MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5740: I want dead you

Chapter 5738 I want dead you 第5738章我想死你啦 The form that in formation technique appears, presents many people to recognize, is Long Chengyu. 阵法内浮现出的身影,在场许多人都认得,乃是龙承羽 Long Chengyu, hasn't he died?” 龙承羽,他没死吗?” „Didn't Totem Dragon Clan, have the rebellion?” 图腾龙族,不是发生了叛乱吗?” Sees Long Chengyu, the people discusses spiritedly. 看到龙承羽,众人议论纷纷。 But at the same time, outside blasted out the pot. 而与此同时,外面更是炸开了锅。 Because outside, not only the population of accumulation, they can also see the list. 因为外面,不仅聚集的人数非常之多,他们还能够看到榜单。 That inspection list had the change. 那考核榜单有了变化。 Tenth is Qin Shu. 原本第十名是秦梳 But now changed, tenth is Long Chengyu. 可现在变了,第十名是龙承羽 Long Chengyu?” 龙承羽?” Sees this name, others are surprised. 看到这个名字,其他人只是惊讶。 But some high levels from Heavenly Dome Immortal sect, the complexion may exceptionally be ugly. 可是来自苍穹仙宗的一些高层,脸色可就异常难看了。 „Does Long Lin(dragon scale) that fellow, dare to bleed off Long Chengyu unexpectedly?” 龙鳞那家伙,竟胆敢放走龙承羽?” They are clear, Totem Dragon Clan situation. 他们是清楚,图腾龙族的处境的。 According to Heavenly Dome Immortal sect meaning, eradicates directly, by never recurring trouble. 按照苍穹仙宗意思,是直接根除,以绝后患。 But Long Lin(dragon scale) actually insists on closing them, said that holds their life, use. 龙鳞却执意将他们关起来,说暂留他们一命,还有用处。 But Long Chengyu runs now, explained that Long Lin(dragon scale) deceived them. 可现在龙承羽都跑出来了,说明龙鳞欺骗了他们。 Although they help in secret, and cooperates by the way and Long Lin(dragon scale) jointly, but in the Heavenly Dome Immortal sect eye, Long Lin(dragon scale) is only a puppet. 虽说他们是暗中帮忙,且以联手的方式与龙鳞合作,但在苍穹仙宗眼中,龙鳞就只是一个傀儡罢了。 The puppets dare to make so the matter, they naturally must process. 傀儡敢做出如此事情,他们自然要处理。 But at the same time, on Summit of Nine Heavens. 而与此同时,九天之巅上面。 These talents, are unexpectedly extraordinary, no one goes to greet with Long Chengyu. 那些天才,竟出奇的,没有一个人去与龙承羽打招呼。 This mainly has two reasons. 这主要有两个原因。 First, originally Long Chengyu does not like becoming friends with the friend, on the scene, almost no is his friend. 第一,本来龙承羽就不喜欢结交朋友,在场的,几乎没有一个是他的朋友。 May according to the Long Chengyu status and fame, trades to make the past, will have many people and they becomes friends with on own initiative is right. 可按照龙承羽的身份和名气,换做以往,会有很多人与他们主动结交才对。 But at this moment does not have. 但此刻没有。 Why? 为何? This must mention the second point, the change of status. 这就要提到第二点,身份的变化。 Totem Dragon Clan has the rebellion, even if now Long Chengyu is also living, but he has lost power is the fact. 图腾龙族发生叛乱,如今龙承羽就算还活着,可他已失势乃是事实。 The most important thing is, Chu Feng. 最重要的是,楚枫 Long Chengyu and Chu Feng relations are very good, this is the matter that entire vast martial cultivation world knows. 龙承羽楚枫关系很好,这已是整个浩瀚修武界都知晓的事情。 