MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5738: Talents from nine souls

Waits and sees along the sound, sees only the square center, a stature hot female, stands there. 顺声观望,只见广场中心,一名身材火辣的女子,站在那里。 Was Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Qin light.” “是苍穹仙宗的秦光微。” Hearsay she is violent temperament, today sees also is really so.” “传闻她是一个暴脾气,今日一见还真是如此啊。” But this provokes in the presence of everyone, can annoy to trouble?” “但是这样当众挑衅,会不会惹来麻烦呢?” Fears anything, the place that Nine Souls Galaxy that bird does not defecate, it is estimated that even Half God Realm no one can step into, it is estimated that Martial Venerable Realm later generation few.” “怕什么,九魂天河那种鸟不拉屎的地方,估计连半神境都没有人能踏入,估计武尊境的后辈都没几个。” However I listen to me with, Qin Guangwei steps into Third Rank Half God, how Nine Souls Galaxy will Xian Miaomiao possibly be her opponent?” “而我听我跟,秦光微已是踏入三品半神,九魂天河仙喵喵怎么可能会是她的对手?” Xian Miaomiao, Qin Guangwei naturally did not fear, I referred to the Summit of Nine Heavens person. No matter how said, Xian Miaomiao was invited by Summit of Nine Heavens, can not allow Qin Guangwei to provoke like this?” 仙喵喵,秦光微自然不惧,我指的是九天之巅的人。不管怎么说,仙喵喵都是被九天之巅邀请来的,会不会不允许秦光微这样挑衅?” You said actually an issue, but the answer did not make known immediately, we look are.” “你说的倒是一个问题,不过答案不是马上揭晓了嘛,咱们看着便是。” right.” 也对。” The surrounded person are getting more and more, but they also want to look, Qin Guangwei can this act, bring in troublesome. 围观的人越来越多,而他们也都想要看一看,秦光微此举,会不会引来麻烦。 Therefore everyone is staring, unidirection. 于是所有人都盯着,同一方向。 When this square, is everyone residence comes and goes out the inevitable location, around the square, majority is a residential area. 这座广场,乃是所有人住所出入时的必经之地,广场四周,大部分都是居住区。 But looks to the residential area from this square, is the misty white fog. 而从这座广场向居住区望去,乃是蒙蒙白雾。 White fog in addition holds powerful formation, World Spiritist cannot see through. 白雾加持强大结界,界灵师也看不穿。 But several directions, can see the typeface of gives out red light. 可偏偏有几个方向,能够看到散发红光的字体。 That typeface such as the signboard is common, in the distant place, may be away from the white fog obviously, they can also be clearly discernible. 那字体如牌匾一般,明明在远处,可隔着白雾,他们也能清晰可见。 But that name, respectively is Qin Xuan, Feng Ling, Xianhai Yu'er, Wang Qiang, Jie Tian as well as Xian Miaomiao. 而那名字,分别是秦玄风铃仙海鱼儿王强界天以及仙喵喵 Was invited the person who comes. 都是被邀请而来的人。 This is the sign surface of invited personnel. 这是属于特邀人员的牌面。 Therefore as we all know, Xian Miaomiao housing position. 所以大家都知道,仙喵喵居住的方位。 Extinguished.” “灭了。” Quick, people become excited. 很快,人们变得兴奋起来。 The Xian Miaomiao name extinguished, this likely explained, Xian Miaomiao has left the institute of housing. 仙喵喵的名字熄灭了,这很可能说明,仙喵喵已离开居住之所。 Xian Miaomiao possibly came out. 仙喵喵可能出来了。 Really, in a while, in the dense fog the form walked together. 果然,没过多久,迷雾之中一道身影走了出来。 Sees this person, regardless of the men and women, is at present one bright. 只是看到此人,无论男女,皆是眼前一亮。 This... is this that Xian Miaomiao?” “这…这是那个仙喵喵吗?” Is long strangely attractive.” “长得还怪好看的嘞。” The hair of yellow, the blue eye, the sharp ear, is more like the monster clan as far as eyes can reach. 黄色的头发,蓝色的眼睛,尖尖的耳朵,一眼望去更像是妖族。 However she is very attractive, that fine face, particularly nimble and resourceful blue eye pupil, not only does not have the aggressivity of monster clan, instead has human race no noble air. 但是她很好看,那精致的脸庞,尤其是灵动的蓝色眼眸,不仅丝毫没有妖族的攻击性,反而有着人族都没有的贵气。 But this, precisely Xian Miaomiao. 而这位,正是仙喵喵 On the scene has many females, some inborn charming, some inborn are not even attractive, will actually still find World Spiritist, helping them change the facial features. 在场的有着不少女子,有的天生丽质,有的就算天生没那么好看,却也会找到界灵师,帮她们改变面容。 