MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5727: Resounds through the martial cultivation world sound

Chapter 5725 resounds through the martial cultivation world sound 第5725章响彻修武界的声音 Chu Feng is built on the midair. 楚枫立于半空之中。 But in fact, he has not moved the slightest, previously he stood above the land. 可实际上,他并未移动分毫,先前他是站在大地之上的。 He previously stood the land, had been destroyed completely. 只是他先前所站立之土地,早已被摧毁殆尽。 Incessantly is his...... 不止是他脚下…… As far as eyes can reach, the surrounding land completely does not see, the under extremely far place, can see the object. 一眼望去,周围的大地尽是不见,下方极远的地方,才能看到物体。 The fiery red magma billowing surges, such as flood ferocious beast, roared to angrily roar, has formed the vastness. 火红的岩浆滚滚翻腾,如洪水猛兽,咆哮怒吼,早已汇成汪洋。 All these, all are that thunder behavior. 这一切,皆是那雷霆所为。 The thunder crushed the land, the direct link bottom deep place, if in fact continues, these magma will be destroyed. 雷霆粉碎了大地,直达地底深处,实际上若继续下去,这些岩浆都将被摧毁。 But Totem Dragon Clan people, all float around Chu Feng, they, although got rid of bound of dragon whisker, but is actually wounded. 图腾龙族众人,皆漂浮在楚枫周围,他们虽摆脱了龙须的束缚,可却皆是负伤。 Not is only wounded, all falls into the stupor. 不仅负伤,更是全部陷入昏迷。 Looks at this, Chu Feng has a lingering fear. 看着这一幕,楚枫心有余悸。 Close call.” “好险。” He was clear, only almost, these people all die because of him. 他清楚,只差一点,这些人全因他而死。 The Chu Feng itself/Ben thinks, by defending the observation of nightmare, Chu Feng enough had understood, his father leaves his Martial Power great formation. 楚枫本以为,凭借守之梦魇的观察,楚枫已经足够了解,他父亲留给他的武力大阵 Even if cannot control as one pleases, may at least be able guarantee, that Martial Power great formation, not to injure to him does not want to harm the person. 就算不能随心所欲的掌控,可至少能保证,那武力大阵,不会伤害到他不想伤害之人。 But that Martial Power great formation is extremely wild, was released that moment, just like the Divine Beast difficulty-relief, wanting to destroy all. 可那武力大阵太过狂暴,被释放那一刻,宛如神兽脱困,欲要毁灭一切。 But that to destroy the heavens and exterminate the lands strength, really can destroy all. 而那毁天灭地的力量,是真的能够毁灭一切。 Continues, not only this side world was destroyed, the innumerable lives will also be brought disaster. 继续下去,不仅这方世界被毁,无数生灵也将被殃及。 The Chu Feng's friend must die, even if around Chu Feng, this can the extent of protection person within of Totem Dragon Clan also all probably die in Chu Feng. 就连楚枫的朋友也要死,哪怕在楚枫周围,本在楚枫能够保护范围内的图腾龙族之人也全都要死。 But, Chu Feng can only diverge that Martial Power formation technique, stops all these. 无奈之下,楚枫只能将那武力阵法散去,停止这一切。 Chu Feng somewhat loses, his father's Martial Power great formation, the Chu Feng imagination is stronger, with... wasted here. 楚枫有些失落,他父亲的武力大阵,比楚枫想象的还要强,用在这里…着实浪费了。 May look at Long Chengyu, Long Muxi and others, Chu Feng feels the value. 可看着龙承羽,龙沐熙等人,楚枫却又觉得值了。 „Do you do?” “你干嘛?” Suddenly, Chu Feng vision big change. 忽然,楚枫目光大变。 The dragon marrow that his within the body has quenchinged, was swallowed by a strength. 他体内已淬炼完毕的龙髓,被一股力量吞噬了。 Is Heaven Swallowing Qilin. 