MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5726: Being survivor of disaster

Xuanyuan, how?” 轩辕,怎么了?” Void above, broadcasts together the sound, that is Old Ape. 虚空之上,传来一道声音,那是一只老猿猴 This Old Ape is extremely only old, but he is situated in void above, the sunlight from shines behind, just like war-god that he serves as contrast. 这只老猿猴极其苍老,可他立于虚空之上,阳光从身后普照而下,将他衬托的宛如战神。 Especially his shoulder anti- black iron rod, wears the black armor, when behind the armor, that white cape flutters with the wind, performs obviously overbearingly. 尤其是他肩抗黑色铁棍,身穿黑色铠甲,当铠甲后方,那白色斗篷随风飘动间,尽显霸道。 But careful looks, his eyes blood red, combative, the demonic nature is dreadful, it is not the war-god, but is an demon god. 可仔细一看,他双眼血红,杀气腾腾,魔性滔天,它不是战神,而是一尊魔神。 But in his hand that black iron rod, is noticeable. 而其手中那黑色铁棍,更是引人瞩目。 This stick grasps in the hand the part, in addition is normal, may extend the part, unexpectedly difficult estimate length, because that iron rod runs out of the horizon. 此棍握于手中部分,尚且正常,可延伸部分,竟难以估量长度,因为那铁棍已是冲出天际。 At this time, that black iron rod is reducing fast, its beforehand volume, should be huger. 此时,那黑色铁棍正在快速缩小,其之前体积,应该更为庞大。 But on that stick covers entirely the fresh blood, explained that it had just experienced a war, the innumerable lives were killed above this iron rod. 而那棍子上面布满新鲜的血液,说明它刚经历过一场大战,无数生灵丧命于这铁棍之上。 All right.” Middle-aged man raise one's head said. “没事。”中年男子抬头说道。 „Does that walk?” Old Ape asked. “那走吗?”老猿猴问。 Walks.” Middle-aged man words saying, then changes to the flowing light to shoot up to the sky together. “走。”中年男子此话说完,便化作一道流光冲天而起。 In the wink of an eye, he had then left this side world. 只是瞬息之间,他便已经离开了这方世界。 At this time, the black iron rod in Old Ape hand, has restored the normal size unexpectedly. 此时,老猿猴手中的黑色铁棍,竟已恢复正常大小。 Then discovered that is not an iron rod, but is black long spear. 这才发现,那并非铁棍,而是一杆黑色长枪 The lance point had previously run out of the world, difficult discovers. 只是先前枪尖已冲出世界,难以发现罢了。 Old Ape looking pensive, but quick is also figure one revolution, similarly vanishes in this place. 老猿猴若有所思,但很快也是身形一转,同样消失于此地。 But overlooks this side world from the upper air, then can discover, this world destroyed looking awful. 而从高空俯视这方世界,便能发现,这世界早已被破坏的不成样子。 The land tears, magma surges, but above land in complete land, proliferates the remnant corpse. 大地撕裂,岩浆翻腾,而大地之上完好的土地中,更是遍布残尸。 Is the true field littered with corpses, rivers of blood. 是真正的尸横遍野,血流成河。 The innumerable forms, pour in the pool of blood, mostly meets a cruel death, be only a few have incomplete. 无数身影,倒在血泊之中,大多粉身碎骨,只有少数还有残缺。 If the incomplete thing will piece together the same place, pouring to see clearly the appearance/portrait. 若将残缺之物拼凑一起,倒能看清真容。 Their same type, is the lizard. 它们同一种类,乃是蜥蜴。 The lizard physique person, scales is divided into the black and deep green, two colors. 蜥蜴体态似人,身上的鳞片分为黑色与暗绿,两种颜色。 The black is the bottom, the green is quite prominent, attaches the whole body just like the armor generally. 黑色为底,绿色较为突出,宛如铠甲一般附着全身。 Before this... looks like Chu Feng, specimen that very much sees, dragon Xixiong beast. 这…很像楚枫之前见到的标本,龙蜥凶兽。 But with specimen that Chu Feng sees, is different. 但与楚枫见到的标本,又有所不同。 These ominous beasts, had/left characteristics, their heads, are growing dragon horn. 