MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5732: Arrives burns the lineage/vein village

Too dog, this damn Long Lin(dragon scale), mind bad, if there is an opportunity, I do not dig out to come to see his heart.” “太狗了,这该死的龙鳞,心眼坏的很,若有机会,我非把他的心挖出来看看。” Has a look at him is dragon clan the heart, is the heart of dog, so to be how heartless and cruel.” Long Chengyu cursed angrily again. “看看他到底是龙族的心,还是狗的心,怎么这么狼心狗肺。”龙承羽再度怒骂道。 No wonder I cannot play this Martial Technique might.” Chu Feng said. “难怪我发挥不出这武技的威力。”楚枫说道。 Normal, whose cultivation cannot send the might.” But words to here, Long Chengyu look change: Un? Therefore your did cultivation succeed?” “正常,谁修炼都发不出来威力。”可话到此处,龙承羽神色变化:“嗯?所以你修炼成功了?” „Aren't you... Third Rank Half God?” “你不是…三品半神吗?” Chu Feng has not spoken, direct revolution Divine Taboo dragon breath, immediately turns around, the mouth opens, then has golden light together to spout from its. 楚枫没有说话,直接运转神禁龙息,旋即转身,嘴巴张开,便有一道金光自其口中喷出。 That power and influence is verve, but the actual might, is Ninth Rank Venerable Taboo was actually inferior. 那威势刚猛无比,可实际的威力,却是九段尊禁都是不如。 I go, did you really grasp unexpectedly?” “我去,你居然真的掌握了?” genius is genius, looking at it like this, other First Rank Divine Taboo, you also can definitely grasp.” 妖孽就是妖孽,这样看来,其他一段神禁,你也完全能掌握啊。” Was a pity, now does not have Divine Martial Forbidden Technique on the body.” “只是可惜,现在没有神禁武技在身上。” Long Chengyu feels regretted, because had determined, Chu Feng grasped this Divine Martial Forbidden Technique. 龙承羽倍感遗憾,因为已经确定,楚枫掌握了这神禁武技 The Divine Taboo dragon breath might is not good, is that Martial Technique flaw, are not related with Chu Feng. 神禁龙息威力不行,是那武技本身的缺陷,与楚枫没有关系。 Little Brother Chu Feng, the summit of Nine Heavens finished, goes in the clan with us together sacred land, I make my father teach several Divine Martial Forbidden Technique to give you.” Long Chengyu said. 楚枫兄弟,九天之巅结束,跟我们一同去族内圣地,我让我父亲传授几本神禁武技给你。”龙承羽说道。 Ok.” Chu Feng has not rejected, he indeed needs Divine Martial Forbidden Technique now. “行。”楚枫倒也没有拒绝,他现在的确需要神禁武技 Divine Martial Forbidden Technique, Divine Weapon he does not have incessantly. 不止神禁武技,神兵他也没有。 Quick, the Chu Feng three people go out from Teleportation Formation, and grazes to go to a not far away ordinary mountain range. 很快,楚枫三人从传送阵内走出,且向不远处一座普通的山脉飞掠而去。 In the Nine Heavens secret, can approach other Galaxy besides antique god territory, direct teleportation. 身在九天秘地内,可以向除了太古神域外的其他天河,直接传送 In the Nine Heavens secret outside, similarly also has many, the special teleportation gate in similar Heavenly Dome Immortal sect forbidden land. 身在九天秘地外,同样也有诸多,类似苍穹仙宗禁地内的特殊传送门。 This teleportation gate, is found in each Galaxy all world. 传送门,遍布各个天河的各方世界。 Chu Feng after controlling the stele leaves a good name, induced these and Nine Heavens secret connected teleportation gate position. 楚枫在主宰石碑留名后,就感应到了那些与九天秘地相连的传送门位置。 Just, this side world has goes nonstop to the Nine Heavens secret place together the teleportation gate. 刚好,这方世界就有一道直通九天秘地的传送门。 Why this is also, Chu Feng definite time with enough time. 这也是为何,楚枫确定时间来得及。 Calculates the time, wants to go to Bloodline Galaxy, normal Ancient Teleportation Formation, indeed without enough time. 算一算时间,想前往血脉天河,正常的远古传送阵,的确来不及了。 But Nine Heavens secret place Teleportation Formation, then with enough time. 九天秘地的传送阵,便来得及。 