吞天麒麟 Small maple tree, what you roar, this thing did not prepare to this Sir?” “小枫子,你吼什么,这玩意本来不就是给本大爷准备的吗?” Heaven Swallowing Qilin exuded the rascal laughter, and possibly detected the Chu Feng vitality/angry, shift topic: 吞天麒麟发出了无赖般的笑声,且可能察觉到了楚枫生气,不由转移话题: Small maple tree, just that protected formation technique?” “小枫子,刚刚那是守护阵法吧?” Unexpectedly is Martial Power great formation, and powerful hence, your boy origin is not simple, no wonder this Sir can be obtained by you.” “竟然是武力大阵,并且强大至此,你小子来历不简单啊,难怪本大爷能被你得到。” Your boy do not play the role of the pig to eat the tiger, might as well confessed that where you were sacred, were you behind what background?” “你小子别扮猪吃老虎了,不妨坦白一下,你到底是何方神圣,你身后是何背景?” But Chu Feng actually does not eat his set, but says immediately: You little shift the topic with me here.” 楚枫却不吃他这一套,而是立刻说道:“你少在这里跟我转移话题。” I destroy bound of that Zulong mystique with great difficulty eradicate, this dragon Sui is the thing of my taking responsibility.” “我好不容易破坏将那祖龙秘法的束缚破除,这龙髓乃是我做主之物。” You must swallow, the good and evil and I say a hello, your what's the matter?” “你要吞噬,好歹和我打一声招呼,你这样算怎么回事?” Chu Feng's is angry firmly, because this dragon marrow is not the thing of Ownerless, possibly was Zulong remains not many treasures. 楚枫的确生气,因为这龙髓并非无主之物,可能是祖龙所剩不多的宝物了。 Although did not understand specially, but he actually can also imagine, Zulong significance to Totem Dragon Clan. 尽管不是特别了解,可他却也能想象,祖龙对图腾龙族的意义。 But he and Totem Dragon Clan relations, truly somewhat cannot pass at heart. 而他与图腾龙族的关系,确实心里有些过不去。 Good all various professions, are Sir are not right, next time will greet with you.” “行行行,是本大爷不对,下次和你打招呼。” But this Sir have swallowed, even if you now killed this Sir, dragon Sui could not take.” “但是本大爷都已吞掉了,你现在就算把本大爷杀了,那龙髓也取不出来了。” You find an excuse, deceives your friends.” “你就找个理由,骗骗你的朋友们吧。” cultivation realm when this Sir dragon Suilian, can promote to you, your boy promotes Second Rank, should not have the issue.” Heaven Swallowing Qilin said. “待得本大爷将龙髓炼化,就能给你提升的修为,你小子提升两品,应该没有问题。”吞天麒麟说道。 Chu Feng is very helpless, things have gotten to this point, truly did not have the means. 楚枫很是无奈,事已至此,确实也没有办法了。 Bang- 轰- But suddenly, the Chu Feng innermost feelings tremble. 可忽然,楚枫内心一颤。 He heard a sound, that is transmits from the extremely far place, is not this world, but is remote beyond the heavens. 他听到了一个声音,那是来自极远的地方传来,不是这个世界,而是遥远的天外 That sound, resembles thunders, resembles roars, is only one, but is stirring. 那声音,似是轰鸣,似是吼叫,只是一声,但却震撼人心。 What is that?” “那是什么?” Chu Feng looks to the direction that the sound conveys. 楚枫望向声音传来的方向。 Meanwhile...... 与此同时…… Long Lin(dragon scale), smells day of Taoist, beast shadow World Spiritist, Taishi Xingzhong, everyone in Bai Yunqing this side world, heard that sound, simultaneously looks to the direction that the sound conveys. 龙鳞,嗅天道人,兽影界灵师,太史星中,白云卿这方世界的所有人,都听到了那个声音,同时向声音传来的方向望去。 But they do not know, that sound, is the people in this side world hears incessantly, even continued this side Galaxy person to hear. 可他们不知道的是,那个声音,不止是这方世界的人听到,甚至不止这方天河的人听到了。 Seven Worlds Galaxy, Xianhai Galaxy, Heavenly Dome Galaxy, Divine Body Galaxy, Nine Souls Galaxy, Ancestral Martial Galaxy, Bloodline Galaxy the people in all world, regardless of the cultivation realm height, all heard that sound...... 七界天河,仙海天河,苍穹天河,神体天河,九魂天河,祖武天河,血脉天河的所有世界的人,无论修为高低,全都听到了那个声音…… Bloodline Galaxy, burns lineage/vein Star Region, burns lineage/vein Ordinary Realm...... 血脉天河,燃脉星域,燃脉凡界…… Floats in the spatial warship, seven Mansion Lord cross the hands behind the back to stand, vision dignified is looking at the Ancestral Martial Galaxy direction. 