Lets them as far as possible in the foundation that the parents inherit, making his five senses more perfect, the stature is more attractive. 尽可能让她们在父母遗传的基础上,使其五官更完美,身材更好看。 Therefore on the scene, few clowns. 所以在场的,很少有丑的。 But after Xian Miaomiao appears, without exception, all females are overshadowed. 可当仙喵喵出现后,无一例外,所有女子黯然失色。 Completely not in a level. 完全不在一个层面。 Truly attractive, did not discuss regardless the strength, this Xian Miaomiao is how long, so to be how attractive?” “确实好看,抛开实力不谈,这仙喵喵咋长的,咋这么好看呢?” The talents that in the crowd, these are proud, see the Xian Miaomiao appearance, cannot bear exude the sound of praise. 人群中,就连这些自负的天才们,看到仙喵喵的长相,也忍不住发出夸赞之声。 Even some people swallow the saliva, appearance that solemn, has not seen the world. 甚至有人直吞口水,俨然一副,没见过世面的模样。 But similarly came from Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Qin Shu, is from head to foot, from foot to the end, repeated is sizing up Xian Miaomiao. 而同样来自苍穹仙宗秦梳,更是从头到脚,又从脚到头,反复的打量着仙喵喵 More looked that he more likes. 越看他越是喜欢。 If can receive her to be my servant, is actually good.” In the Qin Shu heart thinks of a way secretly. “若是能收她做我仆人,倒是不错。”秦梳心中暗自打起了主意。 This Qin Shu, is Qin Xuan own Little Brother. 这个秦梳,乃是秦玄的亲弟弟 But he is not good thing. 但他可不是什么好东西 Initially Chu Feng in Ancient World, had run into him. 当初楚枫古界,就遇到过他。 He united Pill Dao Immortal Sect Jia Chengying at that time, Zhou Dong of azure moon/month temple, everywhere with Chu Feng for enemy. 他当时联合丹道仙宗贾成英,还有青月神殿的周冬,处处与楚枫为敌。 The behind azure moon/month temple captures Ancient World, concerned about his status, puts him to leave actually safely. 后面青月神殿攻入古界,碍于他的身份,倒是放他安然离开。 After going back, Qin Shu also goes all out, now has promoted compared with it initially. 回去之后,秦梳也是发愤图强,如今比之当初已有增进。 Steps into the inspection of Summit of Nine Heavens, mixed a result ranked the tenth. 踏入九天之巅的考核,更是混了个排名第十的成绩。 But this person of mental disposition is extremely bad, Qin Guangwei flagrantly provoked Xian Miaomiao, was he misleads. 但此人秉性极差,秦光微公然挑衅仙喵喵,就是他蛊惑的。 Is you calls me?” “是你叫我吗?” After Xian Miaomiao comes out, will look at Qin Guangwei, her wear a look of happy expression, not only delightful was clever. 仙喵喵出来后,将目光投向秦光微,她面带笑意,不仅甜美更是乖巧。 It looks like a genial neighbor Little Sister, appearance that is very good to bully. 就像是一个和善的邻家小妹,一副很好欺负的模样。 „Are you Nine Souls Galaxy Xian Miaomiao?” “你就是九魂天河仙喵喵?” What skill you have, can be invited by Summit of Nine Heavens?” Qin Guangwei asked. “你有什么本事,能够被九天之巅邀请?”秦光微问道。 You question me?” Xian Miaomiao asked. “你是质疑我?”仙喵喵问。 „......” “呵……” May not only be I questions you, you ask on the scene, which didn't question you?” “可不仅是我质疑你,你问问在场的,哪个不质疑你?” Your Nine Souls Galaxy that place, even our Heavenly Dome Galaxy casual Lower Realm cannot compare, you......” “你九魂天河那种地方,连我们苍穹天河随便一个下界都比不上,你……” Qin Guangwei is speaking the taunt, may the words unable to say suddenly. 秦光微正在出言嘲讽,可忽然话说不出来了。 This square is very big, but in the corner of square, has a ratio to fight the stage. 这座广场很大,而在广场的一个角落,有着一座比斗台。 That ratio fights the stage to be very special, specifically is used to compare notes to use. 那比斗台很特殊,是专门用来切磋用的。 At present Xian Miaomiao, has stood, in that ratio fought above stage. 眼下仙喵喵,已是站在了那比斗台之上。 Comes up.” Xian Miaomiao said to Qin Guangwei. “上来。”仙喵喵对秦光微道。 After Qin Guangwei shortly god, actually smiled suddenly, her laughter was exceptionally terrorist, the facial features also became fierce. 秦光微短暂愣神之后,却忽然笑了,她的笑声异常恐怖,面容也变得狰狞。 Especially that look. 尤其那个眼神。 She looks at the Xian Miaomiao look, looking like wants to kill Xian Miaomiao to be the same. 她看着仙喵喵的眼神,就像是想杀死仙喵喵一般。 everyone, you heard, this is she must challenge my, was not my Qin Guangwei bullies her.” 