansion recuperates, this recreation more than 1000 years.” “只不过风光没有多久,便因为病重在府内休养,这一休养就一千多年。” Until the a few years ago, spread the news suddenly, died of illness.” “直到前些年,忽然传出消息,病死了。” This was also the day of being jealous person with outstanding ability, after all he in the past, was not only the recognized Divine Body Celestial Palace Mansion Lord successor, was honored as, can push to newly high existence Divine Body Celestial Palace.” “这也算是天妒英才了,毕竟他当年,不仅是公认的神体天府府主的继承者,也是被誉为,能将神体天府推向新高度的存在。” Who once thinks, died like this.” “谁曾想,就这样死了呢。” However the hearsay, the Yuwen Yanri talent, is stronger than his father, but until now, has seen Yuwen Yanri from no one.” “而传闻,宇文炎日的天赋,比他父亲还要强,但至今为止,从没有人见过宇文炎日。” Divine Body Celestial Palace few has seen him personally, is simply more mystical than my Elder Sister.” Long Chengyu said. 神体天府都没几个人见过他,简直比我姐姐还神秘。”龙承羽道。 Heard this words, Long Muxi shot a look at oneself Little Brother one. 听闻此话,龙沐熙瞥了自己弟弟一眼。 He should be inferior to Wang Qiang, otherwise is the Divine Body Celestial Palace person, what why Summit of Nine Heavens invitation is Wang Qiang, rather than Yuwen Yanri?” Little Fishy said. “他应该不如王强吧,不然同是神体天府的人,为何九天之巅邀请的是王强,而不是宇文炎日呢?”小鱼儿道。 This was then unknown, but said that several what situation surnamed Huangfu?” “这个便不得而知了,但是说起来,那几个姓皇甫的什么情况?” Inspection result, unexpectedly also above Brother Shaoyu?” Long Chengyu asked suddenly. “考核成绩,竟然还在少禹兄之上?”龙承羽忽然问道。 Hears this words, Little Fishy is also somewhat accidental/surprised: Who? Whose result above my brother?” 听闻此话,小鱼儿也是有些意外:“谁?谁的成绩在我哥之上?” She was invited directly, without the participate inspection, therefore does not know the inspection result. 她是直接受邀进来的,没有参加考核,所以也不知道考核成绩。 Sees that Long Chengyu then said that Ranking List situation. 见状,龙承羽便说出了那个排行榜的情况。 Hahaha......” hears this words, Little Fishy actually laughs loudly, mischievous is pointing at Xianhai Shaoyu. 哈哈哈……”可是听闻此话,小鱼儿却是放声大笑,调皮的指着仙海少禹 Elder Brother, you also lost face too, two even, how were five people also better than your result?” “哥,你也太丢人了吧,一个两个也就算了,怎么五个人比你成绩好啊?” Xianhai Shaoyu had not replied, Long Chengyu then said. 仙海少禹没有回答,龙承羽便说道。 „The Brother Shaoyu strength, is recognized, hasn't he seriously certainly treated the inspection?” Long Chengyu said. 少禹兄的实力,乃是公认的强,他一定是没有认真对待考核吧?”龙承羽道。 But whose to become thinks, Xianhai Shaoyu actually shakes the head: I have not turned on the water.” 可谁成想,仙海少禹却摇了摇头:“我并没有放水。” He such remarks, not to mention Long Chengyu, previously also ridiculed Xianhai Shaoyu Little Fishy, is the small face one stiff. 他此话一出,莫说龙承羽,就连先前还嘲笑仙海少禹小鱼儿,也是小脸一僵。 The ridicule is the ridicule, she did not suspect own Elder Brother strength. 嘲笑是嘲笑,她可不怀疑自己哥哥的实力。 Brother Shaoyu, do not crack a joke.” 少禹兄,别开玩笑了。” You , if earnest, how possibly some people ultra you, only if Chu Feng, otherwise I do not believe some people able above you.” Long Chengyu said with a smile. “你若认真,怎么可能有人超的过你,除非是楚枫,否则我不相信有人能在你之上。”龙承羽笑着说道。 He does not believe that the Xianhai Shaoyu words, think firmly he is cracking a joke. 