MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5735: The showdown of talent

At this time, two people of cultivation realm and aura are expose with nothing left. 此时,二人的修为和气息都是展露无遗。 Chu Feng can feel, under the formation technique limit, they, not only cultivation realm, frames First Rank Half God now, the strength is also same. 楚枫能感觉到,在阵法限制下,他们二人,不仅现在修为,都定格了一品半神,就连战力也是相同的。 If wants to divide the victory and defeat, can only rely on the fight experience and skill. 若想分胜负,只能凭借战斗经验和技巧了。 Little Brother Chu Feng, does not want to retain, otherwise I will have regrettable.” Zhang Yingxiong said. 楚枫兄弟,可不要有所保留,不然我会有遗憾。”张英雄道。 You are also the same.” Chu Feng said. “你也一样。”楚枫道。 Relax, I will try, this is to your respect.” “放心,我会尽全力,这是对你的尊重。” Zhang Yingxiong originally wear a look of light happy expression, but the next quarter, the facial features are dignified, eye reveal cold light. 张英雄原本面带淡淡笑意,可下一刻,面容凝重,眼露寒光。 Saw only the flowing light to pass over gently and swiftly together...... 只见一道流光掠过…… He in the wink of an eye, before arriving at the Chu Feng body unexpectedly, in hand wooden sword straight thrust Chu Feng heart. 他竟瞬息之间,来到楚枫身前,手中木剑直刺楚枫心脏。 But he is quick, then changed the sword potential. 可他很快,便改变了剑势。 Because he discovered, the wooden sword in Chu Feng hand, punctures to his heart, if he does not change the sword potential, even if stabs Chu Feng, he must be finished. 因为他发现,楚枫手中的木剑,也向他的心脏刺来,他若不改变剑势,就算刺中楚枫,他也要完蛋。 Therefore a sword potential revolution, fends off the wooden sword that Chu Feng punctures, but the Chu Feng under foot step changes at the same time, the wooden sword takes advantage of opportunity to move, turns around, sweeps to the Zhang Yingxiong nape of the neck. 于是剑势一转,将楚枫刺来的木剑挡开,可楚枫脚下步伐变化的同时,木剑顺势而动,一个转身,扫向张英雄的脖颈。 Zhang Yingxiong was frightened by the Chu Feng's swift and fierce offensive, after dodging, footsteps back down, wants to jump to go to battle with the circle. 张英雄楚枫的凌厉的攻势吓到了,闪躲之后,脚步后退,想跳出战圈。 But Chu Feng, actually detected that his intention, fast follow-up, at all not to the opportunity that he escaped from. 楚枫,却察觉到了他的意图,快速的跟进,根本不给他逃脱的机会。 Was seeing with own eyes escapes not to be possible to escape, Zhang Yingxiong instead laughs loudly. 眼见着逃无可逃,张英雄反而放声大笑。 Haha, crisp, worthily is Little Brother Chu Feng.” “哈哈,爽,不愧是楚枫兄弟。” Sees with own eyes Chu Feng to him the opportunity, Zhang Yingxiong does not hide simply, but counter-attacks. 眼见楚枫不给他机会,张英雄干脆不躲,而是反攻而来。 This sword, overbearing extraordinary, the speed, the strength, the angle, achieved extreme. 这一剑,霸道非凡,速度,力量,角度,都达到了极致 Sees this sword, Chu Feng then knows, Zhang Yingxiong was earnest. 看到这一剑,楚枫便知道,张英雄认真了。 This sword and before were different, he started to use a special swordsmanship. 这一剑与之前不同,他开始使用一种特殊的剑法。 Especially counter-attacks this sword, is extremely verve, even if Chu Feng, did not think hardly just, but was the choice receives the sword to resist. 尤其是反击这一剑,极其刚猛,哪怕楚枫,也不想硬刚,而是选择收剑抵挡。 But Zhang Yingxiong, actually does not give the opportunity of Chu Feng counter-attack, strikes inadequately, the sword shadow begins, the offensive comes. 张英雄,却不给楚枫反击的机会,一击不成,剑影再起,攻势接连而至。 Sword shadow everywhere, such as the violent storm, pounds unceasingly to Chu Feng. 剑影漫天,如狂风暴雨,不断砸向楚枫 So long as in pounding, that is fatal. 只要砸中一下,那都是致命的。 However in the wink of an eye, Chu Feng then loses the advantage, becomes passive. 不过瞬息之间,楚枫便丧失优势,变为被动。 But Chu Feng is not only unhurried, instead the innermost feelings are excited. 楚枫不仅不慌,反而内心兴奋。 