MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5736: extraordinary strength?

No, you can have today the achievement, all depends on own skill, relates not in a big way with the old man.” “别,你能有今日成就,全凭自己本事,与老夫关系不大。” „The matter, indeed probably needs to you troublesome.” “不过有一件事,的确可能需要麻烦到你。” I must enter ninth Galaxy, you also know, at present ninth Galaxy, so long as goes , is unable to come out.” “我要进入第九道天河,你也知道,目前第九道天河,只要进去,便无法出来。” However I and other then must walk, will otherwise possibly miss some times.” “而我等一下便要走,不然可能会错过一些时机。” But I calculated, the summit of this Nine Heavens, situated here, should not be simple.” “可我推算,此次九天之巅,位于此处,应该并不简单。” I feared, if really has the extraordinary strength born, will alarm exists.” The Zhang Yingxiong teacher said. “我怕若真的有不凡力量出世,会惊动一些存在。”张英雄师尊道。 extraordinary strength that senior said that is it possible that......” Song Changsheng thought of a possibility. 前辈所说的不凡力量,莫非……”宋长生想到了一个可能。 Is you thinks.” The Zhang Yingxiong teacher said. “就是你所想的。”张英雄师尊道。 Hears this words, Song Changsheng is the look is also dignified, both eyes open the circle, asked: Finally appeared?” 听闻此话,宋长生也是神色凝重,双目睁圆,不由问道:“终于出现了吗?” Is indefinite.” “也不确定。” „But if appears, will decide will have exists to compete.” “但若出现,定会有一些存在争夺。” If the later generation fights, who can obtain, whose skill that is, but if the older generation meddles, is unfair.” “若是后辈争锋,谁能得到,那便是谁的本事,但若老一辈插手,则有失公允。” Immortal, I know that you do not like minding others' business, but this difference.” “长生,我知道你不爱多管闲事,但此次不同。” I hope, the summit of Nine Heavens can conduct smoothly.” The Zhang Yingxiong teacher said. “我希望,九天之巅能顺利举办。”张英雄师尊说道。 senior holds, the immortal will complete surely.” Song Changsheng said. 前辈所托,长生定会完成。”宋长生道。 Un, hoping some people not to disturb.” The Zhang Yingxiong teacher said. “嗯,但愿不会有人捣乱。”张英雄师尊说道。 ...... …… Fight of Chu Feng and Zhang Yingxiong, has continued a double-hour, has not divided the victory and defeat. 楚枫张英雄的交手,一直持续了一个时辰,也是未分胜负。 Follows formation power to dissipate, in two people of hands the wooden sword does not see, returns to the reality from the formation technique world. 伴随结界之力消散,二人手中木剑不见,也从阵法世界内回到现实。 Two people all are sweat profusely, pants. 二人皆是大汗淋漓,气喘吁吁。 This seemingly simple fight, makes their two people consume enormously. 这看似简单的交手,却让他们二人消耗极大。 Because the opponent is too strong, does not dare to have negligently , will cause the failure slightly slightly negligently. 因为对手太强,都不敢有丝毫大意,稍微大意一点,都将导致失败。 But the high spiritual centralism, the consumption is actually enormous. 但高度的精神集中,其实消耗是极大的。 Although feels exhausted physically and mentally, but on two people faces, actually hangs is wiping the smile. 尽管身心俱疲,可两人的脸上,却都是挂着一抹笑容。 Although the victory and defeat has not divided, but this time fights, carefree dripping!!! 尽管胜负未分,但此次交手,畅快淋漓!!! Little Brother Chu Feng, you are really the monster.” Zhang Yingxiong sighed. 楚枫兄弟,你真是怪物。”张英雄叹道。 I, if the monster, you are also.” Chu Feng said. “我若是怪物,那你也是。”楚枫道。 Fight of this double-hour, he personally experienced the great strength of Zhang Yingxiong. 这一个时辰的交手,他亲身感受到了张英雄的强大。 Not only has enough actual combat experience, and also has extremely strong dealing thought. 不仅有着足够的实战经验,并且还有着极强的应对思维。 Naturally, Zhang Yingxiong that swordsmanship, is seriously mysterious. 当然,张英雄那剑法,当真玄妙。 This is his resources, but this is also his skill. 这是他的资源,但这也是他的本事。 Compares notes with you next time again, it is estimated that was the antique god territory.” “下一次再与你切磋,估计就是太古神域了。” At that time, it is estimated that did not use this formation technique, you should be able by your cultivation realm, to fight with me.” Zhang Yingxiong said. “那个时候,估计不用这阵法,你应该能以自身修为,与我交手了。”