MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5728: Tianlong World Spiritist

Chapter 5726 Tianlong World Spiritist 第5726章天龙界灵师 Totem Galaxy, in Zulong forbidden land...... 图腾天河,祖龙禁地内…… Old incomparable Long Lin(dragon scale) is Yu Kong. 苍老无比的龙鳞已是御空而起。 In just, formation technique that Chu Feng left behind, was stabilized by him lived, he did not need to continue to input bloodline power actually. 就在刚刚,楚枫留下的阵法,被他稳定住了,他倒是不用继续输入血脉之力 Therefore, he is also using his method, waits and sees Ancestral Martial Galaxy. 所以,他也在用他的手段,观望祖武天河 Compares in others, just that sound, making him especially scared. 相比于其他人,刚刚那道声音,让他格外恐慌。 Long Lin(dragon scale)......” 龙鳞……” But suddenly, together weak sound, from under resounds, making his body tremble fiercely. 可忽然,一道虚弱的声音自下方响起,让他的身躯剧烈一颤。 His eyes open, the expression is stiff, unexpectedly just like petrification, in same place. 他双眼睁大,表情僵硬,竟宛如石化般,愣在了原地。 Because sound was so familiar also is so remote, he did not determine that was hallucinations. 因为刚刚的声音如此熟悉却又如此遥远,他不确定是不是幻听 „Is Long Lin(dragon scale) you?” 龙鳞是你吗?” Until that sound resounds again, Long Lin(dragon scale) lowers the head suddenly, waits and sees downward. 直到那声音再度响起,龙鳞才猛然低头,向下观望。 The discovery... was really dragon Xuexing. 发现…真是龙雪醒了。 Xue Er!!!” 雪儿!!!” Sees that Long Lin(dragon scale) rushes to fly to fall, is only in an instant, his old eye pupil then already flood red. 见状,龙鳞赶忙飞落而下,只是转眼间,他那苍老的眼眸便已然泛红。 Such long, dragon Xue awoke finally. 这么久了,龙雪终于醒了。 You... how... how old so many?” “你…怎么…怎么老了这么多?” „Did I rest was very long?” Sees Long Lin(dragon scale) at this time the appearance, dragon Xueji loves dearly, is confused. “我睡了很久吗?”看到龙鳞此时模样,龙雪既心疼,又迷茫。 Xue Er, I was not young, this is not good.” 雪儿,我本来也不年轻了,这样不是挺好。” Long Lin(dragon scale) grabbed dragon Xue the hand with a smile, when is wild with joy, he first also starts for the dragon snow nosing condition. 龙鳞笑着抓住了龙雪的手,狂喜之余,他第一时间也是开始为龙雪查探病情。 Discovers dragon Xue the condition, although has not permanently cured, but condition compared with it previous, indeed good several times to continue. 发现龙雪的病情虽然并未根治,可状态比之先前,的确好了数倍不止。 The dragon snow can regain consciousness, not accidentally. 龙雪能够苏醒,并非偶然。 Because precisely her condition obtained the enormous alleviation, therefore awakes. 正是因为她的病情得到了极大的缓解,所以才醒。 But quick, the Long Lin(dragon scale) expression stiffened. 可很快,龙鳞表情僵住了。 He discovered, dragon Xue condition, reason that can be alleviated, because of a dragon snow within the body thing, suppressed dragon Xue the condition. 他发现,龙雪的病情,之所以能够得到缓解,是因为龙雪体内一物,压制住了龙雪的病情。 That is together formation technique, hides in Longxue within the body, is formation technique that Chu Feng leaves behind. 那是一道阵法,就藏于龙雪体内,是楚枫留下的阵法 Suddenly, Long Lin(dragon scale) as if understood all. 猛然间,龙鳞似乎明白了一切。 Originally Chu Feng, has not deceived him, that formation technique really can treat an illness for the dragon snow. 原来楚枫,没有骗他,那阵法真的能为龙雪治病。 Little Friend Chu Feng......” 楚枫小友……” The Long Lin(dragon scale) expression is stiff, but in the eye, is actually incomparably ashamed. 龙鳞表情僵硬,可眼中,却是无比惭愧。 ...... …… At this time, Chu Feng has placed in the teleportation tunnel. 此时,楚枫已是身处于传送隧道之内。 He is riding one, can in the teleportation tunnel, increase the quick speed the warship. 他乘坐着一艘,能够在传送隧道,增快速度的战船。 But Totem Dragon Clan people, above this warship, and therapy formation technique to cover. 图腾龙族的众人,也都在这战船之上,并且被疗伤阵法覆盖着。 Chu Feng must look for Bai Yunqing. 楚枫是要去找白云卿 In the beforehand matter, this side world was doomed difficult to be peaceful. 发生了之前的事,这方世界注定难以安宁。 He must find Bai Yunqing as soon as possible, bringing Bai Yunqing to leave this side world. 他必须尽快找到白云卿,带着白云卿离开这方世界。 Little Friend Chu Feng......” 楚枫小友……” Hears this sound, Chu Feng then turns around immediately, supported by the arm Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head. 听到这个声音,楚枫便立刻转身,将图腾龙族族长搀扶了起来。 senior, you awoke, how feels?” 前辈,您醒了,感觉如何?” Little Friend Chu Feng, I am all right, actually this time, thanks to Little Friend Chu Feng you.” 楚枫小友,我没事,倒是此次,多亏楚枫小友你了。” If not for you... my Totem Dragon Clan, feared that must end Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, looked at around one. “若不是你…我图腾龙族,怕是要完了”图腾龙族族长,看了一眼周围。 Although they in the teleportation tunnel, but their all clansmen, in therapy in formation technique. 他们虽在传送隧道内,可他们所有族人,都在一座疗伤阵法之内。 But Chu Feng to their help, may continue these. 楚枫对他们的帮助,可远不止这些。 If not for Chu Feng, they have died. 若不是楚枫,他们都已经死了。 senior, junior does the matter that should do.” 前辈,晚辈只是做了应该做的事。” I think, if I have an accident, Brother Chengyu they will also be the same.” Chu Feng said. “我想,若是我出事,承羽兄他们也会一样。”楚枫说道。 Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head smiles, he knew about oneself son actually. 图腾龙族族长笑了笑,他对自己的儿子倒是了解。 Although Long Chengyu is not so humble like Chu Feng, but indeed also very heavy loyalty. 龙承羽虽不像楚枫这般谦逊,但的确也很重义气。 ... Can by the person of Long Chengyu approval, be been too few. 只是…能被龙承羽认可的人,太少罢了。 immediately said: Little Friend Chu Feng, the matter, I am really curious, the little friend must mind not.” 旋即说道:“楚枫小友,有一件事,我实在好奇,小友莫要介意。” senior has the words to ask although.” Chu Feng said. 前辈有话尽管问。”楚枫说道。 „Are you what origin?” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head asked. “你到底是何来历?”图腾龙族族长问。 The strength of that thunder, he also saw with own eyes, even cultivation realm by bound, but he actually can still distinguish, that thunder terrifying. 那雷霆之力,他也是亲眼见到了,就算修为束缚,可他却也能分辨的出,那雷霆有多恐怖。 The Chu Feng itself/Ben is Heavenly Thunder Bloodline, with such protection formation technique, fully explained that Chu Feng body descendants supports. 楚枫本就是天雷血脉,又用那样的守护阵法,足以说明楚枫后人撑腰。 But this person, inevitably extremely. 而此人,必然极为了得。 My family, is Ancestral Martial Galaxy ordinary Celestial Clan, protects formation technique as for that is my father stays behind.” Chu Feng has not concealed. “我的家族,是祖武天河的一个普通天族,至于那守护阵法,是我父亲留下的。”楚枫并未隐瞒。 After all, his status, vast martial cultivation world has known now. 毕竟,他的身份,现在浩瀚修武界都已经知晓了。 Facing Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, naturally does not need to cover-up. 面对图腾龙族族长,自然也没有必要藏着掖着。 