MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5730: Chu Feng's plan

Chapter 5728 Chu Feng's plan 第5728章楚枫的打算 In the same world, the distance is short. 同一世界内,路程较短。 Pours also the too long time, Chu Feng and others then goes out from Teleportation Formation uselessly. 倒也没用太久时间,楚枫等人便从传送阵内走出。 And first, goes to the place that Bai Yunqing was. 且先独自一人,来到了白云卿所在的地方。 Chu Feng Big Brother?” 楚枫大哥?” Saw Chu Feng, Bai Yunqing rushes to welcome, excited. 见到楚枫,白云卿赶忙迎了上来,激动不已。 Before that wrote off all aura, he also felt. 之前那抹杀一切的气息,他也感觉到了。 Because was worried about Chu Feng, therefore he is subconscious, then related that crisis and Chu Feng and Totem Dragon Clan. 因本就担心楚枫,所以他下意识的,便将那危机与楚枫图腾龙族联系到了一起。 Even he felt, Chu Feng has possibly encountered the mishap. 甚至他觉得,楚枫可能已经遭遇了不测。 Therefore now see again/goodbye to Chu Feng, will be excited. 因此如今再见楚枫,才会如此激动。 Was sorry Little Brother, making you wait for a long time, but well , but also was smooth.” “抱歉了兄弟,让你久等了,不过好在,还算顺利。” During the Chu Feng speeches, then flung from cosmos sack the Taishi Xingzhong son. 楚枫说话间,便将太史星中儿子从乾坤袋内甩了出来。 Chu Feng Big Brother, you unexpectedly really......” 楚枫大哥,你竟真的……” Although knows Chu Feng to have the skill early, but Bai Yunqing sees the Taishi Xingzhong son, still felt surprised. 虽然早知楚枫有本事,可白云卿看到太史星中的儿子,仍是感到惊讶。 After all this fellow, should receive the strict protection is. 毕竟这个家伙,本该受到严密保护才是。 What is most essential, the Taishi Xingzhong son was grasped, his cultivation realm could really be saved. 最关键的是,太史星中儿子被抓过来,他的修为就真的有救了。 White... Bai Yunqing, unexpectedly is really you.” “白…白云卿,竟真的是你。” thing of your treason and heresy, my father raises you for you, do you dare so to treat me?” “你这个大逆不道的东西,我父亲供你养你,你竟敢如此待我?” The Taishi Xingzhong son saw Chu Feng, although fears, but when he sees Bai Yunqing, immediately clenches jaws, performs obviously with raw hate. 太史星中儿子见到楚枫虽然恐惧,可当他看到白云卿,顿时咬牙切齿,尽显凶狠。 Possibly is humiliates Bai Yunqing to become the custom, even if places so the aspect, sees the first response of Bai Yunqing, was still difficult to cover with raw hate. 可能是欺凌白云卿已成习惯,哪怕身处如此局面,看到白云卿的第一反应,仍是难掩凶狠。 Because in his eyes, Bai Yunqing is not, is only one helps him continue the life the medicine jar. 因为在他眼里,白云卿连人都算不上,就只是一个帮他续命的药罐子罢了。 Wa Wa- 呜哇- However, his words just said, Chu Feng kicked on his face, not only kicked the corner him. 然而,他话刚说完,楚枫一脚踢在了他的脸上,不仅将他踢到了墙角。 Kicked to distort his face, even the words could not say, can only spurt the blood unceasingly. 更是把他的脸踢变形了,连话都说不出来,只能不断喷血。 Your father must die, is only you first his one step.” “你爹也要死,只是你先他一步。” During the Chu Feng speeches, is referring to this person, formation technique appeared together, covers on his body. 楚枫说话间,对着此人一指,一道阵法浮现,笼罩在了他的身上。 Afterward the law secret art changes, boundless great formation appear, but when the Chu Feng palm gets hold, that boundless great formation reduces immediately, changes to makes a formation technique dagger. 随后法诀变化,又有一座磅礴大阵浮现,可当楚枫手掌握紧,那磅礴的大阵立刻缩小,化做一把阵法匕首。 He gives Bai Yunqing the dagger: Digs personally your bloodlines.” 他将匕首递给白云卿:“亲自将你的血脉挖出来。” Chu Feng this dual formation technique, has locked this person of bloodlines, can guarantee Bai Yunqing dig will not damage. 楚枫这双重阵法,已经锁定了此人血脉,能保证白云卿去挖不会损坏。 But Bai Yunqing received the dagger, arrives in front of the Taishi Xingzhong son, the formation technique dagger, inserted his body directly. 白云卿接过匕首,走到太史星中儿子面前,直接将阵法匕首,插入了他的身体。 In his eye, did not have past dreading, some only have the hatred. 