MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5737: Takes you as proudly

They wear the silver armor, this moment that armor releases the special aura, that aura wriggles unceasingly, resembles with here strength, is making some resistance. 他们身穿银色铠甲,此刻那铠甲释放出特殊的气息,那气息不断蠕动,似是在与此处力量,做着某种抵抗。 But these people, Chu Feng all recognizes, they are the people of Seven Worlds Saint Palace. 而这些人,楚枫全都认得,他们乃是七界圣府之人。 Ling Clan broken space forces!!! 灵氏破天军!!! Is the head, was the spirit in years past and spirit cloud is vast. 为首的,乃是灵昔年和灵云浩。 Oh, Chu Feng you step on to select unexpectedly.” “哎哟,楚枫你居然踩点进来。” I also think that you will not come.” “我还以为你不会来了呢。” You came fortunately, makes us not wait in vain.” “不过还好你来了,也让我们没有白等。” Smiling that the spirit cloud vast face rejoices. 灵云浩一脸庆幸的笑着。 Although the spirit in years past has not spoken, but looks at the Chu Feng's look , is similar to regards the prey to be the same. 灵昔年虽然没有说话,但看楚枫的眼神,也是如同看待猎物一般。 These Chu Feng entered Seven Worlds Saint Palace at that time, on own initiative with the person who Chu Feng becomes friends with, now looked that the Chu Feng's look all changed. 这些当时楚枫进入七界圣府,主动与楚枫结交的人,现在看楚枫的眼神全都变了。 And Chu Feng knows, this is not Illusion, these people exist. 并且楚枫知道,这不是幻象,这些人是真实存在的。 It seems like you succeeded.” “看来你们成功了。” Your this armor have the effect, unexpectedly can avoid the limit of junior.” “你们这铠甲有效果,居然能够避开小辈的限制。” Chu Feng knows, although they are young, but is not the junior. 楚枫知道,他们虽然年龄不大,但都不是小辈。 Reason that can mix, should be related with their armor. 之所以能够混进来,应该是与他们身上的铠甲有关。 The so-called broken space forces, study specially, how to decode the junior to limit. 所谓破天军,就是专门研究,如何破解小辈限制的。 At that time Chu Feng has not thought, they will use on themselves. 那时候楚枫可没想到,他们会用在自己身上。 Chu Feng, is acquainted, you are without a fight, other forced me make a move.” 楚枫,好歹相识一场,你束手就擒吧,别逼我们出手。” The spirit spoke in years past, loses formation technique, that ties up formation technique, so long as Chu Feng steps into, will tie up by formation technique 灵昔年说话间,丢出一座阵法,那是捆绑阵法,只要楚枫踏入其中,就会被阵法捆绑起来 You should know, I was grasped into Seven Worlds Saint Palace, must die without doubt.” Chu Feng said. “你们应该知道,我被抓入七界圣府,必死无疑。”楚枫道。 You are the punishment is deserved.” Spirit cloud vast say/way. “你是罪有应得。”灵云浩道。 It seems like, did without sparing anyone's sensibilities?” Chu Feng asked. “看来,是不讲情面了?”楚枫问。 Actually, Chu Feng is giving their last chances. 其实,楚枫是在给他们最后的机会。 Spirit in years past even immortal dragon God-cloak, but is actually not the Chu Feng opponent. 灵昔年就算是仙龙神袍,可却也不是楚枫对手。 Face? Hahaha......” “情面?哈哈哈……” Spirit cloud has a good laugh vast, others also look the ridicule. 灵云浩仰天大笑,其他人也是面露讥讽。 We and you, have what face.” “我们与你,有何情面。” At that time became friends with you, is my clan Elder instructed, will say you promising in the future possibly.” “当时与你结交,也是我族长老指示,说你日后可能会有前途。” However behind you, dares with my Seven Worlds Saint Palace for the enemy, do we have what face?” Spirit cloud vast say/way. “而你后面,胆敢与我七界圣府为敌,我们又有何情面?”灵云浩道。 Indeed.” Chu Feng expressed the support. “的确。”楚枫表示赞同。 They think to have victory in the hand, actually does not know that just words, had sealed up their final ways out. 