MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5731: Is the coincidence?

Is Chapter 5729 the coincidence? 第5729章是巧合吗? Chu Feng Big Brother, if not for there is a wound, I also think that the summit of Nine Heavens sees the world.” 楚枫大哥,若不是有伤,我也想九天之巅见见世面。” But the present condition, I did not make your children in such an arrangement.” Bai Yunqing said. “可现在的状况,我就不做你们的拖油瓶了。”白云卿道。 What he said is the truth, he really wants to go, but really does not want to make the Chu Feng's child in such an arrangement. 他说的是实话,他真的想去,可也真的不想做楚枫的拖油瓶。 Heals from a wound well, after cultivation realm restores, our together able to move unhindered this vast martial cultivation world.” Chu Feng said. “好好养伤,修为恢复以后,我们一同纵横这浩瀚修武界。”楚枫说道。 Certainly, I will certainly try hard cultivation.” “一定,我一定会努力修炼。” When Chu Feng Big Brother goes to Seven Worlds Saint Palace again, takes me, thing that I and you, can these think oneself infallible together.” Bai Yunqing said. “待得楚枫大哥再去七界圣府,就带上我,我与你,一起会会那些自以为是的东西。”白云卿说道。 Although he encounters the teacher to betray, but had not been detained, therefore the Chu Feng's matter, he heard. 他虽然遭遇师尊背叛,可并没有被关押起来,所以楚枫的事情,他是听闻了的。 But Long Chengyu and Long Muxi do not know. 龙承羽龙沐熙则是不知。 Therefore this to the sister and brother, almost also asked: Seven Worlds Saint Palace, what's the matter?” 于是这对姐弟,几乎同时问道:“七界圣府,怎么回事?” They listened is not right, Chu Feng and Seven Worlds Saint Palace, should have anything. 他们都听出了不对劲,楚枫七界圣府,应该发生了什么。 We first leave, turn head said with you again.” Chu Feng said. “咱们先动身,回头再与你们讲。”楚枫说道。 Little Friend Chu Feng, this is the position that my Totem Dragon Clan sacred land is, you have the time time, must look for us, my Totem Dragon Clan must thank you well.” 楚枫小友,这是我图腾龙族圣地所在的位置,你有时间的时候,务必来找我们,我图腾龙族必须好好感谢你。” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, gave Chu Feng a special token, and gives Chu Feng's simultaneously, he pinched the law secret art. 图腾龙族族长,将一块特殊的令牌递给了楚枫,并且递给楚枫的同时,他捏动了法诀。 This token needs to recognize as master, but to recognize as master needs the Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head stimulation of movement to be good, therefore he pinches the law secret art. 这令牌需要认主,但认主需要图腾龙族族长催动才行,所以他才捏动法诀。 Sees that Chu Feng does not neglect, because this is Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head to his trust. 见状,楚枫也不怠慢,因为这是图腾龙族族长对他的信任。 Chu Feng does not have the father to leave his protection now, Divine Deer has not restored, now lays cards on the table with Seven Worlds Saint Palace. 况且楚枫现在没了父亲留给他的守护阵,神鹿又没恢复,如今又与七界圣府摊牌了。 Words that perhaps some day, needs to seek asylum, here can be a good destination. 也许有朝一日,需要避难的话,这里会是一个好去处。 Therefore Chu Feng, grips another end of token, own aura, projects to the token , conducts to recognize as master. 于是楚枫,也是握住令牌的另一端,将自己的气息,投射到令牌之中,进行认主 After to recognize as master, that token changes to together the flowing light, directly entered the Chu Feng's palm, changes to together the design, seal above the palm. 认主之后,那令牌化作一道流光,直接进入了楚枫的掌心,化作一道图案,印在掌心之上。 This token is not only basic key, informed Chu Feng, position that sacred land is. 这令牌不仅是一把入门钥匙,更是告知了楚枫,那圣地所在的位置。 But also because just, knows that sacred land after the position, Chu Feng is staggered. 可也正因为,知道那圣地所在位置后,楚枫才感到有些意外。 Totem Galaxy, True Dragon Star Region, spirit beast Upper Realm. 图腾天河,真龙星域,灵兽上界 Totem Galaxy is very big, but spirit beast Upper Realm Chu Feng has gone exactly. 图腾天河很大,可灵兽上界楚枫恰好去过。 Chu Feng previous time goes, is hunts and kills the Situ World Spirit Sect juniors. 