诸位,你们听到了,这是她要挑战我的,可不是我秦光微欺负她。” This words saying, Qin Guangwei figure one vertical, fell on the stage directly. 此话说完,秦光微身形一纵,直接落到了台上。 Bang- 轰- But she just fell, then fighting the stage is then fiercer than trembles, the turbulent pressure is to flood the entire ratio fights the stage. 可她刚刚落下,那比斗台便剧烈一颤,汹涌的威压更是充斥整座比斗台。 Luckily the ratio fights the stage to defend formation, fights the ripples that in stage produces in the ratio, will be limited, in the ratio fights in stage. 幸亏比斗台有防御结界,于比斗台内产生的涟漪,会被限制在比斗台内。 Otherwise if that ripples spread, even if presents these talents, feared that is also injured. 否则那涟漪若是扩散出来,哪怕在场这些天才,怕也是要受伤。 Acts such ruthlessly, Qin Guangwei was too rather overdone?” “出手这么狠,秦光微未免太过火了吧?” The people discuss spiritedly. 众人议论纷纷。 Although that ripples kept off, but the aura can actually induce obtains, that inside aura, clearly achieved Fifth Rank Half God. 那涟漪虽被挡,但气息却能感应得到,那里面的气息,分明达到了五品半神 Qin Guangwei was Third Rank Half God, if can promote Second Rank cultivation realm, can definitely arrive at Fifth Rank Half God. 秦光微是三品半神,若能提升两品修为,是完全可以到达五品半神的。 May make a move to display the full power, and this sound, wants to kill people simply. 可一出手就施展全力,并且这动静,简直想要杀人啊。 How can?” “怎么会?” But when the ripples dissipate, people see clearly the ratio to fight a scene, is surprised. 可当涟漪消散,人们看清比斗台场景,无一不是感到意外。 Qin Guangwei lay on the ground, but a Xian Miaomiao foot is stepping in her body, in Qin Guangwei the mouth unceasingly spout the blood, the body is also twitching, but has lost the consciousness, the eye upturned, fainted. 秦光微趴在地上,而仙喵喵一只脚正踩在她的身上,秦光微口中不断喷涌着鲜血,身体也在抽搐,但已经丧失意识,眼睛上翻,昏死了过去。 Fifth Rank Half God, indeed is Fifth Rank Half God, but that Fifth Rank Half God aura, did not come from Qin Guangwei, but was Xian Miaomiao. 五品半神,的确是五品半神,可那五品半神的气息,不是来自秦光微,而是仙喵喵 What is main, Xian Miaomiao compared with it previous, does not have any change. 最主要的是,仙喵喵比之先前,没有任何变化。 This indicated that Xian Miaomiao has not promoted cultivation realm, this is her real cultivation realm. 这说明仙喵喵没有提升修为,这是她的真实修为 Fifth Rank Half God, she unexpectedly is Fifth Rank Half God.” 五品半神,她竟是五品半神。” This cultivation realm, making everyone be surprised. 这个修为,让所有人感到意外。 Because of this cultivation realm, the steamroll presents sufficiently most talents. 因为这个修为,足以碾压在场大多数天才。 This is completely entitled, was invited Summit of Nine Heavens cultivation realm. 这完全是有资格,被邀请到九天之巅修为 But Nine Souls Galaxy, will that place, how present such genius? 九魂天河,那种地方,怎么会出现这样一个妖孽 - 唰- In the meantime, Xian Miaomiao grasped Qin Guangwei, later threw her directly to the direction of Heavenly Dome Immortal sect people. 就在此时,仙喵喵抓起秦光微,随后直接将她丢向了苍穹仙宗众人的方向。 She first is delightful smiles, immediately looks to the people. 她先是甜美一笑,旋即看向众人。 Questioned?” “还有质疑的吗?” This tone that called a gentleness, the sound was also very delightful. 这语气那叫一个温柔,声音也是十分悦耳。 But at this moment, actually no one dares to despise Xian Miaomiao. 但此刻,却没有一个人敢轻视仙喵喵 PS: The Summit of Nine Heavens chapter, will spend some words to conduct the group portrait description. PS:九天之巅篇章,会花费一些笔墨进行群像描写。 Because in some people, later may appear in the destiny nine child, is the talent is not weak in Chu Feng are too many, in the future can grow with Chu Feng together, rank of fighting side-by-side. 因为这里面的一些人,以后有可能会出现在天命九子之中,是天赋不弱于楚枫太多,日后能跟楚枫共同成长,并肩作战的级别。 Who can nine child gain a footing in the destiny, everyone guesses. 到底谁能在天命九子占有一席之地,大家猜一猜。 Might as well nine destiny in your heart, hits in the commentary area, later naturally knows right that you guess is not right. 不妨把你们心中的天命九子,打在评论区,以后自然知道你们猜的对不对了。
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