Your father?” “你的父亲?” Knew, unexpectedly is under the Chu Feng father arrange/cloth, the Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head complexion changes slightly, immediately rushes to ask: 得知,竟是楚枫父亲布下的,图腾龙族族长脸色不由微微变化,旋即赶忙问道: Doesn't know the Little Friend Chu Feng father, the honored name?” “不知楚枫小友父亲,尊姓大名?” Solemn Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, existence of True God peak, when asked that this words, looks unexpectedly respectfully. 堂堂图腾龙族族长,真神巅峰的存在,在问此话的时候,竟面露恭敬。 Such formation technique, if came from the Chu Feng father, he analyzed, Chu Feng father's cultivation realm, surpasses True God Realm absolutely, steps into the deity boundary. 那样的阵法,若是来自于楚枫父亲,那他判断,楚枫父亲的修为,绝对超过真神境,已是踏入天神境。 But vast martial cultivation world, besides Seven Worlds Saint Palace, possibly has Tianlong World Spiritist to assume personal command now, on... simply does not have the deity boundary outwardly. 可是当今浩瀚修武界,除了七界圣府,可能有天龙界灵师坐镇外,明面上…根本没有天神境。 Incessantly is he, all Galaxy Overlord, has not achieved the deity boundary. 不止是他,各方天河霸主,也都没有达到天神境。 My father called Chu Xuanyuan.” Chu Feng said truthfully. “我父亲叫楚轩辕。”楚枫如实道。 Chu Xuanyuan?” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, searches this name in the mind diligently, but has not actually searched. 楚轩辕?”图腾龙族族长,努力在脑海搜索这个名字,但却并未搜索到。 It seems like the Little Friend Chu Feng father, is very low-key.” The Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head praise said. “看来楚枫小友的父亲,很是低调啊。”图腾龙族族长夸赞道。 My father, is truly low-key.” “我父亲,确实蛮低调的。” Chu Feng knows, what his father uses is the fictitious name, therefore is also low-key. 楚枫知道,他父亲用的是假名,所以也算低调。 But quick, Chu Feng thinks of a matter, therefore asked: senior, you cross obviously, Seven Worlds Saint Palace Tianlong World Spiritist?” 但很快,楚枫想到一件事,于是问道:“前辈,你可见过,七界圣府天龙界灵师?” Through previous formation technique, Chu Feng also realized, own father is strong, steps into the deity boundary mostly. 通过先前的阵法,楚枫也意识到,自己的父亲非常强,多半已是踏入天神境。 Otherwise, how possibly to arrange such powerful formation technique? 不然,怎么可能布置出那样强大的阵法 But even if his father is so powerful, cannot rescue his mother, explained that Seven Worlds Saint Palace decides however has more powerful existence. 可哪怕他父亲已是如此强大,都未能救出其母亲,说明七界圣府定然有更强大的存在。 But Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, is experienced, perhaps heard. 图腾龙族族长,毕竟见多识广,也许有所耳闻。 Now Chu Feng to them, has the life-saving efforts. 现在楚枫对他们,有救命之恩。 Perhaps some do not facilitate the secret that discloses, Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head will say. 也许一些不方便透露的秘密,图腾龙族族长会说。 I have not seen actually, but Seven Worlds Saint Palace, is very likely has Tianlong World Spiritist to guard.” “我倒是没有见过,不过七界圣府,很有可能是有天龙界灵师镇守的。” And mostly is not common Tianlong World Spiritist.” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head said. “并且多半不是寻常的天龙界灵师。”图腾龙族族长说道。 senior, how did this words say?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈,此话怎讲?”楚枫问。 