MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5741: Called Lord simply

Chapter 5739 called Lord simply 第5739章干脆叫相公 Inside and outside square, completely silent. 广场内外,鸦雀无声。 Suddenly, can only hear Xianhai Shaoyu unexpectedly, in sound that the Chu Feng bosom rubs. 一时间,竟只能听到仙海少禹,在楚枫怀里摩擦的声音。 Everyone dumbfounded, regardless of men and women. 所有人都呆住了,无论男女。 If Xianhai Yu'er, is in the dream of innumerable man on the scene the goddess. 如果说仙海鱼儿,是在场无数男子的梦中女神。 Then Xianhai Shaoyu, without doubt is in the dreams of innumerable female the male god. 那么仙海少禹,无疑就是无数女子的梦中男神。 How these two did, drill into the Chu Feng bosom? 怎么这两位,都钻入了楚枫怀中? Does he... match? 他…配吗? This... is false? 这…是假的吧? Until the sound resounds together, makes the people awaken, this is not false, this is happened. 直到一道声音响起,才让众人惊醒,这不是假的,这是真实发生的。 Elder Brother, do you have the problem?” “哥,你有毛病吧?” Little Fishy, holds the ear of Xianhai Shaoyu, ruthlessly pulled from the Chu Feng bosom him. 小鱼儿,抓住仙海少禹的耳朵,狠狠的将他从楚枫怀中扯了出来。 Younger sister, you listens to me to explain, I and Chu Feng are not that relations that you imagine.” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “妹子,你听我解释,我和楚枫不是你想象的那种关系。”仙海少禹道。 Bah, you to my Big Brother distant point, you dare like this, I to like reading the bad reading material you again the matter, told everyone.” “呸,你离我大哥哥远点,你再敢这样,我就把你喜欢看不良读物的事情,告诉所有人。” A Xianhai Yu'er hand is twisting the ear of Elder Brother, a hand is pinching the small waist, honk the small mouth, that appearance is really angry. 仙海鱼儿一只手拧着自己哥哥的耳朵,一只手掐着小蛮腰,嘟着小嘴,那模样是真的生气了。 No, was jealous, eats including oneself Elder Brother vinegar. 不,是吃醋了,连自己哥哥的醋都吃。 But Xianhai Shaoyu, is rushes to cover the mouth of Xianhai Yu'er. 仙海少禹,则是赶忙捂住仙海鱼儿的嘴。 Do not speak irresponsibly my younger sister, what bad reading material, can't I how understand?” “别乱说啊我的妹子,什么不良读物,我怎么听不懂?” His did not explain booing, an explanation was on the contrary curious. 他这不解释倒好,一解释反倒是让人好奇了。 Is the bad reading material, which type? 不良读物,是哪一种? Does Xianhai Shaoyu have this fondness unexpectedly? 仙海少禹竟还有这种癖好? It is not right, with emphasis is not this, but is Chu Feng. 不对,重点不是这个,而是楚枫 Xianhai Shaoyu and are Xianhai Yu'er, so really better with Chu Feng? 仙海少禹仙海鱼儿,与楚枫真的如此要好? Quick, people responded, looked again to Chu Feng and others. 很快,人们反应过来,再度看向楚枫等人 Because of Little Fishy, casts off Xianhai Shaoyu, arrives in front of Chu Feng again, looks respectively to Long Muxi and Xian Miaomiao. 因为小鱼儿,已是甩开仙海少禹,再度来到楚枫面前,分别看向龙沐熙仙喵喵 Big Brother, these two are Elder Sister your friend?” Little Fishy is clever, is very polite. 大哥哥,这两位姐姐都是你朋友啊?”小鱼儿乖巧懂事,很有礼貌。 Little Fishy, gives you to introduce.” 