Chu Feng has the Long Chengyu two people, after entering the mountain range, arrives under an ordinary hill. 楚枫带着龙承羽二人,进入山脉后,又来到一座普通的山丘之下。 Chu Feng strikes, is looking for anything. 楚枫敲敲打打,是在找什么。 Long Chengyu and Long Muxi, although is puzzled, but has not spoken. 龙承羽龙沐熙虽然不解,但却也没有说话。 Until after Chu Feng arrives at the determination of fix, a hand puts above the dike, another hand pinches the stimulation of movement law secret art. 直到楚枫来到确定位置后,一只手放于岩壁之上,另一只手捏动催动法诀。 Afterward the ray twinkle, on that seemingly common dike, then presents together the formation gate. 随后光芒闪烁,那看似寻常的岩壁上,便出现一道结界门。 Sees this one, Long Muxi and Long Chengyu looks at one mutually, is only this formation gate, they discovered that this place is not simple. 见此一幕,龙沐熙龙承羽互看一眼,只是这结界门,他们就发现此地不简单。 But enters, two people are an eye of reveal are more surprised. 而进入其中,二人更是目露惊讶。 In the rock cave, is setting up an unusual front door. 岩洞内,立着一道奇特的大门。 I go, this is the treasure.” “我去,这门是宝物啊。” Long Chengyu saw, this is not simple. 龙承羽一眼看出,此门不简单。 But the Chu Feng method secret art changes, this gate revolves immediately, the next quarter three people were then inhaled, arrived in the teleportation tunnel. 楚枫法诀变化,此门立刻运转,下一刻三人便被吸入其中,来到了传送隧道之内。 My Oh God!, that is Teleportation Formation? Is our in the teleportation tunnel?” “我的天哪,那门是传送阵吗?我们这是在传送隧道内?” In in the teleportation tunnel, Long Chengyu opened the mouth. 身在传送隧道内,龙承羽都张大了嘴巴。 Long Muxi beautiful eyes is also the eldest child who stares, waits and sees, sizes up repeatedly. 就连龙沐熙美眸也是瞪的老大,四下观望,反复打量。 Because of the speed of this teleportation tunnel, was too quick, is they have never seen speed. 因为这传送隧道的速度,太快了,是他们从未见过的速度。 Such teleportation speed, perhaps really with enough time. 这样的传送速度,也许真的来得及。 Little Brother Chu Feng, some of your how many secrets, are we have not known?” Long Chengyu asked. 楚枫兄弟,你到底还有多少秘密,是我们不知道的啊?”龙承羽问。 Many.” Saying that Chu Feng cracks a joke. “多着呢。”楚枫开玩笑的说道。 Little Brother Chu Feng, I told the facts, just knew your time, although I thought you to suit one's taste, was wants to be the friend with you wholeheartedly.” 楚枫兄弟,我实话实说,刚认识你的时候,虽说我看你对胃口,是真心实意想和你做朋友。” Because you come from Ancestral Martial Galaxy, I will also think that you are nothing experience hick.” “但因为你来自祖武天河,我也会觉得你是没啥见识的土包子。” Now I discover, that hick who I have not experienced.” “现在我才发现,我才是没见识的那个土包子啊。” ...... …… The Nine Heavens secret place, is the formation technique source of forces, is main formation is. 九天秘地,乃阵法力量源泉,也是主阵所在。 Although the star gate is found in each region, may only rely on the star gate, is unable at will teleportation. 星门虽遍布各地,可只凭借星门,也无法随意传送 Must first enter the Nine Heavens secret place, then decides the ultimate goal. 需先入九天秘地,再定最终目的。 Is good is quick because of the speed enough, is only short one double-hour, the Chu Feng three people then enters the Nine Heavens secret place, controls stele whereabouts. 好在速度够快,只是短短一个时辰,楚枫三人便进入九天秘地,主宰石碑所在之处。 Where is this?” Long Chengyu is opening big mouth, waits and sees, eyeful curious. “这是什么地方啊?”龙承羽张着大嘴,四下观望,满眼好奇。 The Long Muxi same beautiful eyes twinkle, in the eye is difficult to cover the startled color. 龙沐熙同样美眸闪烁,眼中难掩惊色。 These two, stem from the Galaxy Overlord level influence Young Master Miss, at present actually such as the hick enters a city the general, eyeful novelty. 