他根本不相信仙海少禹的话,坚定的认为他在开玩笑。 Xianhai Shaoyu is also only smiles, had not said. 仙海少禹也只是笑了笑,没有多说。 But Little Fishy, actually suppresses the small mouth, beautiful eyes is rotating slightly, gets up looking pensive. 小鱼儿,却是憋着小嘴,美眸微微转动,若有所思起来。 Compares in others, she naturally most understood own Elder Brother, she knows that her Elder Brother has not lied. 相比于其他人,她自然是最了解自己哥哥的,她知道她哥哥没有说谎。 The words that but her Elder Brother has not turned on the water, actually can only arrange to sixth. 可她哥哥没有放水的话,却只能排到第六。 That several Huangfu's mysterious fellow, does not seem simple. 那个几个皇甫的神秘家伙,似乎不简单。 Chu Feng and others meets rarely, has the topic that cannot talk about. 楚枫等人难得相见,有着聊不完的话题。 In an instant, it was black, they have prepared to break up, agree good today no one not cultivation, chats for night, until dawn. 转眼间,天都黑了,他们也没准备散场,约定好今日谁都不修炼,就畅聊一夜,直到天亮。 Night , the person in square almost also disappears. 夜深之时,广场上的人几乎也都不见了。 Because of Summit of Nine Heavens, prepared the place of cultivation for everyone, in the place that they live in respectively. 因为九天之巅,为所有人准备了修炼之地,就在他们各自居住的地方。 Will revolve by the night, although is the talents, but place of effect that cultivation is good, everyone also went back cultivation. 到了夜晚就会运转,尽管都是天才,可那修炼之地效果不错,大家也都回去修炼了。 The person has not only left, Qin Shu. 唯有一个人没有离开,秦梳 Qin Shu here, he has been angry, the basis of air/Qi does not have mood cultivation. 秦梳一直就在这里,他太生气了,气的根本没有心情修炼 Un?” Suddenly, Qin Shu at present one bright. “嗯?”忽然,秦梳眼前一亮。 He discovered, the housing of Feng Ling extinguished, explained that Feng Ling possibly came out. 他发现,风铃的居住之所熄灭了,说明风铃可能是出来了。 Really, the quick beautiful figure goes out from the white fog together, after she walks, first stretches oneself, the posture is lazy and cute. 果然,很快一道倩影从白雾之中走出,她走出来之后,先是伸了个懒腰,姿势慵懒又可爱。 This precisely Feng Ling. 这位正是风铃 Feng Ling miss.” 风铃姑娘。” Sees Feng Ling, Qin Shu rushes to walk up. 见到风铃,秦梳赶忙走上前去。 „Are you?” Feng Ling is blinking the big eye, curious looks at Qin Shu. “你是?”风铃眨巴着大眼睛,好奇的看着秦梳 Introduced oneself, my named Qin Shu, was Heavenly Dome Immortal sect disciple, was Qin Xuan own Little Brother.” Qin Shu said. “自我介绍一下,我名为秦梳,乃是苍穹仙宗弟子,也是秦玄的亲弟弟。”秦梳道。 Because of former Feng Ling, on participate Summit of Nine Heavens, has seen Qin Xuan they. 因为之前风铃,就参加九天之巅,见过秦玄他们。 Therefore Qin Xuan also informed Qin Shu, this Feng Ling is not simple, is the Bloodline Galaxy reputation illustrious that talent. 所以秦玄也告知了秦梳,这风铃不简单,就是血脉天河名声赫赫的那个天才。 And Qin Xuan added, the Feng Ling strength is immeasurably deep. 并且秦玄还说,风铃的实力深不可测。 Therefore, Qin Shu facing Feng Ling, is respectful. 因此,秦梳面对风铃,也是毕恭毕敬。 Oh, I have seen your elder brother.” Feng Ling the tooth to smile, is pure, human and animals of face are harmless. “喔,我见过你哥。”风铃呲牙一笑,非常纯真,一脸的人畜无害。 Feng Ling miss, but also remembers my brother, that was good, actually I present my brother's meaning, here waited your.” 风铃姑娘,还记得我哥,那就再好不过了,其实我是奉我哥的意思,在这里等你的。” The Qin Shu words, turned into secret sound transmission. 