MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5733: You know that what I do eat?

Chapter 5731 you know that what I do eat? 第5731章你知道我吃什么吗? This list captures the Chu Feng three people of attention. 此榜吸引楚枫三人目光。 But the surroundings are completely the crowd, discussed various events. 而周围尽是人群,议论各种事件。 Although also some people discussed matter of Chu Feng and Seven Worlds Saint Palace, or the matter of Totem Dragon Clan rebellion. 虽也有人谈论楚枫七界圣府之事,或是图腾龙族叛乱之事。 But after all, regarding the discussion of summit of Nine Heavens, is most. 但总归,对于九天之巅的讨论,乃是最多的。 Does not need to inquire, only need hear, what also knows this list quickly is. 无需打探,只需听闻,也是很快知晓此榜为何物。 This list, is indeed related with the summit of Nine Heavens. 此榜,的确与九天之巅有关。 The summit of Nine Heavens, this time is open to all juniors, except for was invited to give that several of response, can go directly to outside the summit of Nine Heavens. 九天之巅,此次对所有小辈开放,除了被邀请且给予回应的那几位,可以直达九天之巅外。 Others, need to enter an inspection. 其他人,都需要入阵考核。 This list, is the result of inspection. 这个榜单,就是考核的成绩。 What these Huangfu is what background?” “这几个皇甫的是什么来头?” Unexpectedly even Xianhai Shaoyu, behind them?” “居然连仙海少禹,都在他们后面?” Long Chengyu is lost in thought that and is puzzling. 龙承羽陷入沉思,且百思不得其解。 The Xianhai Shaoyu strength he is clear, Xianhai Shaoyu has the name of present age strongest junior, but absolutely is not the rumor. 仙海少禹的实力他是清楚的,仙海少禹有当代最强小辈之称,可绝对不是空穴来风。 If, said Galaxy respectively, can only the person be invited. 如果说,各道天河,只能有一个人被邀请。 But the Xianhai Yu'er talent is higher, Xianhai Shaoyu was excluded, excusable words. 仙海鱼儿天赋更高,仙海少禹被排除在外,情有可原的话。 But this list, the unexpectedly five people arranged on Xianhai Shaoyu, was makes Long Chengyu really unable to think through. 可这个榜单,竟然有五个人排在了仙海少禹头上,则是让龙承羽实在想不通。 Especially these five people, the Xianhai Shaoyu hear have not listened. 尤其这五个人,仙海少禹听都没听过。 Huangfu?” “皇甫?” Is only the coincidence?” “只是巧合吗?” But Chu Feng, then remembered, before Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, to that person who he mentioned. 楚枫,则是不由想起了,之前图腾龙族族长,对他说起的那个人。 In the past caused havoc the Seven Worlds Saint Palace Heavenly God Realm powerhouse, that person just was also surnamed Huangfu. 当年大闹七界圣府天神境强者,那个人刚好也是姓皇甫。 „Did Jie Baobao, come unexpectedly?” Long Muxi sighed. 界宝宝,居然也来了?”龙沐熙叹道。 Where this is Jie Baobao sacred?” Chu Feng asked. “这界宝宝何方神圣?”楚枫问。 Once with the talent that Ling Xiao shared the honor, but just became famous then to undergo closed-door training, many years did not have the news.” “曾经与灵霄齐名的天才,不过刚刚成名便闭关了,多年没有消息。” Has the hearsay, she is the following strength cannot follow, therefore does not appear simply.” “有传闻,她是后续实力跟不上,所以干脆不出现了。” But, the hearsay is evidently groundless, she can mount this list, deciding however is competent, is only continuously to undergo closed-door training.” Long Muxi said. “但看样子,传闻不实,她能登上这个榜单,定然是还有实力,只是一直闭关罢了。”龙沐熙道。 