他们自以为胜券在握,却不知刚刚的话,已是封住了他们最后的生路。 Swish Swish Swish- 唰唰唰- But in the Chu Feng preparation begins, several formation flying swords graze from the distant place. 可就在楚枫准备动手之际,数道结界飞剑自远处飞掠而来。 Passed through the spirit unexpectedly in abundance in years past the and others body. 竟纷纷穿过了灵昔年等人的身躯。 Takes advantage of opportunity to wait and see, sees only and has form together to appear in the distant place. 顺势观望,只见又有一道身影出现在远处。 This person, Chu Feng also recognizes. 这个人,楚枫也认得。 Is the team leader of broken space forces. 乃是界氏破天军的队长。 Front?” The Chu Feng accident/surprise, why not the clear front and others will act to the spirit in years past. “界锋?”楚枫意外,不明白界锋为何会对灵昔年等人出手。 „The front, were you insane?” The spirit and others looked in years past to the front, eyeful puzzled. “界锋,你疯了?”灵昔年等人望向界锋,满眼不解。 Cultivates the behavior not to have the gratitude, dies pities insufficient.” “做人没有感恩之心,死不足惜。” The front spoke, in the eye the ruthless color appeared, later the law secret art changed, the formation flying sword grazed again, mediated the spirit thoroughly in years past the and others life. 界锋说话间,眼中狠色浮现,随后法诀变化,结界飞剑再度飞掠,彻底了断了灵昔年等人的性命。 After killing the spirit in years past and others, the front received their body completely. 杀了灵昔年等人后,界锋又将他们尸体全部收了起来。 immediately throws cosmos sack to Chu Feng. 旋即将一个乾坤袋抛向楚枫 Chu Feng received cosmos sack, in the discovery is the extremely precious strange rare grass, the value is all extraordinary. 楚枫接过乾坤袋,发现里面皆是极为珍贵的奇珍异草,价值非凡。 In addition, in cosmos sack also has a map. 除此之外,乾坤袋内还有一张地图。 Here, protecting formation technique is useless, by your cultivation realm, is careful.” The front said to Chu Feng. “在这里,守护阵法无用,以你的修为,还是小心一些。”界锋对楚枫说道。 You... why?” Chu Feng asked. “你…为何?”楚枫问。 Sir Shuang Xue, can you still remember?” The front asked. 霜雪大人,你可还记得?”界锋问。 Shuang Xue?” 霜雪?” Naturally.” “当然。” Chu Feng remembers certainly. 楚枫当然记得。 At that time Chu Feng sought the life crystal, went to Seven Worlds Saint Palace control Divine Vestige Inheritance Land, knew Ling Sheng'er and others there. 当时楚枫寻生命水晶,前往了一处七界圣府掌控的神迹传承地,在那里结识了灵笙儿等人 Later in Divine Vestige Inheritance Land, obtained that powerful Asura sword. 之后更是在神迹传承地,得到了那把强大的修罗剑。 But Shuang Xue and Shuang Yu, are Seven Worlds Saint Palace, guards there powerhouse. 霜雪霜雨,便是七界圣府,镇守于那里的强者。 Sir Shuang Xue and Lady Nianqing, have known that you were the child of Sir Jie Ranqing.” 霜雪大人和念清大人,已经知道你就是界染清大人的孩子了。” Is only Lady Nianqing, because some reasons do not have the means to come out to see you.” “只是念清大人,因为一些原因没办法出来见你。” Sir Shuang Xue, has also been looking for you, behind knew that your participate enters the mansion trial, therefore then makes me contact you, making you go to the Big Dipper gravity tower.” The front said. 霜雪大人,原本也一直在寻找你,后面得知你参加入府试炼,所以便让我接触你,引你去七星重力塔。”界锋说道。 Chu Feng responded at this time, the front surface created obstacles for Chu Feng, in fact was makes Chu Feng go to the Big Dipper gravity tower, obtained to protect formation technique. 楚枫此时才反应过来,界锋表面刁难楚枫,实际上却是让楚枫去七星重力塔,获得守护阵法 Now recalls, front, although the surface creates obstacles, but indeed has not in fact made to the Chu Feng disadvantageous matter. 