他的眼中,没有了以往的忌惮,有的唯有憎恨。 You......” “你……” Looks at such appearance fierce Bai Yunqing, the Taishi Xingzhong son, even forgot the pain of transmitting, he feels difficult believing. 看着这样面目狰狞的白云卿,太史星中儿子,甚至忘记了身上传来的痛苦,他感觉难以置信。 Such Bai Yunqing, he has never seen. 这样的白云卿,他从未见过。 In this where that impression, spiritless, timid, Bai Yunqing that whatever he beats and scolds? 这哪里还是那个印象中,懦弱,胆小,任由他打骂的白云卿吗? But he does not have the time to think, because of his bloodlines, had been dug by Bai Yunqing. 可他却没有时间多想,因为他的血脉,已被白云卿挖了出来。 Brother Bai, matter cannot be delayed, now starts.” 白兄,事不宜迟,现在就开始。” Chu Feng has fused formation technique in the arrangement. 楚枫已经在布置融合阵法 But Bai Yunqing, coordinates with every effort. 白云卿,也是尽力配合。 Quick, bloodline power then enters the body, with its melts. 很快,血脉之力便重新入体,与其相融。 The lost bloodlines, return within the body, the Bai Yunqing condition was also good, at least seemed like, will not seem like one person of dying. 失去的血脉,重新回到体内,白云卿的状态也是好了很多,至少看上去,不像是一个将死之人了。 cultivation realm... cannot restore to the beforehand condition. 只是修为…未能恢复到自己之前的状态。 To restore cultivation realm, needs a long process. 想要恢复修为,需要一个漫长的过程。 But Bai Yunqing regarding this is very satisfied, if not for after all Chu Feng, he must die the person. 白云卿对此已是十分满意,毕竟若不是楚枫,他已是必死之人。 Chu Feng Big Brother......” 楚枫大哥……” Is the Little Brother words, anything let alone.” “是兄弟的话,就什么都别说。” Bai Yunqing wants to express gratitude, but Chu Feng actually opens the mouth immediately. 白云卿本想道谢,可楚枫却立刻开口。 Sees that Bai Yunqing also no longer talks too much, but twists the mouth sidewise big mouth, smiles brightly. 见状,白云卿也不再多言,只是咧开大嘴,灿烂一笑。 Since this has been such long, he voices the smile that the innermost feelings show for the first time. 这是这么久以来,他第一次发出内心露出的笑容。 This thinks to fall into the abyss, will not have the day of turning over forever. 本以为身陷深渊,已永无翻身之日。 Who once wants to meet the light, pulls out the abyss him. 谁曾想又遇到光明,将他拉出深渊。 Chu Feng, is this light. 楚枫,就是这道光明。 Later, Chu Feng brings Bai Yunqing, converges with Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head and others. 之后,楚枫带着白云卿,与图腾龙族族长等人汇合。 Knew after Bai Yunqing bitter experience, Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, proposes immediately, brings Bai Yunqing, goes to his Totem Dragon Clan clansman together, sacred land that seeks asylum therapy. 得知白云卿的遭遇后,图腾龙族族长,立刻提议,带着白云卿,一同前往他图腾龙族族人,所避难的圣地疗伤。 According to Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head said that locates sacred land, from certain perspectives, is stronger than Ancestral Dragon Forbidden Land. 按照图腾龙族族长所说,那处圣地,从某些方面来说,比祖龙禁地还要强。 That is one, the place that originally only then Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head knows, does not know Supreme Elder. 那是一个,原本只有图腾龙族族长才知道的地方,连太上长老都不知道。 Only when can Clan Head pass on the position, told new Clan Head. 只能族长传位之时,告诉新的族长 Because of this place, is beginning Totem Dragon Clan generation of Clan Head, to guard to have the accident/surprise, is the place of seeking asylum the Totem Dragon Clan clansman prepares. 因为此地,就是图腾龙族初代族长,为了以防出现意外,为图腾龙族族人准备的避难之地。 Therefore Long Lin(dragon scale) they do not know that place, there, unusual security. 所以龙鳞他们也不知道那个地方,那里,非常的安全。 Little Friend Chu Feng, do you have what plan?” 楚枫小友,你有何打算?” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head asked, originally he wants to invite the Chu Feng peer, may think perhaps, Chu Feng also has own arrangement. 