MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5729: Plan of Clan Head

Plan of Chapter 5727 Clan Head 第5727章族长的计划 That on the thunderclap named Huangfu, he vanishes like this, does no one investigate?” Chu Feng also asked. “那个叫做皇甫上霆的,他这样消失,没人追究吗?”楚枫又问。 Can step into the deity boundary, inevitably is not common existence, properly speaking, should the reputation illustrious. 能够踏入天神境,必然不是寻常的存在,按理来说,也应该声名赫赫。 On that Huangfu the thunderclap, had never heard before, after should obtain somewhere destiny, then continuously to undergo closed-door training cultivation.” “那个皇甫上霆,之前从未听闻过,应该得到了某处机缘后,便一直闭关修炼吧。” Properly speaking, he must raise vast martial cultivation world, but was just born, makes a big row Seven Worlds Saint Palace, finally fell such fate.” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head said. “按理来说,他应当名扬浩瀚修武界,只是刚出世,就去大闹七界圣府,最终落了这么个下场。”图腾龙族族长道。 many thanks senior informs.” 多谢前辈告知。” Listens to here, Chu Feng also understood, his father why so powerful, but actually cannot rescue his mother. 听道这里,楚枫也明白了,为何其父亲如此强大,但却未能将其母亲救出。 In Seven Worlds Saint Palace, really also has powerful has or the strength. 七界圣府之内,果然还有着更为强大的存在或力量。 Now thinks, the previous time can escape from Seven Worlds Saint Palace, instead was somewhat lucky. 现在想想,自己上次能从七界圣府逃出来,反而有些侥幸了。 „Did Little Friend Chu Feng, why inquire this matter?” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head asked. 楚枫小友,为何询问此事?”图腾龙族族长问。 „To understand the Seven Worlds Saint Palace strength, after all I and Seven Worlds Saint Palace, want the war sooner or later.” Chu Feng said. “想了解一下七界圣府的实力,毕竟我与七界圣府,迟早要有一战。”楚枫道。 You and Seven Worlds Saint Palace?” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, the look changes. “你与七界圣府?”图腾龙族族长,神色不由变化。 Chu Feng then discovered from the response of Clan Head, he should not know, Chu Feng and Seven Worlds Saint Palace grudge. 楚枫族长的反应便发现,他应该还不知道,楚枫七界圣府恩怨 However this is also normal, Chu Feng makes a big row Seven Worlds Saint Palace time, when should precisely Totem Dragon Clan have the rebellion. 不过这也正常,楚枫大闹七界圣府的时候,应该正是图腾龙族正发生叛乱之时。 Following Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head they defeat, was also detained, the news is close, naturally does not know the Chu Feng's matter. 后面图腾龙族族长他们战败,便也被关押起来,消息封闭,自然不知道楚枫的事情。 immediately, Chu Feng Jie Ranqing is mother, as well as Seven Worlds Saint Palace repels him and his father's matter very much, informed Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head. 旋即,楚枫界染清是自己母亲,以及七界圣府很排斥他与他父亲的事情,都告知了图腾龙族族长 Therefore on the same day, king's bloodlines and Nine-colored Divine Lightning dual phenomenon, were Little Friend Chu Feng caused?” “所以当日,那王之血脉与九色神雷双重异象,乃楚枫小友所引起?” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, knew that after is also very surprised. 图腾龙族族长,得知经过也是十分惊讶。 Although he indeed had been detained at that time, but he actually also saw, Seven Worlds Galaxy bloodlines phenomenon. 虽然当时他的确已经被关押起来,可他却也见到了,七界天河的血脉异象。 Yes.” Chu Feng nods. “是。”楚枫点头。 Jie Tian dyes that old thing, is really blind, outstanding doesn't such grandchild, recognize unexpectedly?” 界天染那老东西,真是瞎了眼,这么优秀的外孙,居然不认?” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head first cursed angrily one, immediately looked to Chu Feng. 图腾龙族族长先怒骂一声,旋即看向楚枫 Little Friend Chu Feng, your mother Jie Ranqing, although indeed outstanding to being possible be called heaven defying, but your father can also be joined to your mother absolutely.” 楚枫小友,你母亲界染清,虽说的确优秀到堪称逆天,但你的父亲也绝对配得上你的母亲。” His Seven Worlds Saint Palace, where person, can compare with your father, even that Jie Mubai is still well below.” “他七界圣府,哪有一个人,能与你父亲相比,就算那界慕白也是远远不及。” Jie Tian dyes, certainly will regret.” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head said. 界天染,一定会后悔的。”图腾龙族族长说道。 I do not care about him to regret, so long as he dares to make not good, I who my mother crosses will not let off him absolutely.” Chu Feng said. “我不在乎他后不后悔,但只要他敢让我母亲过的不好,我绝对不会放过他。”楚枫说道。 Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head has not said that but he knows that Chu Feng is not boasting. 图腾龙族族长没有接话,但他知道楚枫不是在吹牛。 The Chu Feng's talent, he is without a doubt, in addition has that and other bloodlines, Chu Feng even can be called, now vast martial cultivation world talent strongest generation. 楚枫的天赋,他早已毋庸置疑,再加上拥有那等血脉,楚枫甚至可以被称为,当今浩瀚修武界天赋最强之辈。 In addition that fearful formation technique strength, showed that Chu Feng does not fight single-handedly, has powerful Leaning Mountain. 再加上那可怕的阵法力量,说明楚枫并非孤军奋战,身后也是有强大靠山的。 He felt..., even if powerful Seven Worlds Saint Palace, annoys Chu Feng, mostly was also in the booth an important matter. 他觉得…哪怕强大的七界圣府,惹上楚枫,多半也是摊上了一件大事。 But after... he hesitant one next, looks ashamed saying: 可是…他犹豫了一下之后,还是面露惭愧的说道: Little Friend Chu Feng, I previously told your matter, but also please keep secret. At present my Totem Dragon Clan... really cannot offend Seven Worlds Saint Palace.” 楚枫小友,我先前告诉你的事,还请保密。目前我图腾龙族…真的不能得罪七界圣府。” senior, I will keep secret.” Chu Feng said. 前辈,我会保密的。”楚枫道。 Little Friend Chu Feng, really sorry.” 楚枫小友,实在抱歉。” If oneself, I do not fear Seven Worlds Saint Palace, but after all we behind, a family's clansman, as Clan Head, I must consider these.” “若是自己,我不怕七界圣府,可毕竟我们身后,还有一家族的族人,身为族长,我必须考虑这些。” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head is ashamed, after all Chu Feng just saved them, but he was actually knowing, after Chu Feng and Seven Worlds Saint Palace grudge, this response. 图腾龙族族长非常惭愧,毕竟楚枫刚刚救了他们,可他却在得知,楚枫七界圣府恩怨后,这个反应。 senior, I can understand.” 前辈,我能理解。” Actually the matter, some junior difficult open one's mouth.” Chu Feng said. “其实有一件事,晚辈有些难以启齿。”楚枫道。 „?” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head looks puzzled. “啊?”图腾龙族族长面露不解。 „Before junior, as a result of circumstance, obtained special beasts.” 晚辈之前因缘际会下,得到了一只特殊的兽类。” This beasts, have some special abilities, after that mystique relieves, it then swallowed the dragon marrow of my within the body directly, and is unable to take out.” Chu Feng said. “这只兽类,拥有一些特别的能力,当那秘法解除后,它便直接将我体内的龙髓吞噬了,并且无法取出。”楚枫说道。 Oh, what beasts, can swallow the dragon marrow of Sir Zulong unexpectedly?” “喔,什么兽类,竟能吞噬祖龙大人的龙髓?” Knows this matter, Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head has not been angry, what instead are more is surprised. 