张英雄道。 Hope.” Chu Feng sighed. “希望。”楚枫叹道。 He also hopes, by oneself cultivation realm and method, comes to fight with Zhang Yingxiong, such is true fair. 他也希望,凭借自身修为和手段,来与张英雄交手,那样才是真正的公平。 This gives you.” During the Zhang Yingxiong speeches, the finger to Chu Feng one finger/refers, a ray was drilling into Chu Feng within the body. “这个给你。”张英雄说话间,手指对着楚枫一指,一道光芒钻入了楚枫体内。 Chu Feng lowers the head looks, a special design, seal in the Chu Feng's chest. 楚枫低头一看,一道特殊的图案,印在了楚枫的胸口。 But vanishes quickly does not see, the mortal body could not see, the soul could not see, but he can induce. 但很快消失不见,肉身看不到,灵魂也看不到,但他能感应到。 However also can only induce to that design, in that as if contains what thing, but Chu Feng cannot see is anything. 不过也只能感应到那图案,那里面似乎蕴藏着什么东西,但楚枫看不出是什么。 Therefore raise one's head looks to Zhang Yingxiong: What is this?” 于是抬头看向张英雄:“这是什么?” I am not clear, my teacher makes me give you, the conditions are ripe, naturally knows.” Zhang Yingxiong said. “我也不清楚,我师尊让我给你的,时机成熟,自然知晓。”张英雄道。 Really curious, where your teacher is sacred.” Chu Feng said. “真好奇,你师尊到底是何方神圣。”楚枫道。 You will know, my teacher favors you very much.” “你会知晓的,我师尊很看好你。” During the speeches, before Zhang Yingxiong arrives at the Chu Feng body, put out a hand according to unexpectedly in Chu Feng chest that Heaven Swallowing Qilin, above badge that changes. 说话间,张英雄走到楚枫身前,竟伸手按在了楚枫胸口那吞天麒麟,所化作的徽章之上。 Remember, do not make a show.” “记住,别耍花样。” My this Little Brother, you cannot stir up, if he has the accident/surprise, you must die.” “我这兄弟,你惹不起,他若出现意外,你必死。” These words, were say to Heaven Swallowing Qilin. 这句话,是对吞天麒麟说的。 He, actually knows that Chu Feng that badge, is Heaven Swallowing Qilin. 他,竟然知道楚枫那徽章,是吞天麒麟所化。 But regarding this, Chu Feng is not accidental/surprised. 但对此,楚枫也并不意外了。 The Zhang Yingxiong teacher is all-resourceful, he knows anything, Chu Feng is not accidental/surprised. 张英雄的师尊神通广大,他知晓任何事,楚枫都不意外。 After warning Heaven Swallowing Qilin, Zhang Yingxiong looks to Chu Feng, holds the fist in the other hand to salute: Little Brother Chu Feng, I advance one step, the antique god territory sees.” 警告了吞天麒麟后,张英雄看向楚枫,抱拳施礼:“楚枫兄弟,我先行一步,太古神域见。” Antique god territory sees.” Chu Feng also returns by a ritual. “太古神域见。”楚枫也是回以一礼。 immediately, Zhang Yingxiong then pinches the law secret art, strength of the teleportation covers him. 旋即,张英雄便捏动法诀,一股传送之力覆盖他。 But he has not left directly, but after was hesitant one next, looked to Chu Feng. 可他并未直接离开,而是犹豫了一下后,看向楚枫 Little Brother Chu Feng.” 楚枫兄弟。” Facing Seven Worlds Saint Palace, you are more careful.” “面对七界圣府,你小心一些。” Including your grandfather, he and Seven Worlds Saint Palace, does not have the surface is so simple.” “包括你那个外公,他与七界圣府,都没有表面那么简单。” This words saying, he then left directly. 此话说完,他便直接离开了。 As for Chu Feng, is lost in thought. 至于楚枫,则是陷入沉思。 Seven Worlds Saint Palace is not simple, he has known, but Seven Worlds Saint Palace Mansion Lord, is not simple, Chu Feng felt oneself must pay attention. 七界圣府不简单,他已知晓,可七界圣府府主,也不简单,楚枫觉得自己还是要注意。 News that after all the Zhang Yingxiong teacher, he gave, deciding however was not the rumor. 毕竟张英雄师尊了得,他给予的消息,定然也非空穴来风。 At this moment, Zhang Yingxiong returned to that boat, but his teacher has also waited here. 此刻,张英雄回到了那艘小船上,而他的师尊也早就在此等候。 But Zhang Yingxiong, actually sat down exhausted directly on the ground, the whole person became exceptionally weak. 张英雄,却直接瘫坐在了地上,整个人变得异常虚弱。 Injured?” His teacher asked. “受伤了?”其师尊问。 No, the high degree of concentration, the consumption is too big.” Zhang Yingxiong said with a smile. “没有,高度集中,消耗太大。”张英雄笑道。 How does Chu Feng give your feeling?” His teacher asked. 