图腾龙族族长问,本来他想邀请楚枫同行,可想了一下,楚枫也许还有自己的安排。 I want to go to Bloodline Galaxy burning lineage/vein Ordinary Realm.” Chu Feng said. “我想去血脉天河的燃脉凡界。”楚枫说道。 Such remarks, everyone is the vision change. 此话一出,所有人都是目光变化。 Long Chengyu asked directly: Chu Feng, do you want to go to the summit of participate Nine Heavens?” 龙承羽更是直接问道:“楚枫,你想去参加九天之巅?” Un.” Chu Feng nods. “嗯。”楚枫点头。 May calculate the time, already without enough time.” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head said. “可算一算时间,已经来不及了。”图腾龙族族长道。 I have the means that should with enough time.” Chu Feng said. “我有办法,应该来得及。”楚枫说道。 Oh?” Hears this words, Long Chengyu the eyes shines immediately. “喔?”听闻此话,龙承羽顿时双眼放光。 As for others , no one expressed the question. 至于其他人,也没有任何人表示质疑。 Traded to be others to speak this saying, they will question, but Chu Feng, they do not dare to question. 换做其他人说这话,他们会质疑,但楚枫,他们不敢质疑。 That protects the formation technique strength, was too big to their influences, lets in them everyone, does not dare to despise Chu Feng again. 那守护阵法的力量,对他们的影响太大了,让他们之中所有人,都不敢再小看楚枫 Chu Feng, has my one.” Long Chengyu statement. 楚枫,带我一个。”龙承羽表态。 I also go.” Long Muxi also said. “我也去。”龙沐熙也是说道。 Chu Feng looks to Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, Clan Head consented and other. 楚枫看向图腾龙族族长,是在等这位族长应允。 I accompany you to travel together.” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head said that but this words saying, then the severe gasping and coughing gets up. “我陪你们同行。”图腾龙族族长道,可此话说完,便剧烈喘咳起来。 Father, you goes to the sacred land recreation as soon as possible, we can.” Long Chengyu said. “父亲,你还是尽快去圣地休养吧,我们可以的。”龙承羽道。 Other Elder also advise against Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head first to go to sacred land therapy, and expressed that they can protect Long Chengyu they. 紧接着,其他长老也劝阻图腾龙族族长先去圣地疗伤,并且表示他们可以保护龙承羽他们。 But Long Chengyu and Long Muxi indicated, does not need anybody to protect, only needs Chu Feng their three people to go then. 龙承羽龙沐熙却表示,不用任何人保护,只需楚枫他们三人去即可。 Because in them, besides juniors, everyone more or less being wounded. 因为他们这些人中,除了小辈们外,所有人都或多或少的负了伤。 The strength is stronger, the injury is more serious, needs to go to the sacred land recuperation as soon as possible. 实力越强的,伤势越重,都需要尽快去圣地调养。 „The words that you two do not need to protect, put to trouble to Little Friend Chu Feng.” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head said. “你们两个不用保护的话,就是给楚枫小友添麻烦的。”图腾龙族族长道。 Puts to trouble puts to trouble, Chu Feng does not fear the trouble, right Chu Feng.” Long Chengyu grinning looks at Chu Feng. “添麻烦就添麻烦呗,楚枫不怕麻烦,对吧楚枫。”龙承羽笑嘻嘻的看着楚枫 How can not fear the trouble.” “怎么会不怕麻烦。” Chu Feng such remarks, Long Chengyu immediately complexion one stiff. 楚枫此话一出,龙承羽顿时脸色一僵。 But Chu Feng says immediately: But both of you, how can be troublesome.” 楚枫却立刻道:“但你们俩,怎么会是麻烦呢。” Haha, that I am Long Chengyu.” On the face of Long Chengyu shows the smile again. “哈哈,那是呗,我好歹是龙承羽啊。”龙承羽的脸上再度露出笑容。 Sees that Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head also shakes the head with a smile, immediately said to Chu Feng: That must trouble Little Friend Chu Feng.” 见状,图腾龙族族长也是笑着摇了摇头,旋即楚枫说道:“那就要麻烦楚枫小友了。” Clan Head such remarks, Long Chengyu exciting shaking the fist celebration, on face of Long Muxi, revealed wiped happily. 族长此话一出,龙承羽激动的挥拳庆祝,就连龙沐熙的脸上,也露出了一抹高兴。 They understand, their fathers, were comply. 他们明白,他们的父亲,算是答应了。 () ()
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