秦梳的话语,变成了暗中传音 „Is your elder brother asks me to have the matter?” Feng Ling winks beautiful eyes, face naive asking. “你哥是找我有事吗?”风铃眨动着美眸,一脸天真的问道。 „The Feng Ling miss, this Summit of Nine Heavens, unlike your previous times, this time is the crouching tiger , hidden dragon.” 风铃姑娘,此次九天之巅,与你们上次不同,这一次可谓是卧虎藏龙。” But actually, we biggest opponent, is a person, Chu Feng.” Qin Shu said in secret. “但其实,我们最大的对手,是一个人,楚枫。”秦梳暗中说道。 Oh?” Hears the Chu Feng two characters, the Feng Ling complexion changes slightly, but as before naive asking: Is that Jie Ranqing child?” “喔?”听闻楚枫二字,风铃脸色微微变化,但依旧天真的问道:“是那个界染清的孩子?” Right, is he, the this child talent is very good, but the moral behavior is extremely bad, I had once run into him in Ancient World before, this child despicable is mean, the reality is scoundrel one.” “对,就是他,此子天赋很好,但人品极差,我之前曾在古界遇到过他,此子卑鄙阴狠,实乃坏种一个。” But he will act in a play very much, the Feng Ling miss runs into him, but don't by his semblance deceit, will otherwise suffer a loss.” Qin Shu said. “但他很会演戏,风铃姑娘遇到他,可千万别被他的外表欺骗,不然会吃大亏。”秦梳说道。 You remind my matter?” Feng Ling asked. “你就是提醒我这件事吗?”风铃问。 Continues this matter, this Summit of Nine Heavens, unauthentic of that five Huangfu surnames, but the inspection result can above Xianhai Shaoyu, many be some strengths.” “不止这件事,此次九天之巅,那五个皇甫姓氏的来路不明,但考核成绩能在仙海少禹之上,多少是有些实力。” However Seven Worlds Saint Palace, came three talents, Ling Xiao Jie Baobao not to need to raise, has raised vast martial cultivation world.” “而七界圣府,更是来了三位天才,灵霄界宝宝不用多提,早就名扬浩瀚修武界。” „The matter about that Jie Tian, the Feng Ling miss also heard, this was.” “关于那个界天的事,想必风铃姑娘也听说了,这位更是了得。” Xianhai Yu Clan, has Xianhai Shaoyu and Xianhai Shaoyu liangs position talent.” 仙海鱼族,同样有仙海少禹位天才。” My brother wants to collaborate with the Feng Ling miss, as the matter stands can also assist mutually.” Qin Shu said. “我哥想与风铃姑娘联手,这样一来也能相互帮扶。”秦梳说道。 Therefore Chu Feng really did come?” Feng Ling asked. “所以楚枫真的来了?”风铃问。 Right, he had come, he and Long Chengyu come together, moreover he also knew with Xianhai Shaoyu probably.” “对,他已经来了,他和龙承羽一起来的,而且他好像和仙海少禹也认识。” „The Feng Ling miss, the like attracts like, they can arrive with Chu Feng together, had shown their moral behavior are also not much.” 风铃姑娘,正所谓人以群分,他们能与楚枫走到一起,就已经证明他们的人品也不咋样。” Therefore, we must collaborate.” Qin Shu said. “所以,我们必须联手。”秦梳说道。 Ok, I knew.” Feng Ling shows a faint smile, immediately then turned around. “行,我知道了。”风铃微微一笑,旋即便转身回去了。 Saw the Feng Ling so pure appearance, Qin Shu reveals smiled badly: Strength, but is too naive, is really good to trick.” 风铃如此单纯的模样,秦梳不由露出了坏笑:“实力强,但太天真,果然好忽悠。” But he does not know, after Feng Ling steps into the white fog, then mumbled one. 可他不知道的是,风铃踏入白雾之后,便嘟囔了一句。 Originally wants to ventilate, result meets such stinking insect, is really unlucky.” “本来想透个气,结果遇到这么个臭虫,真是晦气。” But quick, she beautiful eyes looks at the day, an eye of reveal anticipated: Chu Feng came, that this Summit of Nine Heavens, finally was fun a point.” 但很快,她又美眸望天,目露期待:“楚枫还是来了吗,那这次九天之巅,总算好玩一点了。” () ()
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