But whom did Chu Feng offend? 楚枫得罪了谁? Seven Worlds Saint Palace!!! 七界圣府!!! Let alone present Long Chengyu, beforehand Totem Dragon Clan, does not dare to offend Seven Worlds Saint Palace even. 别说现在的龙承羽,就算之前的图腾龙族,也不敢得罪七界圣府啊。 On the scene, one is one, no one is willing with Seven Worlds Saint Palace for the enemy. 在场的,有一个算一个,没有人愿意与七界圣府为敌。 Therefore only because of him with the Chu Feng friend's relations, then makes people not dare with him to have any intimate. 所以只因他与对楚枫朋友的关系,便让人们不敢与他有任何亲近。 To put it bluntly, is afraid Seven Worlds Saint Palace. 说白了,是害怕七界圣府 However quick, two forms appear, trend Long Chengyu of half step. 不过很快,两道身影出现,快步的走向龙承羽 That is two little monk, they are the Summit of Nine Heavens people. 那是两个小和尚,他们是九天之巅的人。 Congratulates dragon benefactor to mount Summit of Nine Heavens, we prepared the place of rest for you specially, please along with us come.” “恭喜龙施主登上九天之巅,我们特意为你准备了休息之地,请随我们来。” Two little monk respectful saying. 两个小和尚恭敬的说道。 Waits for, I and others.” Long Chengyu said. “等一下,我等两个人。”龙承羽道。 Good.” “好。” Two little monk slight bows, then fell back on the one side. 两个小和尚微微点头,便退到了一旁。 And others? Did Totem Dragon Clan have other juniors also to come?” The people are guessing. “等两个人?图腾龙族还有其他小辈也来了?”众人纷纷猜测着。 After moment, really Teleportation Formation also has the sound, was Long Muxi walked. 等了片刻后,果然传送阵又有动静,是龙沐熙走了出来。 Long Muxi?” 龙沐熙?” Sees Long Muxi, the people discusses again. 看到龙沐熙,众人再度议论起来。 Especially Qin Shu, looked that is quite complex to the Long Muxi look. 尤其是秦梳,看向龙沐熙的眼神较为复杂。 Actually Long Muxi, has raised, but few person knows her long anything appearance. 其实龙沐熙,早就名扬,但少有人知道她长什么模样。 Even if in Totem Dragon Clan, few person has seen her appearance/portrait. 哪怕图腾龙族内,也少有人见过她的真容。 Artist mountain time, the people know the Long Muxi appearance/portrait, was at that time, her portrait spread. 还是画师山的时候,众人才知道龙沐熙真容,也是那个时候,她的画像传开。 The increasing number of people, knew the Long Muxi appearance. 越来越多的人,知道了龙沐熙的模样。 But before Qin Shu, had seen Long Muxi in Ancient World. 而之前秦梳,早在古界就见过龙沐熙了。 At that time, no one knew the Long Muxi status. 只是那个时候,没人知道龙沐熙的身份。 see again/goodbye Long Muxi, Qin Shu also remembers the matter of Ancient World. 再见龙沐熙,秦梳也是不由想起古界之事。 Long Muxi has not been on the list, therefore outside person, does not know that Long Muxi mounted Summit of Nine Heavens. 龙沐熙没有上榜,所以外面的人,并不知道龙沐熙登上了九天之巅 But quick, outside everyone, is the vision big change. 可很快,外面的所有人,都是目光大变。 Because that list also had the change. 因为那个榜单又有了变化。 What this change is first. 这次变化的是第一名。 Chu Feng!!! 楚枫!!! Chu Feng appeared in list's first. 楚枫出现在了榜单第一名。 Chu Feng?” 楚枫?” „Hasn't he... died unexpectedly?” “他…竟没死?” Compares in Long Chengyu, Chu Feng's appears, the fluctuation that causes is without doubt bigger. 相比于龙承羽,楚枫的出现,所引起的波动无疑更大。 