得知此事,图腾龙族族长倒没有生气,反而更多的是惊奇。 In this.” “就在这。” Quickly, comes out, apologized to Clan Head.” Chu Feng wants Heaven Swallowing Qilin, the changed badge to take down, but actually does not take down. “快,出来,向族长道歉。”楚枫本想将吞天麒麟,化作的徽章取下,可却根本取不下来。 What thing he is, making Uncle this/Ben apologize to him, small maple tree, this Sir can apologize to you, after all indeed has not undergone your compliance, but doesn't he match? What thing is he?” “他算什么东西,让本大爷向他道歉,小枫子,本大爷可以向你道歉,毕竟的确没经过你的应允,但他不配吗?他算什么东西?” These words, are not sound transmission, Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head can also hear in secret. 这句话,可不是暗中传音,图腾龙族族长也听得到。 Unreasonable.” Chu Feng somewhat unhappily, during the speeches uses Martial Power directly, may still unable to do to Heaven Swallowing Qilin. “无理。”楚枫有些不悦,说话间直接动用武力,可仍旧奈何不得吞天麒麟 Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, although is very awkward, but rushes to urge: Little Friend Chu Feng, do not lose one's temper.” 图腾龙族族长,虽然很是尴尬,但还是赶忙劝道:“楚枫小友,不要动怒。” No matter this is anything exists, but swallowed the dragon marrow of Sir Zulong, is safe and sound, inevitably is the extraordinary generation.” “不管这是什么存在,但吞噬了祖龙大人的龙髓,却又安然无恙,必然是非凡之辈。” He is not willing to I apologize, can understand.” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head said. “他不愿向我道歉,也是能够理解。”图腾龙族族长道。 Un, good, your fellow eyesight, this, some day, this Sir will also a little give you compensation.” Heaven Swallowing Qilin said. “嗯,不错,你这家伙还有点眼力,这样吧,有朝一日,本大爷会给你一些补偿的。”吞天麒麟道。 Regarding this words, Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head smiles. 对于此话,图腾龙族族长笑了笑 He after all is clan Clan Head, Galaxy Overlord, reason that is not angry, does not know Heaven Swallowing Qilin extraordinary, what are more is to the Chu Feng face. 他毕竟是一族族长,天河霸主,之所以不生气,并非是知道吞天麒麟不凡,更多的是给楚枫面子。 As for the compensation, he does not care. 至于补偿,他更是不在意。 Therefore he said to Chu Feng: Little Friend Chu Feng, perhaps if not for you, my Totem Dragon Clan is doomed to deteriorate.” 所以他对楚枫说道:“楚枫小友,若不是你,我图腾龙族恐怕注定衰败。” dragon Sui, no doubt specially, even if does not exist to swallow by that you raise, will still be used up by Long Lin(dragon scale).” “那龙髓,固然特别,可就算不被你养的这个存在吞掉,也会被龙鳞用掉。” I prefer, exists to swallow by that you raise.” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head said. “那我情愿,被你养的这个存在吞掉。”图腾龙族族长说道。 senior, is really the Sir has massive.” 前辈,真是大人有大量。” Not like the pig that I raise, does not have the quality very much.” Chu Feng said. “不像我养的这头猪,很没素质。”楚枫说道。 Pig?” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, first is accidental/surprised, but carefully observes that badge, is not a pig. “猪?”图腾龙族族长,先是意外,可仔细观察那徽章,可不就是头猪吗。 Right senior, do you know Long Xue?” Chu Feng inquired, matter about Long Xue. “对了前辈,你知道龙雪吗?”楚枫询问起,关于龙雪的事。 Then after Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, Long Xue in the past indeed was a talent, behind also indeed because of falling ill to affect the future. 而后经过图腾龙族族长所述,龙雪当年的确是一个天才,后面也的确因为生病而影响了前程。 Mentioned Long Xue, Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head also deeply feels Wanxi. 