MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5734: Place that sooner or later must go to

Remember, cultivating the behavior should not be crazy, must know there is human beyond the human there is heaven beyond the heaven.” “记住,做人别太狂,要知道人外有人天外有天。” Zhang Yingxiong this words saying, looks to Chu Feng, immediately big mouth one, shows the smile. 张英雄此话说完,看向楚枫,顿时大嘴一咧,露出笑容。 Relax, he crosses will restore, will not affect his participate inspection.” “放心,他过会就会恢复,不会影响他参加考核。” This attitude, with treating Long Chengyu, simply huge difference. 这个态度,和对待龙承羽,简直天壤之别。 This also makes Chu Feng understand, Zhang Yingxiong is not polite to everyone. 这也让楚枫明白,张英雄并非对所有人都客气。 But he definitely has the qualification of being proud. 但他绝对有自负的本钱。 First did not say, Long Chengyu their hidden methods, can hide the truth from so many expert, but actually cannot hide the truth from Zhang Yingxiong. 先不说,龙承羽他们三人的隐藏手段,能够瞒过那么多高手,但却瞒不住张英雄 Only said it, this strength is also powerful enough. 只说其本身,这实力也足够强大。 Seventh Rank Half God, as a junior, shows disdain for the outstanding heroes sufficiently. 七品半神,身为小辈,足以傲视群雄。 After all Chu Feng, Third Rank Half God. 毕竟楚枫,才三品半神 Only said that pressure, is unusual, makes Long Chengyu not have the opportunity of counter-attack unexpectedly. 只说那道威压,就非同寻常,竟让龙承羽连反击的机会都没有。 But Chu Feng somewhat is worried about Long Chengyu, therefore for its diagnosis injury. 楚枫还是有些担心龙承羽,于是为其诊断伤势。 When discovered, he is only the bloodlines disorder, but after quick will restore, felt relieved. 当发现,他只是血脉紊乱,但很快就会恢复后,才放下心来。 Brother Chengyu, Muxi, you first go to the participate inspection, does not use I, the summit of our Nine Heavens sees.” Chu Feng said. 承羽兄,沐熙,你们先去参加考核吧,不用等我,咱们九天之巅见。”楚枫说道。 „It is not good, I must teach him.” But Long Chengyu actually wicked is staring at Zhang Yingxiong. “不行,我要教训他。”可龙承羽却恶狠狠的盯着张英雄 What's wrong, refuses to accept?” Zhang Yingxiong asked. “怎么,不服?”张英雄问。 Naturally refuses to accept.” Long Chengyu said. “当然不服。”龙承羽道。 Do not show off power, walks.” Long Muxi rushes to urge. “别逞强了,走吧。”龙沐熙赶忙劝道。 Actually Zhang Yingxiong bullies her Little Brother, she also has the anger, but Zhang Yingxiong after all is the Chu Feng friend, moreover is her Little Brother first clamors, she endures. 其实张英雄欺负她弟弟,她也有怒气,但张英雄毕竟是楚枫朋友,况且是她弟弟先叫嚣的,她才忍下来。 Otherwise, with the Long Muxi character, even if knows that the opposite party cannot annoy, she will not fear. 不然,以龙沐熙的性格,哪怕知道对方不能惹,她也不会惧怕。 „It is not he sneak attacks, will I lose him?” But Long Chengyu is still not actually willing to leave, he cannot swallow this tone. “不是他偷袭,我会输他?”可龙承羽却依然不肯离开,他咽不下这口气。 Zhang Yingxiong has not spoken, but has been staring at Long Chengyu, eye of reveal cold light. 张英雄没说话,但一直盯着龙承羽,目露寒光。 Such look, if Long Chengyu really dares to clash, Zhang Yingxiong acts again, may not really show mercy. 这样的眼神,若是龙承羽真的敢冲过来,张英雄再出手,可能真就不会手下留情了。 Brother Zhang.” Does not see with own eyes right, Chu Feng rushes to open the mouth. 张兄。”眼见不对,楚枫赶忙开口。 Actually he awkwardest, after all the two sides are the friends. 其实他最为难,毕竟两边都是朋友。 Little Brother Chu Feng, I understand, does not make you feel embarrassed.” 楚枫兄弟,我懂,不让你为难。” Zhang Yingxiong this words saying, said to Long Chengyu: Brother Long, sorry, was I was just overdone, do not lower oneself to the same level with me.” 张英雄此话说完,对龙承羽道:“龙兄,抱歉,是我刚刚过火了,别和我一般见识。” He, apologized unexpectedly directly. 他,竟直接道歉了。 Not only be with smile on the face, but also the sincerity is full. 不仅面带笑容,还诚意满满。 This made Long Chengyu be shocked immediately. 这让龙承羽顿时愣住了。 Puts out a hand not to hit the smile person. 正所谓伸手不打笑脸人。 He is also clear the opposite party is not weak, the reason for this is that completely to the Chu Feng face. 