All influence, thinks Chu Feng died. 各方势力,原本都以为楚枫死了。 But Chu Feng has not only died now, appeared here unexpectedly, captured unexpectedly inspected first? 可现在楚枫不仅没死,竟然还出现在了这里,竟然还夺得了考核第一? Even if has known, Seven Worlds Saint Palace Mansion Lord that Chu Feng has not died, is looking at that list at this time, is the eyeful spunks, in the sleeve the double fist gets hold of secretly. 哪怕已经知道,楚枫没死的七界圣府府主,此时望着那榜单,也是满眼怒意,袖中双拳暗暗握紧。 Now most does not hope person who Chu Feng shows off, without doubt is he. 现在最不希望楚枫出风头的人,无疑就是他。 But this Chu Feng, actually showing off time and time again. 可偏偏这个楚枫,却一次又一次的出风头。 Even under his nose, mounted Summit of Nine Heavens, this makes him very angry. 甚至在他的眼皮底下,登上了九天之巅,这让他十分恼怒。 Meanwhile, above Summit of Nine Heavens, blasted out the pot similarly. 与此同时,九天之巅之上,同样炸开了锅。 Because Chu Feng has gone out from Teleportation Formation, stands above the square. 因为楚枫已经从传送阵内走出,站在广场之上。 Everyone was also exclaiming in surprise, Chu Feng has not died unexpectedly. 大家也都在惊叹,楚枫竟然没死。 But compares in others, the pure exclamation, the Qin Shu expression is quite complex. 但相比于其他人,单纯的惊叹,秦梳的表情则是较为复杂。 In his eye full is the anger, on the face reveals fiercely, but the corners of the mouth appear to wipe to sneer. 他眼中满是怒火,脸上露出狰狞,可偏偏嘴角浮现出一抹冷笑。 The Ancient World enmity, he has remembered. 古界的仇,他一直记得。 This thinks the opportunity without revenged, has not thought Chu Feng gave his opportunity unexpectedly. 本以为没有报仇的机会了,不曾想楚枫竟又给了他这个机会。 Elder Brother.” Qin Shu looks to Qin Xuan. “哥。”秦梳看向秦玄 Now begins, perhaps is not the time.” Qin Xuan said in a low voice. “现在动手,恐怕不是时候。”秦玄低声道。 „Do you also fear that Long Chengyu?” Qin Shu said. “难道你还怕那龙承羽吗?”秦梳道。 Feared actually not, in brief first has a look, after all Seven Worlds Saint Palace came many people, we cannot snatch their crest of wave.” “倒不是怕,总之先看看,毕竟七界圣府来了不少人,咱们不能抢他们的风头。” Qin Xuan said in secret. 秦玄暗中说道。 right, first did not say Ling Xiao and Jie Baobao.” 也对,先不说灵霄界宝宝。” That Jie Tian, is the Seven Worlds Mansion Lord name brand grandchild, can he tolerate Chu Feng?” “那个界天,可是七界府主的正牌外孙,他能容忍楚枫吗?” This Chu Feng, being doomed comes but not return.” “这楚枫,注定是有来无回。” Thinks of here, in the Qin Shu eye the anger reduces, instead anticipated very much. 想到这里,秦梳眼中怒火减少,反而很是期待。 Do not look at the present, Long Chengyu and Long Muxi with exchanging greetings of Chu Feng all smiles, but Qin Shu is unhurried. 别看现在,龙承羽龙沐熙都在与楚枫满面笑容的寒暄,可秦梳却一点都不慌。 In his opinion, Chu Feng offended the Seven Worlds Saint Palace person, is doomed dead. 在他看来,楚枫得罪了七界圣府的人,就注定要死。 First did not say Seven Worlds Saint Palace, came Jie Tian, Ling Xiao, Jie Baobao these three top talents. 先不说七界圣府,来了界天,灵霄,界宝宝这三位顶尖天才。 All influence, the relations with Seven Worlds Saint Palace is good, so long as the Seven Worlds Saint Palace person acts, all will influence help. 