Powerful, enough powerful opponent. 强大,足够强大的对手。 Opponent of this precisely Chu Feng hope. 正是楚枫渴望的对手。 Although the Zhang Yingxiong offensive is fierce, but actually kept off all by Chu Feng, is unable to injure to Chu Feng. 张英雄的攻势虽然凶猛,可却尽数被楚枫挡下,根本无法伤到楚枫 Although Chu Feng no, but Zhang Yingxiong exuded the whisper at heart. 楚枫虽然没啥,但张英雄心里则泛起了嘀咕。 Because he himself was clear, his swordsmanship, is unusual, but is the swordsmanship that Remote Antiquity Era flows out. 因为他自己清楚,他的剑法,可不寻常,而是太古时期流出下来的剑法。 Each move of each type, needs the extremely excellent skill to be completed. 每招每式,都需要极其高超的技巧才能完成。 High of this swordsmanship threshold, even if sword, the homing talent, life difficult grasps. 此剑法门槛之高,哪怕一个剑式,寻的天才,此生都难以掌握。 Even if he has completely grasped this set of swordsmanship, may be too high because of the difficulty, he displays, to him is also an enormous consumption. 哪怕他已经完全掌握这套剑法,可因难度太高,他施展起来,对他自己本身也是一种极大的消耗。 Therefore he easily does not use, so long as used, then how long does not need, opponent rout. 因此他轻易不用,可只要用了,便无需多久,对手就将溃败。 But Chu Feng does not have, simply does not have the sign of rout. 楚枫没有,根本没有溃败的迹象。 Even if the Zhang Yingxiong offensive is seemingly fierce, may only have him to be clear, his all offensive, were completely understood by Chu Feng probably is the same. 哪怕张英雄攻势看似凶猛,可唯有他清楚,他的所有攻势,都像是被楚枫看透了一样。 Even sometimes, his sword has not attacked completely, the sword in Chu Feng hand, already to direction layout of defense. 甚至有时候,他的剑还未完全攻出,楚枫手中的剑,就已经向防守的方向布局。 „Did he... sentence my offensive in advance?” “他…预判到了我的攻势?” Zhang Yingxiong soon realized, although own offensive ingenious actually fierce, seems like that does not give the opposite party the time to regroup. 张英雄很快意识到,自己的攻势虽然巧妙却凶猛,看似不给对方喘息机会。 But Chu Feng should sentence his offensive in advance, otherwise cannot resist so perfect. 楚枫应该是预判到了他的攻势,不然不能抵挡的如此完美。 This way, he is unable to defeat Chu Feng. 这样下去,他根本无法击败楚枫 Therefore he prepares to change the rhythm, in this manner, disrupts the Chu Feng's rhythm. 于是他准备改变节奏,以这种方式,打乱楚枫的节奏。 Bad.” “糟了。” But his offensive rhythm had just changed, Chu Feng that must defend, was a sword punctured to him. 可他进攻节奏刚有所变化,原本应当防御的楚枫,则是一剑向他刺了过来。 And the Chu Feng's offensive, wave after wave, incurs a move of fatality, does not give the opportunity of Zhang Yingxiong counter-attack, can only the passive defense, again and again back down. 并且楚枫的攻势,一波接着一波,招招致命,根本不给张英雄反击的机会,只能被动防守,连连后退 How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” He even sentenced in advance, will I change the rhythm? Is only waiting for me to present this flaw, launches the counter-attack?” “难道他甚至预判到了,我会变化节奏?就只在等待我出现这个破绽,发动反击?” Zhang Yingxiong suspected at first, but quick then determined this point. 张英雄起初只是怀疑,但很快便确定了这一点。 If others, possibly is the coincidence, but the Chu Feng's offensive is so strict, making him understand that this absolutely is not the coincidence. 如果是其他人,可能是巧合,可楚枫的攻势如此严密,让他明白这绝对不是巧合。 Looked down on Chu Feng.” “还是小瞧楚枫了啊。” Zhang Yingxiong starts worriedly, how must defeat Chu Feng worriedly. 张英雄开始苦恼,苦恼要如何战胜楚枫 As for Chu Feng, his offensive, although is also fierce, but actually also kept off all by Zhang Yingxiong. 至于楚枫,他的攻势虽然同样凶猛,但却也都被张英雄尽数挡下。 But one battles, Chu Feng discovered, defense of Zhang Yingxiong, unlike oneself. 而一番交战下来,楚枫发现,张英雄的防守,与自己不同。 Oneself can keep off the Zhang Yingxiong offensive, what relied on is the keen observation, with experience that the past fought. 自己能够挡下张英雄的攻势,凭借的是敏锐的观察,和以往交手的经验。 