这两位,出自天河霸主级势力的少爷小姐,眼下却如土包子进城一般,满眼的新奇。 Especially that three control steles, are enormous to their attraction, watches repeatedly. 尤其是那三块主宰石碑,对他们吸引力极大,反复观看。 Because they can realize that above name, is not very simple. 因为他们都能意识到,那上面的名字,很不简单。 Especially on the Sankuai tablet, only presented the Chu Feng's name. 尤其第三块石碑上面,只出现了楚枫的名字。 The implication is extraordinary!!! 寓意非凡!!! But in the meantime, Chu Feng pinches the law secret art, immediately the world shakes, later eight star gates rise straight from the ground. 而就在此时,楚枫捏动法诀,顿时天地震荡,随后八座星门拔地而起。 Sees eight star gates, two people are an eye of reveal exclaimed in surprise, although does not have the name, but they actually can also realize, what eight star gates seem like the correspondence is eight Galaxy. 看到八道星门,二人更是目露惊叹,虽然没有名字,可他们却也能意识到,八道星门似乎对应的乃是八道天河 Little Brother Chu Feng, your you......” 楚枫兄弟,你你你……” The Long Chengyu shocking words even could not reach an agreement. 龙承羽震惊的连话都说不好了。 On road said.” “路上说。” But Chu Feng brings Long Chengyu and Long Muxi directly, stepped into the Bloodline Galaxy star gate. 楚枫则是直接带着龙承羽龙沐熙,踏入了血脉天河的星门之中。 They just walked, the little girl who the god pupil female, as well as that pen changes, then also appears again. 他们刚走,神眸女子,以及那支笔化作的小女孩,便也再度出现。 This Chu Feng, how brought outsider, he... the secret of not conservative Nine Heavens secret place?” “这楚枫,怎么将外人带过来了,他…都不保守九天秘地的秘密吗?” The little girls hold the chin with the small hand, is casting aside the small mouth, is very puzzled. 小女孩用小手托着下巴,撇着小嘴,十分不解。 Simultaneously in tone, has the meaning of several points of blame. 同时语气之中,也有着几分责怪之意。 Normal, such secret, no one will easily tell outsider is. 正常来说,这样的秘密,没人会轻易告诉外人才是。 This is his freedom.” The god pupil female said. “这是他的自由。”神眸女子道。 Compares in the little girl, she does not have the meaning of slight blame actually. 相比于小女孩,她倒是没有丝毫责怪之意。 ...... …… On the road, Chu Feng informed Long Chengyu and Long Muxi, matter about Nine Heavens secret place. 路上,楚枫告知了龙承羽龙沐熙,关于九天秘地的事。 But Long Chengyu and Long Muxi, have hearing regarding the Nine Heavens secret early, but actually does not know, the Nine Heavens secret is the Teleportation Formation method. 龙承羽龙沐熙,对于九天秘地早有耳闻,但却不知道,九天秘地乃是传送阵法。 Little Brother Chu Feng, you were too extraordinary, I do not know how to praise you.” 楚枫兄弟,你真太了不起了,我都不知道怎么夸你了。” Secret that the Nine Heavens secret place, so many years no one can solve, you decoded.” 九天秘地,这么多年没人能破解的秘密,你都破解了。” You are present era only one achieve?” “你是当今时代唯一一个做到的吧?” „It was good, was too good.” “太牛了,真的太牛了。” This Age of Gods, prepares for you.” “这神之时代,就是为你准备的吧。” Long Chengyu looks at the Chu Feng's look, thoroughly changed, becomes worships unexpectedly. 龙承羽楚枫的眼神,彻底变了,竟变得崇拜起来。 Lucky.” “侥幸罢了。” This matter, but also please keep secret.” Chu Feng said. “不过此事,还请保密。”楚枫说道。 I will not say to anybody.” Long Muxi said. “我不会对任何人说。”龙沐熙说道。 Little Brother Chu Feng, you can tell us this secret, that was the absolute trusts our sister and brother.” 楚枫兄弟,你能将这个秘密告诉我们,那是对我们姐弟俩的绝对信任了。” You could rest assured that kills my me not saying that my father I will not say.” Long Chengyu is also guarantee said. “你放心,打死我我都不会说,我父亲我都不会说。”龙承羽也是保证道。 Regarding them, Chu Feng is the trust, will otherwise not lead them to travel together. 对于他们两个,楚枫是信任的,不然也不会带着他们同行。 