各方势力,与七界圣府的关系都是不错,只要七界圣府的人出手,各方势力都会帮忙。 Chu Feng, at all is not living that Long Chengyu can protect, even Long Chengyu is also unable to defend oneself. 楚枫,根本不是龙承羽能护的住的,甚至龙承羽也是自身难保。 If wants to withdraw, cannot do well can only get angry with Chu Feng. 若想脱身,搞不好只能与楚枫翻脸。 Thinks of here, Qin Shu even more is instead excited, impatient wants to look at the following Chu Feng unlucky appearance. 想到这里,秦梳反而越发兴奋起来,迫不及待的想看后面楚枫倒霉的模样。 Chu Feng Chu Feng, at that time in Ancient World was not very extremely arrogant, my didn't Heavenly Dome Immortal sect pay attention to?” 楚枫楚枫,当时在古界不是很狂妄,连我苍穹仙宗都不放在眼里?” This time, makes you experience, my Heavenly Dome Immortal sect in the vast martial cultivation world position, makes you know, what is the personal connection.” “这一次,就让你见识一下,我苍穹仙宗于浩瀚修武界的地位,也让你知道,何为人脉。” In the Qin Shu heart was anticipating, but the delightful sound resounds suddenly together. 秦梳心中正在期待,可忽然一道甜美的声音响起。 Chu Feng!!!” 楚枫!!!” The sound person , the form fled together in front of Chu Feng, was Xian Miaomiao. 声响人至,一道身影窜到了楚枫面前,是仙喵喵 Xian Miaomiao? Did they know?” 仙喵喵?他们认识?” Xian Miaomiao arrives in front of Chu Feng, showed the incomparably bright smile, obviously they recognize. 仙喵喵来到楚枫面前,露出了无比灿烂的笑容,显然他们是认得的。 Miaomiao.” Sees Xian Miaomiao, Chu Feng is also very happy. 喵喵。”看到仙喵喵,楚枫也是非常开心。 Before may never think, can again this situation and Xian Miaomiao meets. 之前可从未想过,能再这种场合与仙喵喵见面。 After all Xian Miaomiao, is Chu Feng in the Ancestral Martial Lower Realm good friend. 毕竟仙喵喵,可是楚枫祖武下界的好友。 I come here, heard about your rumor, I also really think that you have an accident.” “我来到这里,听到了很多关于你的谣言,我还真以为你出了什么事。” Really the rumor is the rumor, the news of these people are far-fetched.” “果然谣言都是谣言,那些人的消息也都根本不靠谱。” Although Xian Miaomiao was happy, but before , actually also is really worried about Chu Feng, therefore on the face is hanging the delightful smile although, but the tears actually followed the cheeks to flow. 仙喵喵虽然高兴,可之前却也真的担心楚枫,所以尽管脸上还是挂着甜美笑容,但眼泪却顺着脸颊流了下来。 Your this girl, cries anything, how I will have the matter.” “你这丫头,哭什么啊,我怎么会有事呢。” Chu Feng put out a hand directly, helping Xian Miaomiao wipe off the tears. 楚枫直接伸手,帮仙喵喵擦掉了眼泪。 But Xian Miaomiao has not only resisted, instead small face one crooked, smiled was sweeter: My this is happy.” 仙喵喵不仅没有丝毫抗拒,反而小脸一歪,笑的更甜了:“我这是高兴的。” Damn , then the attractive cheek, he said that touches touches?” 我擦,那么好看的脸蛋,他说摸就摸啊?” „Doesn't Xian Miaomiao revolt?” 仙喵喵怎么也不反抗?” They, their what relates?” “他们,他们这什么关系啊?” Sees two people of such intimate actions, the people look is more complex, but Qin Shu did not have the previous excitement. 见到二人这样亲密的举动,众人神色更加复杂,而秦梳也没有了先前的兴奋。 Obviously Chu Feng and Xian Miaomiao are not the simple understanding, their relations are unusual. 