这些凶兽,都多出了一个特征,它们的头上,都长着龙角 ...... …… Meanwhile, in that side world that Chu Feng and others is. 与此同时,楚枫等人所在的那方世界之内。 Many people still to maintain life, or escapes, hides. 许多人仍在为了保命,或是逃跑,或是躲藏。 But Taishi Xingzhong, actually opened the eye. 太史星中,却睁开了眼睛。 In the desperate dark green old eyes pupil, emerged rejoicing that wiped to be survivor of disaster. 原本绝望的苍老眼眸中,涌现出了一抹劫后余生的庆幸。 Finished?” He feels difficult believing. “结束了?”他感觉难以置信。 His judgment cannot make a mistake, the fearful strength of just presenting, destroys all sufficiently, falling that no one escapes. 他的判断不会出错,刚刚出现的可怕力量,足以毁灭一切,没有人逃的掉。 But that strength vanished. 可那股力量消失了。 Had the powerhouse to prevent?” Taishi Xingzhong is guessing. “是有强者阻止了吗?”太史星中猜测着。 ...... …… In Zulong forbidden land, Long Lin(dragon scale) was still stimulating to movement that rare treasure, is protecting dragon Xue. 祖龙禁地内,龙鳞仍在催动那件秘宝,守护着龙雪。 But actually also detected, that strength vanished. 可却也察觉到了,那股力量消失了。 Long Lin(dragon scale) looked to that formation technique, discovered forbidden technique that he stimulated to movement had been destroyed thoroughly. 龙鳞又看向了那阵法,发现他催动的禁法已被彻底破坏。 Even if Zulong mystique, cannot surround Chu Feng. 哪怕祖龙秘法,也未能困住出楚枫 Not is only Chu Feng, Totem Dragon Clan these people, got out of trouble. 不仅是楚枫,图腾龙族那些人,都脱困了。 Chu Feng, is you do?” Long Lin(dragon scale) brow tight wrinkle, vision twinkle. 楚枫,是你做的吗?”龙鳞眉头紧皱,目光闪烁。 But he refers, was just that fearful strength. 而他所指,是刚刚那可怕的力量。 That strength was too terrifying. 那力量太恐怖了。 If is really is related with Chu Feng, that fears his plan difficult to work. 倘若真是与楚枫有关,那恐怕他的计划难以得逞。 Direction that but that strength presents, exactly isn't the direction that Chu Feng and others is at? 可那力量出现的方向,不恰好就是楚枫等人所在的方向? If said there is nothing to do with Chu Feng, can be related with whom? 若说与楚枫无关,又能与谁有关? ...... …… Meanwhile, in another place of this side world. 与此同时,在这方世界的另外一处地方。 Here is the plain, but actually changed to a super gulf at this moment, even the deepest part, has the magma to infiltrate. 这里本是平原,可此刻却化作了一处超级深坑,甚至最深的部分,都有岩浆渗透而出。 But looks to the gulf deep place, that is the magma spout, just like Armageddon scenario. 而向深坑深处望去,那更是岩浆喷涌,宛如末日景象。 However outside the pit, has a three meters high spheroid, the spheroid material quality is special, although is now jet black, but should be the golden color before. 不过在坑外,有着一个三米高的球体,球体材质特殊,虽然现在漆黑,可之前应该是金色的。 And, it should contain powerful formation, was ancient times treasure. 并且,它应该蕴藏强大结界,乃远古至宝 And yet, this iron ball not only formation power nearly exhausts, the iron ball is also tattered. 可眼下,这铁球不仅结界之力近乎耗尽,铁球本身也是破破烂烂。 Bang- 嘭- Suddenly, the iron ball was trampled, two forms crawled from inside. 忽然,铁球被一脚踹开,紧接着两道身影从里面爬了出来。 Smells day of Taoist unexpectedly, with Seven Worlds Saint Palace beast shadow World Spiritist. 竟是嗅天道人,与七界圣府的兽影界灵师 They work meticulously, not only in the extremely long-distance range, observed Chu Feng and others with the rare treasure, the arrange/cloth got down a Teleportation Formation method ahead of time. 他们做事缜密,之前不仅在极远距离,用秘宝观察楚枫等人,更是提前布下了一道传送阵法。 When detected that the matter is not right, then escapes with the Teleportation Formation method immediately, but does to the strength of that thunder is too strong. 