I heard, Jie Baobao old name report, but she thought that the report is not of pleasant to hear, therefore used the childhood name simply.” “我听说,界宝宝原名界报,只是她觉得界报不好听,所以干脆用了小名。” Her childhood name was called the baby, therefore called Jie Baobao.” Long Chengyu grinning say/way. “她小名就叫宝宝,所以就叫界宝宝了。”龙承羽笑嘻嘻的道。 Hearsay where comes?” Long Muxi said. “哪来的小道消息?”龙沐熙道。 Absolutely reliable.” A Long Chengyu face is self-confident. “绝对可靠。”龙承羽一脸自信。 Has to inquire this time, might as well use on cultivation.” Long Muxi said. “有打探这个的时间,不如用在修炼上。”龙沐熙道。 Elder sister, cultivation I have not idled.” Long Chengyu suffering say/way. “姐,修炼我也没有懈怠啊。”龙承羽委屈的道。 The Chu Feng three people chatted, arrived quickly burnt the lineage/vein village. 楚枫三人闲聊之间,也是很快来到了燃脉村。 Burns the lineage/vein village, no one had lived, even once house, over time, but decency. 燃脉村,早就无人居住了,甚至连曾经的房屋,都随着时间推移,而风化了。 Now is piece of bleak ravine. 如今就是一片荒凉的山沟子。 However now burns the lively degree of lineage/vein village, perhaps entire vast martial cultivation world, few places can compare. 不过现在燃脉村的热闹程度,恐怕整个浩瀚修武界,都没有几个地方能比。 The reason for this is that naturally because of the summit of Nine Heavens. 之所以如此,自然是因为九天之巅。 The summit of this Nine Heavens, unlike the past, the entire vast martial cultivation world juniors had opportunity participate. 此次九天之巅,与以往不同,整个浩瀚修武界小辈都有机会参加 And the list announced directly. 并且榜单直接公布。 But now is Age of Gods, possibly this list finally leaving a good name, in the future will be the vast martial cultivation world backbone. 而如今又是神之时代,可能此次榜单最终留名者,日后就是浩瀚修武界的顶梁柱。 Everyone wants to witness this grand occasion. 所有人都想见证这一盛事。 But in fact, in burning the position of lineage/vein village, cannot see the legend summit of Nine Heavens. 可实际上,在燃脉村的位置,也看不到传说中的九天之巅。 Only can see a palace, the float is burning the sky of lineage/vein village. 只能看到一座宫殿,漂浮在燃脉村的上空。 This palace modeling is unusual, Gundam/reaches as high as ten thousand meters, the shape tower non- tower, but is only the front door, as high as nine km. 这座宫殿造型奇特,高达万米,形状似塔非塔,但只是大门,就高达九千米。 Although this palace is floats spatially, but from a ground also hundred meters distance, reason that floats spatially, as if not want to destroy this place the landform. 此宫殿虽是浮空,但距离地面也不过百米距离,之所以浮空,似乎只是不想破坏此地的地貌罢了。 Good exquisite formation technique.” “好精妙的阵法。” Chu Feng sees, this palace is great formation, and this formation technique, far exceeds his cognition. 楚枫一眼就看出,此宫殿乃大阵所化,并且这阵法,远超他的认知。 Has Little Brother Chu Feng fortunately you, otherwise really without enough time.” “还好有楚枫兄弟你,不然真的来不及了。” Long Chengyu sighed. 龙承羽感叹。 On the palace has the time, the time arrived, cannot be eliminated through inspection, is unable to enter the summit of Nine Heavens. 宫殿上面有时间,时间到了,未能通过考核者都将被淘汰,无法进入九天之巅。 But now, from that time , is only left over several double-hour. 而现在,距离那时间,也只剩下几个时辰而已。 But inside inspection, is actually how, they do not know, therefore does not dare to be negligent. 可里面的考核,究竟是怎样的,他们也不知道,所以都不敢大意。 Originally, Chu Feng and Long Chengyu, can reach the summit of Nine Heavens directly. 