Right, on you, that can let the treasure that we hide, now uses one.” Chu Feng said. “对了,你们身上,那能让我们隐藏的宝物,现在就用一个吧。”楚枫说道。 Although the trip, the Totem Dragon Clan clansman because of being wounded, has not sent people to protect them. 虽说此行,图腾龙族族人因负伤,没有派人保护他们。 But actually also gave Long Chengyu Long Muxi some, can hide the treasure of figure. 可却也给了龙承羽龙沐熙一些,能隐藏身形的宝物。 Now uses?” “现在就用吗?” Long Chengyu must ask, is because his father gives their hidden treasure, although gave many, but also has the effectiveness. 龙承羽之所以要问,是因为他父亲给他们的隐藏宝物,虽然给了多个,但却也都是有时效性的。 He does not want to waste, planned, had/left Teleportation Formation to use again. 他不想浪费,原本打算,出了传送阵再用。 The place that after all now they must go, all expert gets together inevitably. 毕竟如今他们要去的地方,必然各方高手齐聚。 But their status, do not facilitate to come. 而他们三人的身份,都不方便现身。 Therefore own treasure of hidden, important. 所以隐藏的自己的宝物,至关重要。 Un, should draw near.” “嗯,应该快到了。” The Chu Feng's experience, from the Nine Heavens secret, a double-hour, can reach the destination. 楚枫的经验,从九天秘地出发,一个时辰,就可以到达目的地。 Such quickly.” Although Long Chengyu knows that this Nine Heavens secret place Teleportation Formation is fierce, but was still difficult to cover surprisedly. “这么快。”龙承羽虽然知道这九天秘地的传送阵厉害,但仍是难掩惊讶。 But Long Chengyu took out the treasure of hidden, this is talismans that inscribes the dragon design. 龙承羽取出了隐藏的宝物,这是一张刻有龙图案的符纸 After the stimulation of movement, not only can hide he himself, Chu Feng and Long Muxi can also be hidden. 催动之后,不仅能隐藏他自己,楚枫龙沐熙也都可以被隐藏。 And this talismans effect is extremely good, even is more credible than Chu Feng own hidden method. 并且这符纸的效果极佳,甚至比楚枫自己的隐藏手段还要靠谱。 Really, after three people complete the camouflage, in a while, then from Teleportation Formation grazes. 果然,当三人做好伪装之后,没过多久,便从传送阵内飞掠而出。 Teleportation Formation position that they go out, from burning some lineage/vein village also distances. 他们走出的传送阵位置,距离燃脉村还有些距离。 After may come out, actually everywhere is the person's shadow. 可出来之后,却到处都是人影。 The human footmark rare burning lineage/vein village, because of conducting of summit of Nine Heavens, the vast martial cultivation world all parties Galaxy innumerable powerhouses collected in this. 原本人迹罕见的燃脉村,因为九天之巅的举办,浩瀚修武界各方天河无数强者汇集于此。 raise one's head waits and sees, everywhere floats the spatial warship, floats spatial chariot, as well as floats the spatial palace, as for the person's shadow is everywhere obvious. 抬头观望,漫天的浮空战船,浮空战车,以及浮空宫殿,至于人影更是漫天可见。 But most attracts their attention, is actually the sky of distant place, there has one to float spatial formation technique. 但最吸引他们眼球的,却是远处的天空,那里有着一座浮空阵法 Calculates the distance, that floats the position that spatial formation technique is, just burns the above of lineage/vein village. 算一算距离,那浮空阵法所在的位置,刚好就是燃脉村的上方。 Obviously that formation technique, with burning the lineage/vein village is related. 显然那阵法,是与燃脉村有关。 But formation technique in fact, is a list. 阵法实际上,就是一张榜单。 Not only in list the names of ten people, explicit ranking. 榜单上不仅有十个人的名字,还有明确的排名。 First: Huangfu Shengyu 第一名:皇甫圣宇 Second: Huangfu Jiangyao 第二名:皇甫将耀 Third: Huangfu Shangyang 第三名:皇甫上阳 Fourth: On Huangfu military 第四名:皇甫上武 Fifth: Huangfu Fanni 第五名:皇甫凡逆 Sixth: Xianhai Shaoyu 第六名:仙海少禹 Seventh: Ling Xiao 第七名:灵霄 Eighth: Yuwen burning sun 第八名:宇文炎日 Ninth: Baby 第九名:界宝宝 Tenth: Qin Shu 第十名:秦梳
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