当察觉事情不对,便立刻用传送阵法逃跑,但是奈何那雷霆之力太强。 Even if they already teleportation to extremely far distance, but the strength of that thunder, still then pursued quickly. 哪怕他们已经传送到了极远的距离,可那雷霆之力,仍是很快便追了上来。 Saw with own eyes unable to escape, smells day of Taoist then to put out, he collected for a long time ancient times rare treasure. 眼见逃不掉,嗅天道人便拿出了,他珍藏许久的远古秘宝。 This ancient times rare treasure, specifically was used to maintain life, not only has extremely strong defensive power, hid into, but can also stimulate to movement it to move, and traveling speed cultivation realm was quick. 这件远古秘宝,专门用来保命的,不仅有着极强的防御力,躲入其中,还能催动它移动,且移动速度比自身修为还快。 But even if so, was pursued by that thunder on. 可哪怕如此,还是被那雷霆追赶而上。 And, but also without was embezzled by the thunder, is only the remaining prestige of strength of that thunder, then destroyed so the appearance this rare treasure. 并且,还没有被雷霆吞没,只是那雷霆之力的余威,便将这秘宝摧毁成了这般模样。 Luckily the strength of thunder stops dissipating suddenly, otherwise if, their two must die without doubt. 幸亏雷霆之力忽然停止消散,如若不然,他们两个必死无疑。 But so, smells the wound that day of Taoist receives even if at this time is also extremely heavy, his whole body is the blood. 可哪怕如此,此时嗅天道人受的伤也是极重,他浑身是血。 Eye, ear, is bleeding. 眼睛,耳朵,也都在流血。 Especially nose and mouth, still keeping wells up the blood outward. 尤其是鼻子和嘴巴,仍在不停的往外涌血。 But the beast shadow World Spiritist condition, smells day of Taoist to be instead more serious than it. 而兽影界灵师的状况,比之嗅天道人反而更加严重。 Smells day of Taoist, difficult crawls to set out, the big sleeve wields, oneself that broken rare treasure will receive, later staggers along walks toward the distant place. 嗅天道人,艰难的爬起身,大袖一挥,将自己那件残破的秘宝收起,随后跌跌撞撞的向远处走去。 His grade of realm powerhouse, at this moment even Yu Kong, but the good strength does not have, can only walk, obviously the injury is very indeed serious. 他这等境界的强者,此刻连御空而行的力气都没有,只能步行,可见伤势的确很重。 Smells day of Taoist, do you want to go?” “嗅天道人,你要去哪?” Was seeing with own eyes smells the direction that day of Taoist leaves is not right, beast shadow World Spiritist makes the weak sound. 眼见着嗅天道人离开的方向不对,兽影界灵师发出虚弱的声音。 Which goes, naturally escapes.” Smells day of Taoist to say. “去哪,当然是逃命。”嗅天道人道。 Escape? You forgot that we did come here duty?” Beast shadow World Spiritist asked. “逃命?你忘记我们来这里的任务了吗?”兽影界灵师问。 Duty?” Hears these two characters, smells day of Taoist not only to halt, and has turned around, walked unexpectedly. “任务?”听到这两个字,嗅天道人不仅止步,且还转过身,竟走了回来。 He arrives in front of beast shadow World Spiritist, beast shadow World Spiritist raising, immediately was pointing at the Chu Feng's direction. 他来到兽影界灵师面前,一把将兽影界灵师给提了起来,旋即指着楚枫的方向。 You are blind, are you blind?” “你瞎吗,你瞎吗?” What your his mother is blind?” “你他娘的是不是瞎?” „The thunder that just boy within the body presented can't you see?” “刚刚那小子体内出现的雷霆你看不到吗?” This poor Daoist, used this rare treasure, have you died knew?” “要不是贫道,动用了这件秘宝,你已经死了知道吗?” Smells day of Taoist to clench jaws, the trip far more than is a double loss, almost discards the poor life. 嗅天道人咬牙切齿,此行何止赔了夫人又折兵,更是差点丢掉小命。 In fact, he should die, is the luck is good, can live. 实际上,他本来应该已经死了,是运气好,才能活下来。 