楚枫上次去,是去猎杀司徒界灵门的小辈们。 In addition, another reason. 除此之外,还有另外一个原因。 Because Chu Feng must cope with Situ World Spirit Sect at that time, Song Senior Yuwei feared that to become the Chu Feng burden, then prepares to bring Yue Ling, follows Old Monk Yi Ku together, went to the spirit beast Upper Realm Gold Dragon mountain range an ancient times secret to seek asylum. 因为楚枫当时要对付司徒界灵门,宋语微前辈怕成为楚枫累赘,便准备带着岳灵,一同跟随忆苦老僧,前往灵兽上界金龙山脉的一处远古秘地避难。 But that place ancient times secret was not simple, Chu Feng discovered, is also living in seclusion a mysterious female there. 而那处远古秘地可不简单,楚枫无意间发现,在那里还隐居着一名神秘女子。 That female not only powerful to the difficult estimate, but also has many powerful treasures. 那名女子不仅自身强大到难以估量,还拥有多种强大的宝物。 And she added, her teacher, knows Qin Jiu. 并且她还说,她的师尊,认识秦九 Thus it can be seen, his teacher was the ancient times exists mostly, how otherwise possibly to know Qin Jiu? 由此可见,其师尊多半是远古存在,不然怎么可能认识秦九呢? But sacred land that by chance, Totem Dragon Clan seeks asylum now, in that ancient times secret neighbor. 而恰巧,图腾龙族如今避难的圣地,就在那远古秘地附近。 Is the coincidence? 是巧合吗? Mostly is not. 多半不是。 But this matter, Chu Feng has not disclosed. 但此事,楚枫并未声张。 Chu Feng does not want to let Totem Dragon Clan, knows the matter about that mysterious female. 楚枫不想让图腾龙族,知道关于那名神秘女子的事。 Therefore, Chu Feng and others fans out in two groups. 于是,楚枫等人兵分两路。 Bai Yunqing follows Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head and others, goes to sacred land of Totem Dragon Clan situated in spirit beast Upper Realm. 白云卿跟随图腾龙族族长等人,前往图腾龙族位于灵兽上界圣地 But Chu Feng with Long Chengyu Long Muxi, entered Teleportation Formation again. 楚枫则是与龙承羽龙沐熙,再度进入了传送阵 In teleportation on the way, Chu Feng informed Long Chengyu Long Muxi, he and Seven Worlds Saint Palace grudge. 传送的途中,楚枫告知了龙承羽龙沐熙,他与七界圣府恩怨 Scratches, you unexpectedly are the Jie Ranqing senior son, no wonder.” “哇擦,你竟是界染清前辈的儿子啊,难怪。” Therefore that phenomenon, is you cause, my was Little Brother Chu Feng too also good?” “所以那异象,是你引起的啊,我的楚枫兄弟也太牛了吧?” No wonder I am inferior to you, no wonder I am inferior to you, Hahaha......” “难怪我不如你,难怪我不如你,哈哈哈哈……” Knows Chu Feng, after is the Jie Ranqing son, Long Chengyu is actually wild with joy. 得知楚枫,是界染清的儿子后,龙承羽却是狂喜。 Because in his opinion, Chu Feng such status, he is inferior to Chu Feng, on the contrary was in the reason. 因为在他看来,楚枫这样的身份,他不如楚枫,反倒是情理之中了。 Compares in Long Chengyu, Long Muxi cares, is actually Chu Feng and Seven Worlds Saint Palace grudge. 相比于龙承羽,龙沐熙更在乎的,却是楚枫七界圣府恩怨 Chu Feng, even if you caused such phenomenon, Seven Worlds Saint Palace, does not recognize you, instead can chase down you?” Long Muxi asked. 楚枫,哪怕你引起了那样的异象,七界圣府,也还是不认你,反而要追杀你?”龙沐熙问。 Seven Worlds Saint Palace, how will pay attention to me.” Chu Feng smiles. 七界圣府,怎会将我放在眼里。”楚枫不由一笑。 This Seven Worlds Saint Palace, is really conceited, they why.” “这七界圣府,真是狂妄自大,他们凭什么。” Little Brother Chu Feng, do not fear, we, turn head we and you, kill Seven Worlds Saint Palace together, making these not acknowledge that your person, kneels cries to ask you to forgive before you.” Long Chengyu said. 楚枫兄弟,你别怕,还有我们呢,回头我们与你,一同杀上七界圣府,让那些不承认你的人,跪在你面前哭着求你原谅。”龙承羽道。 How I do not care about them to see me, I only want to make my mother regain the freedom.” “我不在乎他们如何看我,我只想让我母亲恢复自由。” They, if has not kindly treated my mother, kneels is crying uselessly.” Chu Feng said. “他们若没有善待我母亲,跪着哭都没用。”楚枫说道。 That is natural, if they are about to Sir Jie Ranqing is not good, my Long Chengyu does not comply.” Long Chengyu said. “那是自然,若他们敢待界染清大人不好,我龙承羽都不答应。”