My grandfather, although is cultivator, but is actually partial to Spirit Formation technique.” “我的爷爷,虽是修武者,但却偏爱结界之术。” After particularly he obtains a rare treasure, the power of observation is powerful.” “尤其是当他得到一件秘宝之后,观察力非常强大。” Idles the safe/without matter, then treats beside Seven Worlds Saint Palace, observes Seven Worlds Saint Palace with the rare treasure, wants to have a look whether to spy on some, formation mystique that Seven Worlds Saint Palace does not leak.” “闲来无事,便待在七界圣府之外,用秘宝观察七界圣府,想要看看能否窥探到一些,七界圣府不外传的结界秘法。” Although harvests is quite small, but after all also some harvests, therefore this strengthened regarding this matter's focus.” “尽管收获颇小,但总归也有一些收获,因此这更加强了对于此事的执着。” However, he observed on the 1st, Seven Worlds Saint Palace presented an unexpected visitor.” “而有一日,他观察到,七界圣府出现了一位不速之客。” That is a man who grasps thunder Divine Weapon, this person sees the person to kill, clearly comes for the slaughter mansion.” “那是一名手持一把雷霆神兵的男子,此人见人就杀,分明为屠府而来。” Although the distance is too far, cannot hear the dialogue, may from that shape of the mouth, my grandfather be able to judge words that he spoke.” “虽说距离太远,听不到对话,可从那位的口型,我爷爷能判断出他所说的话语。” That, says to be called on Huangfu the thunderclap.” “那位,自称叫做皇甫上霆。” Originally hidden world cultivation, but the Seven Worlds Saint Palace person, actually dug up the place of his to undergo closed-door training.” “原本隐世修炼,可七界圣府的人,却挖开了他闭关之地。” Rushes to his territory, had been cut to kill by him, but his anger is difficult to disappear.” “闯其领地者,都已被他斩杀,但他怒火难消。” Therefore, then arrives at Seven Worlds Saint Palace, is to destroy completely Seven Worlds Saint Palace.” “于是,便来到七界圣府,是要将七界圣府灭掉。” Key is, that on the man of thunderclap named Huangfu, is the deity boundary.” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head said. “关键是,那位叫做皇甫上霆的男子,乃是天神境。”图腾龙族族长道。 Afterward?” Chu Feng asked. “后来呢?”楚枫问。 Afterward, the man entered the Seven Worlds Saint Palace deep place, my grandfather then could not see.” “后来,那男子杀入了七界圣府深处,我爷爷便也看不到了。” „What can determine, this matter has no sound, outsider does not know.” “但能够确定的是,此事没有任何动静,外人并不知晓。” As for Seven Worlds Saint Palace , since has continued.” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head said. “至于七界圣府,也一直延续至今。”图腾龙族族长道。 In other words, that did die?” “也就是说,那位死了?” In Seven Worlds Saint Palace, indeed has to write off the strength of deity boundary, or powerhouse?” Chu Feng asked. 七界圣府内,的确有着可以抹杀天神境的力量,或是强者?”楚枫问。 It can be said that.” “可以这样说。” „Because Seven Worlds Saint Palace is extremely powerful, therefore this matter my grandfather does not dare to disclose, if passes on, Seven Worlds Saint Palace will not give up inevitably.” “正因为七界圣府太过强大,所以这件事我爷爷也未敢声张,若传出去,七界圣府必然不会善罢甘休。” „What almost can determine, the Seven Worlds Saint Palace incessantly surface is so indeed simple.” “但几乎可以确定的是,七界圣府的确不止表面那么简单。” However in fact, Seven Worlds Saint Palace is immeasurably deep, this is also the recognized matter.” “而实际上,七界圣府深不可测,这也是公认的事。” Otherwise why doesn't all influence, dare to provoke Seven Worlds Saint Palace?” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head said. “不然为何各方势力,都不敢招惹七界圣府?”图腾龙族族长道。 () ()
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