提及龙雪,图腾龙族族长也是深感惋惜 However Long Lin(dragon scale), before this rebellion, he has not heard. 但是龙鳞,直到此次叛乱之前,他都没有听说过。 Does not know, Totem Dragon Clan, such a person. 根本不知道,图腾龙族,还有这么一个人。 When is the rebellion happened, knows Totem Dragon Clan, but also is hiding such a character. 是叛乱发生时,才知道图腾龙族,还隐藏着这样一个人物的。 Thus, although Long Lin(dragon scale) wants the Chu Feng's life, may the matter about Long Xue, not lie actually. 由此可以看出,龙鳞虽然想要楚枫的命,可关于龙雪的事情,倒是没有说谎。 Then, Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head also inquired Chu Feng, how he and Long Lin(dragon scale) met. 而后,图腾龙族族长也是询问起楚枫,他与龙鳞是怎么见面的。 Chu Feng has not concealed, informed Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head him and Long Lin(dragon scale) origin. 楚枫也没有隐瞒,将他与龙鳞的渊源告知了图腾龙族族长 This Long Lin(dragon scale), is really heartless and cruel.” “这龙鳞,真是狼心狗肺。” Little Friend Chu Feng so treats him, he actually uses you.” 楚枫小友如此待他,他却利用你。” Little Friend Chu Feng, you could rest assured that this Long Lin(dragon scale) I will remove surely.” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head said by the guarantee tone. 楚枫小友,你放心,这龙鳞我定会除掉。”图腾龙族族长保证的口吻说道。 senior, do you then have what plan?” 前辈,你接下来有何打算?” He can feel, Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head now is very weak, is the body weakly is not so only simple, his cultivation realm was also damaged probably. 他能感觉到,图腾龙族族长现在很虚弱,不仅仅是身体虚弱这么简单,他的修为好像也受损了。 With you, I told the facts, on the same day a war, I was sneak attacked, was wounded quite heavily, cultivation realm also came under certain impact.” “与你,我就实话实说了,当日一战,我被偷袭,本就负伤颇重,修为也受到了一定影响。” However by Zulong mystique bound, I was previously eradicated the mystique forcefully, although killed that nine rebels, but also causes by mystique backlash, the injury is more serious.” “而先前被祖龙秘法束缚,我强行破除秘法,虽杀了那九个叛徒,但也导致被秘法反噬,伤势更重。” I in Elder with the clan, need to convalesce a period of time, can restore cultivation realm.” “我与族内长老,都需要疗养一段时间,才能恢复修为。” Although this time defeats, somewhat loses face, but also successfully shielded my clan lots of clansmen to retreat on the same day.” “虽说此次战败,有些丢脸,但当日倒也是成功掩护了我族大量族人撤退。” My clan foundation.” “我族根基尚在。” someday, I will kill that Long Lin(dragon scale), Taishi Xingzhong, as well as all rebels.” 总有一日,我会杀了那龙鳞,太史星中,以及所有叛徒。” Also including Heavenly Dome Immortal sect.” “也包括苍穹仙宗。” At this time in Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head eye, although anger surges, but is not hot tempered, instead has his plan. 此时图腾龙族族长眼中,虽怒火翻腾,但却并不暴躁,反而已有了他的计划。 -” “唔-” In the meantime, there is a sound to transmit. 就在此时,又有多道声音传来。 And this time, Totem Dragon Clan many wake up. 并且这一次,图腾龙族多位醒来。 But without exception, when they wake up, sees Chu Feng at that moment, in the look left wiped the respect. 但无一例外,当他们醒来,看到楚枫那一刻,眼神之中都多出了一抹尊重。 Incessantly is the life-saving efforts. 不止是救命之恩。 That thunder formation technique strength , is to make them have a lingering fear. 那雷霆阵法的力量,也是让他们心有余悸。 They know, Chu Feng is not a talent of talent, he... also has the powerful background. 他们都知道,楚枫可不是一个只有天赋的天才,他…也有强大的背景。 () ()
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