现在回想起来,界锋虽然表面刁难,但实际上的确没有做出对楚枫不利之事。 Originally wrongly accused you, blamed you to develop was too lifelike.” Chu Feng said. “原来错怪你了,都怪你演的太逼真。”楚枫说道。 Chu Feng, not to mention our parents, we also once received Sir Jie Ranqing the kindness.” 楚枫,莫说我们父母,就连我们也曾受过界染清大人恩惠。” Therefore does not need the word to thank, this should do.” “所以不用言谢,这都是应该做的。” These words of front, making Chu Feng realize, not only the front receives own mother kindness. 界锋的这番话,让楚枫意识到,不仅界锋受过自己母亲恩惠。 The spirit and others, should also receive in years past, otherwise before front, will not speak those words. 灵昔年等人,应该也受过,不然界锋之前不会说那句话。 Chu Feng, after the summit of Nine Heavens finished, you place that goes to cosmos sack to label, Sir Shuang Xue is waiting for you there, then she will protect you.” 楚枫,九天之巅结束之后,你去乾坤袋内所标注的地方,霜雪大人在那里等着你,接下来她会保护你。” The front said, naturally is the map in cosmos sack. 界锋所说,自然是乾坤袋内的地图。 Trouble that I make now, is not Shuang Xue senior can help.” “我现在惹的麻烦,不是霜雪前辈能帮忙的了。” Moreover I do not need to protect, I do not want to hide.” Chu Feng said. “而且我也不需要保护,我可不想躲起来。”楚枫说道。 You cannot go, Sir Shuang Xue there you.” The front said. “你去不去,霜雪大人都会在那里等你。”界锋说道。 You know, my mother where?” Chu Feng asked, compares in these, he cares about mother. “你们知道,我母亲在何处吗?”楚枫问,相比于这些,他更在乎自己母亲。 We do not know.” The front said. “我们都不知道。”界锋说道。 Understood.” “明白。” To come is also, oneself mother's matter is like that secret, how they will know. 想来也是,自己母亲的事情那般机密,他们怎会知晓。 You told Shuang Xue senior, do not wait for me, I can protect itself good, you do not need to intend to protect me.” “你告诉霜雪前辈,别等我,我可以保护好自己,你们无需出手护我。” Protects then.” “保护好自己即可。” The words to here, Chu Feng raise in the hand cosmos sack, other, thanked.” 话到此处,楚枫举起手中乾坤袋,“另外,谢了。” The words, Chu Feng then Yu Kong, goes to the world deep place line, formally starts this inspection. 话罢,楚枫便御空而起,向世界深处行去,正式开始这场考核。 But the front stands in same place, looks Chu Feng that vanishes fast, eye of reveal complex color. 而界锋则是站在原地,看着快速消失的楚枫,目露复杂之色。 By speed that Chu Feng leaves, he realized that the Chu Feng's strength is very strong. 只是凭借楚枫离开的速度,他意识到楚枫的战力很强。 Does not need him to act, the spirit and others must die in years past. 无需他出手,灵昔年等人也要死。 Thinks of here, smiling that he self-ridicules. 想到这里,他自嘲的笑了。 To come is also, in Seven Worlds Saint Palace, Chu Feng can move out. 想来也是,七界圣府内,楚枫都能全身而退。 Living Chu Feng that the spirit these people, how possibly grasped in years past? 灵昔年这些人,怎么可能抓的住楚枫 Sir Jie Ranqing, you, if knows that your son is so outstanding , will be very certainly proud?” The front sighed. 界染清大人,你若知道你儿子如此优秀,也一定会很骄傲吧?”界锋叹道。 ...... …… Through inspection, will enter a side world. 通过考核者,将会进入一方世界。 This side world, is the summit of Nine Heavens. 这方世界,便是九天之巅。 But this inspection, said that difficult also a little to be indeed difficult, but has not gone to the specially terrifying situation. 而这次考核,说难的确也有点难,但并没有达到特别恐怖的地步。 martial practitioner cultivation realm achieves First Rank Half God, Spirit Formation technique achieves White Dragon God-cloak, has certain perception and talent again. 武者修为达到一品半神,结界之术达到白龙神袍,再具有一定悟性和天赋。 Then can through this inspection. 