本来,楚枫龙承羽,都是可以直接登上九天之巅的。 Because Chu Feng and Long Chengyu had not responded at that time invite, therefore missed this opportunity. 但因为楚枫龙承羽当时没有回应邀请,所以丧失了这个机会。 Now wants to reach the summit of Nine Heavens, wants the participate inspection. 如今想登上九天之巅,也要参加考核。 - 唰- But when their three people, the preparation enters the place of that inspection, has form together, drops from the clouds, just blocked before their three people. 可就在他们三人,准备进入那考核之地时,却有一道身影,从天而降,刚好拦在了他们三人面前。 Their three people, but hid the figure. 他们三人,可都是隐藏了身形的。 But that appearance, obviously is not the coincidence, but to block them. 而那位的出现,明显不是巧合,而是为了拦他们而来。 Sees this one, Long Chengyu and Long Muxi, is an eye of reveal stands guard, first then revealed the pointed weapons, the release the aura. 见此一幕,龙承羽龙沐熙,皆是目露警戒,第一时间便亮出兵刃,释放出了气息。 Brother Zhang?” 张兄?” May see that Chu Feng is unhurried, because this Chu Feng recognizes, is Zhang Yingxiong. 可看到那位,楚枫却丝毫不慌,因为这位楚枫认得,乃是张英雄 „Did you know?” Long Chengyu asked. “你们认识?”龙承羽问。 Understanding.” Chu Feng nods. “认识。”楚枫点头。 But Zhang Yingxiong, then arrived in front of Long Muxi directly, polite serves with a ritual. 张英雄,则是直接走到了龙沐熙面前,客气的施以一礼。 This miss is Long Muxi, is long really attractively, worthily is Totem Dragon Clan thousand gold (daughter) big Miss.” “这位姑娘便是龙沐熙吗,长得真好看啊,不愧是图腾龙族的千金大小姐。” Introduced oneself, is called Zhang Yingxiong below, with Little Brother Chu Feng, was the life-and-death friendship.” “自我介绍一下,在下叫做张英雄,与楚枫兄弟,乃是生死之交。” Zhang Yingxiong cracks into a smile, that called an attentiveness. 张英雄咧嘴一笑,那叫一个殷勤。 But Long Chengyu is actually the eyes narrows the eyes, looks uncomfortable. 龙承羽却是双眼微眯,面露不爽。 Looked to Chu Feng one, that look seemed saying. 不由的看向了楚枫一眼,那个眼神仿佛在说。 This fellow what background? 这个家伙什么来头? Must say the fame, his Long Chengyu that has raised vast martial cultivation world. 要说名气,他龙承羽那早就名扬浩瀚修武界 result this fellow, disregarded him unexpectedly, instead does everything to his Elder Sister, is it possible that is a sexual harasser is inadequate? 结果这个家伙,竟然无视了他,反而对他的姐姐大献殷勤,莫非是个色狼不成? Brother Zhang, are you look my?” Chu Feng asked. 张兄,你是来找我的?”楚枫问。 Right, Little Brother Chu Feng, I have a matter to with you discuss.” Before Zhang Yingxiong then arrives at the Chu Feng body . “对,楚枫兄弟,我有一件事要和你商量一下。”张英雄这才走到楚枫身前。 And this words saying, looked to Long Muxi and Long Chengyu: You two, first go to the participate inspection.” 且此话说完,看向了龙沐熙龙承羽一眼:“你们两个,先去参加考核吧。” Having anything you spoke frankly are, I and Little Brother Chu Feng went in together.” Long Chengyu said. “有什么事你直说便是,我与楚枫兄弟一同进去。”龙承羽说道。 You and Chu Feng anything, delays a double-hour again, he can also through the inspection, but you are uncertain.” “你与楚枫比什么,再耽误一个时辰,他也能通过考核,但你可不一定。” Grasps, so as to avoid misses this opportunity.” Zhang Yingxiong urged. “抓紧吧,免得错过这次机会。”张英雄催促道。 Compares in treating Long Muxi, he treats Long Chengyu, not only not attentive, instead some are impolite. 相比于对待龙沐熙,他对待龙承羽,不仅没有殷勤,反而有些不客气。 