Which direction he can sentence the Zhang Yingxiong sword in advance from, which form in attacks to oneself. 他能预判出张英雄的剑会从哪个方向,以哪种形式对自己攻来。 But Zhang Yingxiong is not, Zhang Yingxiong by a mysterious defensive measure, so long as this method, and not the negligent words, can keep off all offensive. 张英雄不是,张英雄是凭借一种玄妙的防御手段,只要这手段在,且不大意的话,就能挡下所有攻势。 An extremely mysterious swordsmanship!!! 一种极其玄妙的剑法!!! Possessing both offense and defense operational requirement...... 攻防兼备…… Such mysterious swordsmanship, Chu Feng has never seen. 这样玄妙的剑法,楚枫从未见过。 Even is mysterious, Chu Feng's power of observation, difficult imitation. 甚至玄妙到,楚枫的观察力,都难以模仿。 This makes Chu Feng even more determine, wants to defeat Zhang Yingxiong, is not an easy matter. 这让楚枫越发确定,想要击败张英雄,绝非易事。 ...... …… Above this side world, a man who carries the axe, is built on the starry sky. 这方世界上方,一位身背斧头的男子,立于星空之中。 Song Changsheng. 宋长生 Place that Song Changsheng this time vision condenses, exactly is the place that Chu Feng and Zhang Yingxiong are. 宋长生此时的目光所凝聚的地方,恰好是楚枫张英雄所在的地方。 Even if there is the strength of special hidden, but actually also difficult prevents his vision. 哪怕有特殊的隐藏之力,可却也难以阻挡他的目光。 Has the young man unexpectedly, can be inextricably involved with Chu Feng?” “竟有后生,能与楚枫难解难分?” Song Changsheng more looks is more accidental, even if he also voices the opinions. 宋长生越看越意外,哪怕是他也不由发出感叹。 Looks at the later generation to fight, may have to feel were oneself old?” “看后辈交手,可有感觉自己老了?” But suddenly, the old person sound resounds from Song Changsheng together behind. 可忽然,一道老者声音自宋长生身后响起。 Then waits and sees, the Song Changsheng actually eye of reveal happy expression, rushes to serve with a ritual. 回头观望,宋长生却目露笑意,赶忙施以一礼。 senior.” 前辈。” But this newcomer, is the Zhang Yingxiong teacher. 而这位来者,乃是张英雄的师尊。 The Zhang Yingxiong teacher beckons with the hand with a smile: Is overly courteous.” 张英雄师尊笑着摆了摆手:“无需多礼。” For a long time has not seen senior.” “好久没有见到前辈了。” „The summit of Nine Heavens, attracted unexpectedly senior.” Song Changsheng said after a sigh. 九天之巅,竟将前辈也吸引来了。”宋长生感叹道。 He always treats people indifferently, may face the Zhang Yingxiong teacher, not only looks the smile, completely reveals the respect. 他向来待人冷漠,可面对张英雄师尊,不仅面露笑容,更是尽显敬意。 I am accompany my disciple to come.” The Zhang Yingxiong teacher said. “我是陪我弟子来的。”张英雄师尊道。 Your disciple?” Hears this words, Song Changsheng responds suddenly, said: „, Is that?” “您的弟子?”听闻此话,宋长生猛然反应过来,不由道:“难道,就是那位?” Yes, fights with Chu Feng that.” The Zhang Yingxiong teacher said. “是,就是与楚枫交手那位。”张英雄师尊道。 Originally is senior disciple, no wonder, no wonder.” “原来是前辈弟子,难怪,难怪。” Knows Zhang Yingxiong, is this disciple, he is not accidental/surprised, Zhang Yingxiong will have such strength. 得知张英雄,乃这位弟子,他也就不意外,张英雄会有如此实力了。 Zhang Yingxiong teacher smiles, immediately said: „Hasn't the fog of flame soul, grasped thoroughly?” 张英雄师尊笑了笑,旋即道:“魂之雾焰,还未彻底掌握吗?” junior stupid, was unable completely to grasp.” Song Changsheng said. 晚辈愚钝,还未能完全掌握。”宋长生道。 Your talent, sooner or later matter.” “你的天赋,迟早的事。” Actually today sees you, the matter discussed with you.” The Zhang Yingxiong teacher said. “其实今日见你,是有一件事与你商量。”张英雄师尊道。 senior, junior can have today, depends entirely on senior.” 前辈,晚辈能有今日,全靠前辈。” Your benevolence to the junior, the junior life will not forget, you have the matter to need the junior words, although told is, does not need to discuss.” Song Changsheng said. “您对晚辈的恩情,晚辈此生不会忘,您有事需要晚辈的话,尽管吩咐便是,无需商量。”宋长生道。
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