龙承羽道。 You left displayed one's eloquence here, when you had that skill to say again, now the family/home does not have, you said that these did do?” “你别在这里耍嘴皮子了,等你有那个本事再说,现在咱们自己的家都没了,你说这些干嘛?” Long Muxi cast aside Long Chengyu one. 龙沐熙撇了龙承羽一眼。 Elder sister, keeps the mountain not to fear that does not have the firewood fever, the father is safe and sound, we are also safe and sound.” “姐,正所谓留得青山在不怕没柴烧,父亲安然无恙,咱们也安然无恙。” Recapturing Totem Galaxy is sooner or later matter.” “夺回图腾天河是迟早的事。” We stabilized Totem Galaxy, tidied up Heavenly Dome Immortal sect again, naturally can help Little Brother Chu Feng cope with Seven Worlds Saint Palace.” “等咱们稳定了图腾天河,再收拾了苍穹仙宗,当然可以帮楚枫兄弟对付七界圣府。” Long Chengyu can look on the bright side of thing actually, is not low and deep because of the Totem Dragon Clan accident. 龙承羽倒是想得开,并没有因为图腾龙族的变故而低沉。 On the contrary is Long Muxi, the concern heavy appearance. 反倒是龙沐熙,心事重重的样子。 Do not look before her, leaves Totem Dragon Clan, but in fact cares about the family very much. 别看她之前离开图腾龙族,但实际上还是很在意家族的。 Right Little Brother Chu Feng, wasn't says Bloodline Galaxy? How I look at your teleportation place, is this side world?” Long Chengyu asked. “对了楚枫兄弟,不是说去血脉天河吗?怎么我看你传送的地方,还是这方世界啊?”龙承羽问。 Later you knew.” “待会你就知道了。” Right, I remembered a matter suddenly.” Chu Feng said. “对了,我突然想起一件事。”楚枫说道。 What matter?” Long Chengyu asked. “什么事?”龙承羽问。 I helped Long Lin(dragon scale) quenching dragon Sui before, Long Lin(dragon scale) to thank me, gave me your Totem Dragon Clan Divine Martial Forbidden Technique.” “我之前帮龙鳞淬炼龙髓,龙鳞为了感谢我,给了我一本你图腾龙族神禁武技。” I do not know, is easy-to-use.” Although Chu Feng cultivation that Divine Martial Forbidden Technique. “我不知,是否方便使用。”楚枫虽然修炼了那本神禁武技 May want to seek information the view of Totem Dragon Clan, if they did not agree, when that Chu Feng does not have cultivation. 可还是想征询一下图腾龙族的看法,若是他们不同意,那楚枫就当没修炼过。 Little Brother Chu Feng, our lives are you rescue, my Totem Dragon Clan Martial Technique, you can certainly use.” 楚枫兄弟,我们的命都是你救的,我图腾龙族武技,你当然可以用。” My clan treasure, has shifted ahead of time, I think my father, will teach directly your.” “要不是我族宝物,都已经提前转移,我想我父亲,也会直接传授你的。” Using that you feel relieved, I understand my father, he will not blame you, our Totem Dragon Clan, does not dare some people to blame you.” Long Chengyu said. “你放心的用吧,我了解我父亲,他不会怪你,我们图腾龙族,也不敢有人怪你。”龙承羽道。 If so, I may really use.” Chu Feng said. “若是这样,那我可真的用了。”楚枫说道。 „With, uses boldly.” “用用用,大胆用。” Right, what Martial Technique was?” Long Chengyu curious asking. “对了,是什么武技啊?”龙承羽好奇的问道。 Divine Taboo: dragon breath.” Chu Feng said. 神禁:龙息。”楚枫说道。 What?” Hears this words, Long Chengyu curses angrily one immediately: Long Lin(dragon scale) that dog compared with real his mother is not the person, Damn his paternal grandmother.” “啥?”听闻此话,龙承羽立刻怒骂一声:“龙鳞那狗比真他娘的不是人,我擦他奶奶的。” What's wrong?” Chu Feng asked. “怎么了?”楚枫问。 Is First Rank Divine Taboo, dragon breath?” Long Muxi asked. “是一段神禁,龙息吗?”龙沐熙问。 Right.” Chu Feng nods. “对。”楚枫点头。 This Martial Technique, is my Totem Dragon Clan older generation creates.” “这本武技,乃是我图腾龙族一位先辈所创。” Until now, has not seen the person successfully to display.” “可是至今为止,就没见人成功施展过。” Therefore this Divine Martial Forbidden Technique, is actually makes up the number.” “所以这本神禁武技,其实是凑数的。” That Long Lin(dragon scale) gives you this Divine Martial Forbidden Technique, he does not want to let your cultivation sincerely.” Long Muxi said. “那龙鳞给你这本神禁武技,他根本就不是诚心想让你修炼。”龙沐熙道。 () ()
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