况且,他也清楚对方不弱,之所以如此,完全是给楚枫面子。 Zhang Yingxiong gave the Chu Feng face. 张英雄都给楚枫面子了。 If he continues to pester, that obviously on insufficient meaning. 他若继续纠缠,那显然就不够意思了。 Ok, I have the incorrect place.” “算了,我也有不对的地方。” Long Chengyu said, immediately then looks to Chu Feng: „Doesn't Little Brother Chu Feng, really use us and others you?” 龙承羽道,旋即便看向楚枫:“楚枫兄弟,真不用我们等你?” Does not use, you first go, the summit of Nine Heavens sees.” Chu Feng said. “不用,你们先去吧,九天之巅见。”楚枫道。 Good.” Long Chengyu nods. “那好。”龙承羽点头。 Therefore, Long Chengyu then takes the lead the participate inspection with Long Muxi. 于是,龙承羽便与龙沐熙率先去参加考核。 This place, only had Chu Feng and Zhang Yingxiong two people. 此地,只剩下了楚枫张英雄两个人。 Brother Zhang, what matter do you look for my?” Chu Feng asked to Zhang Yingxiong. 张兄,你找我何事?”楚枫张英雄问。 Chu Feng, I must walk, before walking, had a wish not.” Zhang Yingxiong said. 楚枫,我要走了,走之前还有一个心愿未了。”张英雄道。 Can go?” Chu Feng asked. “要去哪?”楚枫问。 Ninth Galaxy.” Zhang Yingxiong said. “第九道天河。”张英雄道。 Antique god territory?” Regarding ninth Galaxy, Chu Feng naturally heard, that is one goes, on being able to come out place. “太古神域?”对于第九道天河,楚枫自然有所耳闻,那是一个进去,就出不来的地方。 Actually what no one knows there. 没人知道那里究竟什么样。 Some people said, there is martial cultivation sacred land, because is just extremely happy, the person of going is not then willing to come back. 有人说,那里是修武圣地,正因为太过美好,进去的人便不愿回来。 Therefore called there the antique god territory. 因此称那里为太古神域。 Also some people said that there is the human purgatory, went in must die. 也有人说那里乃是人间炼狱,进去了就要死。 Therefore, some people said that there is the antique purgatory. 所以,也有人称那里为太古炼狱。 Right, is there.” Zhang Yingxiong said. “对,就是那里。”张英雄道。 You know, what there is?” Chu Feng asked. “你知道,那里是什么样吗?”楚枫问。 Some people are the god territory, some people are the purgatory, therefore hearsay but actually also appropriate.” “有些人而言是神域,有些人而言是炼狱,所以传闻倒也贴切。” Actually how, I am not clear, I have not gone.” “究竟如何,我也不清楚,我没进去过。” But that is your I, place that sooner or later must go.” Zhang Yingxiong said. “但那是你我,迟早都要前往的地方。”张英雄道。 How did this words say?” Chu Feng asked. “此话怎讲?”楚枫问。 You know why at the beginning of time these powerhouses, will enter ninth Galaxy?” Zhang Yingxiong asked. “你知道,为何时代初期的那些强者,都会进入第九道天河吗?”张英雄问。 Why?” Chu Feng asked. “为何?”楚枫问。 Vast martial cultivation world, being used to build the martial cultivation foundation is the good place.” “浩瀚修武界,用来打好修武基础是不错的地方。” „But if wants to promote, must enter ninth Galaxy.” “但若想要有所增进,就必须进入第九道天河。” Ancient times end , the martial cultivation world pattern has changed.” “远古末期,修武界格局发生过变化。” Causes more world energies, collects in ninth Galaxy.” “导致更多的天地能量,汇集于第九道天河。” Therefore the ninth Galaxy world energy, other not Galaxy may compare.” “因此第九道天河的天地能量,远非其他天河可比。” Although other Galaxy world energies, are used for cultivation to True God Realm, was completely enough, but if wants to break through Heavenly God Realm, was extremely difficult.” “虽说其他天河的天地能量,用来修炼真神境,也是完全够了,可若想突破到天神境,则是极难。” At the beginning of this time, ancient times under left behind Heaven and Earth Treasure to be many, the powerhouse of that time, can depend upon these Heaven and Earth Treasure, offset the world undercapacity.” “这个时代初期,远古遗留下的天材地宝较多,那个时代的强者,可以依靠那些天材地宝,弥补天地能量不足。” Therefore at the beginning of time, the Heavenly God Realm powerhouse and Heavenly Dragon World Spiritist, are many.” “所以时代初期,天神境强者和天龙界灵师,还是不少的。” But Heaven and Earth Treasure is eventually limited, as consumes unceasingly, then also causes the following Heavenly God Realm powerhouse, as well as Heavenly Dragon World Spiritist are getting fewer and fewer.” “但天材地宝终究有限,随着不断消耗,便也导致后面天神境强者,以及天龙界灵师越来越少。” Time initial period these top powerhouses, even if not know how ninth Galaxy is, but to develop in the future, goes to ninth Galaxy.” “时代初期那些顶尖强者,哪怕不知第九道天河到底是怎样的,可为了日后发展,也都纷纷前往第九道天河。” Although guessed, but their choices, are actually correct, indeed only then there, can make them progress.” Zhang Yingxiong said. “虽然只是猜测,但他们的选择,其实是正确的,的确只有那里,才能让他们进步。”