楚枫给你的感觉如何?”其师尊问。 Continues, I may lose.” Zhang Yingxiong said. “继续下去,我可能会输。”张英雄道。 Knows well, so as to avoid really thinks own unmatched in the world.” “知道就好,免得真以为自己天下无敌了。” The teacher words saying that boat has moved, at the extremely quick speed, grazes to go to the ninth Galaxy direction. 其师尊此话说完,那艘小船已经移动,以极快的速度,向第九道天河的方向飞掠而去。 Teacher, is the junior in ninth Galaxy, stronger?” Zhang Yingxiong asked. “师尊,第九道天河内的小辈,是不是更强?”张英雄问。 Is uncertain, perhaps is strongest, you have seen, you may not despise to collect in the peer of summit of Nine Heavens.” “不一定,也许最强的,你已经见过了,你可千万别小看汇集于九天之巅的同辈。” In them, incessantly Chu Feng is not perhaps weak in you.” The Zhang Yingxiong teacher said. “他们之中,也许不止楚枫一个不弱于你。”张英雄师尊道。 Oh?” Zhang Yingxiong first is surprised, immediately reveals wipes the smile of anticipation: That is instead more interesting.” “喔?”张英雄先是惊讶,旋即露出一抹期待的笑容:“那反而更有趣。” ...... …… As for Chu Feng, adjusts slightly, steps into the place of that inspection. 至于楚枫,稍微调整一下,也是踏入那座考核之地。 Just stepped into that unusual palace front door, then the powerful strengths, bound lived in Chu Feng. 刚刚踏入那奇特的宫殿大门,便有一股强大的力量,束缚住了楚枫 That strength, first eradicates the Chu Feng's hidden method. 那力量,先是将楚枫的隐藏手段破除。 That strength, then starts to enter Chu Feng within the body, attacks the Chu Feng's soul. 紧接着那力量,便开始进入楚枫体内,攻击楚枫的灵魂。 This should be the First Level test, if unable to withstand, will then be eliminated directly. 这应该是第一重考验,若是无法承受住,便将会被直接淘汰。 Trading to do is ordinary, such test, cannot stump Chu Feng, even no feeling. 换做是平常,这样的考验,根本难不住楚枫,甚至没啥感觉。 However just battled with Zhang Yingxiong, super-elevation spirit of enough one double-hour is centralized, makes him very weak. 但是刚刚与张英雄交战,足足一个时辰的超高度精神集中,也使得他非常的虚弱。 Under this condition, experiences such formation technique strength again, Chu Feng is also felt that somewhat suffers. 这种状态下,再经历这样的阵法力量,楚枫也是感觉有些折磨。 However is good because, Chu Feng withstood this strength. 但是好在,楚枫还是承受住了这股力量。 When that strength vanishes, Chu Feng discovered, he in a mountain range. 当那力量消失时,楚枫发现,他在一座山脉之中。 But, here may a mountain range, here very be not only big. 但,这里可不仅一片山脉,这里很大。 Enters here first feeling, not only here is big, is very complex, wants through the inspection, some difficulties. 进入这里的第一感觉,这里不仅大,也很复杂,想要通过考核,有些难度。 Especially void above, but also has the time. 尤其虚空之上,还有着时间。 That is the prompt of inspection time, from the inspection end already shortly. 那是考核时间的提示,距离考核结束已经没多久了。 But periphery, cannot see the person, wants the summit of participate this Nine Heavens, the earliest possible time has come. 而周围,根本看不到人,想要参加九天之巅的,早就第一时间进来了。 Now, no one had come, after all as we all know, comes in this time, at all not possible through inspection. 现在,已经没有人进来了,毕竟大家都知道,这个时间进来,根本不可能通过考核。 All these all, are telling Chu Feng, the time that he remains are not much, must grasp. 这一切的一切,都在告诉楚枫,他所剩的时间不多,必须抓紧了。 But Chu Feng was too weak, adjusts the good condition with great difficulty, after just formation technique baptism, some consumptions. 楚枫太虚弱了,好不容易调整好的状态,经过刚刚的阵法洗礼,又有些消耗。 Such Chu Feng, the power of observation, each aspect slides significantly. 这样的楚枫,观察力,各个方面都大幅度下滑。 Therefore not direct vanguard, but takes out elixir, sits on the ground, prepares to adjust own state of mind. 所以并没有直接前行,而是取出一颗丹药,坐在地上,准备调整一下自己的精神状态。 Who?” “谁?” But suddenly, Chu Feng detected that some people approach, therefore sets out immediately. 可忽然,楚枫察觉到有人靠近,于是立刻起身。 Quick, several forms, appeared in the distant place, and quick close to Chu Feng, assumed the potential of surrounding, surrounded Chu Feng. 很快,数道身影,出现在了远处,并且很快靠近楚枫,呈包围之势,将楚枫围住。
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