Your what meaning, even if I am inferior to Little Brother Chu Feng, still compared with you, refuses to accept us to compete with absolutely?” “你什么意思,就算我不如楚枫兄弟,也绝对比你强,不服咱们比试比试?” The Long Chengyu itself/Ben is the person of being proud, he is polite to Chu Feng, other person of he really does not pay attention. 龙承羽本就是自负之人,他只是对楚枫客气,其他人他真不放在眼里。 Even if knows, this Zhang Yingxiong should not be simple, but this person so attitude, Long Chengyu could not endure. 哪怕知道,这张英雄应该不简单,可此人如此态度,龙承羽忍不下去了。 Bang- 轰- But suddenly, a pressure drops from the clouds, Long Chengyu then cannot move. 可忽然,一股威压从天而降,龙承羽便动弹不得。 Seventh Rank Half God, that is the Seventh Rank Half God pressure. 七品半神,那是七品半神的威压。 Hateful.” “可恶。” At this moment, Long Chengyu eyeful angers. 此刻,龙承羽满眼的愤怒。 He now, cultivation realm also promotes, achieved Sixth Rank Half God, and he stimulates to movement dragon clan the bloodlines, can promote cultivation realm. 他如今,修为也有增进,达到了六品半神,并且他催动龙族血脉,是能够提升修为的。 Although this Zhang Yingxiong cultivation realm is strong, indeed surprises him, but he, so long as promotes cultivation realm, does not fear. 张英雄修为虽强,的确让他意外,可他只要提升修为,也并不惧怕。 But, Zhang Yingxiong this pressure is very special, under this pressure bound, he does not have the means to promote cultivation realm unexpectedly. 可偏偏,张英雄这威压很是特别,在这威压束缚下,他竟没办法提升修为 That feeling, looks like the suppression from bloodlines to be the same, is only together the pressure, has decided the victory and defeat. 那种感觉,就像是来自血脉的压制一般,只是一道威压,就已经定了胜负。 Long Chengyu, if not for looks in the Little Brother Chu Feng face, you have died.” 龙承羽,若不是看在楚枫兄弟面子上,你已经死了。” You know that who I am, you know that what I eat to grow up?” “你知道我是谁吗,你知道我吃什么长大的吗?” Let alone your trivial Totem Dragon Clan, even True Dragon before me, is not anything.” A Zhang Yingxiong face despises looks at Long Chengyu. “别说你区区图腾龙族,就算真龙在我面前,也不算什么。”张英雄一脸鄙夷的看着龙承羽 You have the skill to let loose me, our frank and upright fights.” “你有本事放开我,咱们光明正大的交手。” Long Chengyu clenches jaws, the blue vein sticks out suddenly, a face refuses to accept. 龙承羽咬牙切齿,青筋暴起,一脸不服。 „Do you propose a toast do not eat?” “你是敬酒不吃?” The Zhang Yingxiong straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards are but actually vertical, the look also had the change. 张英雄剑眉倒竖,眼神也是有了变化。 - 唔- The next quarter, that pressure had the change, Long Chengyu looked immediately painfully. 下一刻,那威压有了变化,龙承羽顿时面露痛苦。 Brother Zhang.” Sees that Chu Feng rushes to open the mouth. 张兄。”见状,楚枫赶忙开口。 Sees him to open the mouth, Zhang Yingxiong receives the pressure actually immediately. 见他开口,张英雄倒是立刻收起了威压。 As for Long Chengyu, although is over the face anger, a face refuses to accept, but he simply does not have the means to act now. 至于龙承羽,虽是满面怒意,一脸不服,可他现在根本没办法出手了。 The strength that he stands does not have, whole person very weak, if not for Long Muxi goes forward to support by the arm, he will collapse to the ground directly on. 他连站起来的力气都没有,整个人非常的虚弱,若不是龙沐熙上前搀扶,他将直接瘫坐在地上。 () ()
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