一座浮空战船内,七界府主负手而立,目光凝重的望着祖武天河的方向。 That eyes are bright and profound, did not belong to his formation power, circles with the old double pupil. 那双眼明亮且深邃,本不属于他的结界之力,与苍老的双眸之中盘旋。 He is not simple waiting and seeing, but is observing earnestly. 他不是简单的观望,而是在认真观察。 Even if the great distance remote distance, he can also spy on Ancestral Martial Galaxy. 哪怕相隔遥远距离,他也能窥探到祖武天河 Can see from his confused look, he did not seem to be able to find, he wants to seek for the thing. 只是从他那迷茫的眼神可以看出,他似乎未能找到,他想寻找之物。 Similarly is Bloodline Galaxy burning lineage/vein Ordinary Realm. 同样是血脉天河的燃脉凡界 In a fine motion palace, a man and a woman, are also looking at the Ancestral Martial Galaxy direction. 一座精致的移动宫殿内,一男一女,同样望着祖武天河的方向。 The females wear the white long gown, color very vegetarian, but the modeling is magnificent, do not look that the female has passed the middle age, may actually be old yet still graceful, temperament is unusual. 女子身穿白色长袍,颜色很素,可造型华丽,别看女子已过中年,可却风韵犹存,气质更是超凡。 But that man, wears the white long gown similarly, compares taking care of female, his long gown is briefer. 而那名男子,同样身穿白色长袍,相比女子的服侍,他的长袍更加简约。 Male similar year middle age, but actually as before handsome, on the face some beards, the firm aura is full, but that pair of eyes pupil, is bringing is more aggressive. 男子同样年过中年,可却依旧俊朗,脸上些许胡须,阳刚气息十足,而那双眼眸,更是自带霸气。 That middle-aged female, is Xianhai Shaoyu and Xianhai Yu'er mother. 那中年女子,乃是仙海少禹以及仙海鱼儿的母亲。 As for this middle-aged man, naturally is Xianhai Shaoyu and Xianhai Yu'er father. 至于这名中年男子,自然便是仙海少禹以及仙海鱼儿的父亲。 Also is now Xianhai Yu Clan Clan Head, one of the vast martial cultivation world most peak powerhouses. 也是当今仙海鱼族族长,浩瀚修武界最顶峰的强者之一。 „Can Lord, what have to see?” The Little Fishy mother asked. 相公,可有看到什么?”小鱼儿母亲问。 Actually she was just also observing, but her anything has not actually seen. 其实她刚刚也在观察,但她却什么都没有看到。 What cannot see.” Xianhai Yu Clan Clan Head shakes the head. “什么也看不到。”仙海鱼族族长摇了摇头。 I cannot see, but that sound, should not make a mistake.” The Little Fishy mother, during the speeches looks to the distant place. “我也看不到,可那声音,应该不会出错。”小鱼儿母亲,说话间看向远处。 Distant place, space underground, is the person's shadow, that is true multitude. 远处,天上地下,皆是人影,那是真正的人山人海 That came from the vast martial cultivation world all parties Galaxy powerhouse. 那是来自浩瀚修武界各方天河的强者。 And yet, everyone is waiting and seeing the same direction, obviously that sound, continued they to hear, everyone heard. 可眼下,所有人都在观望同一个方向,显然那道声音,不止他们听到了,所有人都听到了。 Ancestral Martial Galaxy, is not simple, although goes down in the world now, but after all once was dominant vast martial cultivation world most Galaxy.” 祖武天河,本来就没有那么简单,尽管现在落魄,可毕竟曾经是统治浩瀚修武界的最天河。” Although these colossi already not, but they were grasping initially, vast martial cultivation world peak resources.” “尽管那些庞然大物早已不在了,但当初他们掌握着,浩瀚修武界最顶尖的资源。” Who can guarantee, without some monster can live today?” Xianhai Yu Clan Clan Head said. “谁能确保,没有某位怪物可活到今日?”仙海鱼族族长道。 Lord meaning is... existence of some to undergo closed-door training, such as was born?” The Little Fishy mother asked. 相公意思是…某位闭关的存在,如出世了?”小鱼儿母亲问。 Is indefinite, but there is this possibility.” “不确定,只是有这种可能。” Age of Gods, Ancient Organisms is even ready to make trouble, let alone present age martial practitioner.” Xianhai Yu Clan Clan Head said. 