小鱼儿,给你介绍一下。” This is Totem Dragon Clan Long Muxi.” “这位是图腾龙族龙沐熙。” However this, is Long Muxi Little Brother, Long Chengyu.” “而这位,是龙沐熙弟弟,龙承羽。” As for this, is Xian Miaomiao, with me same from Eastern Territory, both of us were acquainted many years of good friend.” “至于这位,乃是仙喵喵,和我一样都是来自东域,我们俩可是相识多年的好朋友了。” Chu Feng is not only Little Fishy, introduced Xian Miaomiao and Long Muxi, introduced Long Chengyu, after all is the friends. 楚枫不仅为小鱼儿,介绍了仙喵喵龙沐熙,也介绍了龙承羽,毕竟都是朋友。 Hehe, the Yu'er miss, has heard beautiful, if Celestial Immortal, sees today, felt that the hearsay somewhat kept, you were too simply beautiful.” “嘿嘿,鱼儿姑娘,早就听闻美若天仙,今日一见,感觉传闻都有些保守了,你简直太美了。” Long Chengyu flexure head, gruff smiling. 龙承羽挠着脑袋,憨憨的笑着。 This casual fellow, sees Little Fishy, somewhat is unexpectedly shy. 这个大大咧咧的家伙,看到小鱼儿,竟然有些羞涩起来。 Regarding Long Chengyu, Little Fishy is only polite returning to smile, immediately then looks to Long Muxi and Xian Miaomiao. 对于龙承羽,小鱼儿只是礼貌性的回以一笑,旋即便看向龙沐熙仙喵喵 Two Elder Sister, since is the Big Brother friend, that is also the friend of mine.” “两位姐姐,既然是大哥哥的朋友,那也就是我的朋友。” With me together, goes to my side to play.” Xianhai Yu'er said. “跟我一起,去我那边玩吧。”仙海鱼儿道。 Good.” Xian Miaomiao smiles delightfully. “好啊。”仙喵喵甜美一笑。 Long Muxi has not spoken, but also is the slight nod. 龙沐熙没有说话,但也是微微点头。 Big Brother also same place.” 大哥哥也一起。” Although on the mouth is invites Xian Miaomiao and Long Muxi, is during the Little Fishy speeches, holds the Chu Feng's arm, is drawing Chu Feng toward the place that oneself live. 虽然嘴上是邀请仙喵喵龙沐熙,可是小鱼儿说话间,却一把抓住楚枫的胳膊,拉着楚枫就往自己居住的地方去。 Oh, I said the younger sister, how to snatch the person with me?” “唉,我说妹子,怎么和我抢人呢?” I and Little Brother Chu Feng are so long have not seen, we must chat.” Xianhai Shaoyu rushes to wave. “我和楚枫兄弟这么久没见,我们也要聊一聊啊。”仙海少禹赶忙挥手。 Few idle talk, want to chat come together, do you also want to chat shameful thing?” “少废话,想聊就一起来呗,难道你还要聊见不得人的东西吗?” Little Fishy cast aside Xianhai Shaoyu one. 小鱼儿撇了仙海少禹一眼。 Xianhai Shaoyu is resigned-looking, therefore looks to Long Chengyu. 仙海少禹一脸无奈,于是看向龙承羽 Walks, together.” “走吧,一起。” Long Chengyu, actually somewhat fears Xianhai Shaoyu. 龙承羽,其实是有些怕仙海少禹的。 After all between two people, is somewhat contradictory. 毕竟二人之间,有些矛盾。 But sees the Xianhai Shaoyu so attitude, Long Chengyu should also say immediately: Good.” 但见仙海少禹如此态度,龙承羽也是立刻应道:“好。” Afterward, Chu Feng one group, under the vision of people that difficult believing, went to the institute of Little Fishy housing together. 随后,楚枫一行人,就在众人那难以置信的目光下,一同前往了小鱼儿居住之所。 He, what dog excrement this Chu Feng walked to transport, how will he know Xianhai Shaoyu and Xianhai Yu'er?” “他吗的,这楚枫走了什么狗屎运,他怎么会认识仙海少禹仙海鱼儿?” Moreover what he just called Xianhai Yu'er, Little Fishy? Such affectionate name?” “而且他刚刚叫仙海鱼儿什么,小鱼儿?这么亲昵的称呼?” Little Fishy she, why she must draw the Chu Feng's arm, didn't fear dirty own hand?” Qin Shu air/Qi clenches jaws. “还有小鱼儿她,她为什么要拉楚枫的胳膊,不怕脏了自己的手吗?”秦梳气得咬牙切齿。 What drawing the arm is, drilled the Chu Feng bosom a moment ago, haven't you seen?” Qin Xuan said. “拉胳膊算什么,刚才都钻楚枫怀里了,你没看见吗?”