显然楚枫仙喵喵不是简单的认识,他们的关系是非同一般啊。 Everyone looked quickly, Xianhai Yu'er must come out.” “大家快看,仙海鱼儿要出来了。” But the next quarter, follows one to call out in alarm, everyone's vision, then from the body of Chu Feng and Xian Miaomiao, shifts the direction that Xianhai Yu'er occupied. 可下一刻,伴随一声惊呼,所有人的目光,便都从楚枫仙喵喵的身上,转移到了仙海鱼儿所居住的方向。 Is the Xianhai Yu'er name extinguishes, this likely left the housing on behalf of Xianhai Yu'er. 仙海鱼儿的名字熄灭,这很可能代表仙海鱼儿离开居住之所出来了。 Xianhai Yu'er, has raised vast martial cultivation world. 仙海鱼儿,早就名扬浩瀚修武界 Not only has the peerless Little beauty/Mei female title, is hearsay its talent also above its Elder Brother. 不仅有着绝世小美女的称号,更是传闻其天赋还在其哥哥之上。 Because of all sorts of reasons, few person has seen the Xianhai Yu'er appearance/portrait. 但是因为种种原因,少有人见过仙海鱼儿真容。 Therefore, regarding Xianhai Yu'er, the people is the incomparable anticipation. 因此,对于仙海鱼儿,众人皆是无比期待。 To have a look, existence in this hearsay, such as the hearsay is whether ordinary. 都想看看,这个传闻中的存在,是否如传闻一般。 Really quick, the beautiful figure appears from the white fog in together, maps in the public eyes. 果然很快,一道倩影自白雾之中浮现,映入众人视线之中。 precisely Little Fishy. 正是小鱼儿 My Oh God!, this is Xianhai Yu'er?” “我的天哪,这位就是仙海鱼儿吗?” Really is well-known to might as well see, was this too also attractive?” “果然闻名不如一见,这也太好看了吧?” When Xianhai Yu'er presents that moment, regardless of the men and women, is being out of sorts of looks. 仙海鱼儿出现那一刻,无论男女,都是看的失了神。 The appearance, is temperament, simply impeccable. 无论是容貌,还是气质,简直都无可挑剔。 Xian Miaomiao originally colorful pressure beautiful and fragrant flowers, but when Xianhai Yu'er presents this moment, Xian Miaomiao, changed colors. 仙喵喵本已艳压群芳,可当仙海鱼儿出现这一刻,就连仙喵喵,都失色了一些。 beautiful, beautiful to impeccable. 美,美到无可挑剔。 Just like Mingyue in the sky. 宛如明月当空。 If she not present, the group star is radiant. 她若不现,群星璀璨。 When she appears, everywhere group star will be gloomy. 当她出现,漫天群星都将暗淡。 World has such beautiful woman unexpectedly.” Qin Shu, forgot Xian Miaomiao and Chu Feng belt/bring to the stimulation that other party becomes, Shenshen is crazy in the Xianhai Yu'er beautiful appearance. “世间竟有如此美人。”就连秦梳,也忘记了仙喵喵楚枫带对他造成的刺激,深深着迷于仙海鱼儿的美貌。 If can spend together the spring evening with such beautiful woman, even if the death, feared that was still the value?” Qin Shu more is more excited, unexpectedly loses control swallows the saliva fiercely. “若是能与此等美人共度春宵,就算死,怕也是值了吧?”秦梳越想越兴奋,竟失控的猛咽口水。 But the next quarter, he was then scared. 可下一刻,他便傻眼了。 Sees only Xianhai Yu'er to look to Chu Feng, later figure one vertical, vanishing on the spot. 只见仙海鱼儿看向楚枫,随后身形一纵,消失在原地。 When she appears again, the audience is dumbfounded. 而当她再出现时,全场傻眼。 Xianhai Yu'er, jumped into the Chu Feng bosom unexpectedly directly, closely grasped the Chu Feng's neck. 