Smells day of Taoist, just situation was truly dangerous, I also thanked you to rescue my life, this matter I will report to Mansion Lord surely truthfully truthfully, invited to enjoy for you.” “嗅天道人,刚刚的情况确实危险,我也感谢你救我一命,此事我定会如实向府主如实禀告,为你邀赏。” But you think, that thunder dissipates suddenly, inevitably is because that Chu Feng cannot support.” “可你想一下,那雷霆忽然消散,必然是因为那楚枫支撑不住。” However at the strength of that thunder, the Totem Dragon Clan person definitely could not live, we pass now, can definitely capture alive Chu Feng.” Beast shadow World Spiritist said. “而以那雷霆的力量,图腾龙族的人也肯定活不了,我们现在过去,完全可以将楚枫生擒。”兽影界灵师说道。 May hear the beast shadow World Spiritist words, smelling day of Taoist is actually the mouth stretch/open eldest child, difficult believing of face. 可听到兽影界灵师的话,嗅天道人却是嘴巴张的老大,一脸的难以置信。 You were insane, were you insane?” “你疯了,你疯了吗?” „Did you discard for the rendering meritorious service brain?” “你为了立功脑子都丢掉了?” How you are Chu Feng cannot support on the knowledge, rather than doesn't Chu Feng want to slaughter innocents, relieved that strength?” Smells day of Taoist to ask. “你怎就知是楚枫支撑不住,而不是楚枫不想滥杀无辜,解除了那力量?”嗅天道人问。 You the brain lost, you think, just appeared, is what kind of strength, Chu Feng he can relieve?” “你才脑子丢了,你想一下,刚刚出现的,乃是何等力量,楚枫他能够解除?” How his cultivation realm possibly does?” Beast shadow World Spiritist asked back. “他的修为怎么可能做的到?”兽影界灵师反问。 How can't he achieve?” “他怎么做不到?” Stimulates to movement formation technique that World Spirit Immortal King leaves behind, makes a big row your Seven Worlds Saint Palace, isn't Chu Feng?” Smells day of Taoist to ask. “催动界灵仙王留下的阵法,大闹你七界圣府的,不是楚枫吗?”嗅天道人问。 „......” “……” Beast shadow World Spiritist, by dumbfounded of resentment. 兽影界灵师,被怼的哑口无言。 Just that thunder, did not protect treasure, then protects great formation.” “刚刚那雷霆,不是守护至宝,便是守护大阵。” But protects treasure, or protects great formation, can you once see the so powerful strength?” “可无论是守护至宝,或是守护大阵,你可曾见过如此强大的力量?” Chu Feng some people, some people support to him behind.” 楚枫身后是有人的,是有人给他撑腰的。” Moreover this person, the method is exceedingly high, not only this poor Daoist cannot offend, your Seven Worlds Saint Palace also not necessarily offends.” Smells day of Taoist to say. “而且这个人,手段通天,不仅贫道得罪不起,你七界圣府也未必得罪的起。”嗅天道人说道。 Joke, vast does martial cultivation world, have the person who my Seven Worlds Saint Palace fears?” “笑话,浩瀚修武界,有我七界圣府惧怕的人吗?” Smells day of Taoist, so long as holds Chu Feng, thing that you want, Mansion Lord to you, now this opportunity is close at hand, can you give up?” Beast shadow World Spiritist asked. “嗅天道人,只要抓住楚枫,你想要的东西,府主就会给你,如今这机会已是近在眼前,难道你要就此放弃吗?”兽影界灵师问。 I go to your mother, asked for money not awfully?” “我去你娘的吧,要钱不要命了?” You go back to tell you Mansion Lord, this poor Daoist is not dry, who who loves his mother does who does.” “你回去告诉你们府主,贫道不干了,爱他娘的谁干谁去干。” Later wants about the Chu Feng's matter, other his mother looks for this poor Daoist, this poor Daoist did not have his mother exactly enough.” “以后只要是关于楚枫的事,别他娘的来找贫道,贫道还没他娘的活够呢。” Smells day of Taoist, ruthlessly falls beast shadow World Spiritist on the ground, then staggers along, walks toward the distant place. 嗅天道人,狠狠的将兽影界灵师摔在地上,便又跌跌撞撞的,向远处走去。 PS: Martial God animation's third volume of update, the Tencent video can look, Little Brother remember look, can update one volume every Tuesday. PS:武神动漫第三集更新咯,腾讯视频可以看,兄弟们记得去看喔,每周二都会更新一集。
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