秦玄道。 I saw, I saw certainly, but I did not understand, I am unable to understand.” “我看见了,我当然看见了,可是我不理解,我无法理解。” The eyes of Qin Shu air/Qi are red, full is the blood threads. 秦梳气的双眼通红,满是血丝。 It seems like, their relations are really not simple.” Qin Xuan said. “看来,他们的关系还真不简单。”秦玄说道。 He said like this, is because the relations of present Chu Feng and Seven Worlds Saint Palace are well-known. 他之所以这样说,是因为如今楚枫七界圣府的关系人尽皆知。 Long Chengyu. 龙承羽也就罢了。 Xianhai Shaoyu and Xianhai Yu'er, but also dares so blatant clarifies the relations with Chu Feng. 仙海少禹仙海鱼儿,还敢如此公然的与楚枫摆明关系。 This clearly is to guarantee the Chu Feng's rhythm. 这分明就是要保楚枫的节奏。 Naturally, now was unable to determine. 当然,现在还无法确定。 Also after must waits for the Seven Worlds Saint Palace talent to react, can thorough clear Xianhai Shaoyu and Xianhai Yu'er brother and sister's attitude. 还要等七界圣府的天才做出反应之后,才能彻底清楚仙海少禹仙海鱼儿兄妹俩的态度。 Elder Brother, no matter our ignores Chu Feng? Arrived at Summit of Nine Heavens, do I also want to continue to look at him to bluff and bluster?” Qin Shu looks to Qin Xuan. “哥,难道我们就放任楚枫不管?都来到了九天之巅了,我还要继续看他耀武扬威吗?”秦梳看向秦玄 He has wanted to tidy up Chu Feng impatiently, especially saw after Xianhai Yu'er and Chu Feng are so affectionate, he could not endure. 他已经迫不及待的想要收拾楚枫了,尤其看到仙海鱼儿楚枫如此亲昵之后,他忍不下去了。 Summit of Nine Heavens, is he shows own stage obviously, how to turn into the Chu Feng audience to focus attention on? 九天之巅,明明是他展现自己的舞台,怎么又变成楚枫全场瞩目了? He is unable to accept!!! 他无法接受!!! Chu Feng naturally cannot let off, but first do not act rashly.” Qin Xuan this words saying, then turned around to leave. 楚枫自然不能放过,但你先别轻举妄动。”秦玄此话说完,便转身离开了。 But Qin Shu has not walked, but ruthlessly is staring at the Xianhai Yu'er residence. 秦梳没有走,而是狠狠的盯着仙海鱼儿的住所。 At this time, Chu Feng and others, had arrived in the garden in Little Fishy residence. 此时,楚枫等人,已是来到了小鱼儿住所的庭院内。 Little Fishy, but also put out the teapot cleverly, is Chu Feng and others makes tea personally. 小鱼儿,还乖巧的拿出了茶壶,亲自为楚枫等人泡茶。 After soaking, Little Fishy first cup of ends gave Chu Feng. 泡好之后,小鱼儿第一杯端给了楚枫 Big Brother tastes quickly, tea that I make, taste Daoyi certainly.” 大哥哥快尝尝,我泡的茶,味道一绝。” During the speeches, Little Fishy also blows, this gives Chu Feng. 说话间,小鱼儿还吹了吹,这才递给楚枫 That called virtuous. 那叫一个贤惠。 This, the looked Long Chengyu eye straightens, envies. 这一幕,看的龙承羽眼睛发直,羡慕不已。 Un, the flavor is really good.” Chu Feng gives the thumbs-up. “嗯,味道真不错。”楚枫竖起了大拇指。 Hee, that is natural.” Was praised by Chu Feng, that Little Fishy smiles called a beautiful. “嘻,那是自然。”被楚枫夸赞,小鱼儿笑的那叫一个美。 Afterward carries the teacup respectively. 随后又分别端起茶杯。 Miaomiao Elder Sister please tea.” 喵喵姐姐请饮茶。” Muxi Elder Sister please tea.” 沐熙姐姐请饮茶。” In Xian Miaomiao and Long Muxi, after received the teacup, the Long Chengyu sitting posture compares usually, wainscot was very straighter. 