张英雄道。 Actually about this guess, Chu Feng the first time is not heard, but that guessed after all, but Zhang Yingxiong gave the accurate answer. 其实关于这种猜测,楚枫不是第一次听说,但那毕竟只是猜测,而张英雄则是给出了准确的答复。 You may know, why enters ninth Galaxy, then isn't able to come out? With the ancient times at the late stage , the pattern change was related?” Chu Feng asked. “你可知,为何进入第九道天河,便无法出来?是与远古末期,格局变化有关?”楚枫问。 Perhaps, I am not clear, but goes not to be able to come out temporarily, is the fact.” “也许吧,我也不清楚,但暂时进去无法出来,乃是事实。” But might also as well, you go, led your relatives and friends not on the line.” “但也无妨,你进去的时候,把你亲朋好友都带进去不就行了。” „Should you, not go to there now?” Zhang Yingxiong asked. “不过你现在应该,不会去那里吧?”张英雄问。 Yes, I must first save my mother.” Chu Feng said. “是,我要先将我母亲救出来。”楚枫道。 Hears Chu Feng to mention mother, Zhang Yingxiong starts to speak but hesitates. 听到楚枫说起母亲,张英雄欲言又止。 What's wrong?” Chu Feng asked. “怎么了?”楚枫问。 All right, wanting us also to be able see again/goodbye.” Zhang Yingxiong said. “没事,希望我们还能再见。”张英雄道。 Meets see again/goodbye.” “一定会再见。” Chu Feng felt, if Zhang Yingxiong said is true, he will promote inevitably is also restricted in the future. 楚枫觉得,若张英雄所言属实,他日后的提升也必然受限。 At that time, to promote , must enter ninth Galaxy. 那个时候,若想增进,也必然是要进入第九道天河的。 Right, you said that wish not, is what matter, can I help you?” Chu Feng asked. “对了,你说心愿未了,是什么事,我能帮到你吗?”楚枫问。 You naturally, because this wish is related with you.” “你当然可以,因为这个心愿与你有关。” Chu Feng, I want to compare notes with you.” Zhang Yingxiong said. 楚枫,我想与你切磋一下。”张英雄道。 Compares notes with me? Now?” Chu Feng asked. “与我切磋?现在?”楚枫问。 Right, now.” Zhang Yingxiong nods. “对,现在。”张英雄点头。 „Didn't you go to the summit of Nine Heavens?” Chu Feng asked. “你不去九天之巅了?”楚枫问。 Does not go, in any case here, only then you, have the qualifications to fight with me.” Zhang Yingxiong said. “不去了,反正这里,也只有你,有资格与我一战。”张英雄道。 I now, am not your opponent.” Chu Feng forced smile. “我现在,可不是你对手。”楚枫苦笑。 Zhang Yingxiong has not spoken, but is the palm spreads out, a special spheroid appears. 张英雄没有说话,而是手掌摊开,一个特殊球体浮现。 That is special formation technique, in formation technique becomes a side world, and has the limit ability. 那是一道特殊的阵法,阵法内自成一方世界,且具有限制能力。 And Chu Feng notices, in formation technique also has two special swords, is the wood/blockhead manufacture, but is very special. 并且楚枫注意到,阵法内还有着两把特殊的剑,是木头制作的,但却很特别。 Enters this, your my cultivation realm is the same.” “进入此阵,你我修为相同。” Does not use Martial Technique, does not use Secret Skill, does not use any method, uses same armament, coming to the field to compare notes.” “不用武技,不用秘技,不用任何手段,使用相同兵器,来场切磋。” „A double-hour, this dissipation.” “一个时辰,此阵消散。” If in a double-hour, has not been divided the victory and defeat, your I then am tie.” Zhang Yingxiong said. “若一个时辰内,未分胜负,你我便是平手。”张英雄道。 Ok.” Chu Feng nods. “行。”楚枫点头。 He knows, before fought, Zhang Yingxiong has hidden, he also wants to experience, the Zhang Yingxiong true strength. 他知道,之前交手,张英雄有所隐藏,他也想见识一下,张英雄真正的实力。 Zhang Yingxiong shows a faint smile, the palm turns, the spheroid spreads. 张英雄微微一笑,掌心一翻,球体扩散。 The next quarter, Chu Feng and Zhang Yingxiong, entered in the world in spheroid. 下一刻,楚枫张英雄,都进入了球体内的世界之中。 Two swords, fluttered respectively before two people. 两把剑,分别飘在了二人身前。 PS: Tomorrow update, about 10 : 00 am, will not have accident/surprise in addition. PS:明日更新,会在早上10点左右,不出意外会加更。
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