神之时代,连远古生物都在蠢蠢欲动,何况当代武者。”仙海鱼族族长道。 Arrival of Age of Gods, as if not necessarily is the good deed.” The Little Fishy mother somewhat worried. 神之时代的降临,似乎未必是好事。”小鱼儿母亲有些担忧。 Relax, has me, Xianhai Yu Clan will not have the matter.” Xianhai Yu Clan Clan Head said. “放心,有我在,仙海鱼族不会有事。”仙海鱼族族长说道。 Un.” Little Fishy mother slight nod, but in eye anxious remains. “嗯。”小鱼儿母亲微微点头,可眼中的不安仍然存在。 She is not a weak one, is powerful because of her strength enough, therefore that sound, makes her restless...... 她可不是弱者,正因她的实力足够强大,所以那道声音,才让她心神不宁…… outsider looks like, they are vast martial cultivation world control. 外人看来,他们是浩瀚修武界的掌控者。 But they were clear, they cannot control all from beginning to end. 可他们自己清楚,他们从始至终都未能掌控一切。 Until now, still some places, were they are unable to visit...... 直至今日,仍有一些地方,是他们无法踏足的…… ...... …… Bloodline Galaxy, burns lineage/vein Ordinary Realm. 还是血脉天河,燃脉凡界 A crude boat, floats beside burning lineage/vein Ordinary Realm, in starry sky. 一艘简陋的小船,漂浮在燃脉凡界之外,星空之中。 Zhang Yingxiong stands in the bow, the hand grasps at the same time the bronze mirror of gives out ancient aura. 张英雄站在船头,手握一面散发古老气息的铜镜。 Bronze mirror spell twinkle, but he through the bronze mirror, is observing the Ancestral Martial Galaxy direction. 铜镜符咒闪烁,而他正通过铜镜,观察着祖武天河的方向。 Quick, he lifts the cabin curtain screen, his teacher sits cross-legged in the cabin. 很快,他掀开船舱的帘子,他的师尊就盘坐在船舱之内。 His teacher, naturally also heard just that sound. 他的这位师尊,自然也听到了刚刚那道声音。 Compares in others, his teacher actually throughout closed eye meditation, without observation. 只是相比于其他人,他的师尊却始终闭目养神,没有观察。 Teacher, what did Ancestral Martial Galaxy have?” “师尊,祖武天河发生什么了?” I could not see, you look at one.” Zhang Yingxiong said. “我看不到,您老看一眼呗。”张英雄说道。 Do not be curious, must leave in any case, your battlefield, is not here, but is the antique god territory.” His teacher said. “别那么好奇,反正都要离开了,你的战场,不是这里,而是太古神域。”其师尊道。 Good, but... Chu Feng can he also come?” Zhang Yingxiong said. “好吧,只是…楚枫他还能来吗?”张英雄道。 On the same day, after seeing the phenomenon, his teacher then led him to go to Seven Worlds Saint Palace. 当日,看到异象后,他师尊便带着他前往了七界圣府 When arrives, all had finished, he cannot see Chu Feng. 只是抵达之时,一切已经结束了,他未能见到楚枫 Will come.” His teacher said. “会来的。”其师尊道。 Teacher, said, Little Brother Chu Feng he is also really living?” “师尊,这么说,楚枫兄弟他真的还活着?” Zhang Yingxiong looks the happy expression, regarding the words of his teacher, he believes in firmly, but his teacher tone, showed that Chu Feng decided however is also living. 张英雄面露喜色,对于他师尊的话,他深信不疑,而他师尊这个语气,就说明楚枫定然还活着了。 „Before him, how to return to the invitation of Yingtian list?” Zhang Yingxiong also asked. “那他之前,怎么不回应天榜的邀请啊?”张英雄又问。 Regarding this, his teacher had not replied, but revealed wiped the meaningful smile. 对此,其师尊没有回答,只是露出了一抹意味深长的笑容。 ...... …… Still was Bloodline Galaxy, burnt in the starry sky outside lineage/vein Ordinary Realm...... 仍是血脉天河,燃脉凡界之外的星空中…… The man who carries the axe, is situated in void above, he is also waiting and seeing the Ancestral Martial Galaxy direction. 一名身背斧头的男子,立于虚空之上,他也观望着祖武天河的方向。 But compares in others, his look is not confused, as if has discovered anything...... 但相比于其他人,他的眼神并不迷茫,似乎已发现了些什么…… () ()
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