便都可以通过此次考核。 Therefore the summit of Nine Heavens, is gathering many people. 所以九天之巅,聚集着不少人。 Although large number, but in them, may not have one is the mediocre generation. 虽然人数众多,但他们之中,可没有一个是平庸之辈。 Either is all major influence outstanding talent. 要么是各方大势力的优秀天才。 Either is a strongest talent of side world. 要么是一方世界的最强天才。 But their talents, cultivation realm, strength, can be joined to is the name of talent. 而他们的天赋,修为,实力,也都配得上是天才之名。 But the person must die, the goods must throw compared with the goods. 可人比人得死,货比货得扔。 Even if these are unrivaled in a side world, even some vast martial cultivation world also reputations people. 哪怕这些在一方世界无人可敌,甚至浩瀚修武界也有些名声的人。 In Ling Xiao, Qin Xuan, Xianhai Shaoyu and others front , can only become the set-off. 灵霄,秦玄,仙海少禹等人的面前,也只能成为陪衬。 May in the summit of this Nine Heavens, noticeable, may not only be Xianhai Shaoyu wait/etc., already talents that raises vast martial cultivation world. 可在这九天之巅,引人瞩目的,可不仅仅是仙海少禹等,早就名扬浩瀚修武界的天才们。 For example, the fellow of that five Huangfu surnames, their five are in all people of inspection, first steps into the summit of Nine Heavens. 比如,那五个皇甫姓氏的家伙,他们五个是所有考核之人中,最先踏入九天之巅的。 And said after newcomer, their inspection records, even is quicker than Xianhai Shaoyu. 并且经后来者说,他们的考核记录,甚至比仙海少禹还要快。 But before, and no one had heard these five people, everyone wants to know, they are the genuine materials, there is a reason. 可之前,并没有人听说过这五个人,大家都想知道,他们是真材实料,还是有所缘由。 Meanwhile, Wang Qiang from Divine Body Galaxy, as well as Nine Souls Galaxy Xian Miaomiao, is also curious. 同时,来自神体天河王强,以及九魂天河仙喵喵,也同样让人好奇。 Especially Xian Miaomiao, regarding her, more actually questioned. 尤其是仙喵喵,对于她,更多的其实是质疑。 In these talent eyes, Nine Souls Galaxy and Ancestral Martial Galaxy goods, the place that the bird does not defecate. 在这些天才眼中,九魂天河祖武天河一个货色,鸟不拉屎的地方。 That place can be called the person of talent, possibly is inferior to the mediocre generations in their eye, even is inferior to their servants. 那种地方能被称为天才之人,可能都不如他们眼中的平庸之辈,甚至不如他们的仆人。 Let alone with their these, all world, the top talent ratio of all influence. 就别说和他们这些,各方世界,各方势力的顶尖天才比了。 Therefore their many people, have completed, is stepping on the plan of Xian Miaomiao high-rank. 所以他们很多人,都已经做好了,踩着仙喵喵上位的打算。 Only waits for Xian Miaomiao to appear, will have many people to challenge Xian Miaomiao. 只等着仙喵喵出现,就会有很多人去挑战仙喵喵 But the summit of this Nine Heavens, besides the public activities region, many places they cannot go. 可是这九天之巅,除了公共活动区域外,很多地方他们是去不了的。 Including respective housing spirit territory, only if were invited, therefore is unable to step into. 包括,各自居住的灵域,除非受邀请,所以也都无法踏入。 Therefore, people until now, have not seen Xian Miaomiao. 因此,人们至今为止,都没有见过仙喵喵 Nine Souls Galaxy Xian Miaomiao, you must be cultivator, but also a little courage and uprightness, you roll.” 九魂天河仙喵喵,你要还是个修武者,还有一点血性,你就滚出来。” I want to take a look actually, do you have not to need to inspect, then enters the qualifications of summit of Nine Heavens.” “我倒是想要看看,你有没有无需考核,便进入九天之巅的资格。” Suddenly, angry roaring of female resounds through together, causes the people to pay attention. 忽然,一道女子的怒吼响彻,引起众人注意。
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