仙喵喵龙沐熙,都接过茶杯后,龙承羽的坐姿相比平时,腰板都挺的更直了。 He has thought after received the teacup, thank the Little Fishy words. 他已经想好了接过茶杯后,感谢小鱼儿的话。 But whose to become thinks, Little Fishy sat by Chu Feng, then said to Xianhai Shaoyu and Long Chengyu. 可谁成想,小鱼儿一屁股坐在了楚枫旁边,然后对仙海少禹龙承羽道。 You two as one likes.” “你们两个自便。” „......” “……” A Long Chengyu dumbness, isn't this difference treats? 龙承羽一阵无言,这不是差别对待吗? But Xianhai Shaoyu, was used to it actually generally, oneself carried the teacup. 仙海少禹,倒是习惯了一般,自己将茶杯端了起来。 However before drinking, actually looked to Chu Feng: Little Brother Chu Feng, my was benefits from association with your.” 不过饮用前,却是看向了楚枫:“楚枫兄弟,我这是沾你的光了。” Long is so big, I have not drunk the tea that my younger sister has made.” “长这么大,我还没喝过我这妹子泡的茶呢。” You rubbish to be many.” Little Fishy at this time, is carrying the teapot, is Chu Feng adds the tea, but actually shows the whites of the eyes to Xianhai Shaoyu. “就你废话多。”小鱼儿此时,正端着茶壶,为楚枫添茶,但却对仙海少禹翻了个白眼。 The attractive person, is how attractive, even if Little Fishy shows the whites of the eyes, that is cute is not good. 好看的人,怎么样都好看,哪怕小鱼儿翻个白眼,那都是可爱的不行。 Looked coming out, your brother and sister, the relations are really good.” Xian Miaomiao sweet saying with a smile. “看的出来,你们兄妹俩,关系真是不错呢。”仙喵喵甜甜的笑道。 Who relates well with him, I and Big Brother really good, hee hee.” “谁跟他关系不错,我和大哥哥才是真的好,嘻嘻。” Little Fishy transfers the too small face to Chu Feng, reveals bright saying with a smile. 小鱼儿转过小脸对着楚枫,露出灿烂的笑道。 Good was good, other Big Brother Big Brother, installed what attire, you called Lord to consider as finished simply.” Xianhai Shaoyu said. “行了行了,别大哥哥大哥哥的了,装什么装,你干脆叫相公算了。”仙海少禹说道。 He such remarks, Xian Miaomiao, Long Muxi, Long Chengyu was shocked. 他此话一出,仙喵喵,龙沐熙,龙承羽都愣住了。 Xianhai Shaoyu said that was also too straightforward? 仙海少禹说的,也太直白了吧? This joke, can open randomly? 这种玩笑,是能乱开的吗? But who once thinks, the Xianhai Yu'er small face, unexpectedly becomes red, red with thoroughly ripe the red apple is the same. 可谁曾想,仙海鱼儿小脸,竟变得通红,红的跟熟透了的红苹果一样。 What is main, she is unexpectedly anxious, could not speak. 最主要的是,她竟紧张的,说不出话来了。 This expression, the looked Long Chengyu eyeball fell quickly. 这个表情,看的龙承羽眼珠子都快掉出来了。 Thought: Damn , won't Xianhai Yu'er, really like Chu Feng?” 心想:“我擦,仙海鱼儿,不会真的喜欢楚枫吧?” Actually Chu Feng, to alleviate awkwardly, rushes saying: Your brother and sister first left poor, asked your proper business.” 倒是楚枫,为了缓解尴尬,赶忙说道:“你们兄妹先别贫了,问你们个正事。” What proper business?” Xianhai Shaoyu and Little Fishy also asked. “什么正事?”仙海少禹小鱼儿同时问道。 „Does the morning that you come, cross Divine Body Galaxy Wang Qiang obviously?” Chu Feng asked. “你们来的早,可见过神体天河王强?”楚枫问。 Chu Feng wants to determine, this Wang Qiang, is that Wang Qiang that know. 楚枫想确定,这个王强,是不是自己认识的那个王强 () ()
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