仙海鱼儿,竟直接扑入了楚枫怀中,紧紧的抱住了楚枫的脖子。 Moreover, Xianhai Yu'er also uses that beautiful small face, rubs on the Chu Feng chest level: Big Brother, I know that you will not have the matter.” 不仅如此,仙海鱼儿还用那绝美的小脸,不停的在楚枫胸口层来蹭去:“大哥哥,我就知道你不会有事。” This, not to mention others, Long Chengyu, Long Muxi, as well as Xian Miaomiao stares in a big way the eyes. 这一幕,莫说旁人,就连龙承羽,龙沐熙,以及仙喵喵都是瞪大了双眼。 What's the matter, Xianhai Yu'er, why......” “咋回事啊,仙海鱼儿,为何……” „Did they know?” “他们认识?” Is impossible, Chu Feng this hick, how possibly understanding so noble Xianhai Yu'er?” “不可能,楚枫这种土包子,怎么可能认识如此高贵的仙海鱼儿啊?” The people are very puzzled, this matter caused the enormous stimulation and damage to them. 众人十分不解,这件事对他们造成了极大的刺激与伤害。 If Xian Miaomiao and Chu Feng are acquainted, they can also accept reluctantly. 如果说仙喵喵楚枫相识,他们还勉强能接受的话。 Xianhai Yu'er, they how, regardless of not to accept. 仙海鱼儿,他们无论如何也接受不了。 That is entire vast martial cultivation world holiest existence, is in the dreams of these talents the goddess. 那可是整个浩瀚修武界最圣洁的存在,是这些天才的梦中女神。 Can she, how be so intimate with Chu Feng? 她,怎么能与楚枫如此亲密? Chu Feng!!!” 楚枫!!!” But in the meantime, there is a sound not far away together to resound. 而就在此时,又有一道声音自不远处响起。 Waits and sees along the sound, square that made noise, is unexpectedly peaceful immediately. 顺声观望,原本喧闹的广场,竟立刻安静下来。 Not because of other, only therefore person status extremely. 不因别的,只因此人身份太过了得。 Because of this person, is in many eyes, now Xianhai Shaoyu of vast martial cultivation world strongest talent. 因为此人,便是许多人眼中,当今浩瀚修武界最强天才的仙海少禹 Chu Feng, it seems like does not need Seven Worlds Saint Palace to begin, you are dying now.” 楚枫,看来不用七界圣府动手,你现在就要死了。” Sees Xianhai Shaoyu, Qin Shu relaxes finally, he thought that Chu Feng must be faced with imminent disaster. 见到仙海少禹,秦梳总算松了一口气,他觉得楚枫要大难临头了。 Xianhai Shaoyu, how will allow own younger sister, to Chu Feng such goods tarnish? 仙海少禹,怎会容许自己的妹妹,被对楚枫这样的货色玷污? In fact, is Qin Shu thinks incessantly like this, many people on the scene think like this. 事实上,不止是秦梳这样想,在场的许多人都这样想。 Especially Long Chengyu, sees Xianhai Shaoyu at that moment, he stands guard immediately, being very afraid Xianhai Shaoyu is disadvantageous to Chu Feng. 尤其是龙承羽,看到仙海少禹那一刻,他更是立刻警戒起来,深怕仙海少禹楚枫不利。 But the next quarter, everyone is dumbfounded, cannot believe that simply at present sees. 可下一刻,所有人目瞪口呆,简直不敢相信眼前所见。 Sees only Xianhai Shaoyu to vanish in same place, appears again, before is the Chu Feng body . 只见仙海少禹消失在原地,再次出现时,已是楚枫身前。 He entrains from the Chu Feng bosom Xianhai Yu'er, then... then... then...... 他一把将仙海鱼儿楚枫怀里拽出来,然后…然后…然后…… Then he drilled into the Chu Feng bosom, closely grasped Chu Feng. 然后他钻入了楚枫怀里,紧紧的抱住了楚枫 Little Brother Chu Feng, I want dead you!!!” 楚枫兄弟,我想死你啦!!!” () ()
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